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Rage PC perfomance thread

Playing the Dead City levels. Expecting the full textures to pop in right about... oh, it's finished.

Seriously, that map is an absolute pile. It's like walking around a distant LOD landscape from an Unreal game, with added colour grading to bleach out any unwanted detail.


Just started playing on my AMD(Phenom II X4 955)/ATI(HD4890) combo and the tearing is unbearable with the 10/4 drivers.
16k textures:




Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
TheOctagon said:


wow, remove the gunmodel in that first pic and tell me it's an Xbox 1 game and I'll say " damn that's an ugly xbox game"
I'm waiting for some sanctimonious prick to come along with, 'Stop hugging the walls and play it properly!' Only that's not hugging anything, it's right in the middle of the room.


Does not have twelve inches...
Cpt.Underpants could you fix your problem? If not try enabling "Catalyst A.I." in CCC. That did it for me, crazy I know.


NaM said:
Cpt.Underpants could you fix your problem? If not try enabling "Catalyst A.I." in CCC. That did it for me, crazy I know.
I have the same problem, and enabling Catalyst AI fixes the textures, but then the game freezes every 3 seconds :(

Glad to hear you can play it ok though.


Finally got the game to work.

Its stuttering a bit and the textures sure aren't what they should be, sometimes taking their time to load too.

Hopefull the 'megapatch' will sort these (and other) issues.
JaseC said:
The fault of the game playing silly buggers with AMD/ATi cards rests at the feet of AMD's shit drivers.

Edit: I do think the release of the game should have been postponed until proper driver support was in the bag, but I imagine ZeniMax/Beth wanted to give the game some breathing room prior to the November rush.
id are as much to blame as anyone. Developing a game for unreleased drivers and undergoing no real QA process is a recipe for disaster and they knew it. Carmack should have never let his openGL fetish get in the way of producing a quality product, the renderer is API neutral anyway just develop for DirectX already, the fact that openGL is broken on the PC is hardly a secret.

This was all a disaster waiting to happen and that's before considering decisions like an auto quality setting and leaving the only vsync option as one that no graphics driver even had announced support for.


commissar said:
I have the same problem, and enabling Catalyst AI fixes the textures, but then the game freezes every 3 seconds :(

Glad to hear you can play it ok though.
Are you forcing vsync with radeonpro? If yes - dont! I had the exact same problem and then I removed the profile of rage out of it and forced everything within CCC. Runs buttery smooth now.


brain_stew said:
the fact that openGL is broken on the PC is hardly a secret.
OpenGL is broken on AMD, it has been for a decade, and that's hardly a secret. Let's call a spade a spade here.
Durante said:
OpenGL is broken on AMD, it has been for a decade, and that's hardly a secret. Let's call a spade a spade here.
It's hardly perfect on NvIdia cards either and at the very least offers worse performance, so what was there to gain from using it if there's no plans for a MAC or LINUX release?


I was interested in Rage, but from reading through a few pages of this thread, it seems like a bit of a mess at the moment.

I have an i5 760, 4GB RAM and a 1GB GTX 460. Should I just wait a while until it's been patched?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Alright, any word on the stuttering?

I can't believe how random it seems to be. I can load up the game one time and it will be perfect and then I come back a few hours later and it's a stuttering mess. No extra processes running, nothing has changed. It just runs like shit.


dark10x said:
Alright, any word on the stuttering?

I can't believe how random it seems to be. I can load up the game one time and it will be perfect and then I come back a few hours later and it's a stuttering mess. No extra processes running, nothing has changed. It just runs like shit.

I don't know if it's worth anything but I turned off "Catalyst AI" and it fixed some crazy stuttering I was getting, the game was literally pausing for 5 seconds every second.

Still getting the black squares thing so it's all the same for me. :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jett said:
I don't know if it's worth anything but I turned off "Catalyst AI" and it fixed some crazy stuttering I was getting, the game was literally pausing for 5 seconds every second.

Still getting the black squares thing so it's all the same for me. :p
Yeah, I'm going to try that now. That's exactly what it's doing for me (pausing constantly).


