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Rage PC perfomance thread

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Disorientator said:
"Flawless" on my setup, at that res, with those settings.

1080p sucks on my TV.

No everyone is gaming @ 1080p.
You're right, I probably didn't explain myself well, what I meant is that it would be absolutely ridiculous if with the kind of set-up you have Rage didn't run perfectly maximized: hardly a feat considering you're running it in sub-HD. In fact, the original poster should have pointed out at what rez he's planning to play the game.
All in all with your set-up and how the game looks it should run locked 60fps@1080p but sadly it does not.


Sutton Dagger said:
The game had been out for what, 5 days now? What are ID doing, they haven't released a patch or anything yet have they? They won't be getting a sale from me until it's all sorted, what a terrible launch.


I've been playing it fine tonight with zero problems. The only thing I wish for is high res textures. Apart from that I am enjoying it.

p.s. Any gaffers wanting to hook up for some Legends co-op feel free to add me on steam. Same name as my GAF username.


Just noticed this, but apparently if i turn around fast i get stuff like this on the edge of the screen (the one im turning for) for like a milisecond (was hard to grab a screenshot):


missing textures that fill up immediatly.

Is this something common? you guys getting it? i figure it can be the FOV option? playing at 100 but it was the same on 95 and a bit below.

its hardly bothersome, but now that i discover it i wanna see if i can get rid of it :p

config file:

vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_useCudaTranscode 2
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4

launch options:

+r_swapInterval 1 +set com_skipIntroVideo 1 +cvaradd g_fov 20

any ideas?


NaM said:
Call Carmack. That's an engine *feature*.

I like how you pull the "misleading" trick of calling flaws features that some developers seem to do, considering Carmack is probably the most straight forward dude you'll find in the industry. He mentioned every single one of the issues this game has now way before it was released, saying how they could have made things better if they've done differently with PC as the lead platform.

So yeah, dont pull the "feature" crap, cause they never did. They said "game's gonna look this way but in return you'll get this, this, and this" game came out, and after the shoddy launch it is exactly what they said.

This seems mostly related to FOV and how the engine seems to escape showing this with its narrow field of vision, shame if true, so that's why i wanna see if more people are having it.


Does not have twelve inches...
If you think it is the FOV like you say, try reducing it then.

Right, I figured out how to adjust the FOV.

First you'll need to enable the console by adding +set com_allowconsole 1 to your launch options

Then, inside the game, bring down the console, and use the cvaradd command to modify the g_fov variable.

Example: (g_fov defaults to 80, we are going to modify this)

cvaradd g_fov 15 (this results in 80 + 15 = g_fov 95)

example 2:

cvaradd g_fov -15 (this results in 80 - 15 = g_fov 65)


Update: As has been noted by others on the forum, it is also possible to set this in your Rage launch options in steam, just use something like:
+cvaradd g_fov X
where X is your preferred number.

First page of the thread.


NaM said:
If you think it is the FOV like you say, try reducing it then.

First page of the thread.


I already mentioned my launch options and said how i lowered the FOV and it was pretty much the same, im just asking to see if people with altered FOV get this as well.


Neo Member
Sutton Dagger said:
The game had been out for what, 5 days now? What are ID doing, they haven't released a patch or anything yet have they? They won't be getting a sale from me until it's all sorted, what a terrible launch.

Well, you got your wish! On a Saturday nevertheless. Patch just got released on Steam. Changelist is quite lengthy as well.


Steam update:

RAGE Patch Release Notes - October 8th 2011

RAGE defaults to lower video settings to allow the game to work on a
wide variety of hardware and software configurations.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to anticipate all possible graphics
driver issues in combination with unique end user hardware and software
configurations. For this reason RAGE does not automatically increase
video/graphics settings as this could result in negative side effects
on specific hardware and software configurations. The original release
of RAGE does not expose many video/graphics options for people to tweak
because some of these settings, although desirable from a quality
perspective, simply will not work on specific configurations either due
to hardware limitations and/or driver bugs. Due to popular demand for
more video and graphics options, this patch updates the video settings
menu and exposes several quality and performance settings. However, not
everyone may be able to increase the settings due to hardware limitations
and/or driver bugs.


The new "VSync" option in the video settings menu allows you to remove
screen tearing. There are three options: ON, OFF and SMART.

When VSync is turned OFF you may experience screen tearing.

When VSync is turned ON you should not see screen tearing. However,
any time your frame rate drops below 60 frames per second you will
get a sudden more severe drop to 30 frames per second. This is how VSync
inherently works. If your computer cannot maintain 60 frames per
second and you miss the synchronization to the vertical retrace of
your monitor then you will miss a whole frame and synchronize to
the next frame instead.

