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PS5 Reveal Coming In April?

Great Hair

Yknow I keep seeing people shitting on Microsoft but so far they are doing a better job than Sony talking about next gen.

Sony need to get their act together.

What ya smoking? The last time they talked or showed anything relevant was during TGA2019. They haven´t said jackshit since then, only a tweet about the "ports" on the backside.

I won´t accept anything below 15Tflop, gimmie 1080p60 or gimmie a cookie. PS5 better be a 20TFlops Behemoth and GT7 better be launch ready ... or Tokyo Xtreme Zero (#FUGENKI).
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PS5 logo trending on Twitter, all these articles being made, YouTube vids covering every scrap of info, all on top of the discussions on the most popular gaming forums, are only some of the many forms of coverage PS5 is getting (and that's besides the fact that Sony is already in the lead from current gen). I don't know what else you could possibly want in terms of advertising at this stage. Is the Xbox getting more than this to warrant the additional pieces of info you suggested?

Nobody is selling next gen consoles right now. At this point it's all about building anticipation and managing leaks. Sony is doing both.

I laugh every time I see "most liked Instagram" this and that. A success metric that was invented a few weeks ago for console war ammunition.

Do you know how many followers Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) or Will Smith have? Respectively 7 times more and 2 times more than the PlayStation account. They get WAY more likes than PlayStation but both their last blockbusters were commercial flops.

This is the first time people are using the number of likes on an IG post as proof of anything.

I still firmly believe that clear communication is way more efficient than what Sony is doing now.

I hear stuff like but they're the leaders so they don't have to do anything. Well they had the same attitude last gen. Don't know about you but I don't know anybody who actually went to get a 2nd job to buy a PS3. They just bought a 360 instead.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Yknow I keep seeing people shitting on Microsoft but so far they are doing a better job than Sony talking about next gen.

Sony need to get their act together.
I actually agree with this, so far Xbox has been doing a good job of creating hype with the Series X reveal showing Hellblade 2 and those few seconds of Halo (I didn't like the other Halo Infinite trailers) and I'm interested in Everwild too

Sony doesn't have to show any PS5 1P games yet because people know what to expect when they buy a PlayStation

But they should throw us a morsel. You have to build hype and confidence. With that said, all they have to do is land the reveal by showing 4 or 5 awesome looking games and they can afford to wait
No where in the article did it mention anything about an April reveal all it said is to expect tid bits of information for the coming months. This rumor mill stuff needs to stop you have key figure heads and legitimate world wide business conglomerates give you concrete info about whats happening. The github source code leak, the wall street journal report for japan and us and the bloomberg article are way more belivable then some random fanboy on twitter playing blind darts with dates.


Gold Member
The fact that they're dominant in the market means that they can afford to take their time.
It would be a good point if this was about affording to take their time. They literally said they are waiting on Microsoft to state their price. It's likely they already know the XSX will be more powerful. However, that shouldn't matter simply because Sony's brand recognition and current install base should trump this price war. The Xbox One X did little to catch Microsoft up this gen after 2- going on 3 years after release. So power matters to those who it matters to. Price holds much more priority, but I imagine Sony's brand and an 100 million+ install base is an even better predictor of what might happen next gen.

Add to this the fact that Microsoft is looking to expand themselves elsewhere and it just lends credence to the idea that the hardware space is one area Sony shouldn't be so nervous about. Now if this was all about the platform...that's where Sony needs to be nervous. They don't have Azure, they don't have the infrastructure needed to compete on that level yet with Microsoft, Google or Amazon. If they want their piece of that pie, Sony is indeed in trouble. All I'm saying is dominate where you're already dominant.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
PlayStation can build a lot more momentum in 2020

Dreams: released Feb 14th
Nioh 2: March 13th
Final Fantasy 7 remake: April 10th
PS5 reveal: April
TLOU Part II: May 29th
Ghost of Tsushima: July - September
PS5 release: November


RSI Employee of the Year
It would be a good point if this was about affording to take their time. They literally said they are waiting on Microsoft to state their price.

They literally did not say that.

That's a staggeringly bad misinterpretation shitty sites did for clicks of an extremely vague statement that simply said that they're not yet ready to discuss the price of the console.

Source: I listened to the conference call, back when they did it, and you can as well. It was so vague, that I didn't even consider it worthy enough to be put in the headline.

