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Revolution rumors & speculation, where art thou?


There was a period after after E3 where I was bombarded by Miyamoto interviews, crazy rumors(like the 3D visor/emagin), speculation(complete with controller mockups), bloggers with a 'Deep Throat' complex, and photoshoped pictures out the wazoo. Though, for about these past two weeks, all of this has come to a screeching halt and everyone has gone quiet. Could it mean something big is about to happen? Like the calm before the storm? Or have people given up on playing the guessing game? :D
Nintendo has gone too long without revealing anything, and seemingly every day there is news about a PS3/Xbox 360 game. People are losing interest.



White Man

Vieo said:
There was a period after after E3 where I was bombarded by Miyamoto interviews, crazy rumors(like the 3D visor/emagin), speculation(complete with controller mockups), bloggers with a 'Deep Throat' complex, and photoshoped pictures out the wazoo. Though, for about these past two weeks, all of this has come to a screeching halt and everyone has gone quiet. Could it mean something big is about to happen? Like the calm before the storm? Or have people given up on playing the guessing game? :D

There's at least a dozen Revolution rumor/speculation threads a day. I've almost stopped coming to the gaming forum because of it. At least I could find some consolation in knowing that whatever Nintendo ends up showing off, their rabid idiot fanbase will have to apply psychological self-damage control to deal with the cognitive dissonance caused by the inability of REALITY to meet their expectations.
Heres my 2 cents: Most everyone will be disgusted by the tech specs. I think Nintendo will put in enough power to satisfy themselves. Look at the majority of the games they make.

You won't need a ton of power to make Mario and company look nice. Watch the intro to mario golf. If they can lock down smooth colorful graphics like that, then I'll be happy.

Ultra realistic graphics aren't their style, and I fear you won't see them on Revolution.

Kon Tiki

Want some rumours?

- n-space is hard at work with a timesplitters 2 killer
- Nintendo is close to securing the Tao Fang licence to go alone with other AAA fighters like SSBM, and Fighters Destiny.
- SETA will finally be releasing it's GT racer.
- Mario Studio will be built in to the OS. Players can make models for games, do some video editing, and redo sprites for retro games.
- Nintendo will release more gimmicky controllers, such as Mario Tennis racket, the Mario Gold club, and the Miyamoto banjo.
- Player will no longer have to hit the big red button to win games, they can now issue voice commands like 'reset', 'watch ending', 'mommy make it stop' and 'Can I place an order for a ps3'.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Society said:
Want some rumours?

- n-space is hard at work with a timesplitters 2 killer
- Nintendo is close to securing the Tao Fang licence to go alone with other AAA fighters like SSBM, and Fighters Destiny.
- SETA will finally be releasing it's GT racer.
- Mario Studio will be built in to the OS. Players can make models for games, do some video editing, and redo sprites for retro games.
- Nintendo will release more gimmicky controllers, such as Mario Tennis racket, the Mario Gold club, and the Miyamoto banjo.
- Player will no longer have to hit the big red button to win games, they can now issue voice commands like 'reset', 'watch ending', 'mommy make it stop' and 'Can I place and order for a ps3'.


nintendo would never allow you to order a ps3 through the rev. please.


Society said:
Want some rumours?

- Player will no longer have to hit the big red button to win games, they can now issue voice commands like 'reset', 'watch ending', 'mommy make it stop' and 'Can I place an order for a ps3'.

There was a period after after E3 where I was bombarded by Miyamoto interviews, crazy rumors(like the 3D visor/emagin), speculation(complete with controller mockups), bloggers with a 'Deep Throat' complex, and photoshoped pictures out the wazoo. Though, for about these past two weeks, all of this has come to a screeching halt and everyone has gone quiet. Could it mean something big is about to happen? Like the calm before the storm? Or have people given up on playing the guessing game?

I would hope it means that people have realized that no one knows jack shit about the Revolution, and all the retarded rumors, controller mock-ups, and stupid, stupid, stupid speculation is kind of boring and more than a little pathetic. This level of completely ludicrous industry analysis hasn't taken place since the Dreamcast days, when morons like *** would dream up complicated scenarios explaining how Sega really isn't on death's door and the Dreamcast is a success.

I would be happy if there were no more Revolution threads until Nintendo announces something and, you know, there's actually something to talk about.
aoi tsuki said:
He could really benefit from Revolution's ass shading.

HDR lighting model at no hit to the GPU! REV Final ownage!

Nintendo Ate My Children said:
I would be happy if there were no more Revolution threads until Nintendo announces something and, you know, there's actually something to talk about.

And thus children, that was the day that Nintendo Ate My Children stopped clicking in Rev rumor threads. All was well with his world again.


Dot Hacked
My interest in it was never there and went down upon its unveiling. Thing looks ugly and weak. Plus there's no interesting games announced for it yet. Just more of the same~


Lindsay said:
My interest in it was never there and went down upon its unveiling. Thing looks ugly and weak. Plus there's no interesting games announced for it yet. Just more of the same~

Thank you for entering this thread, then.


Dot Hacked
That's pretty mean but c'mon. I don't ever troll. -_- There's no rumors or speculation because few people care and what we do know has been speculated on so much there isn't anything new to try and get out of it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
MaestroRyan said:
5nd party

omg teh bankrupt

you know if nintendo went the way of sega, they'd merge with the sega-sammy to create the most powerful arcade force known to mankind

EA Junior?


