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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

I've said something similar above, but the reason we need to stop focusing on little things like this is so people take us seriously when the big shit happens. Where we don't all get generalized as "SJW" and ignored by the people we're trying to get through to, because they've noticed that we've made a big deal out something very minuscule in the past.

This has already bit me in the arse with the Brexit ruling, and has bitten you in the arse by getting a reality star elected President. Because people are getting tired of bullshit like this.

The majority of people agree with the issues we represent, but we're handling it in the wrong way with this stuff.
Im actually English so I was there for Brexit too 

While I can definitely understand where you are coming from, how exactly are we meant to reduce sexism/racism etc. if we don’t try to inform people of what it actually is? We can see even in this thread that for some, sexism/racism has to be overt and aggressive to be counted and that anything less is just ‘a joke’ or ‘harmless’, even though we have evidence and history to show that it isnt the case and that these ‘small things’ build up over the years and snowball into something bigger and more ingrained.

If some people are unable to hear this message without taking offence and deciding to push back and become worse, that says more about them than the message people here are trying to get across. I have seen plenty of people respond to shitty Colin-style comments from people by being understanding and kind and non-accusational only to be met with hostility and a lack of empathy or even simple logic.

Our goal should be to educate children from the ground up to respect everyone regardless of the skin/gender/sexuality etc. and to also educate adults but with adults it can be very hard/impossible to actually create change in their behaviour. People can keep trying to go the softly, softly approach but when you get nothing back but hostility and projection, it becomes clear that they aren’t going to change and that the only thing to do is just make them aware their comment/opinion is wrong and hope that they either change or realise that they cant spout their bullshit in public and get away with it.

Whatever the answer is, I know it cant be by ignoring things that demonstrably have a negative affect for not only the individual but also for society.


I like how all of this results in less work for Colin (i.e., not having to go to PAX). He gets to play the victim and stay at home while doing so.

People pay for him to have this lifestyle, just saying.

People aren't as stupid as Colin thinks. This whole "It's just a joke" thing is imo a shield or more accurately a blanket he hides under in order to express his opinion and then play victim when people take issue with it and paint everyone else as "humorless" or make a point about "outrage culture" when truly the scenario he finds himself in is more akin to pissing in someone's cornflakes while they're eating them and acting hurt and victimized when they say "You're a prick for pissing in my cereal"

Anyone who follows or knows anything about him can accurately make the assumption that he likely doesn't think much for the Women's Strike, much like he condescendingly dismissed the Women's March. His girlfriend's tweets expressing her disdain for the Woman's Strike support this imo. Everyone knows it. Greg, Tim, Nick and Kevin have probably all heard him be dismissive about it off-air in their personal lives. And they know in their hearts it wasn't simply a harmless little joke that Colin made just to be cute or funny.

And so to anyone with a pair of eyes his "dumb joke" that he made TODAY was a belittlement of women around the country who are striking for something they believe in when faced with Government controlling their bodies, their healthcare and birth control, unequal pay, a populace that elected a man who sexually assaults women, and in general being treated as inferior to men. Rather than sit quietly Colin had to express himself. The joke itself doesn't matter. The intent behind is clearly to disrespect and make light of something very important to a lot of people

If it was just a "Dumb Joke" perhaps he could have tempered the response he received with any kind of expression of respect or even compassion for women around the country struggling to make an impact. Or since he likely doesn't care for the idea sit quietly and keep his fucking mouth shout for one day. But no, what's important is that Colin Moriarty, youtube personality gets to "make his dumb little joke" and have a laugh, a laugh in the face of people on a day where they are trying to accomplish something so they can be seen as equals to men. It demonstrates a clear disrespect for the struggles other people under go and is an just another in an ongoing display of a lack of empathy or understanding for others.

And while I'm here. "White Privilege" doesn't mean if you're white you have an easy life and your personal struggles and hard work don't matter or were any less hard. Newsflash, everyone has a hard life. Everyone has to work hard to survive and make something of their lives. It means that other non-white groups face an additional struggle on top of the normal struggle everybody goes through. Admitting that doesn't mean you didn't work hard or that you don't deserve what you have. It means you recognize an imbalance in the way we treat others.

Oh and guess what "Diversity for the sake of diversity" is a great thing. Think about the kid who gets to play a game or see a movie or read a book and see someone who looks like them. That matters. That's important. That's something we can never understand because there has never been a moment in our lives where we lacked that.

Quoting for visibility because this is such a great post. Perfectly articulated.


Is that confirmed anywhere?

Insider information? Source?
Just the opinion of somebody who watches a lot of KF content based on the group dynamics and the wording of Greg's apology. I've also been reading the KF Forum and gleaned some info from there.

