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Senior Concept Artist at 'Naughty Dog' shares concept art inspired from upcoming game.

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C'mon it's pretty obvious they intentionally butchered Abby's body. It looks completely unnatural and they clearly went out of their way to make it so.

I love the game and thought the character was great so I'm not really complaining but I will call a spade a spade. Abby's body looks weird as hell and they designed her that way. Ain't no accident.

Of course they made her look that way with intent lol. She goes through a transformation in the story. Young Abby isn't buff, then she gets jacked, and by the end shes lost all her muscle from starvation. Its part of her arc.
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Im as bored as rugged ugly “badass” women leads as much as I am generic male leads. Its coming across as trying too hard.

They probably wont have female chest plates because of of Neils love for Anita Sarkeesian....lol

If its good its good, I won’t complain. And I love ND games so will definitely buy either way, just saying its getting Boring

Do you notice the false equivalence between 'ugly women' and 'generic male?' One merely specifies the appearance, and the other focuses on the character itself in an aggregative manner. Just admit you only bother yourself with female characters that service your boner. Better to be honest than duplicitous.
But what's not subjective is the fact that these are well-crafted, life-like and memorable character models -- and maybe that scares you.


This bitch enjoys anal sex without lube, yes this type of women scares me.

And you're complaining about armpit hair in a post-apocalyptic world?
So shaving armpits are not realistic but this is? lol ok bro.


Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.

Of course they made her look that way with intent lol. She goes through a transformation in the story. Young Abby isn't buff, then she gets jacked, and by the end shes lost all her muscle from starvation. Its part of her arc.
yep, when you actually analyze the story she went through its quite tragic. She is as well as her physique is a product of Joel. If Joel didnt do what he did she would have no motivation to do what she did including getting in better shape to one day take Joel on and try to have an advantage instead of "luck" After that and she found Lev, she got new motivation to also move on and be more trusting, in the end it cost her almost everything she worked hard for, at least Ellie came to her senses eventually.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
What’s the deal with some of you and women? How is it different than the majority of games having men lead them?
IKR. A part of me is hoping that you can play as a male or female just because of how tiring people get with this crap


C'mon it's pretty obvious they intentionally butchered Abby's body. It looks completely unnatural and they clearly went out of their way to make it so.

I love the game and thought the character was great so I'm not really complaining but I will call a spade a spade. Abby's body looks weird as hell and they designed her that way. Ain't no accident.
Abby body is based in the CrossFit Colleen Fotsch, no?


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
ND doing fantasy? About time. They're gonna have to pull something really interesting off though considering it's a ND game and you'll spend most of it not really playing a game, there's a lot of other fantasy shit people can go play instead.
The Naughty Dog "no gameplay" post rears its head 🙄

I'm struggling to find these games where you watch most of it


Gold Member
I'm hoping halfway through we can switch playable characters and then kill the person they spent the first half talking about and making us like with a hockey stick
I'm totally okay with this. I miss fantasy games, and a bit tired of all the realistic or post-apocalyptical Sony games at this point. So if this is a bit more linear / fantasy epic game im all ok for that.


Nice , they need a new IP to develop....

TLOU 3 could be the last if released.
UNCHARTED has 1 or 2 games.

ND has to move now.


Looks interesting though slightly disappointing it's not Sci Fi.
Seems like they'd be moving away from shooting, at least partially (could still have bows and ranged magic), which could be interesting.

Hard to get excited though if it's another Druckmann game. Hopefully the Lost legacy team gets the lead on this.


I wish there were more female lead characters. I also wish they were allowed to be attractive and sexy. You know, like real life leading actresses are in movies and tv shows?

Only in games do women have to look like your average mall shopper. Yet J Law and Scar Jo sexy up the silver screen all the damn time. Even GOT had a ton of attractive women in it. A naughty dog fantasy game would be full of Brienne of Tarth characters dressed like nuns, or wearing "Male" armor.
You use the phrase 'real life'then immediately start talking about trashy Hollywood movies and TV shows. Maybe the people making the game want the character to look like real people rather than vapid airbrushed generic movie stars.


Wow, 3 strong women wearing pants and wielding swords! they look strong just like men, women that look like men are cool wow!
I take it you've never played Dungeons & Dragons.

In any case, looks more interesting than anything else they've done. I'm in, as long as they do cool gameplay for once.


Do you notice the false equivalence between 'ugly women' and 'generic male?' One merely specifies the appearance, and the other focuses on the character itself in an aggregative manner. Just admit you only bother yourself with female characters that service your boner. Better to be honest than duplicitous.

No I dont notice it lol and I couldnt give a fuck either about your opinion. Stop trying to be a smart ass and acting like calling a video game character ugly is like calling A real person ugly.

Lol you dont know me, sorry video game characters dont turn me. Like I said Im just tired of the forced narrative of female badasses that have to look like rugged tough butch women/men.... Alloy, Ellie, there all cool, I wouldnt say there attractive and it doesnt matter.
But when your studio Is constantly designing butch women and coming out and saying traditional women in video games are wrong I think its a bit boring, untrue and forceful.