EA will buy Nintendo and will release yearly updates of all Mario (sport) games, to accompany the real life sportleagues Nintendo is planning to air, where people will wear suits of their favourite Nintendo characters. TEAM TOAD VERSUS TEAM KOOPA FORMULA ONE RACING SI TEH REVOLUTION
White Man said:
There's at least a dozen Revolution rumor/speculation threads a day. I've almost stopped coming to the gaming forum because of it. At least I could find some consolation in knowing that whatever Nintendo ends up showing off, their rabid idiot fanbase will have to apply psychological self-damage control to deal with the cognitive dissonance caused by the inability of REALITY to meet their expectations.

Honestly, does it ever occur to anyone that these 'rabid idiot' fans of which you speak might chill out a bit if you stopped calling them rabid idiots at the slightest provocation? I suggest you stay out of Nintendo threads and stop escalating the needless antagonism; Nintendo 'fanboys' and Nintendo 'haters' are just as bad as each other. Besides, needless Xbox360 and PS3 speculation is just as prevalent as useless Revolution chit-chat.

IMHO, to get back on topic, all three next-gen systems are equally uninteresting to me at this point. I'll be interested in the Revolution when we know something - anything - substantive about it at all. I'll be interested in the XBox360 when there is news of any game release that strikes my fancy (none so far). I'll be interested in the PS3 when they reveal some interesting titles that don't have ludicrously large roman numerals at the end. I reckon the speculation has died down for the same reason that none of my mates really care about next-gen at the moment: everything is mainly myth and random speculation, and pretty graphics mean nothing anyway if the games don't play well, and we won't know about that aspect for some time.


Revolution threads always attrack idiots saying just 'I WANT TO BELIEVE' because they think they'll earn respect from Nintendo-haters. It's good not having rev-threads anymore


Gold Member
I don't think that many people care anymore. There are a few people who are still going through old quotes to get more clues about the controller, but for most of the people, there is nothing there at all to speculate. And for what little there is, it's usually just bad news (no devkits, lesses power, no HD etc. etc.)

Revolution will be the first Nintendo console I won't be getting, at launch at least. It may be that I have grown up, or that Nintendo has changed, but I don't feel the love anymore. I was a hardcore Nintendo fanboy and even worked for Club Nintendo.

If Nintendo manages to put out a stellar lineup of first-party games, I'll be there. "Okay" stuff like Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart Double Dash and Wind Waker isn't going to cut it for me.
The revolution... better deliver or it will be the last Nintendo console...

For however odd the Nintendo DS is... some how that little handheld sells and sells... and they have a steady stream of unique games, unlike the woeful PSP game library of PS2 rehases.

So who knows Maybe Nintendo will have a clue and launch a console in Revolution that will get people excited. I hope so!


UK_Resistance said:
The revolution... better deliver or it will be the last Nintendo console...
*sigh* Nintendo = doomed.

I'm just so sick of rumors and speculation and shit. I'm just done. Done, finished with all this bullcrap. Done with all those retards claiming to be in the know on the 'Revolution'. Just stop and buy a PS2. Assholes.


Don´t hit me for my bad english plase
I am a Nintendo fan and I don´t need a new about Revolution every day, this situation with the next gen is ridiculous, you are saying that Nintendo is not giving information but Sony and Microsoft are giving now useless information that they could give on the X05 and the TGS instead of the E3 and all the techie parafernalia.


Nightbringer said:
I am a Nintendo fan and I don´t need a new about Revolution every day, this situation with the next gen is ridiculous, you are saying that Nintendo is not giving information but Sony and Microsoft are giving now useless information that they could give on the X05 and the TGS instead of the E3 and all the techie parafernalia.
I completely agree. Just because they're not releasing any info now doesn't mean doom for Nintendo. It's ridiculous. Just look at all the hype surrounding Xbox 360. That hype was completely useless. It's all about games. If you don't have good games, it's game over. The hype for Halo 2 for example is good. So, consoles IMO don't need hype or info at all, games do.


The difference is all the X360 and PS3 topics are discussing consoles that have actually been unveiled with specs and projected launches. Theyre discussing recent developments, news, deals, and so forth.

Revolution topics are based on fakes, reading into previous interviews to the point of destruction and just pure bullshit.

I know it must be hard to sit out of the next generation discussion, but until Nintendo actually enters into the Next gen arena with actual specs and announcements, it really is best if you all just hush up a bit.


Luckett_X said:
The difference is all the X360 and PS3 topics are discussing consoles that have actually been unveiled with specs and projected launches. Theyre discussing recent developments, news, deals, and so forth.

Revolution topics are based on fakes, reading into previous interviews to the point of destruction and just pure bullshit.

I know it must be hard to sit out of the next generation discussion, but until Nintendo actually enters into the Next gen arena with actual specs and announcements, it really is best if you all just hush up a bit.
Have there been actual PS3 specs revealed?


The Amiga Brotherhood
The speculation's been done to death, I'm pleased it's died off for the moment to be honest.

And I think Nintendo are doing the right thing by waiting to reveal everything at once, including the games. After all the non-games at E3 on 360/PS3 I'd much rather see playable games running off final/near-final hardware.

How much the games make use of it's 'revolutionary' features will be key. Whether they'd be impossible to do on anything else, if they are really different to what's currently available, or if it's just stuff we're used to with some extra fluff tagged on.


My friend who says his father is working at Ubi Soft sometimes says the Revolution is supercool and there will be a special event at the 21st september with an exclusive Final Fantasy for the Revolution (Crystal Chronicles too) and a time-exclusive version of Doom 4. Mario 128 too, he says it will blow the people away like Mario 64 and the moon landing.
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