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PS5 Exclusive Final Fantasy is a Soul-like by Square Enix and Koei Tecmo


Thould have just redone Vagrant Story imo, that best fits the whole single player unforgiving dungeon experience. Even FINAL FANTASY Gaiden (1991) would’ve been an interesting pick-up, but they let a lot of these IP’s fade out. I won’t complain about their attempt to at least try new things with different companies however.

A game set in the final fantasy mythos with a deep combo system and smart enemy AI? Sign me tf up. would be even better if you could customize your character with different classes and base attributes. Yeah I would for sure be hyped for this one.

As long as it wasn’t title “FINAL FANTASY Mythos”… ideas.

another+1 Souls like with a FF re-skin....not sure if excited.

would be more exciting if it is more NG+Metrovania action game.

Or a Vagrant Story sequel, handled by the original director of course.
Came to say this. VAGRANT STORY would’ve been a perfect opportunity to show they can execute this genre with excellent voice acting, dialogue, and cutscene/scripting. VG is still amazing to this day with its cutscene direction and scenario writing.
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Not a big fan of this kind of things. I love RPGs FF, if SE felt on doing a Soul like game why just not my new IP? weird way of thinking imo. But t's nothing new with SE, they've been doing those kind of weird decisions since a while already, rather making 50 FF spin off than trying more new IPs, or revive some of their iconic IPs (and they have a lot, Valkyria Profile, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve to name just those...), kind of Nintendo syndrome while Nintendo is even worse on this.

Looking forward for FF16 and FF7-2, but i'm not smelling much this game thus far tbh.
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Member that E3 where everything was Uncharted?

This everything is souls like is worse.

Thank God these systems are BC so we still have good games to play while we get all the copycat wannabes out of the system.
“Everything” man stfu. First team ninjas nioh is by a mile and a half the best souls like to date, in many peoples opinion it’s better than the souls borne games. Not mine, but there is a case for the combat and Diablo like loot. The only other pretty good souls like is surge 2 and that’s a far step down. We are going to get a non turn based ff with an actual deep and challenging combat system and a more person and grounded look of the world due to the slow nature of travel in souls like games and that sounds fucking hype as hell.

Hiw many souls like games can you actually name? 10-15? And more than half are done by tiny teams.


Interesting how non-first party teams such as Housemarque and Team Ninja basically became Sony first-party without even being acquired.

In the long distance is this a good strategy, in terms of money?

It will be very interesting to see the two strategies side by side in the next years.
And mean objectively this is a win win for gamers. Either Sony eventually acquires them after building them up and continues growing them to greatness, no abrupt purchase, or they eventually go third parity after getting to a much higher level of quality output.


I love how once the cat is out of the bag thanks to a reliable insider suddenly everyone knew and adds details every day :messenger_tears_of_joy: Can you really trust them? I would be careful.
Btw I would really like this rumor to be true, I love both the FF and the Nioh series, also with Nioh2 Team Ninja made a lot of experience in having souls-like combats with summons helping you and lots of fantasy based elements.
It would be really cool. Btw being a FF game I think they'd like to have a more mainstream appeal for those who don't like super hard games so there will be probably more options compared to traditional souls like games.
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another+1 Souls like with a FF re-skin....not sure if excited. 🤷‍♀️

would be more exciting if it is more NG+Metrovania action game.

Or a Vagrant Story sequel, handled by the original director of course.
You can always enjoy 14262727 lootshoter online game, or rts with a joypad
Nioh is about the best you can get combat wise. It's even way better than From Soft games.

Even though I'm happy that Team Ninja is working on something new, I can't help but feel a bit bitter about not getting Nioh 3 instead or have them make a worthy adaptation of the Berserk series.

Even though Final Fantasy has its own great features, I don't think it's the best match for Team Ninja. Their styles clash a lot when it comes to not only the combat, but also their world design, art direction and general design philosophies.

Because of this, my gut feeling is either it will be amazing or extremely bad, or... Most likely a false rumor.
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Fucking disgusting, i'm so done with this fake soul like bullshit.
It's not even a genre i don't know why people keep repeating this shit.
And shame on square for raping the FF franchise, it's nothing like the old days anymore.
"Raping the franchise"

Ashley Olsen Reaction GIF by Filmeditor

Releasing an action game (which is all a souls game is) is akin to "raping" a franchise?

Same ol G

"Raping the franchise"

Ashley Olsen Reaction GIF by Filmeditor

Releasing an action game (which is all a souls game is) is akin to "raping" a franchise?
Yes, they could start a new IP but no they just have to use the FF brand.
At least you recognize it for what it is, just an action game.


another+1 Souls like with a FF re-skin....not sure if excited. 🤷‍♀️

would be more exciting if it is more NG+Metrovania action game.