Some graphics drivers now support a so called "swap-tear" extension.
You can try using this extension by setting VSync to SMART.
If your graphics driver supports this extension and you set VSync
to SMART then RAGE will synchronize to the vertical retrace of
your monitor when your computer is able to maintain 60 frames per
second and the screen may tear if your frame rate drops below 60 frames
per second. In other words the SMART VSync option trades a sudden drop
to 30 frames per second with occasional screen tearing. Occasional
screen tearing is usually considered less distracting than a more
severe drop in frame rate.

If your graphics driver does not support SMART VSync and you set VSync
to SMART in the video settings then RAGE will automatically fall back to
turning VSync OFF and you may experience screen tearing. The "swap-tear"
extension is brand new and may still present some issues on certain
graphics hardware. If you experience any problems using SMART Vsync
then set VSync to either ON or OFF. We are actively working with the
graphics hardware vendors to improve the "swap-tear" extension.

If changing VSync in the RAGE video settings menu does not appear to
make any difference then make sure you are not overriding the VSync
setting in the graphics vendor control panel. You can find the
graphics vendor control panel by right-clicking on the Windows desktop
and selecting the " control panel" option from the pop-up menu.

If you force VSync to the 'on' setting in the graphics vendor control
panel then you should not see any screen tearing in RAGE but you may
get a more severe drop in frame rate if your computer cannot maintain
60 frames per second.

If you force VSync to the 'off' setting in the graphics vendor control
panel then you may experience screen tearing no matter what setting you
use for the VSync option in the RAGE video settings menu.

Texture Cache

The new "Texture Cache" option in the video settings menu allows you
to increase the texture cache size to keep more texture data in
video memory.

If the Texture Cache is set to LARGE then RAGE will keep more texture
data in video memory. This may not only significantly reduce blurry
textures and texture popping, it will also allow complex scenes to be
rendered with more texture detail.

However, this may not work on computers that do not have enough system
or video memory, or you may experience a significant drop in performance.
If you experience issues due to hardware limitations you will have to set
the Texture Cache back to SMALL.

If after changing the Texture Cache to LARGE you experience a crash or
texture corruption (like a partially or completely blue world) then
the graphics driver may have run out of memory.

We are actively working with the graphics card vendors to resolve
any crashes.

If you do not experience a crash but you see texture corruption then you
may be able to get the large Texture Cache to work by accepting the change
and restarting the game. If you still experience texture corruption after
restarting the game you will have to set the Texture Cache back to SMALL.

You may also be able to improve the memory situation on your computer by
changing the Windows paging file management. Note that making changes to
the Windows paging file management may change the performance characteristics
of your computer. Any changes you make to your system configuration are
at your own risk. Always make backups of your system and revert these
changes if you notice undesirable side effects.

To change the paging file management on Windows Vista and Windows 7, first
press the "Start" button, then right-click on "Computer" and then select
"Properties" from the popup menu. Then select "Advanced system settings"
on the window that appears. Select the "Advanced" tab on the
"System Properties" window that is displayed and press the "Settings"
button under "Performance". Select the "Advanced" tab on the
"Performance Options" window that shows up next and press the
"Change..." button under "Virtual memory". Now uncheck the option
"Automatically manage paging file size for all drives" and make
sure that the option "System managed size" is selected on the
"Virtual Memory" window. Confirm the change by pressing the "OK" button
on each window. After making this change you will have to restart your
computer for the change to take effect.

To change the paging file management on Windows XP, first press the
"Start" button, then right-click on "My Computer" and then select
"Properties" from the popup menu. Select the "Advanced" tab on the
"System Properties" window that is displayed and press the "Settings"
button under "Performance". Select the "Advanced" tab on the
"Performance Options" window that shows up next and press the "Change"
button under "Virtual memory". Make sure that the option
"System managed size" is selected on the "Virtual Memory" window.
Confirm the change by pressing the "OK" button on each window.
After making this change you will have to restart your computer for
the change to take effect.

Anisotropic Filter

The new "Anisotropic Filter" option in the video settings menu allows
you to increase the anisotropic texture filtering.

Anisotropic filtering is a method to enhance the image quality of
textures on surfaces that are at oblique viewing angles.

The anisotropic texture filtering in RAGE defaults to a low value to
accommodate for low-end graphics hardware. However, the anisotropic
filtering can be increased for high-end graphics hardware by setting
the Anistropic Filter option to HIGH in the video settings menu.

