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Returnal is coming to PC in early 2023


Gold Member
Returnal will be the best selling game of Sony on PC.

This game is taste of PC gamer ,however my taste is The Last of Us type.
No chance in hell. It’s too hard. It’s too challenging and it’s not a famous IP like Spider-Man or God of War. It will be the worst selling, just a little better than Sackboy. My 2 cents.

It will be a cool benchmark for PC gamers though for the particle effects and fluid simulations.
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Gold Member
I know I’m not buying a fucking rig just to play these games. People aren’t going to run out and get computers for some games. There is still the convenience of just having a singular thing to buy in a store and leaving. Y’all got shade compilations stutter whopping y’all asses right now. Bobby’s mom doesn’t know what to do with that information and how to fix it.
ya'll come back now, ya hear!?


Returnal and Demon's Souls might sell better on PC than they did on PS5.

They should probably look at Rift Apart on PC as well.

But the big ticket items they should be focusing on are Dreams, GT7, and Bloodborne.
FROM's souls games are big sellers on PC, Demon's souls will no doubt be the big seller (same with Bloodborne).
Returnal is probably a good game that'll do well, but I get the impression it's another Gravity Rush where a dedicated following put it on a pedestal and praise it just a bit too much.
i.e. the discourse on GAF isn't representative.


Gold Member
No chance in hell. It’s too hard. It’s too challenging and it’s not a famous IP like Spider-Man or God of War. It will be the worst selling, just a little better than Sackboy. My 2 cents.
Yeah, Housemarque games have always been niche. However, within that niche they absolutely rule. The fact that Nex Machina flopped really saddens me, it was a fantastic title and deserved better.

I'm only hoping that the Sony acquisition doesn't turn the studio into another "AAA game studio". Hopefully they'll retain their creative independence. If so, I'm so much looking forward to their next title, whatever it may be.
You seemed fine with it when you were gushing over playing the 9 year old TLOU remaster at 4k 30FPS

Just accept that some of us will enjoy playing this at 144hz Ultrawide in high resolutions with all the bells and whistles turned up with superior aim control.
If you’re playing this without rumble and haptic feedback, you’re by default getting an inferior immersive experience. By a lot, far more than in your standard shooter. And no, that is not a matter of opinion.
Nope, not for this game. It adds a LOT. May be the only shooter on the system I’ve played where it genuinely feels like a gameplay feature.

Again, this really isn’t a matter of opinion. In the case of Returnal, the controller features add so much to the immersion and flow of the gameplay, from ambient fx to the chirp and rumble when the secondary fire is ready, that anything less is far inferior. Hell, there’s even a gameplay feature baked into the adaptive trigger function.
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FROM's souls games are big sellers on PC, Demon's souls will no doubt be the big seller (same with Bloodborne).
Returnal is probably a good game that'll do well, but I get the impression it's another Gravity Rush where a dedicated following put it on a pedestal and praise it just a bit too much.
i.e. the discourse on GAF isn't representative.

I agree though I do feel like Returnal fits well on PC. Back in the day this would have been a PC game more than a game you'd see from Sony.


If you’re playing this without rumble and haptic feedback, you’re by default getting an inferior immersive experience. By a lot, far more than in your standard shooter. And no, that is not a matter of opinion.
Despite your assertion, that is simply just an opinion, and one I disagree with.

I have this on ps5 and the haptics although great, don't make up for the precision you gain with m+k

How the alt fire will work is the only question I have


Can’t Git Gud

2 minutes 56 seconds onwards.

Calling apps like DSX bloatware tells me you don't know what bloatware actually is.

I dont care.
I would not fix Sony pc issues for them even if I know how. Not after spending money on games and controllers.
This is embarrassing that users defend this for working.
It does not fully work wireless and even Sony states that in the trailers


If you’re playing this without rumble and haptic feedback, you’re by default getting an inferior immersive experience. By a lot, far more than in your standard shooter. And no, that is not a matter of opinion.
Less immersive sure, but you get far more accurate aiming in return.
You seemed fine with it when you were gushing over playing the 9 year old TLOU remaster at 4k 30FPS

Just accept that some of us will enjoy playing this at 144hz Ultrawide in high resolutions with all the bells and whistles turned up with superior aim control.

TLOU is an entire remake with new assets. It's not a port.

That's fine if you want to enjoy it on PC. But if you're a core gamer, the best place to play Sony games is the place that has them Day 1.

If you're a double dipper and really like marginal improvements years later (NOT a complete remake)- you do you.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not

Unsure if already posted, I laughed therefore I share.

Lol. Such an evil cackle

When Rift Apart gets ported people are going to riot.


M&K >>>>>> rumblaptic feedbac

The reason I held out for a PC version (other than everything else it has to offer) is to play this with a mouse, yet this thread has somehow turned into a shit-show argument about haptic feedback and adaptive triggers.


Gold Member
The reason I held out for a PC version (other than everything else it has to offer) is to play this with a mouse, yet this thread has somehow turned into a shit-show argument about haptic feedback and adaptive triggers.
Dismissing haptics and triggers, the game is way less about aiming, but movement. Even if you opt for a mouse I'd recommend some kind of left stick equivalent.


Gold Member
Dismissing haptics and triggers, the game is way less about aiming, but movement. Even if you opt for a mouse I'd recommend some kind of left stick equivalent.
Housemarque is an arcade dev. They’ve been designing games for sticks since forever and Returnal is no different but whatever. Returnal is a third person interpretation of their twin stick shooters. People are making it seem like it’s some military shooter or something. Rolling my eyes here like a motherfucker.
You know what, I’m actually going to take a flying shit on the last remaining argument for kb+m, due to the nature of this particular game.

