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Scott Moffitt of NOA: Wii U is at a "Tipping Point" toward success


Neo Member

I know, its obviously kinect 2.0.


Smash Bros doesn't even have a release date yet. That shit is going to slip into February and Nintendo will have nothing for the holiday except shitty miiboat toys and Hyrule Worriers
This is what I read:

year of the PS3

Haha I forgot that was a thing. I hope Nintendo really learned a thing or two. As a Nintendo fan for the last two decades, it's been increasingly hard to root for them when they just keep making the same boneheaded mistakes and abandoning their core supporters. I hope that this recent E3 signifies the reawakening of a more hungry and competitive Nintendo


And what exact gaps does the PS4 / One not have?

Kinda different because Hyrule Warriors is basically the only significant retail release in the next three months for Wii U. PS4 has UFC, Madden, Diablo, PvZGW, TLOU, Destiny, NHL 15, and Fifa all releasing before Hyrule Warriors.
Smash Bros doesn't even have a release date yet. That shit is going to slip into February and Nintendo will have nothing for the holiday except shitty miiboat toys and Hyrule Worriers

doesnt work since smash is going to be the flagship title for amiibo


He's right, you couldn't honk a horn with anything but a button on the Xbox One or PS4...wait a minute...with Kinect you could honk an invisible virtual horn! And with the DS4 you could push the touchpad to honk a horn! Screw you, Scott Moffitt, and your "innovation"!
well its at least beating the PS4 in japan at the moment for what its worth. A lot of people would have laughed at the very idea of this happening a few month ago.

I laughed at that idea originally. It's crazy just how bad the PS4 is doing in Japan currently. That said, it's not like the WiiU beating the PS4 in 1 console declining region really means anything.
Kinda different because Hyrule Warriors is basically the only significant retail release in the next three months for Wii U. PS4 has UFC, Madden, Diablo, PvZGW, TLOU, Destiny, NHL 15, and Fifa all releasing before Hyrule Warriors.

Ill give you destiny but Diablo 3 is out on PC since March and TLOU is out on PS3 since last year.

Also i really cant get excited about the sports games...
I laughed at that idea originally. It's crazy just how bad the PS4 is doing in Japan currently. That said, it's not like the WiiU beating the PS4 in 1 console declining region really means anything.

it does, because there is a potent developer community in japan (which nintendo is now paying to make their first party titles) and the japanese spend a lot more money per title.
I'm glad Moffitt is optimistic, but looking at existing trends of major IP releases, Wii U will continue to be quite a long way from any definition of "success."


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Smash Bros doesn't even have a release date yet. That shit is going to slip into February and Nintendo will have nothing for the holiday except shitty miiboat toys and Hyrule Worriers

This isn't a real post is it? If it is, I am super stoked for the Hyrule Worriers game. Would love to just sit around Hyrule and stress out over the stuff going on around me.


well its at least beating the PS4 in japan at the moment for what its worth. A lot of people would have laughed at the very idea of this happening a few month ago.whats the gap to the next big PS4/Xbone game though?

That's only because the Japanese apparently won't buy hardware based on promises alone. Perhaps if we did that in the west, Sony wouldn't get away with their shitty system updates and near complete lack of exclusives in 2014. The Japanese, wiser than us all.
That's only because the Japanese apparently won't buy hardware based on promises alone. Perhaps if we did that in the west, Sony wouldn't get away with their shitty system updates and near complete lack of exclusives in 2014. The Japanese, wiser than us all.
i bought it based on promises and im pretty dissapointed :(.
That's only because the Japanese apparently won't buy hardware based on promises alone. Perhaps if we did that in the west, Sony wouldn't get away with their shitty system updates and near complete lack of exclusives in 2014. The Japanese, wiser than us all.

Japan is just mobile now.


I kinda think the Wii U is on the verge of becoming more successful than the Gamecube; not quite the level of the N64. Neither did all that hot but the Wii U is trending far worse at the moment...but I'm seeing a lot of signs of people's perception shifting. Or, not even "shifting" but finally forming. Up until recently a lot of people didn't even know what the hell the thing was. Those that did were mostly unimpressed. I'm thinking a lot of uninformed are now aware, and many unimpressed are starting to be a bit curious. I'm in that last category.