Do not force anisotropic filtering to the ‘on’ setting in the graphics
vendor control panel because this may cause rendering artifacts in
the game.

Note that increasing the anisotropic filtering may improve the
texture quality while it may also decrease the frame rate.

Patch Changes / Fixes

- Implemented workaround for AMD driver crash right after intro cinematic
on Win 7 32-bit systems.
- Disabled UBOs because they are causing animation issues with AMD drivers.
- Don't allow swap-tear to be enabled on AMD while the extension is not
exposed because it may crash.
- Support for new video settings: "texture cache", "vsync" and
"anisotropic filter"
- Automatically adjust vt_maxPPF based on the number of available cores.
- Improved performance for SLI cards when GPU transcode is enabled.
- Fix for GPU Transcoding option being disabled after exiting gameplay.
- Added safe mode to restore video settings to default values.
- Allow g_fov to be changed from the RAGE launch options in Steam.
- Server now forwards text chat from clients to all other clients while

Known Graphical Issues

The following issues were found using NVIDIA graphics hardware with
the GeForce R285 Driver or AMD graphics hardware with the AMD Catalyst
11.10 Version 2 Preview Driver.

- If you turn up both the screen resolution and anti-aliasing settings
to high values in the video settings menu and/or you enable
"GPU Transcode" then the screen may no longer update on some hardware
configurations. This means your system does not have the necessary
video memory to run with these high settings. You can re-enter the video
settings menu and lower your settings to restart screen updates.

- If you turn up both the screen resolution and anti-aliasing settings
to high values in the video settings menu you may experience a crash
if your system does not have the necessary memory to run with these
high settings. To avoid this problem you will have to re-enter the
video settings menu to lower the settings. If you can no longer launch
the game after changing the video settings to high values you can add
the following to your RAGE launch options in Steam:

+com_safemode 1

The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam
and selecting "Properties". Then click on "Set Launch Options" in
the dialog that pops up. Adding this option will reset your video
settings to the default values the next time the game is launched.
When the game is launched in safe mode the game will show "safe mode"
in the corners of the screen. Do not forget to remove the safe mode
launch option after launching the game once to make sure you do not
lose your video settings each time you launch the game.

- Using a NVIDIA graphics card on Windows XP 32-bit or XP 64-bit, you
may experience a crash or hang when changing the screen resolution in
full screen mode or switching from windowed mode to full screen mode.
This has been identified as a graphics driver problem. We have spent
significant effort trying to work around this problem and were
successful in reducing the frequency of occurrence but a driver update
is necessary to completely fix the problem. We are actively working with
NVIDIA to make a solution to this problem available as soon as possible.

- Using an AMD graphics card, you may experience black flickering
artifacts on flags, banners and zip-lines if you run in full screen
mode. This has been identified as a graphics driver problem. We are
actively working with AMD on a solution to this problem.

- Using an AMD graphics card, you may experience black grid lines on
some graphical user interface (GUI) elements like the in-game mini-map.
This has been identified as a graphics driver problem. We are actively
working with AMD on a solution to this problem. If you find the grid
lines particularly distracting, you can add the following to the RAGE
launch options in Steam as a temporary workaround.

+vt_maxAniso 1

The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam
and selecting "Properties". Then click on "Set Launch Options" in
the dialog that pops up. However, note that adding this setting will
lower the general texture quality in the game.

- If you have an AMD graphics card with a dual core CPU system you may
experience severe hitching and low frame rates. This has been
identified as a driver problem. We are actively working with AMD on
a solution to this problem. As a temporary workaround you may add the
following to the RAGE launch options in Steam:

+jobs_numThreads 0

The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam
and selecting "Properties". Then click on "Set Launch Options" in
the dialog that pops up.

- If you are running RAGE in full-screen mode and you ALT-TAB to a
different application you may lose your VSync setting. When you
switch to a different application VSync stops functioning.
RAGE detects that VSync is no longer working and automatically switches
back to synchronizing to real-time to make sure the game time advances
in a consistent manner. We are actively working with the graphics
vendors on a solution to this problem.


Why does the game default to LOWER settings? I seriously haven't heard people complain because the game was too system intensive, but that the texture streaming was a problem.

Seriously the only people I heard complain about the fps were those with computers that way overpowered that should be able to play it but can't.
Removed config, set up the new options in game, and it's looking fantastic and running like butter. Still getting some slight pop in, but I can live with it.