Plus Ill buy this game either way, its just Same same character design
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Im as bored as rugged ugly “badass” women leads as much as I am generic male leads. Its coming across as trying too hard.

They probably wont have female chest plates because of of Neils love for Anita Sarkeesian....lol
Where are these “ugly badass” women lead games though and how many of them are there? There aren’t that many women lead games to begin with so I’m not sure how it’s becoming boring, I think it’s ridiculous and frankly tiresome to see people up in arms whenever a game has a woman lead that’s not eye candy.

If its good its good, I won’t complain
And this should be the end of it really, a game’s quality isn’t tied to the looks of the main character after all.


Where are these “ugly badass” women lead games though and how many of them are there? There aren’t that many women lead games to begin with so I’m not sure how it’s becoming boring, I think it’s ridiculous and frankly tiresome to see people up in arms whenever a game has a woman lead that’s not eye candy.

And this should be the end of it really, a game’s quality isn’t tied to the looks of the main character after all.

Its not about being eye candy. Its about making them look musclebound and samey. I wouldn’t call Ellie eye candy and she was great, I wouldnt call Alloy or Jesse Faden or the lady from Returnal eye candy either, all seem cool.

Its like I was Tired of characters looking like Marcus Fenix from Gears of war... it was getting boring as shit.

Its an opinion about the looks of the characters, its a forum. We’re allowed to like and dislike the look.
With Neil’s obsession with Anita’s way of thinking, you can tell what ND prefers to do, its no secret and its a bit lame and boring now.

Agreed, its not tied. Like I said I will buy anyway and probably love it.
Its like movies, I cant be arsed to watch them if the main character acts like Jason Shatham or “baddass” its really samey and repetitive to me.

Plus all I said at the start was lets not have loads of these type of characters in the game. Not I cant stand one and Im not buying It.
Overall it looks cool, all 3 of them.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
You use the phrase 'real life'then immediately start talking about trashy Hollywood movies and TV shows. Maybe the people making the game want the character to look like real people rather than vapid airbrushed generic movie stars.
Wow, that is a pretty hateful statement directed towards two women who work hard at their craft. Very disappointing to hear something like that from you.

I was talking about real life movie stars, that's why I said Real Life. Cuz you know, they exist, are nice to look at, and are allowed to lead movies!

Limiting video game characters to what a Midwesterner sees at the mall is boring. Now if you start talking about a college town Target I might be down. I live in a massive University town and our local targets are fucking cram packed with 8-10s like you wouldn't believe. Them target girls are just as hot as those vapid movie stars you hate so much as well!

Weird how that happens right? You know how, "Normal" women, who are not fat, are way better looking that Naughty Dog trolls. Its almost like Naughty Dog has an agenda...

The average woman is attractive btw.

Even the SJWPost has this up. Seeing that the average for every race is a 8 or 9 kinda destroys the narrative that "Real Women" are ugly like ND seems to think.
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Another thread turning into "I'm not saying I want sexy girls, it's just I can't stand real women" ?
It' really the same shit every time, every thread: some people see games with average women as a threat and see conspiracy everywhere: "SJW", "agenda", "unrealistic body", etc.

Reading some incredible bullshit like
Why is it every time that someone points out that it's hard to sit down and look at intentionally deformed, ugly characters with in-your-face unattractive features, someone has to run up and yell
and having this struggle in your life for something most of the people wouldn't care, means you have a problem, a problem a videogame site can't solve.

Solve your problem elsewhere.


Gold Member
It's nice enough clearly the work of a talented artist but it's pretty much like 99% of the fantasy art concepts you would find on Artstation or Concept art.org.

I'm of the opinion that concept artists need to neck more LSD, let's get some originality!
The problem with a lot of concept artists working in the videogames field is that they are all singing from the same song sheet, watching the same speed painting tutorials when starting out, playing the same games and watching the same films. It's become really boring.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Another thread turning into "I'm not saying I want sexy girls, it's just I can't stand real women" ?
It' really the same shit every time, every thread: some people see games with average women as a threat and see conspiracy everywhere: "SJW", "agenda", "unrealistic body", etc.

Reading some incredible bullshit like

and having this struggle in your life for something most of the people wouldn't care, means you have a problem, a problem a videogame site can't solve.

Solve your problem elsewhere.
Because I like attractive women I have a problem? LOL, you know how I deal with this horrible debilitating problem I have? I don't buy games with bullshit I don't like in them. :D

I don't sugar coat it either, cuz I don't care what you think about me. I prefer leads in the media I consume to be attractive. If they aren't I usually lose interest unless is something with an incredible story.

I am glad I have this affliction though, because it lead me my awesome and beautiful wife. Maybe I should have settled for less sooner?

Nah.... but fuck me for liking pretty people right?
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No I dont notice it lol and I couldnt give a fuck either about your opinion. Stop trying to be a smart ass and acting like calling a video game character ugly is like calling A real person ugly.

Lol you dont know me, sorry video game characters dont turn me. Like I said Im just tired of the forced narrative of female badasses that have to look like rugged tough butch women/men.... Alloy, Ellie, there all cool, I wouldnt say there attractive and it doesnt matter.
But when your studio Is constantly designing butch women and coming out and saying traditional women in video games are wrong I think its a bit boring, untrue and forceful.

