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Senior Concept Artist at 'Naughty Dog' shares concept art inspired from upcoming game.

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i like the two firsts.
the female take on Geralt feel forced and unnecessary.
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I'm married, OK?
So a few minutes ago my wife walked in to show how cool she looks in Pamela Reif's sports outfit.
She looked very hot so I used that patriarchal-male-gaze thing.
Which she visibly enjoyed. (I know, it's gotta be internalized misogyny)

Now, there are people who have problem with that, in my opinion totally healthy, dynamic.
And for some reason we need "female vikings" and similar stuff that doesn't reflect on neither history, nor how most people of certain genders feel/want/have fantasies about, which, in itself, is neither a problem, unless someone outright bans everything else. Which, however, seems to be the case.

So having a white dude with a long sword is not cool, we absolutely need something else.

Well, I don't.

I also do not trust the folks who cry foul about "objectification". Not a single bit.

Ok, so Neil is a SJW, whatever

Is your wife bothered to play as a man in a lot of games?

So why should you be bored to play as a woman in some games?

"Its not realistic" this will be a fantasy game with dragons, ffs

I get your complaint when it affects real history, like that example from Assassins Creed Origins. But this is not the case, so if they want to make a game world with only women, its on them.

Did players complained about 2B in Nier Automata? Or as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider?


Gold Member
I don't care about how "sexy" the characters are, I just think these designs are boring honestly. Nothing interesting about this whatsoever to me. Here's hoping I'm wrong.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Looks interesting. I don't think melee has stood out in any of their games so it's an interesting change of pace. I see can see it being a bit like Hellblade if I'm being honest. If every fight is just another one on one with close drawn camera I'm going to scream I think, lest we forget

However, they are branching out and challenging themselves so mad respect.

Think of the melee combat in tloup2 but with swords, the new dodge mechanic etc


Ok, so Neil is a SJW, whatever
I don't give a fuck and it's not about a single person out there somewhere at all.

Is your wife bothered to play as a man in a lot of games?
My wife didn't bother to play a lot of games to begin with.
She played WoW of all that I'd call gaming.
Oh, and neither bothered my daughter.
Being able to create a girly avatar was important to her, in what she played (which was mostly stuff like sims)

So why should you be bored to play as a woman in some games?
Nobody should be forced to play as anything.
I don't mind there being games I don't like either.
What I object is a bunch of hypocritical #taliban minded assholes censoring the hell out of gaming.
And don't pretend it's not a thing. From the embarrassing takes on clothing in MK, to all the mobbing of Kingdom Come: D.

"Its not realistic" this will be a fantasy game with dragons, ffs
I realize that there is that tribe vs tribe thing, but I would appreciate if you wouldn't put words into my mouth.

I would probably enjoy playing as the first two in the OP, but quite unlikely with the 3rd.
And it's not about visuals only, there was nothing to complain about the looks of Ellie in TLOU, but I was annoyed when playing her.


Halley Gross apparently one time actually recently posted on her Instagram story a Fantasy book and said "Research."

So I'm totally down for this since it'll be ps5 only and it'll be naughty dogs first new big game without any guns in it! Bring it on! Dark Fantasy from this will be quite different
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Gold Member
If they make something more arcade for the gameplay, the combat in tlou2 for the melee is too slow and clunky to be used against 3-4 agile enemies or a fucking dragon.

It's great for the type of game tlou2 is, but not for something like this.


Would be elite if Naughty Dog did like a Game Of Thrones-y type Action/Adventure/Fantasy RPG game.
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Those are obviously rough sketches, and generic fantasy looking. We'd need to see more to make a judgment. Could be good though.


What’s the deal with some of you and women? How is it different than the majority of games having men lead them?

Do not take seriously an account that seems a parody, the dude not want ugly women in video games ..... i mean it has a photo of an anime series that was about a romantic story in the 90's. I mean, you must have personality man
Why the fuck do u play games to be attracted to polygons?

What is wrong with y'all? I knew before opening this thread that ya weirdos would already be crying about a female concept art.. lol.. not everyone wants to pander to you, sorry snowflakes!
Why is it every time that someone points out that it's hard to sit down and look at intentionally deformed, ugly characters with in-your-face unattractive features, someone has to run up and yell
Every game doesn't have to have gacha waifus but goddamnit if you're going to waste time modelling and texturing skanky armpit hair on Lesbians and anal dry sex in LOU2 and forcibly show it on camera, I'm gonna get disgusted 10 times out of 10 and complain about it.


Fantasy game without guns makes sense. Probably tired of making TPS. Similar thing happened with Guerrilla and SP changing genres.


Gold Member
Why is it every time that someone points out that it's hard to sit down and look at intentionally deformed, ugly characters with in-your-face unattractive features, someone has to run up and yell
Every game doesn't have to have gacha waifus but goddamnit if you're going to waste time modelling and texturing skanky armpit hair on Lesbians and anal dry sex in LOU2 and forcibly show it on camera, I'm gonna get disgusted 10 times out of 10 and complain about it.