Gvaz said:
Why does the game default to LOWER settings? I seriously haven't heard people complain because the game was too system intensive, but that the texture streaming was a problem.

Seriously the only people I heard complain about the fps were those with computers that way overpowered that should be able to play it but can't.

They were explaining why it defaulted to those settings. Not that the patch made them even lower.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, so RAGE crashes each time I try to turn on V-Sync in the game.


SalsaShark said:
They said "game's gonna look this way but in return you'll get this, this, and this"

This sure sounds like "it will have this (negative thing) but in return you will receive (good things).

The phrase 'in return' in this situation typically means you will have to 'suffer' one thing but will receive 'good thing' to make up for it.


Zefah said:
Damn, so RAGE crashes each time I try to turn on V-Sync in the game.

It does that to me too if I don't force it in CCC, though that works fine so I'm not going to fuck with it.


Game is running better and without problems so far with the ingame settings and removed config file. Not bad.

edit: but never use alt-tab!! lol.


The whole patch notes sounds like "its not our fault, it's your hardware/drivers" lol

It's very clear though which is good for normal users.

Also no mention of the flickering of models? Like they go between normal and all bugged out like my earlier screenshot sometimes several times a second on my amd hardware.


AMD issues fixed by ID patch...

it's almost like they didn't even test the game with amd cards

lol, that would never happen


SalsaShark said:
any ideas?
It has nothing to do with the FOV. It's a feature that's also present in the CryEngine 2 and 3. An automatic system that removes objects that are NOT visible on screen. This 'pop-in' effect doesn't just happen when turning around. But also when models are hidden behind your weapon model. Crysis 2 also 'suffered' from it.


Duxxy3 said:
AMD issues fixed by ID patch...

it's almost like they didn't even test the game with amd cards

lol, that would never happen
I am and AMD customer and the hate towards them in this thread makes me sad. I think the one to be blame is id here, not AMD.


derFeef said:
I am and AMD customer and the hate towards them in this thread makes me sad. I think the one to be blame is id here, not AMD.

AMD released the wrong driver (apparently), and they have a history of sub par OpenGL drivers.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
derFeef said:
I am and AMD customer and the hate towards them in this thread makes me sad. I think the one to be blame is id here, not AMD.

id shouldn't have released the game given the current state of OGL drivers, but by the same token, given the Brink kerfuffle, there is no excuse for AMD's OGL support being so criminally poor.

Edit: Kindasorta beaten.


Neo Member
Mexx said:
What the hell? Downloaded RAGE ATI drivers, and after first intro game is running in 1 fraps per 10 seconds. And sound is disappearing, and appearing. GPU is HD 5830.

Yeah same problem on a 5800 here.. Nothing I've tried has fixed it.


JaseC said:
id shouldn't have released the game given the current state of OGL drivers, but by the same token, given the Brink kerfuffle, there is no excuse for AMD's OGL support being so criminally poor.

Edit: Kindasorta beaten.
Support is on par with nvidia and both have their problems. Sure, if they release the wrong drivers then there is no excuse, but the new drivers resolved most issues and the game patch now made it flawless so far for me.

edit: wanted to edit, sorry for the DP.


Gvaz said:
The whole patch notes sounds like "its not our fault, it's your hardware/drivers" lol
Well it certainly isn't the engine's fault. The game went from unplayable to 99% perfect through nothing but driver updates, not even a single game patch until just now. If AMD had these drivers ready just 72 hours sooner, this would have been a smooth as butter PC launch.


Metal-Geo said:
It has nothing to do with the FOV. It's a feature that's also present in the CryEngine 2 and 3. An automatic system that removes objects that are NOT visible on screen. This 'pop-in' effect doesn't just happen when turning around. But also when models are hidden behind your weapon model. Crysis 2 also 'suffered' from it.

ha! very interesting. Seems like a good trick to keep stuff like the framerate steady. Dont mind too much.

InertiaXr said:
This sure sounds like "it will have this (negative thing) but in return you will receive (good things).

The phrase 'in return' in this situation typically means you will have to 'suffer' one thing but will receive 'good thing' to make up for it.

yup this is pretty much what Carmack said. He was always upfront about the downsides people would have to get the game to run/look like this.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
derFeef said:
Support is on par with nvidia and both have their problems. Sure, if they release the wrong drivers then there is no excuse, but the new drivers resolved most issues and the game patch now made it flawless so far for me.

edit: wanted to edit, sorry for the DP.

AMD/ATI's OGL support has always lagged behind that of nvidia. For example, I'm sure I'm not the only one who remembers ATi "cheating" for inflated Q3A performance.