Plus Ill buy this game either way, its just Same same character design
I mean, it depends on the setting. In a realistic setting like TLOU, having your female characters modelled like 2B or Lara Croft is just downright incongruous. It only works in fantastical settings. And why do 'butch' women irritate you so? We've had decades of slim, attractive females, and now that we have a couple of games that break the mold you consider this a concoction of a 'narrative?' What if it's just the way the developers wanted to craft the character, irrespective of the political climate? What about the narrative that female badasses can only be roguish, femme fatale, skintight spandex-clad supermodels? What gives your 'narrative' precedence over the one you're fighting against?

This speaks nothing about my own preferences. I really do like having attractive females in my games as I am a hot-blooded male, but I'm merely testing your argumentation.


Because I like attractive women I have a problem?
Nobody gives a fuck who you like.
Who/What you like is not important, not a standard, so not a reason to denigrate something different according to questionable personal tastes.

What's the point to hijack threads 1000 times to let everybody know how much some people hate games without sexy girls?


I knew that by the third page the sexual attractiveness of polygons would be a topic of discussion.

Seems like an unnecessary burden, especially when you consider that the characters "In game" aren't actually real.
We've had decades of slim, attractive females, and now that we have a couple of games that break the mold you consider this a concoction of a 'narrative?' What if it's just the way the developers wanted to craft the character, irrespective of the political climate?
It's not"just the way", people are pushed in that direction, now they could also agree with it, and whoever is the art director decides what is in and out of the game...

On the other hand Japanese developers definitely get censored.

Anyway, I don't see why they didn't show her panties, even a little bit, it would have been nice 🤷.
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I mean, it depends on the setting. In a realistic setting like TLOU, having your female characters modelled like 2B or Lara Croft is just downright incongruous. It only works in fantastical settings. And why do 'butch' women irritate you so? We've had decades of slim, attractive females, and now that we have a couple of games that break the mold you consider this a concoction of a 'narrative?' What if it's just the way the developers wanted to craft the character, irrespective of the political climate? What about the narrative that female badasses can only be roguish, femme fatale, skintight spandex-clad supermodels? What gives your 'narrative' precedence over the one you're fighting against?

This speaks nothing about my own preferences. I really do like having attractive females in my games as I am a hot-blooded male, but I'm merely testing your argumentation.

I really haven’t thought about it too much. TBH the designs looks cool all I said was I hope its not full of butch women because thats the direction ND seems to have been going. Just like I get bored with loads of male characters looking and acting the same, from main Final Fantasy characters, people trying to rip off Drake from Uncharted or Gears having everyone built like Marcus Fenix etc


Awesome designs. This is a game I want to know more about. At the same time, I can't help but feel like they are trying to shove "woke" down my throat. Now, you could make the argument that I only feel this way, because I'm so used to having straight, white, male protagonists, but I'm not sure it's that simple.

Either way, I think they're a great studio and it is certainly exciting to catch a glimpse of what may be their next game. Thanks for posting.


Wow, that is a pretty hateful statement directed towards two women who work hard at their craft. Very disappointing to hear something like that from you.

I was talking about real life movie stars, that's why I said Real Life. Cuz you know, they exist, are nice to look at, and are allowed to lead movies!

Limiting video game characters to what a Midwesterner sees at the mall is boring. Now if you start talking about a college town Target I might be down. I live in a massive University town and our local targets are fucking cram packed with 8-10s like you wouldn't believe. Them target girls are just as hot as those vapid movie stars you hate so much as well!

Weird how that happens right? You know how, "Normal" women, who are not fat, are way better looking that Naughty Dog trolls. Its almost like Naughty Dog has an agenda...

The average woman is attractive btw.

Even the SJWPost has this up. Seeing that the average for every race is a 8 or 9 kinda destroys the narrative that "Real Women" are ugly like ND seems to think.
The average woman is attractive based on your own opinions. And just because you don't consider Abby attractive doesn't mean other people don't. What one man considers a 10/10, another may judge them a 7. I personally don't consider Abby's face particularly unattractive or attractive. I'm more in the middle. I'm with you on the fact that realistic women in videogames don't have to be 'ugly' and whatnot - that's just an absurd notion - but they don't have to be insanely hot supermodels like Lara Croft to be worth a damn. What's the point in gatekeeping female characters based on their sexual appeal? Can't you judge them on a narrative note first and then by any extraneous details later? Niko from GTA 4 ain't that handsome but I don't recall anyone giving a damn.

And your anecdotal samples might look attractive to you, sure, but do they suffer trauma and extreme ongoing stress? Because that can weather a person's looks. Are their bodies fit for climbing and general athleticism? I wager not - they probably field a diet of milkshakes and pastries. Do they live in a post-apocalyptic world surrounded by para-militants who give more of a fuck about surviving than looking good? What about access to good makeup and fashionable clothes?

Yes, your local Target lass may look fetching now, but give her a year in TLOU's world, and you might think differently.
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