Several of those characters you posted are captured off of real-life women. Debra Wilson in particular catches my eye. Why is it that you're complaining that they're using Debra Wilson's image for Cere Junda rather than yours for Greez Dritus?
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Gold Member
It would be interesting to see Naughty Dog attempt an open world game rather than a linear one. They've attempted to expand with some of their games but they're not quite the same.
I don't care. Give me gameplay.

It could be pretty cool to see Naughty Dog do something drastically different from Uncharted and TLOU, so I'm on board!

Artwork itself is eh.. okay I guess. Nothing mindblowing.
Drastically? UC and TLOU are very similar mechanically.
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Gold Member
Looks interesting. I don't think melee has stood out in any of their games so it's an interesting change of pace. I see can see it being a bit like Hellblade if I'm being honest. If every fight is just another one on one with close drawn camera I'm going to scream I think, lest we forget

However, they are branching out and challenging themselves so mad respect.

I HATE close-drawn camera. Had to edit the .in file for hellblade on PC to make the game playable.

For third person shooters it's fine, but third person action-rpg games should not have the same camera. If you add lock-in, it negates the need for that camera style.


Why is it every time that someone points out that it's hard to sit down and look at intentionally deformed, ugly characters with in-your-face unattractive features, someone has to run up and yell
Every game doesn't have to have gacha waifus but goddamnit if you're going to waste time modelling and texturing skanky armpit hair on Lesbians and anal dry sex in LOU2 and forcibly show it on camera, I'm gonna get disgusted 10 times out of 10 and complain about it.

Did we play the same game? These are incredibly well-crafted, realistic detailed character models much of which are based/inspired by real people. And part of being realistic is that they are not visually 100% attractive like most humans. They have uncanny humanistic flaws like butt-chins and that's part of the appeal. I can only wish that more AAA realistic games would put this amount of detail and effort into making character models memorable.

And anyway, "good looking" women is subjective.

But what's not subjective is the fact that these are well-crafted, life-like and memorable character models -- and maybe that scares you.



I'm not even remotely into the whole waifu/I need to wanna fuck my female character thing but Abby was a mixed bag in terms of attractiveness.

I think we can all agree her body was pretty mangled up but her face was pretty cute sometimes.

People exaggerate how bad looking she is - face wise at least.

I think intentionally making women unattractive is no better than making them jerk off material.

As for this new art, doesn't really do anything to stand out and I'm not really a massive fan of the setting.

When they show the actual game hopefully it'll blow me away.
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Why is it every time that someone points out that it's hard to sit down and look at intentionally deformed, ugly characters with in-your-face unattractive features, someone has to run up and yell
Every game doesn't have to have gacha waifus but goddamnit if you're going to waste time modelling and texturing skanky armpit hair on Lesbians and anal dry sex in LOU2 and forcibly show it on camera, I'm gonna get disgusted 10 times out of 10 and complain about it.

Or maybe give developers the freedom to model their characters however they please? Why do you think that a character's appearance is supposed to be some subliminal statement about politics or 'wokeness?' At most, it's simply a manifestation of the setting and the character's history, nothing more. Of course, it's evident that having attractive characters lead to increased investment in players - just look at real life, in fact - but no one complains about GTA protagonists and their comparatively unflattering looks when compared to Shepard. In the end, characterization is the sole hallmark of what makes or breaks a character; looks are just a welcome fractional.

And you're complaining about armpit hair in a post-apocalyptic world?


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Agreed. Icky girls should not be in video games
I wish there were more female lead characters. I also wish they were allowed to be attractive and sexy. You know, like real life leading actresses are in movies and tv shows?

Only in games do women have to look like your average mall shopper. Yet J Law and Scar Jo sexy up the silver screen all the damn time. Even GOT had a ton of attractive women in it. A naughty dog fantasy game would be full of Brienne of Tarth characters dressed like nuns, or wearing "Male" armor.
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What’s the deal with some of you and women? How is it different than the majority of games having men lead them?

Im as bored as rugged ugly “badass” women leads as much as I am generic male leads. Its coming across as trying too hard.

They probably wont have female chest plates because of of Neils love for Anita Sarkeesian....lol

If its good its good, I won’t complain. And I love ND games so will definitely buy either way, just saying its getting Boring
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I'm not even remotely into the whole waifu/I need to wanna fuck my female character thing but Abby was a mixed bag in terms of attractiveness.

I think we can all agree her body was pretty mangled up but her face was pretty cute sometimes.

People exaggerate how bad looking she is - face wise at least.

I think intentionally making women unattractive is no better than making them jerk off material.

How do you finger the intentions behind the appearance of a female character? A character not being conventionally attractive does not necessarily equate with being purposefully made ugly.


How do you finger the intentions behind the appearance of a female character? A character not being conventionally attractive does not necessarily equate with being purposefully made ugly.

C'mon it's pretty obvious they intentionally butchered Abby's body. It looks completely unnatural and they clearly went out of their way to make it so.

I love the game and thought the character was great so I'm not really complaining but I will call a spade a spade. Abby's body looks weird as hell and they designed her that way. Ain't no accident.
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