Greg is Colin's guy and wouldn't go against him.
Nick says a lot worse than Colin, albeit in jest. I can't see Nick moving against Colin like that.

Tim and Colin are opposites, same with Kevin and Colin. Tim and Kevin are as tight as Colin and Greg. Anybody who watches KF content knows where the divides lie.


Just the opinion of somebody who watches a lot of KF content based on the group dynamics and the wording of Greg's apology. I've also been reading the KF Forum and gleaned some info from there.

Greg is Colin's guy and wouldn't go against him
Nick says a lot worse than Colin, albeit in humour

Tim and Colin are opposites, same with Kevin and Colin. Tim and Kevin are as tight as Colin and Greg. Anybody who watches KF contents know where the divides lie.

So you're making it up.
Trump is president, Brexit happened, and Colin keeps acting like an asshat for the same reason- because he like Trump and Brexit voters live or grow up in this homogeneous bubble where they see change and evolution as scary. So they lash out like children who are jealous of younger siblings but with voting power.

What does this even mean? I voted to stay in the EU but I have many intelligent friends who voted leave because they feel it's the best thing for the country. Given their age Britain has been in the Eu their whole lives so how exactly is that seeing change and evolution as scary?
Don't step on snakes.

Also in this episode did Colin say he finally admits that Scorpio is not going to be it's own generation console? You know because every one from MS has been saying that forever and you had people on GAF that would say otherwise without any evidence.

I'm putting forward an opinion. I never said it was a fact or insider info. Wind your neck in.

You presented your post as a fact. Look back and read. No where did you clearly post that you "think" what you posted.


Neo Member
Ignoring things isn't the way to make them go away.

Of course not, but outrage isn't the answer either. Constant tweets and harassment, isn't the answer. Trying to drive a man away from his job over something so small, isn't the answer.

You're basically asking people to compromise to a point where casual sexism and racism is a-ok. It's not, people with empathy and progressive points of view will always fight for progress until bigotry isn't prevelant.

But it is and I will continue to condemn shitty statements like Colin continually spews.

Colin only cares as much about women and minorities as much as it benefits him. No matter what he's said in the past, his actions speak louder. He is not willing to be self critical or try to be a better person.

Please don't put words in my mouth, that's not what I'm saying at all. What you're doing is justifying mob mentality with "But it's for a good cause". "I'm fighting against racism and sexism, let's make this guys life a living hell because he said something that was kinda-mildly offensive". Do you think that makes you a better person than he is?


"Dad joke"... perfect.

Funny for little children but I bet the wife certainly would find offense in that joke.

And would you tell that joke to your daughter? How do you think that would make her feel coming from her father?

Don't hide your sexism behind "dad joke" or "sitcom joke".


Of course not, but outrage isn't the answer either. Constant tweets and harassment, isn't the answer. Trying to drive a man away from his job over something so small, isn't the answer.

Please don't put words in my mouth, that's not what I'm saying at all. What you're doing is justifying mob mentality with "But it's for a good cause". "I'm fighting against racism and sexism, let's make this guys life a living hell because he said something that was kinda-mildly offensive". Do you think that makes you a better person than he is?

Oh please. His life is not being made a living hell. More people on twitter support Colin for "telling it like it is to those SJW babies" then are criticizing him.
Of course not, but outrage isn't the answer either. Constant tweets and harassment, isn't the answer. Trying to drive a man away from his job over something so small, isn't the answer.

Please don't put words in my mouth, that's not what I'm saying at all. What you're doing is justifying mob mentality with "But it's for a good cause". "I'm fighting against racism and sexism, let's make this guys life a living hell because he said something that was kinda-mildly offensive". Do you think that makes you a better person than he is?

Explain how this is mob mentality.


He seems to be milking the internet outrage cycle. Kind of taking a page out of Trump's book - never apologize, never back down, press forward, maintain that you're right no matter what.

The tweet itself seems pretty benign compared to some of the other stupid things he's posted. I don't know why people get all worked up over yet another nerdy internet libertarian.
Of course not, but outrage isn't the answer either. Constant tweets and harassment, isn't the answer. Trying to drive a man away from his job over something so small, isn't the answer.

He's not a victim here. Everything happening is of his own doing. Your argument has no merit.


Also in this episode did Colin say he finally admits that Scorpio is not going to be it's own generation console? You know because every one from MS has been saying that forever and you had people on GAF that would say otherwise without any evidence.

That was a prediction based on MS releasing an upgraded console, to a console that is severely lacking in exclusives, sales momentum and consumer good will. Which when you think about it sounds completely fucking stupid. If no one is really interested in 250-300 euro Xbox One, why would they be interested in a 4-500 euro xbox one (I dont know the dollar prices).
"Dad joke"... perfect.