Or a Vagrant Story sequel, handled by the original director of course.

Let me get you get excited, I have a very exciting technique for you.

Imagine the game is ready and on the store shelves.

Now, pick it up and look at the upper label.

Ugly, right? That blue or white color is just ewww. So, find a strip of paper, green, of a very intense green color and paste the Xbox logo on it.

Now, cut away that ugly strip of white/blue color and paste the new heavenly green one to the picture.

Perfect, now you can get excited. ;)

You can do the same trick with a PS5, you can staple a picture of Phil Spencer giving you your monthly astroturfing paycheque to it, paint your console and controller black and substitute the ps button for an Xbox. Boom, there you go, now you can enjoy the same games as the rest of us. :D


Given someone on Gaf was saying that Control was a 'souls-like', I would not be surprised if this game just had a few features you might associate with a souls game. Such as the ability to upgrade stats via a currency which is obtained by killing monsters/enemies, rather than being a full-on souls game in terms of difficulty, story telling, lore, etc.. You wouldn't call Fallen Order a souls game would you? I believe this title will have enough unique features to be called its own thing, and I would not expect it to cater only to the 'hardcore'.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Actually sounds amazing. I'd love a mix of Souls and FF.

Shane I made a promise to myself that I'll never purchase a single game again, so unless it hits PS Now, I'll probably not play it. Hopefully Sony can get it on PS Now day one.


Imagine this with Yoshitaka Amano character designs and art.
For years and years I've been dying to play a FF games that looks like an actual Yoshitaka Amano painting come to life.
Figured we needed to wait for the technology to catch up to make it remotely feasible.
I'm convinced it would be one of the most beautiful looking games to ever exist.


And mean objectively this is a win win for gamers.

Mmmh... no, i don't think so.

I can't see this as a "Withouh Sony this game would not exist" situation.

I see more of a FF7R case, where a big publisher is paying to prevent the game from being published on other consoles.

No "win win" at all.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Well you'd think that after how well Nier Automata turned out, someone at SE might have thought, hey if we lend our brands and narrative directors to a third party renown for quality action gameplay it might do well for all concerned?

The hard part for both parties is admitting their products have traditionally had weaknesses in specific aspects because its not in their corporate DNA.
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Yes, they could start a new IP but no they just have to use the FF brand

The Rock Reaction GIF by WWE

Do you like Mario games? You know, that Nintendo IP they use into every god damn possible genre since the 90’s

How dare you, Square!?

Maybe, just maybe, we should wait until we see what it’s like. Nah, just do your thing. Just keep complaining

It’s not like Forespoken and other new IP don’t exist, after all

The only thing about all this that bugs me is the alledged title


As long as it isn't another attempt to mush all the numbered games into one like Disdisia. The controls and combat and writing and everything else in that are so terrible.


I would love a Rayman platformer with some flight sim and city building mechanics sprinkled with a bit of animal crossing.

You can always enjoy 14262727 lootshoter online game, or rts with a joypad

Let me get you get excited, I have a very exciting technique for you.

Imagine the game is ready and on the store shelves.

Now, pick it up and look at the upper label.

Ugly, right? That blue or white color is just ewww. So, find a strip of paper, green, of a very intense green color and paste the Xbox logo on it.

Now, cut away that ugly strip of white/blue color and paste the new heavenly green one to the picture.

Perfect, now you can get excited. ;)

You can do the same trick with a PS5, you can staple a picture of Phil Spencer giving you your monthly astroturfing paycheque to it, paint your console and controller black and substitute the ps button for an Xbox. Boom, there you go, now you can enjoy the same games as the rest of us. :D

Seriously...? 🤷‍♀️

Have you fellows not played 3D NG or Vagrant Story?

Those are the games we need, and deserves for next gen.


Between this and the inevitable Bloodborne 2 that’ll come mid-gen, anyone who really likes these games will need to own a PS5.


Nioh & Nioh 2 are one my favorite franchise from past gen so i hope this is true. Team Ninja did a fantastic job on those games and i was disappointed that Nioh 3 wouldn't be a thing, however if the gameplay on this new game is similar that would make me really happy.


Interesting how non-first party teams such as Housemarque and Team Ninja basically became Sony first-party without even being acquired.

In the long distance is this a good strategy, in terms of money?

It will be very interesting to see the two strategies side by side in the next years.

And mean objectively this is a win win for gamers. Either Sony eventually acquires them after building them up and continues growing them to greatness, no abrupt purchase, or they eventually go third parity after getting to a much higher level of quality output.
This is Koei Tecmo making a game for Square, so it's third party all the way. Plus Koei Tecmo makes first party games for Nintendo so it's not like they have gone Sony only.
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