"Executive says he's not ready to discuss the price before the official announcement of the price" Big friggin deal. Stop the presses!
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I laugh every time I see "most liked Instagram" this and that. A success metric that was invented a few weeks ago for console war ammunition.

Do you know how many followers Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) or Will Smith have? Respectively 7 times more and 2 times more than the PlayStation account. They get WAY more likes than PlayStation but both their last blockbusters were commercial flops.

This is the first time people are using the number of likes on an IG post as proof of anything.

I still firmly believe that clear communication is way more efficient than what Sony is doing now.

I hear stuff like but they're the leaders so they don't have to do anything. Well they had the same attitude last gen. Don't know about you but I don't know anybody who actually went to get a 2nd job to buy a PS3. They just bought a 360 instead.

You can laugh all you like, but that doesn't change my argument. I don't care about console wars, I'm comparing the practical outcomes of both company's strategies to understand why Sony is staying quiet.

People following celebrities does not mean they are interested in a product that involves many other things too (blockbusters aren't one man shows). You'd need to actually look at the likes of the direct product to ascertain that (aka the likes/coverage of the blockbuster itself). PS5 is a direct product. Regardless, Sony isn't competing with celebrities. They're competing with Microsoft.

Anybody who thinks that being the leader means you're guaranteed success is just setting themselves up to be overtaken. It's hard to stay on top, but we also shouldn't use reductive arguments to assume Sony's being arrogant again. The conditions behind PS3s difficulties were different than what we're seeing today.
It'd be nice if they actually showed the damn thing already. They've got less than 9 months to actually start convincing people to pick one up at launch. At least MS actually showed the hardware, which is something at least.


I herewith would like to claim the topic title: PS5 Reveal Coming In May?
I will post by the end of March. Thank you.


Gold Member
Because they saw what happened with Xbox One this gen. It's easy to fall from grace if you are outpriced and/or outperformed. Chances are Sony can either take a huge loss on PS5 to sell an underpowered console at 399 or they can sell it at cost for the same price as XSX, which could be 30 % more powerful. If they were confident in their package they would act like it. But since April 2019 they have done nothing but shift the messaging away from power and towards everything else. Even when asked directly about performance, Cerny answered "but the real important thing next gen is the SSD". That always seemed like a weird strategy. And then it was the great new functions of the controller. To this day Sony has not said a single word regarding PS5's power. Not when Microsoft back at E3 2018 claimed they would build the fastest next gen console. Not when since E3 2019 Microsoft advertises the fastest console ever made on their website. "Project Scarlett will set a new bar for console power, speed and performance". They didn't even chime in after DF put XSX at 12 TF and said a simple "Us too". They walked away from E3, So they don't have to show their hand at the same time and be announced the loser this time around? Sony knows how it felt at E3 2013. And they sure know how it must've felt for Microsoft. Not exactly the position you want to be in.

Basically the longer Sony is silent, the more realistic the performance gap is. The possibilities so far range from 12+ TF PS5/10 TF XSX all the way to an 8 TF PS5 with no VRS, a GPU Compute based raytracing solution/12+ TF XSX (which would put the XSX at an actual real life performance advantage of 80 % vs PS5). One of them likes to talk a lot about performance (it eat's monsters for breakfast), the other not at all. Sure, Sony could be the one playing games. But then again they had devkits out there 12 months before Microsoft. What does that tell you about how far they are into development? All that insider talk about the two being close to one another is not at all what their respective messaging says. Which is that Microsoft just oozes confidence while Sony is scared as shit. That's the public image they are currently showing. Maybe for a reason.

Power power power. It only matters to those it matters to, ask Switch users. To be clear. Power does actually matter to me, that's why I have an X. Look you're not wrong in pretty much anything you're saying here. However, power is simply part of the conversation. Price matters more within a certain range. I just don't think a 30-50 dollar difference is gonna matter as much when considering other factors. I tend to believe brand loyalty matters more than ever with backwards compatibility in mind. Problem for Sony is...it's much more likely that Xbox will have full backwards compatibility (all systems, not necessarily all games). We'll see.

Sony just needs to be bold and show confidence. The media largely helps them out as it is. Lord knows they get all kinds of breaks here on GAF. Every action they've taken recently just seems passive. Maybe this is part of some master scheme...but it's just as likely given recent info that the whole "crouching down" strategy is just a cover up so they can put their head on straight before announcing anything.