Funny for little children but I bet the wife certainly would find offense in that joke.
Not every woman is fond of all these women marches and protests, so chances are not all women would be offended, they would probably joke back. If the guy can't take the joke well that's his problem then.
How is it not we if we agree on the same ideals and issues, but just happen to think a different approach is better? Try not to alienate your own side, even if you agree with me on this or not.

You have no idea if people agree with your "ideals and issues". And there aren't "sides" here. It's not binary. So again, stop with the "we" please.


Neo Member
He's not a victim here. Everything happening is of his own doing. Your argument has no merit.

Because he made a dumb joke? That makes it justifiable in your eyes?

Explain how this is mob mentality.

Hundreds of people making attacks at him through social media in outrage over something so trivial. Sounds a bit mobby to me.

Oh please. His life is not being made a living hell. More people on twitter support Colin for "telling it like it is to those SJW babies" then are criticizing him.

Maybe a bit of hyperbole on my part, but the point remains that we can't make excuses for hate when we're trying to discourage it.
That was a prediction based on MS releasing an upgraded console, to a console that is severely lacking in exclusives, sales momentum and consumer good will. Which when you think about it sounds completely fucking stupid. If no one is really interested in 250-300 euro Xbox One, why would they be interested in a 4-500 euro xbox one (I dont know the dollar prices).

I think everyone thinks its stupid but MS has repeatedly said that it was not a new generation. I have no clue why MS would go this route but they have not wavered on their intentions.

s of people making attacks at him through social media in outrage over something so trivial. Sounds a bit mobby to me.
Voicing disdain towards an ignorant tweet is not an attack or harassment. He has ~143,000 followers and you are telling me "hundreds" of people are responding. That is less than 1% of his followers. Jason spoke about this on Colin's interview. Online personas do not understand the responsibility they have with their audience. But stop pretending that he is some victim to attacks.
That was a prediction based on MS releasing an upgraded console, to a console that is severely lacking in exclusives, sales momentum and consumer good will. Which when you think about it sounds completely fucking stupid. If no one is really interested in 250-300 euro Xbox One, why would they be interested in a 4-500 euro xbox one (I dont know the dollar prices).
They can just keep pushing it in the US, The Slim is doing just fine and the Scorpio will do good as well, if it doesn't catch Europe on fire well, it's not the end of the world, they can set their expectations realistically, that their market is the US and they can focus there. Microsoft already lost this gen, no reason to chase the dragon, just cater to where your base is strong for now.


Neo Member
That was a prediction based on MS releasing an upgraded console, to a console that is severely lacking in exclusives, sales momentum and consumer good will. Which when you think about it sounds completely fucking stupid. If no one is really interested in 250-300 euro Xbox One, why would they be interested in a 4-500 euro xbox one (I dont know the dollar prices).

Probably the same kind of people who upgraded to the Pro. There is a market for it, it'll be interesting to see how it does.
Because he made a dumb joke? That makes it justifiable in your eyes?.

What is "it"? If by "it" you mean people pulling funding, Greg getting to a place where he felt the need to make the statement and the general distaste some are showing for Colin's follow up tweets to the incident?

People have the freedom and ability to feel however they want about these things. It's not for me to decide whether or not someone is justified in their opinions and judgments, nor is it up to me to place a value judgment on those decisions.

Colin, as an owner of a public facing enterprise, initiated this chain of events. He has the freedom to respond in any way he chooses. But those actions will have reactions, and words have consequences.

Just as Colin has the freedom to make "just jokes" others have the freedom to react to those jokes in whatever way they wish. Goes both ways.
As soon as the morality police feel justified going after someone, they will do so as ruthlessly and viciously as any other mob. The fact that they can't see this themselves really drives home the mob factor.

Care to provide examples of this happening to Colin in mass to warrant the word mob?

If you even search his Twitter handle you will see most liked tweets being in support of Colin. But I'm sure there is a mob of people viciously attacking him.
Ok. I mean, again, it was certainly distasteful. I just don't think it warrants the extreme response on both sides. Just my two cents.

That's not my only issue with what you posted, just one part. Even saying something like "Colin left the Republican party because of Trump" is laughable.

That's not some sort of praiseworthy act when he turns around and readily admits he'd still vote for Trump over Hillary despite all that's happened.

Talk about exposing yourself.
Probably the same kind of people who upgraded to the Pro. There is a market for it, it'll be interesting to see how it does.
There should be a bigger noticeable jump because the Xbox is weaker than PS4 and the Scorpio will probably be stronger(and hopefully quieter) than the pro.


I knew this would get a reaction but even I'm stunned it has blown up like this. Goodness, gracious people. Of all the things Colin has tweeted and jokes the entire KF crew make daily on their shows, this is the one to make people lose their minds?

