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Rage PC perfomance thread


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
bloodydrake said:
OK having 0 problems with the latest 11.10 drivers its all working perfectly for me.
I do not have radeonpro installed atm
here is my exact settings in Catalyst control panel.

here is my rageconfig.cfg only use if you have 1GBor greater of VRAM

vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192

as well Start with no AA ingame then work your way up thru 2x then 4x ect. the More AA you have the more popin you will experience.

You're not getting nasty tearing with no V-sync or Triple Buffering?


JRW said:
Eh? Nvidia has always had stronger Opengl performance. I'm several hours into Rage and haven't experienced any issues, runs solid 60fps @ 1080p / 8x FSAA even with Fraps recording for 20 minutes straight. (GTX 480).
Yeah I get 60fps with 2x AA at 1080p with my over clocked 460.


Pimpbaa said:
Yeah I get 60fps with 2x AA at 1080p with my over clocked 460.
I'm on a GTX 570 and I'm getting very noticeable tearing... even with v-sync being forced. Wondering if the monitor itself is to blame.


Welp. Just installed the AMD 11.10 preview 2 driver. The performance is much better! But now I get those 'corrupted' textures! Aaaargh! Is there a fix for this? Or would reverting the driver be the best?


bidaum said:
I'm on a GTX 570 and I'm getting very noticeable tearing... even with v-sync being forced. Wondering if the monitor itself is to blame.

Be sure you're running 285.38 drivers and more importantly you need to force vsync in the Program Settings tab, Not the Global tab, I manually added Rage.exe and the tearing went away after doing it that way. (rage.exe is located in Steam\steamapps\common\rage)



JRW said:
Be sure you're running 285.38 drivers and more importantly you need to force vsync in the Program Settings tab, Not the Global tab, I manually added Rage.exe and the tearing went away after doing it that way. (rage.exe is located in Steam\steamapps\common\rage)
Yeah, I just realized even though I had v-sync forced globally, for reasons I don't understand the Rage.exe itself still set it to off. Applied forced v-sync to the exe and now everything's good.


bidaum said:
When you're looking for drivers on Nvidia's site the latest beta drivers are listed as 285.38, but when I look at the driver version in Windows it lists it's version as I know I have the latest drivers, so this question is just my curiosity, but is there a way to see in Windows what Nvidia is calling the driver i.e. 285.38? I see that the number is in the Windows listing at the end, but it seems like the version numbers should match up somewhere at little more obvious...

Look in System Information in the NVIDIA Control Panel for your version.


Cool Smoke Luke
Zefah said:
You're not getting nasty tearing with no V-sync or Triple Buffering?
no newest ati drivers add in the auto vsync feature..and can't use tripplebuffer in crossfiremode it causes lockups at load screen

so if you let the drivers auto v-sync for you and the game has tearing its because your dropping below 60 fps which then auto turns off v-sync..If you want it to stay above 60 i'd try lowering your ingame AA setting


bloodydrake said:
no newest ati drivers add in the auto vsync feature..and can't use tripplebuffer in crossfiremode it causes lockups at load screen

so if you let the drivers auto v-sync for you and the game has tearing its because your dropping below 60 fps which then auto turns off v-sync..If you want it to stay above 60 i'd try lowering your ingame AA setting
I have it on 8x AA with the swapinterval setting and I get no tearing so far, or none that I can notice and it's 60fps all the time except for random 1 second freezes every so often.

Without swap interval on, I'd get 60fps all the time but it'd tear and stutter like crazy


Visceir said:
Hey Jett, I could fix that problem when I switched the Catalyst AI to "best performance"

If I enable Catalyst AI the game slows down to a crawl. Truthfully that error was due to a custom config I was using I think, but I still get corrupted textures everywhere. I could deal with the horrific texture popping I get if I simply didn't have that texture problem...


jett said:
If I enable Catalyst AI the game slows down to a crawl. Truthfully that error was due to a custom config I was using I think, but I still get corrupted textures everywhere. I could deal with the horrific texture popping I get if I simply didn't have that texture problem...

Can you post your CCC settings? Also, do you have RadeonPro installed?


Game runs great and I get no tearing with that swapinterval option added into the config. However, now the that I'm in wellspring, the characters are flickering/spazzing out. Any fixes to that yet?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
AcciDante said:
Game runs great and I get no tearing with that swapinterval option added into the config. However, now the that I'm in wellspring, the characters are flickering/spazzing out. Any fixes to that yet?

That's an issue particular to AMD/ATi GPU users. Update to the latest drivers/install the latest hotfix/jump through the proverbial hoop.