I'm never right about these things though. I hope I am, but Nintendo's gotta do a lot to to push it past the tipping point. Lowered price, a couple more exclusives, and anything else that could signal they're going full steam ahead with the Wii U going forward. Beyond Zelda. Beyond just the franchises we expect. My main hesitation for buying the Wii U at its current price and library (even though I feel both are better than the PS4, of which I gladly own) is the feeling that it won't be getting much more support from here on out. I really don'to want to own just a "Nintendo Box", much less one that does so poorly that it doesn't receive a lot of Nintendo franchises that are important to me (Metroid, F-Zero, Fire Emblem).


Based on the strong sales for Mario Kart over the last three weeks worldwide, the increase, albeit small, in Wii U sales in tandem, and the huge amount of positive buzz coming off of E3, I can totally see what he means.

They just have to actually push it. Don't let marketing die until Smash Bros, push the damn console so people know it exists.

Rösti;117275672 said:
I'm gonna wait til Nintendo's 74th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the June 27 and information revealed there (in forms of answers to the shareholders' questions) to see if they have the ambition and ammunition to actually make the Wii U tip over this year. I think Super Smash Bros. together with amiibo will be a tremendous success, but Wii U selling only a meager 60, 000 units due to the release of Mario Kart 8 is mildly worrying.

You do realise Mario Kart 8 was only available for two days in May, right?

WiiU hardware is profitable? Since when?

Iwata announced that last month.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Everyone ends up with having a Nintendo console. And this one is really good.

The tipping point was this June, I agree.


They are out of their minds if they actually believe what they are saying, WiiU is going to get obliterated in 2015.

GamePad as the only innovation this gen? Get out of here, if that was the only it means there wasn't any.

At least MS had the decency to give up on Kinect, Nintendo should do the same with the GamePad.

Nintendo is pure salt these days, that isn't going to help them.


I have to say it was great to actually see some copies of Mario kart selling last night at the store. I haven't seen this much interest in the platform since Christmas or launch.

I still think they need some type of price cut for Christmas with smash... They could have a solid Christmas, they'll definitely be going into 2015 with momentum and what appears to be a stronger line up.

I'm not averse to the idea of them turning this around to a certain point. Pricing for the system will be interesting to watch if they can get the system to second console/kid pick up friendly for parents. The platform has some tricks to try in the u.s. that may click. Consumers often surprise in how fast their tastes change.


Japan is just mobile now.

You'll never convince me that all of Japan just suddenly decided to stop playing console games. Their refusal to embrace the 360, Wii U, and PS4 just tells me that they're not willing to buy hardware for the sake of buying hardware. Once the PS4 starts getting big games that appeal to the Japanese market, I have no doubt they'll buy a PS4. Until that happens, I applaud them for raising their collective middle finger to Sony.
You'll never convince me that all of Japan just suddenly decided to stop playing console games. Their refusal to embrace the 360, Wii U, and PS4 just tells me that they're not willing to buy hardware for the sake of buying hardware. Once the PS4 starts getting big games that appeal to the Japanese market, I have no doubt they'll buy a PS4. Until that happens, I applaud them for raising their collective middle finger to Sony.

What is your problem with sony i have seen a few posts of yours like this ?


They should focus on converting 3DS users. I really don't get why this hasn't happend yet I mean they must be aware of Wii U at this point since it's everywhere you look: eShop, Direct, Miiverse; you just can't not be exposed to the console as someone who is a fan of their 1st party output on the handheld. Maybe they are waiting for a certain point to adopt, an ideal price and amount of games available so the idea of tipping point could be right.


What are the actual innovations of the GamePad?

-Touchscreen gaming is already mature in handheld devices.
-Remote play to a handheld is already available on the PS3, PS4, and PC.
-Asymmetric-control multiplayer was used on the Gamecube in games like Pacman Vs, Four Swords, and Crystal Chronicles.
-Smartglass (arguably reactionary to the WiiU) provides second-screen tertiary information.
Rösti;117275672 said:
I'm gonna wait til Nintendo's 74th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the June 27 and information revealed there (in forms of answers to the shareholders' questions) to see if they have the ambition and ammunition to actually make the Wii U tip over this year. I think Super Smash Bros. together with amiibo will be a tremendous success, but Wii U selling only a meager 60, 000 units due to the release of Mario Kart 8 is mildly worrying.

Everyone who says this forgets that MK8 charted on the NPD for 2 days, and of the ~375k sold, 6.6% were Wii U bundles (which, by my poor math skills, would end up ~1/3rd or more of that 60k in May).

June is where we'll see the majority of the MK8 bump, and the E3 bump, too. I don't expect it to outsell PS4 or Xbone, but I expect it to come in a solid third place with some numbers that will probably surprise you.
it does, because there is a potent developer community in japan (which nintendo is now paying to make their first party titles) and the japanese spend a lot more money per title.