While ”precision” may be true when it comes to aiming, the integer input in fact makes it shockingly deficient when it comes to character movement. And with this game -in its current state- being at least as much about character movement as it is about aiming, there goes the final nail in that particular coffin. Play whichever way you prefer, but in the case of Returnal (again, assuming it’s a fairly straight port,) kb+m is objectively inferior.



2 minutes 56 seconds onwards.

Calling apps like DSX bloatware tells me you don't know what bloatware actually is.



Actual contextual scripting from games with DualSense support on PC can ONLY be achieved tethered at the time of this writing.

Stop shilling bullshit. Seriously, I've seen you spam this bullshit multiple times in multiple threads. Hey, it's cool for dicking around with your DualSense on PC, sure...but when people are asking about using a DualSense on PC in regards to a Sony game, in this case Returnal, DSX does NOT give you 1:1 parity with PS5. Being tethered to your PC will. Get it?


Reverse groomer.
That's fine if you want to enjoy it on PC. But if you're a core gamer, the best place to play Sony games is the place that has them Day 1.
a core gamer would want the best visuals and best controls to truly experience the game in the best way possible. 🤷‍♂️
Core gamers don't care about the age of the game but if it's good or not. If you're insistent on getting a game day 1 then you're less of a 'core gamer' and more of a gamer driven by hype.
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Gold Member
TLOU is an entire remake with new assets. It's not a port.

That's fine if you want to enjoy it on PC. But if you're a core gamer, the best place to play Sony games is the place that has them Day 1.

If you're a double dipper and really like marginal improvements years later (NOT a complete remake)- you do you.
That means when Sony's GAAS games come day one to PC, the best place to play is PC. Day one, mods, best visuals and performance, m/kb and gamepad control options. Also, it'll be cheaper too. LOU Remake preorder on Steam is already $10 US (or $20 CDN) cheaper than the PS5 version.

So with that covered, what excuse are you going to come up with now claiming PS is better?


Reverse groomer.
While ”precision” may be true when it comes to aiming, the integer input in fact makes it shockingly deficient when it comes to character movement. And with this game -in its current state- being at least as much about character movement as it is about aiming, there goes the final nail in that particular coffin. Play whichever way you prefer, but in the case of Returnal (again, assuming it’s a fairly straight port,) kb+m is objectively inferior.
there are many shooter games that are movement focused (Titanfall, Quake, Ultrakill) and all of them play best on keyboard and mouse. what does returnal do that make the controls and movement superior on controller
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What the fuck is the point of buying a PS5 if all these "exclusives" are coming to the personal computer?

Thanks, Sony, for continuing to erode that which makes the PlayStation brand meaningful to me.
It sounds like you would rather play games on YOUR PC instead of your console if they need to give you a reason to play it on a console. If you are a console gamer, then why does it bother you the game will also be available on PC?
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Reverse groomer.
It sounds like you would rather play games on YOUR PC instead of your console if they need to give you a reason to play it on a console. If you are a console gamer, then why does it bother you the game will also be available on PC?
because little children don't like to share their toys, duh.
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Gold Member
there are many shooter games that are movement focused (Titanfall, Quake, Ultrakill) and all of them play best on keyboard and mouse.
Yeah. And they're traditional FPSs. Returnal is a third-person shooter, nominally, but really it's a twin-stick bullet hell shooter transformed to a third-person viewpoint (what makes it work is the audio as you can't see behind yourself). So. Would you see yourself rather playing Nex Machina with a controller or kb+m? If the latter, good luck.
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Gold Member
It sounds like you would rather play games on YOUR PC instead of your console if they need to give you a reason to play it on a console. If you are a console gamer, then why does it bother you the game will also be available on PC?
The best answer you'll get wont be here snce nobody will admit it. So you'll have to find a person in a similar situation in another industry. Try finding someone who has a favourite store they shop at and goes hyperspastic a store down the block sells the same stuff to their shoppers. For example, lets say Miss Vickies sells a new chip flavour at their store, and then rolls it out to every other store later in the year. That guy is now ultra mad.

You'll have to find this kind of person outside of gaming. Good luck.
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Reverse groomer.
So. Would you see yourself rather playing Nex Machina with a controller or kb+m? If the latter, good luck.
fair enough i guess.. i cant really think of many FPS bullet hell games.
that being said why specifically the Playstation controller when that's worse for movement than say an xbox or a Nintendo Switch pro controller? the symmetrical sticks don't lend themselves very well to 3d movement as opposed to the standard stick placement


Gold Member
A lot of people disappointed the reaction from ps fans has been really soft to pc ports. People had been fantasizing riots, oops.
Many disappointed fans on this site have been permabanned for console warrioring the past year or two. Most of the others just avoid the PC port threads because the exclusivity PR they'd do supporting Sony's similar PR years ago is gone. Sometimes it's better to leave quietly than go down in flames with other people rubbing it in their faces.
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Gold Member
fair enough i guess.. i cant really think of many FPS bullet hell games.
that being said why specifically the Playstation controller when that's worse for movement than say an xbox or a Nintendo Switch pro controller? the symmetrical sticks don't lend themselves very well to 3d movement as opposed to the standard stick placement
Personally I don't care about whether the sticks are symmetrical or asymmetrical, but that may be just me. The DualSense support is very nice though. But a controller in general, you can dash into any direction, which makes a huge difference. I'm willing to bet many PCMR purists will absolutely hate this game. Kinda looking forward to it TBH.
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