Wallach said:
Can you post your CCC settings? Also, do you have RadeonPro installed?

Use Application Settings

Use Application Settings

Catalyst AI

Mipmap detail level
High Quality

Off unless application specifies

"Adaptive Anti-Aliasing"

Disabled Triple buffering

I don't have Radeon Pro installed


Oh sweet Jesus.

Oh my Gawd.

Fixed my texture problem. Apparently I had Catalyst AI disabled in the .xml for months. Enabling it fixed it. Setting Catalyst AI to performance helped increase the framerate.

I set vt_maxppf to 64 and... *sniff* ... It's amazing. I have minimum texture pop-ins. Most areas I enter are fully loaded instantly. There's the occasional pop-in on objects that the player rarely sees (water tower in Wellspring, when you look up, for instance). But it's tolerable.

Thanks to the 11.10 preview 2 driver, I'm blazing through this game at 2560x1600 with a framerate of 60fps and page image sizes of 8192.

Specs if anyone is interested:
Intel i7 X980 @ 3.33Ghz
12GB Ram
Windows 7 64-bit

bloodydrake said:
if im not mistaken the swapinterval command is a commandline switch not part of the cfg isn't it?
I have "seta r_swapInterval 1" in my cfg. Works perfectly fine for me.

Keep in mind to NOT put quotes around the 1, unlike other commands. For some reason, it fails with this specific command.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
bloodydrake said:
if im not mistaken the swapinterval command is a commandline switch not part of the cfg isn't it?

You can input any console command into a config file and it will be executed as though it was inserted into the console natively.


JaseC said:
That's an issue particular to AMD/ATi GPU users. Update to the latest drivers/install the latest hotfix/jump through the proverbial hoop.
Oh man, I'm afraid to update past the 10/4 driver. It runs well now except for that :[. Would I have to use driver sweeper again, or can I just install the new one straight up?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
AcciDante said:
Oh man, I'm afraid to update past the 10/4 driver. It runs well now except for that :[. Would I have to use driver sweeper again, or can I just install the new one straight up?

Nvidia's driver installation is smart enough to cleanse the existing drivers from the system. AMD's? Not so much. Having said that, a simple uninstall via the Control Panel is enough, at least in my experience (I owned a HD 5750 prior to my current GTX 570).

Edit: Use of Driver Sweeper wouldn't go unrecommended owing to the fact that AMD's software is, for lack of a better adjective, dumb.


Cool Smoke Luke
Metal-Geo said:
Oh sweet Jesus.

Oh my Gawd.

Fixed my texture problem. Apparently I had Catalyst AI disabled in the .xml for months. Enabling it fixed it.
xml is a radeonpro profile ? just looking for clarification. i remember people talking about forcing this off in another game to fix things a while ago..


Cool Smoke Luke
JaseC said:
You can input any console command into a config file and it will be executed as though it was inserted into the console natively.

k cool i got it in my commandline and its working great..wasn't sure if it was one you could put in config as well..


jett said:
Use Application Settings

Use Application Settings

Catalyst AI

Mipmap detail level
High Quality

Off unless application specifies

"Adaptive Anti-Aliasing"

Disabled Triple buffering

I don't have Radeon Pro installed

Looking at these settings, I'd suggest at least trying to uninstall these drivers, run Driver Sweeper set to AMD - Display, then re-install the 11.10 v2 preview again. Catalyst AI setting is old and I don't think it should exist in this CCC version.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
bloodydrake said:
k cool i got it in my commandline and its working great..wasn't sure if it was one you could put in config as well..

A config file is no different to id games as, say, a batch file is to cmd.exe in Windows. :) (That is to say they're both utterly interlinked.)


Wallach said:
Looking at these settings, I'd suggest at least trying to uninstall these drivers, run Driver Sweeper set to AMD - Display, then re-install the 11.10 v2 preview again. Catalyst AI setting is old and I don't think it should exist in this CCC version.

I did that before but I'll try doing it again


Cool Smoke Luke
Wallach said:
Looking at these settings, I'd suggest at least trying to uninstall these drivers, run Driver Sweeper set to AMD - Display, then re-install the 11.10 v2 preview again. Catalyst AI setting is old and I don't think it should exist in this CCC version.
I was thinking the same thing sounded like an old CCC configuration screen


Neo Member
is anyone running Rage on a HD 5800 ? I get less than 1 frame per second right from the start of the game where you're in the cryostasis/pod thing.