If Nintendo is going to get a third party developer to make a game for them and they are footing the bill, it doesn't matter whether the system is doing well or not. Developers are not going to pass up money if it's independent of whether the game is a success or not. Forgive me if I don't quite see the point you're making here. Maybe further explain cause I'm not really seeing it.
Since the beginning of the fiscal year.

I thought that was just a misinterpretation of a tweet from Gibson over this answer from Iwata.

Iwata said:
With respect to the impact of Wii U hardware sales on profit and loss, in order to sell 3.60 million units, we have to produce some more hardware units on top of our current hardware inventory. However, since the loss arising due to the hardware production costs being higher than our trade price was taken into account in the previous fiscal year, you could assume that there will be almost no loss this fiscal year for the sales of the 3.60 million hardware units.


What is your problem with sony i have seen a few posts of yours like this ?

Feel free to PM me the offending posts, and I'll gladly point out to you how thin-skinned you're being.

They are out of their minds if they actually believe what they are saying, WiiU is going to get obliterated in 2015.

Agreed. The sheer number of exclusives and third party games that will never hit the Wii U in 2015 are going to be staggering.


Everyone who says this forgets that MK8 charted on the NPD for 2 days, and of the ~375k sold, 6.6% were Wii U bundles (which, by my poor math skills, would end up ~1/3rd or more of that 60k in May).

June is where we'll see the majority of the MK8 bump, and the E3 bump, too. I don't expect it to outsell PS4 or Xbone, but I expect it to come in a solid third place with some numbers that will probably surprise you.

Dream on, we have weekly numbers from Japan and we can clearly see the extend of MK8 effect on WiiU, its small temporary bump. Game sales are front loaded, June will probably be much better than a regular month for the WiiU but nothing that will change its situation.


What are the actual innovations of the GamePad?

-Touchscreen gaming is already mature in handheld devices.
-Remote play to a handheld is already available on the PS3, PS4, and PC.
-Asymmetric-control multiplayer was used on the Gamecube in games like Pacman Vs, Four Swords, and Crystal Chronicles.
-Smartglass (arguably reactionary to the WiiU) provides second-screen tertiary information.

It's low latency and how it integrates with the OS is unique too. Try using one.
Everyone who says this forgets that MK8 charted on the NPD for 2 days, and of the ~375k sold, 6.6% were Wii U bundles (which, by my poor math skills, would end up ~1/3rd or more of that 60k in May).

June is where we'll see the majority of the MK8 bump, and the E3 bump, too. I don't expect it to outsell PS4 or Xbone, but I expect it to come in a solid third place with some numbers that will probably surprise you.

That's a very reasonable prediction. I have absolutely no doubt that MK8 will bump the console in June and elevate its status quo. I'm personally taking fault with Moffitt's assumption that MK8 and company will "tip the console onto the success track."

That would require lifetime sales that are greater than the GameCube, and I really don't think the console can achieve those numbers at this point in the cycle.
Feel free to PM me the offending posts, and I'll gladly point out to you how thin-skinned you're being.

I just don't understand how a nation is "pointing the middle finger at sony" when NOTHING is selling at a reasonable pace in japan. We have media create threads and with your reasoning japan would be pointing the middle finger at every piece of hardware on the list.

Mobile has taken over the handheld and no one is interested in consoles anymore in japan.


Dream on, we have weekly numbers from Japan and we can clearly see the extend of MK8 effect on WiiU, its small temporary bump. Game sales are front loaded, June will probably be much better than a regular month for the WiiU but nothing that will change its situation.

Game sales are definitely front loaded. But at the end of May at Amazon US, Mario Kart was the 5th best selling game of the year. Since then it has continued to sell in great enough numbers to become the #1 selling game. No idea how that translates into console sales though since Amazon apparently refuses to stock Nintendo hardware.


I love the Wii U and have had it since launch. Everything is in place for a recovery, except for that price. It's just high enough to move it out of the impulse purchase range, in my opinion. If they could get down to $249 with MK8 by holiday, then maybe we're talking. Or maybe $299 with Smash Bros and an Amiibo or 2.


Dream on, we have weekly numbers from Japan and we can clearly see the extend of MK8 effect on WiiU, its small temporary bump. Game sales are front loaded, June will probably be much better than a regular month for the WiiU but nothing that will change its situation.
You drone on and on about how doomed Nintendo is constantly, but refuse to actually think logically about what you're posting. Japan is a region that is seeing a massive decline in console gaming. You can't use that as an example for the rest of the world.
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