Does not have twelve inches...
commissar said:
I have the same problem, and enabling Catalyst AI fixes the textures, but then the game freezes every 3 seconds :(

Glad to hear you can play it ok though.
Actually, I don't know yet, tried that and saw the textures problem went away but that was for about 5 seconds and then I have to leave to work. I'm gonna try again in a couple of hours and report back.

derFeef said:
Are you forcing vsync with radeonpro? If yes - dont! I had the exact same problem and then I removed the profile of rage out of it and forced everything within CCC. Runs buttery smooth now.


Reading this thread as a long-standing id fan is pretty fucking depressing.

I'll wait for patches before biting on this one.
NaM said:
Cpt.Underpants could you fix your problem? If not try enabling "Catalyst A.I." in CCC. That did it for me, crazy I know.

Nope, haven't fixed it yet but managed to make some progress

I rolled back my AMD drivers buy using the Driver Sweeper, reinstalled my AMD drivers again via a cd installer I have that came along with the graphics card. Made a separate install with my CCC. Disaabled Catalyst AI

After that, no more black boxes and freezing. Texture popping is still there when I try to turn but its not as severe as before, http://i.imgur.com/bhPWQ.jpg

The new AMD drivers actually made it worse, regardless if I enable/disable Catalyst AI

If I try updating my AMD drivers with the latest update, CCC would no longer function even if i run it as administrator. Oh and the only way I could disable/enable Catalyst AI is going through: C:/Users/Myname/AppData/Local/ATI/ACE/Profiles

Though im not sure if the .cfg has anything to do with this

Glad it worked for you, but i've been at this yesterday for 7 straight hours and another 6 straight hours today and my eyes are already bloodshot red. I give up lol, I'll just wait for an update or continue playing regardless of the minor texture popping


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jett said:
I don't know if it's worth anything but I turned off "Catalyst AI" and it fixed some crazy stuttering I was getting, the game was literally pausing for 5 seconds every second.

Still getting the black squares thing so it's all the same for me. :p
Alright, well, now that's confirmed.

Catalyst AI on: pausing every few seconds
Catalyst AI off: black squares everywhere

Great. :\

While it seems right to blame ATI, I don't know if that's entirely fair. Surely id could have found a way to get the game up and running smoothly with their OpenGL driver, right?
PaulLFC said:
I was interested in Rage, but from reading through a few pages of this thread, it seems like a bit of a mess at the moment.

I have an i5 760, 4GB RAM and a 1GB GTX 460. Should I just wait a while until it's been patched?


Disorientator said:
i5 760 @3.0Ghz, GTX 460, Win7 32bit running RAGE @ 1216 x 684 (maxed, no tweaks, VSYNC ON)

Performs flawlessly really.


Octagon, would you mind sharing your rageconfig.cfg?
...seeing your screenshots made me kinda sad i can't get the game running like that.



brain_stew said:
It's hardly perfect on NvIdia cards either and at the very least offers worse performance, so what was there to gain from using it if there's no plans for a MAC or LINUX release?

Eh? Nvidia has always had stronger Opengl performance. I'm several hours into Rage and haven't experienced any issues, runs solid 60fps @ 1080p / 8x FSAA even with Fraps recording for 20 minutes straight. (GTX 480).

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Disorientator said:
Well, at sub HD resolution is to be expected really... That's not even 720p, unless you report back how it performs at 1080p I'd hardly call that "flawless"
CPCunha said:
Octagon, would you mind sharing your rageconfig.cfg?
...seeing your screenshots made me kinda sad i can't get the game running like that.


I'm doing nothing beyond the standard tweaks described in the OP.

Are you sure 16k even works, according to this article 4096 or 8192 are the only valid entries, but I havent tried myself (I use 8192).

16k definitely does something, like murder your performance in certain areas. I have some macros set up that switch between 8k and 16k on the fly, and there are scenes I just can't get fully textured at 8k; I move the camera to one side and the textures on the other side of the screen just unload. That's probably because I'm running at 2160p. The whole scene loads at 16k, but I've done countless comparison shots that show no actual quality difference whatsoever. So, unless 8k is causing a specific texture caching issue on a scene, there is absolutely no visual benefit to running at 16k. The performance hit can be colossal, though.
JaseC said:
Catalyst and Catalyst Mobility are separate driver packages, so it's likely that the buggered OGL drivers weren't present in the latter.