Edit: Clarity.


Its funny cause i love OpenGL since it doesnt give me those shadow LOD issues (shadows getting pixely at a certain distance) that most D3D games suffer.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
derFeef said:
Yeah, and there have been examples of nvidia cheating with drivers. I am just saying both have their weakness, but OpenGL is just flat out rusty and ID is the only big developer that uses it.

And I am just saying that ATi have a storied history of being a lap behind as far as OpenGL is concerned. :p

Edit: I do agree with your implication of OGL's irrelevancy in the higher-tier PC developer space. Beginning with D3D9, Microsoft took the batten and ran with it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
SalsaShark said:
Its funny cause i love OpenGL since it doesnt give me those shadow LOD issues (shadows getting pixely at a certain distance) that most D3D games suffer.

Because most of the real time shadows are already low-res jagged messes? Some of the NPC shadows are really smooth, though.


Zefah said:
Because most of the real time shadows are already low-res jagged messes? Some of the NPC shadows are really smooth, though.

meh, they hide it way better. This is what Deus Ex HR looks like at parts:


see how the shadows lose complete detail so near the player? its crap, and it happens in a ton of D3D games. And no, it has nothing to do with any particular rig since we talked about it in the OT and everyone was having the same issue.

Both have their issues, and most people seem to not notice/care about this shadow stuff, but it bothers me much, much more than any issue i encountered in RAGE so far.


The new higher settings work great (way sharper textures due to both the anisotropic filtering and the higher texture cache). That smart v-sync option seems to be working fine as well.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I don't think D3D is the reason you get that. Just seems like a weird LOD choice. Almost like shadows are on bilinear filtering... Never noticed it in DX myself, does it happen to everyone or is it some kind of bug? I tend to be sensitive about LOD issues (I hate the geometry pop in The Witcher 2 has, I hate the shadows even in Crysis 2, where it's still much better than your screenshot, etc) but I didn't noticed it in DX.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
DE:HR looks like that for Salsa due to the sheer amount of indie games in his library. That is to say, the game is attempting to mimic the median graphics quality of his Steam game collection. ;)


Alextended said:
I don't think D3D is the reason you get that. Just seems like a weird LOD choice. Almost like shadows are on bilinear filtering...

yeah, granted, could be some weird decision made by the game, since dynamic shadows arent really noticeable during dark areas, and the game takes place 90 percent of the time at night. Just looked ugly in some aspects.

Then again, ive seen similar issues in many games (made a thread about this on Nvidia forums and was flooded by screenshots of people with different rigs (even with ATI cards) experiencing the same)

Durante said:
My Deus Ex never looked like that.

PC version? go to that exact same spot and take a screenshot. Surprise!

Its there, it just doesnt show regulary cause as i said, there arent that many dynamic shadows noticeable in the dark.

Alextended said:
Never noticed it in DX myself, does it happen to everyone or is it some kind of bug? I tend to be sensitive about LOD issues (hate it in Witcher 2, hate it even in Crysis 2's shadows tbh. where it's still much better than your screenshot) but I didn't notice it in DX.

It happens to everyone all the time, but there's 2 particular instances where its extremely noticeable.

This being the other one (way earlier in the game, if anyone feels like checking):



So has anyone been to Dead City yet with AF on high and the improved large texture size? I have to start a new game to be able to get back to that place. I only ask because during my playthrough it was so wretched looking, like the whole area had ps1 quality textures.


SalsaShark said:
meh, they hide it way better. This is what Deus Ex HR looks like at parts:


see how the shadows lose complete detail so near the player? its crap, and it happens in a ton of D3D games. And no, it has nothing to do with any particular rig [B]since we talked about it in the OT and everyone was having the same issue.[/B]

when you brought it up in the OT people said the opposite if anything :lol


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Derrick01 said:
So has anyone been to Dead City yet with AF on high and the improved large texture size? I have to start a new game to be able to get back to that place. I only ask because during my playthrough it was so wretched looking, like the whole area had ps1 quality textures.

Don't worry, you've not missed out on anything; the level still sports certifiably horrible textures. Quite frankly, at certain points it looked as though the game had tripped and fallen into a Zalgo'd rendition of Half-Life's Black Mesa.

I am serious, by the way.


jett said:
when you brought it up in the OT people said the opposite if anything :lol

people said they werent having it, i told them to go take a screenshot, no one did. Later 3 people did and showed the screenshot (of the Detroit example) and it was exactly the same.

dont make me search that shit!

edit: what Wallach said
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