I ended up putting the game on my laptop which is even older and lower spec from 2008, and it runs great (nvidia chip). Kinda funny... Now that I've played the game I love it though.


bloodydrake said:
xml is a radeonpro profile ? just looking for clarification. i remember people talking about forcing this off in another game to fix things a while ago..
Nope. CCC. Sorry, should have mentioned. :V


Wallach said:
Looking at these settings, I'd suggest at least trying to uninstall these drivers, run Driver Sweeper set to AMD - Display, then re-install the 11.10 v2 preview again. Catalyst AI setting is old and I don't think it should exist in this CCC version.
Catalyst AI is always there. But just look at the overdrive screen, it is completely different now.


bloodydrake said:
make sure after you uinstall all ati software and do the cleaner then reisntall that you do a full reboot between each.

Okay, I deleted everything. Some stuff driversweeper coudn't get rid of itself so I had to go into the windows folders myself, rename the files and then delete them cuz windows wasn't having it any other way. Had to go into safe mode to made sure. I made sure nothing got left. Reinstalled the new drivers fresh. The result? CCC refuses to open, I have the same glitches, lolz. :/


derFeef said:
Catalyst AI is always there. But just look at the overdrive screen, it is completely different now.

No, I meant that you won't have a "disable Catalyst AI" setting anymore in the newer CCCs.

jett said:
Okay, I deleted everything. Some stuff driversweeper coudn't get rid of itself so I had to go into the windows folders myself, rename the files and then delete them cuz windows wasn't having it any other way. Had to go into safe mode to made sure. I made sure nothing got left. Reinstalled the new drivers fresh. The result? CCC refuses to open, I have the same glitches, lolz. :/

Man, what the fuck. Can you try downloading and installing the latest version of .net Framework? Fucking CCC is the biggest piece of shit, seriously.


Does Driver Sweeper just hang up when you click the "clean" button and need to be force-quit for anyone else? I can never get it to work. Also, it's linked on so many "download websites" that I have no clue what version of the software is the most recent.


DaBuddaDa said:
Does Driver Sweeper just hang up when you click the "clean" button and need to be force-quit for anyone else? I can never get it to work. Also, it's linked on so many "download websites" that I have no clue what version of the software is the most recent.

Try letting it sit instead of killing it; it can get into OS fisticuffs and might take ~1m of unresponsiveness to get business done.


Wallach said:
Try letting it sit instead of killing it; it can get into OS fisticuffs and might take ~1m of unresponsiveness to get business done.
I've let it sit for ~5 minutes still frozen. Next time I go out I'll have it run and see if anything changes after 1 hour+.


JaseC said:
No doubt that the framerate limit is hard-coded into the engine.

This is probably true - Doom3 had the same restriction early on (back then I had a CRT and wanted to play at 100hz), but eventually it was possible. id made a huge deal back then about the entire engine hinging around 60hz, and that it was impossible to change the frame rate. Until you could. I hope this turns out to be the case for Rage as well.


jett said:
Okay, I deleted everything. Some stuff driversweeper coudn't get rid of itself so I had to go into the windows folders myself, rename the files and then delete them cuz windows wasn't having it any other way. Had to go into safe mode to made sure. I made sure nothing got left. Reinstalled the new drivers fresh. The result? CCC refuses to open, I have the same glitches, lolz. :/
You are probably fine, just check the driver version. I never had the need to run driver sweeper. Game was flawless for me until Wellspring, where the NPC flickering began.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
mhayze said:
This is probably true - Doom3 had the same restriction early on (back then I had a CRT and wanted to play at 100hz), but eventually it was possible. id made a huge deal back then about the entire engine hinging around 60hz, and that it was impossible to change the frame rate. Until you could. I hope this turns out to be the case for Rage as well.

True, but Doom 3's limit appeared to be more a tentative recommendation rather than a practical necessity. In the case of Rage, every aspect of the game was built with 60fps in mind, so I imagine Carmack did his best to ensure the said limit remains rigid.


Neo Member
What the hell? Downloaded RAGE ATI drivers, and after first intro game is running in 1 fraps per 10 seconds. And sound is disappearing, and appearing. GPU is HD 5830.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Tom Penny said:
Holy shit at dead city were you fight that big dude. Do the textures even load LOL LOL?

The textures of the city in general? Yeah, they're certifiably terrible.


I am so disappointed in ID, it's like walking in on your childhood hero doing lines off a urinal.

Is there a documented fix for the freezes, every minute or less i get a 10 second freeze sometimes even the windows loading cursor will flash and then the game snaps back to normal like nothing happened.
The game had been out for what, 5 days now? What are ID doing, they haven't released a patch or anything yet have they? They won't be getting a sale from me until it's all sorted, what a terrible launch.
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