I see! I always thought I'd get the super short end of the stick with an ATI card, but taking into consideration it's also a Mobility card...

The only issue I've ever had was when somehow Geometry Instancing turned off and my Supreme Commander 2 had screen glitching to hell and back. Just reinstalled an older driver pack and voila, back to trusty square one.

Thanks for the info, though. You fellows are knowledgeable, that's for sure.


Ros8105 said:
New drivers are great. Smooth 60fps for me :D
Okay, so after playing for a bit it doesn't seem as smooth. The game is pretty stuttery when turning even though fraps shows that it's running at 60fps constantly. Still playable, just annoying.

Sapphire HD5850
i7 860 2.8Ghz
Windows 7 64bit


Cool Smoke Luke
OK having 0 problems with the latest 11.10 drivers its all working perfectly for me.
I do not have radeonpro installed atm
here is my exact settings in Catalyst control panel.

here is my rageconfig.cfg only use if you have 1GBor greater of VRAM

vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192

as well Start with no AA ingame then work your way up thru 2x then 4x ect. the More AA you have the more popin you will experience.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Finally got it running decently now. Solid 60 fps and no freezing.

However, while running around, I still have issues with small hitches. Seems like disc access is slowing it down and kills the fluidity. This is the biggest advantage of the console versions I've seen thus far, really. They don't hitch up at all.
Dash Kappei said:
Well, at sub HD resolution is to be expected really... That's not even 720p, unless you report back how it performs at 1080p I'd hardly call that "flawless"

"Flawless" on my setup, at that res, with those settings.

1080p sucks on my TV.

Not everyone is gaming @ 1080p.


Hela said:
Just started playing on my AMD(Phenom II X4 955)/ATI(HD4890) combo and the tearing is unbearable with the 10/4 drivers.
I have a very similar computer to you, (phenom II X3 720 @ 3.7)(same card) and using the 10/6 ati drivers and putting this in my rage config fixed all the tearing and stuttering for me:

r_swapInterval 1


Gvaz said:
I have a very similar computer to you, (phenom II X3 720 @ 3.7)(same card) and using the 10/6 ati drivers and putting this in my rage config fixed all the tearing and stuttering for me:

r_swapInterval 1
I'll try this out. I installed the 10/4 driver last night and the game runs fine, except for the gnarly screen tearing. I can't seem to open my catalyst control panel either. What's up with that?


Does not have twelve inches...
Well, enabling catalyst AI did fix the textures problem and I had no freeze whatsoever in 2 hours of gameplay, now let's fix the terrible tearing, game so far is a meh.


When you're looking for drivers on Nvidia's site the latest beta drivers are listed as 285.38, but when I look at the driver version in Windows it lists it's version as I know I have the latest drivers, so this question is just my curiosity, but is there a way to see in Windows what Nvidia is calling the driver i.e. 285.38? I see that the number is in the Windows listing at the end, but it seems like the version numbers should match up somewhere at little more obvious...


AcciDante said:
I'll try this out. I installed the 10/4 driver last night and the game runs fine, except for the gnarly screen tearing. I can't seem to open my catalyst control panel either. What's up with that?
I think it has to do with the display driver. If you restart your computer it should be fine. As to why it doesn't open, happens to me sometimes, then randomly it will open


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
brain_stew said:
id are as much to blame as anyone. Developing a game for unreleased drivers and undergoing no real QA process is a recipe for disaster and they knew it. Carmack should have never let his openGL fetish get in the way of producing a quality product, the renderer is API neutral anyway just develop for DirectX already, the fact that openGL is broken on the PC is hardly a secret.

This was all a disaster waiting to happen and that's before considering decisions like an auto quality setting and leaving the only vsync option as one that no graphics driver even had announced support for.

Your post reinforces the crux of my (publicly) edited point. Please, brain_stew, I know you can thoroughly read posts before responding.

Edit: This appears condescending, and I assure you that wasn't the intention.
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