Not gonna happen boys
Strolls on stage....hey guys we know you wanna hear about the ps5 ....well we have some news on that but here’s our new guy on the team Don matrick to present the PlayStation............vita 2


I personally dont care if they show it. I know I'm buying it, and I also know I'm not buying any more games for PS4. So for the remainder of the year that the PS5 isn't out yet, it's basically just Switch games for me while I stockpile PSN credit for PS5 launch.


So when PS5 is not revealed in April, what will they say then? The only pressure Sony is getting to release info is from guys like Brad Sams, CrapGamer and their Horde.....

I'm still trying to see how you can pressure a company to release info on a Project that still has months to release, when they have a very viable console they need to keep selling, where some of it's best games are on the Horizon......Sony's commitment is to PS4 owners right now, not would be PS5 owners at some point in the future.....PS5 is still in the works, let them take it to the last minute.....Right now, the marketing and push should be for LOU2, Tsushima, FF7, Persona, Yakuza etc...…Push some of the best games for PS4.....PS5 will have it's time to shine after these games release....


It'd be nice if they actually showed the damn thing already. They've got less than 9 months to actually start convincing people to pick one up at launch. At least MS actually showed the hardware, which is something at least.

Does the box actually influence your purchase that much?

I really don't care what the box looks like if it has the games I want to play.


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it...and here we are again lol

This paranoia from so many of you reeks of the same fortune telling from the old Ps4 speculation gaf thread...

The certainty that MS machine e would be stronger...

The fear of a ridiculously high price point...

That this would be Sony's last rodeo...

Rumors being spread as if they are solid fact (waiting on Series X price, scared, 9 TFs for certain etc)

Sony has a phenomenally huge 2020 for the PS4 on the horizon with Ff7 Remake, GOT and LOU2 likely set to be huge sellers not to mention the non exclusive hits as well...

I expect the PS5 announcement to kick in the next 2 months and that this place will lose their collective minds :D

If we get an announcement si.ilar to the PS4s, I know I'll be happy


Wont happen.

Right now everyone is dealing with the trickle down effects the corona virus is causing.

Even if they announce something they will hold back on pricing and release date due to the economic impact from the virus.
Does the box actually influence your purchase that much?

I really don't care what the box looks like if it has the games I want to play.

Not personally. But the hardware reveal it's usually the first thing that kicks off the marketing of a new system. First comes the hardware, then more info on the software. A steady flow of reveals and information does help grease the wheels of the hype train. We're less than a year away from a new generation now, so we really should be seeing more stuff from both parties.


Unconfirmed Member
third parties are getting their dev kits end of this month. and with third parties i mean small studios who are at the bottom of the foodchain but still have million dollar games. Sony is annoucing in april

April reveal is so lame!!! So it’s most likely true.

Unless there’s going to be some “leak” that has some weight to it with some crazy reveal Sony is plotting I’m going to show show as much interest in the PS5 as Sony is willing to talk about it.
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What if, they never announce PS5?

What if we’re in the twilight zone and all we’ll ever get is constant teases about it’s possible reveal forever?

So when PS5 is not revealed in April, what will they say then? The only pressure Sony is getting to release info is from guys like Brad Sams, CrapGamer and their Horde.....

The ONLY pressure? Friend I know you're a Playstation guy and I respect the hustle, but if the silences lasts too long it's naive to assume it's business as usual. The console drops at the end of the year, they can't just info dump shit in August and expect it to sell. They probably want to get this out of the way, it's probably not all done yet. And they're not delaying the reveal because they want the PS4 to sell, nothing points at that being feasible anymore and honestly if they wanted that they would have announced a price drop.

Expect a reveal event in April, May, early June at best. Anything past that and just assume shit's wrong.


It'd be nice if they actually showed the damn thing already. They've got less than 9 months to actually start convincing people to pick one up at launch. At least MS actually showed the hardware, which is something at least.

Convincing ppl? 🤔 OH you really are oblivious to the mind share Sony has and the amount of anticipation this has really created 🤦‍♂️
Convincing ppl? 🤔 OH you really are oblivious to the mind share Sony has and the amount of anticipation this has really created 🤦‍♂️

As Playstation 2 to Playstation 3 has proven though, even the biggest success stories can go south. They lost a lot of mind share and market share with that generation, same fall from grace could happen after the runaway success of the PS4 if they aren't on top of things and don't actively promote their new console earlier than MS.

Anything is possible. It's always worth getting information out early to garner anticipation!
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