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Senior Concept Artist at 'Naughty Dog' shares concept art inspired from upcoming game.

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ArtStation - The Women of North, Hyoung Nam

Hyoung Nam, Senior Concept Artist shares concept art inspired from their next game (Fantasy genre?) on ArtStation
Inspire from new game. You know what I'm talking about...



What are your thoughts guys?

EDIT: Thanks to ethomaz ethomaz for mentioning the description I had missed.
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Wow, 3 strong women wearing pants and wielding swords! they look strong just like men, women that look like men are cool wow!

i don't care what you play as, as long as the game is good. I like what I'm seeing setting wise. Looks like they are going oldschool fantasy. Which is new for Naughty Dog, and god imagine if this is a rpg?

With their animations? Shit hope combat is visceral with cool animations from different attacks/spells and imagine the animations for decapitating someone?


Gold Member
It could be pretty cool to see Naughty Dog do something drastically different from Uncharted and TLOU, so I'm on board!

Artwork itself is eh.. okay I guess. Nothing mindblowing.


Will probably be great and looks awesome.
Just hope its not gonna be full of butch women, yes history had plenty Sword wielding female warriors but take a chill pill Neil D.....
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Gold Member
Wasn't sure what to expect regarding the setting and theme. Clearly fantasy, so I'm down AF. Even more so, it's looking like a darker fantasy at that, at least from the look of this concept art. That's cool! We'll see where this goes!


Wow, 3 strong women wearing pants and wielding swords! they look strong just like men, women that look like men are cool wow!

Will probably be great and looks awesome.
Just hope its not gonna be full of butch women, yes history had plenty Sword wielding female warriors but take a chill pill Neil D.....
What’s the deal with some of you and women? How is it different than the majority of games having men lead them?
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Looks a bit more AC:V or Witcher 3 Skellige settings maybe the Sacrifice Girl Senua... getting a bit tired of.

What about the rumor of a futuristic game?
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
ND doing fantasy? About time. They're gonna have to pull something really interesting off though considering it's a ND game and you'll spend most of it not really playing a game, there's a lot of other fantasy shit people can go play instead.


What’s the deal with some of you and women?
I'm married, OK?
So a few minutes ago my wife walked in to show how cool she looks in Pamela Reif's sports outfit.
She looked very hot so I used that patriarchal-male-gaze thing.
Which she visibly enjoyed. (I know, it's gotta be internalized misogyny)

Now, there are people who have problem with that, in my opinion totally healthy, dynamic.
And for some reason we need "female vikings" and similar stuff that doesn't reflect on neither history, nor how most people of certain genders feel/want/have fantasies about, which, in itself, is neither a problem, unless someone outright bans everything else. Which, however, seems to be the case.

So having a white dude with a long sword is not cool, we absolutely need something else.

Well, I don't.

I also do not trust the folks who cry foul about "objectification". Not a single bit.

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Reminds me of an organic Horizon Zero Dawn without robots.
My thoughts too. Taking it on face value, which is pointless I know, I’d say potentially too similar.

What does interest me is the potential of them breaking the same formula. My gripe with ND games has been that the cover shooting mechanic telegraphed exactly what was going to happen in an area when you entered it.


Gold Member
Looks interesting. I don't think melee has stood out in any of their games so it's an interesting change of pace. I see can see it being a bit like Hellblade if I'm being honest. If every fight is just another one on one with close drawn camera I'm going to scream I think, lest we forget

However, they are branching out and challenging themselves so mad respect.


Intriguing. Seems they have been listening to my wishes since i was always saying that i'd like them to move away from their comfort zone and try something different like Fantasy.Very interested to learn and see more.
Not a big fan of those concepts though although kinda hard to judge if we don't know the context.
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