Now is probably a good time to repost this from an outspoken liberal, and all-around good guy, Jared Petty: http://shuriken.freeshell.org/
Does anyone else find it hilarious that Colin makes fun of "outrage culture" yet when his shitty unfunny joke gets shut down on Twitter he cries like a baby and gets outraged? The same thing happened here when people posted entire lists with timestamps to prove he was spreading lies and whined and then took his ball and went home.

The ironing is delicious.

Also the fact that he isn't going to PAX now because he doesn't want to face the people he pissed off is too funny. Remember how he always rambles on about how the "haters" would never say something to him in person? Sounds like he's scared that people are going to take him up on that offer.
Because he made a dumb joke? That makes it justifiable in your eyes?

Tbf I think he was trying to get a rise out of people.
Looking at his recent past stuff and doubling down after all this I don't think he was really joking.

Anyway what do I know I'm just a KF fan who woke up to this a few hours ago.

They can just keep pushing it in the US, The Slim is doing just fine and the Scorpio will do good as well, if it doesn't catch Europe on fire well, it's not the end of the world, they can set their expectations realistically, that their market is the US and they can focus there. Microsoft already lost this gen, no reason to chase the dragon, just cater to where your base is strong for now.

I'm convinced Microsoft do not give a toss about hardware, they know they have a sustainable base they can feed off into the far future with software royalites.
Combined with putting every XB1 game on Windows 10 and it's crystal clear what the strat plan is.
Wait, someone was offended because a game based in a fictional reality uses the word "braves"?

I've yet to listen to it, but surely that can't be the case? Ridiculous.
Someone was critical. To be honest, you're coming off as being offended right now, far more than someone pointing out potentially harmful cultural appropriation in a game. It's fun that those crying about people getting offended usually seem to be the ones taking the most offense
Another? The only liberal is Tim. Greg and Nick are middle of the road. If Kevin had a speaking role he'd balance it out. Colin needs a reliable foil if he is going to continue on Kinda Funny.

Bring in Aisha Tyler again. She made Colin look foolish when she was on GOG and it was hilarious watching him try to put together a coherent thought to rebut her.


Just finished with the podcast this week, came to see what people thought.

15 pages to read? Wow, a lot of interest in this one.

..Oh. :(


Neo Member
Care to provide examples of this happening to Colin in mass to warrant the word mob?

If you even search his Twitter handle you will see most liked tweets being in support of Colin. But I'm sure there is a mob of people viciously attacking him.

There was enough that he made the responses. There is enough that Greg was pressured into issuing an apology. Are people outright defending Colin himself, or fighting against the idea that this is something to be outraged about?
Another? The only liberal is Tim. Greg and Nick are middle of the road. If Kevin had a speaking role he'd balance it out. Colin needs a reliable foil if he is going to continue on Kinda Funny.

Greg comes off as very liberal to me, I just get the impression he doesn't enjoy discussing it and isn't interested in emotionally investing himself deep into political or social issues. A lot of the time it seems like he doesn't 100% agree with Colin, but also doesn't want to have the conversation or know enough about it to have it.

Again, just the impression I get. I imagine if Greg were a more politically invested person he'd be very liberal.


Please don't put words in my mouth, that's not what I'm saying at all. What you're doing is justifying mob mentality with "But it's for a good cause". "I'm fighting against racism and sexism, let's make this guys life a living hell because he said something that was kinda-mildly offensive". Do you think that makes you a better person than he is?

This isn't 'mob mentality'. Mob mentality was what forced women to leave their homes during gamergate for daring to stand up to the prejudice the game industry had, which is what's Colin is stoking. i.e. If you have a problem with my joke/game it's cos you're a pussy trying shove politics in.

I don't think anyone is trying to make his life a living hell (tho he is clearly making the kinda funny community a lot close to hell for anyone with a progressive view point) but people are calling out his bullshit hoping he'll eventually be a little self critical (spoilers: he won't but I'd appreciate if he proved me wrong)
There was enough that he made the responses. There is enough that Greg was pressured into issuing an apology. Are people outright defending Colin himself, or fighting against the idea that this is something to be outraged about?

Provide examples of the claim that him and Greg responded in their separate ways because of the mob attacks that Colin was receiving. Saying that they responded is not proof of the claim that it was because of some mob mentality towards Colin.
There was enough that he made the responses. There is enough that Greg was pressured into issuing an apology. Are people outright defending Colin himself, or fighting against the idea that this is something to be outraged about?

How do you know Greg was pressured into making an apology? How do you know he truly was not ok with what Colin said?
There is enough that Greg was pressured into issuing an apology.


Where does pressured come from?

Perhaps Greg realized he has a business to protect? Maybe he actually isn't cool with the "joke"? Maybe he just wanted to try and gain some control over the situation? Why go to he "was pressured"?

Making a lot of assumptions there...
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