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Returnal is coming to PC in early 2023

a core gamer would want the best visuals and best controls to truly experience the game in the best way possible. 🤷‍♂️
Core gamers don't care about the age of the game but if it's good or not. If you're insistent on getting a game day 1 then you're less of a 'core gamer' and more of a gamer driven by hype.

Does every core gamer update to the latest ultra highest end PC rig on the market? No.

That means when Sony's GAAS games come day one to PC, the best place to play is PC. Day one, mods, best visuals and performance, m/kb and gamepad control options. Also, it'll be cheaper too. LOU Remake preorder on Steam is already $10 US (or $20 CDN) cheaper than the PS5 version.

So with that covered, what excuse are you going to come up with now claiming PS is better?

Dont care about mods, best visuals assumes you have a rig that can make it better, don't care about m/kb. Cheaper? Nah. The game is FTP with MTX. If you need a day 1 GaaS title to claim PC is better, be my guest. Sounds like you just prefer to play on PC, for you. That doesn't make it better in general.


What time is it?
The best answer you'll get wont be here snce nobody will admit it. So you'll have to find a person in a similar situation in another industry. Try finding someone who has a favourite store they shop at and goes hyperspastic a store down the block sells the same stuff to their shoppers. For example, lets say Miss Vickies sells a new chip flavour at their store, and then rolls it out to every other store later in the year. That guy is now ultra mad.

You'll have to find this kind of person outside of gaming. Good luck.

You need the flip side of the coin too: the shopper that can now buy the new chip flavor who stands outside the store that originally sold the new flavor beating their chest and proclaiming there is now no reason to shop at this store. There are a lot of shameful "PC Gamers" on this site and I use that term loosely as my assumption is they are new to PC gaming, former platform warriors and I have to try to oversell their platform of choice. Both sides need to grow the fuck up.

Console people still get all of Sony's exclusives, back catalogue and services with the lowest cost of entry. At some point PC gamers will get newer titles and some of the PS4 back catalogue along with the typical advantages of PC Gaming (performance, modding, store competition, etc.). It's a win-win for both sides as more people get to experience games (you know, what our fucking hobby is all about) and wonderful for game preservation.
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What the fuck is the point of buying a PS5 if all these "exclusives" are coming to the personal computer?

Thanks, Sony, for continuing to erode that which makes the PlayStation brand meaningful to me.
You can't enjoy a game unless it's limited to a piece of hardware? How does this affect you in any way? It's a game you have had access to, now a new group of people will gain access.




Actual contextual scripting from games with DualSense support on PC can ONLY be achieved tethered at the time of this writing.

Stop shilling bullshit. Seriously, I've seen you spam this bullshit multiple times in multiple threads. Hey, it's cool for dicking around with your DualSense on PC, sure...but when people are asking about using a DualSense on PC in regards to a Sony game, in this case Returnal, DSX does NOT give you 1:1 parity with PS5. Being tethered to your PC will. Get it?

Cry cry cry. You asked for contextual scripting, I show it to you in unsupported games and you're still crying in anger.

I can't help you. Stay angry.


Cry cry cry. You asked for contextual scripting, I show it to you in unsupported games and you're still crying in anger.

I can't help you. Stay angry.


Is this some reverse ResetEra? Shame on you.
I know you like the game but don’t be so defensive on this, lots of games get mods with different appearance on the main character, you can play as Link in Elden Ring, or Master Chief or 2B, it’s all good fun.

And I’d love to play as a hot Samus Aran in Returnal, perfect fit 👌


Gold Member
I know you like the game but don’t be so defensive on this, lots of games get mods with different appearance on the main character, you can play as Link in Elden Ring, or Master Chief or 2B, it’s all good fun.

And I’d love to play as a hot Samus Aran in Returnal, perfect fit 👌

Sure, but to say you’re not playing the game because of a character is quite the statement. We should be beyond that. Just put the bonus opaque helmet on Selene and she’s basically a Samus.

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My guess is they need 32GB of RAM to load more assets than the PS5 version, in order to compensate for the lack of dedicated I/O hardware decompression and a SSD.
No chance in hell. It’s too hard. It’s too challenging and it’s not a famous IP like Spider-Man or God of War. It will be the worst selling, just a little better than Sackboy. My 2 cents.

It will be a cool benchmark for PC gamers though for the particle effects and fluid simulations.
I think it will do well. In a world where elden ring is the 2nd best selling game of the year difficult games are not the hard sell they once were!

And returnal handles difficulty way, way ,way, way, way better than any souls ever
I'm always tempted to buy it when it's in sales like now, but I don't like the roguelite aspect of the game. I fear it will be too frustrating to me. For example, I liked Dead Cells but Hades not too much. The repetitive nature of roguelite put me away, but I like the atmosphere of Returnal, very different from indie roguelites. I don't know what to do!
This was my first rogue like experience the rogue like aspects are what I enjoyed the most.

It's hardest at first but your able to level up weapons and weapon abilities each time which you can pick up on subsequent runs.

Eventually your weapons become godlike and I almost feel sorry for the bosses in the game..

The roguelike elements allow you to experiment with different weapons and get a full rich experience! The core shooting is so good that you end welcoming reruns!

I think most players finish it in about 50 to 100 deaths. So arguably it's objectively easier than the dark souls or niohs of the world. At least for me I died over 600 times on nioh 1.


My guess is they need 32GB of RAM to load more assets than the PS5 version, in order to compensate for the lack of dedicated I/O hardware decompression and a SSD.
Pretty likely. Also, PC often has a bigger memory overhead with OS and background apps, so this would help to compensate it.
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Oh god, didn't know it used unreal 4 engine..

despair GIF

oh yeah, the chances of it being an absolute shitshow are rising too now after that weird 32gb recommended system memory thing... that's basically unheard of even for the most high end pc crushing titles like cyberpunk
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How is point and click more challenging? I thought it was about superior precision, that has nothing to do with level of challenge. The challenge could maybe come from the inferior movement options, but you’re talking about aim… which is simplified if anything, ergo not more challenging at all.
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