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Shadow of the Tomb Raider |OT| Welcome to the Jungle


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Really liked rise. Hoping this one is just as good.
Its better than Rise, I've continuously played it so far which is a good sign as I took a year break with Rise.
Still the series does have a long way to go and definitely needs a change in art direction,Skulls and bones and the whole dead body everywhere business is redundant.
And it's about time Lara went to more extravagant Tombs with real importants to the game.


Still the series does have a long way to go and definitely needs a change in art direction,Skulls and bones and the whole dead body everywhere business is redundant.
I know what you mean.

Some of my favourite locations in previous TR games were Area 51, Aldwych Station/London Underground and Tintagel/Cornwall. All very atmospheric.


I know what you mean.

Some of my favourite locations in previous TR games were Area 51, Aldwych Station/London Underground and Tintagel/Cornwall. All very atmospheric.

Indeed, aka levels in which complex traversal, key retrieval, visual memory (remembering where everything is) & puzzle solving was the meat & bones. The occasional enemy encounters were simply there to deplete Lara medkit supply (& thus encourage more exploration). Tomb Raider lost its identity & the excuse given (aka "Crystal Dynamics must sell to the dumb masses who want shootbang!") is an insult to Tomb Raider's identity.

People aren't stupid. The sooner game developers realize that, the better. The reaction to a dumbed-down product is rarely enthusiastic, yet game companies continue to do exactly that. Usually through fear & their own lack of talent (choosing the easiest option via copying the competition, in this instance Uncharted).


just did the young Lara sequence, wow, that was really good.

its def the most tomb-heavy of the reboots. its all about exploring and light puzzle solving. the art design is beyond gorgeous. loving the jungles.


i just unlocked First Blood. discovered the joys of covering yourself in mud and then hiding against a mud wall then firing off a stray arrow or two for attention and using stealth Rambo takedowns on these the mercs. this is so awesome, it's such a fun game mechanic to use. Lara is a stone cold killer like Big Boss and it's so rad they went in this direction. the stealth sections are now way cooler than ever before. so far im liking this the most out of the three games.

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this 3rd game really feels like they took all the best stuff from the 2 reboot games and tried to do a more classic style Tombs-and-Rambo-Lara finale. the environments are wonderful. the crafting is gratifying. a very good send-off if this is the end of a trilogy!


Is it just me or have the death sequences been changed since the last patch?

It seems like now whenever you fall into a pit and get her impaled, the screen goes very dark immediately and you can barely see the death sequence, and it cuts out much faster than before.


Neo Member
Is it just me or have the death sequences been changed since the last patch?

It seems like now whenever you fall into a pit and get her impaled, the screen goes very dark immediately and you can barely see the death sequence, and it cuts out much faster than before.
May be this is due to polygon them complaining about lara voilent death.
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i still have not seen anything worst than the darkened impaled by spikes scene. which doesn't have any gore, it's just the standard model placed inside of a model of spikes. it is hardly gorey. tbh most of my deaths are falling deaths. i tumble down into an abyss, i don't even see her as she hits the ground far below and presumably explodes or something. or i see her fall into water, struggle to swim briefly, then slam into some rocks. no blood, no gore. again, what is the problem?

meanwhile i can shoot an arrow into somebody's head. i can brain somebody in the back of the skull in a mini-cutscene with a mountain-class pickaxe.

also as a British imperialist i can infiltrate a sacred South American temple and murder dozens of natives wearing full war paint and spears, one at a time, in cold blood. when this game came out journalists were saying it was self aware and admitted Lara is kind of shitty but i haven't seen any of that self awareness. on the other hand, i just found out the natives are supposed to be speaking unique languages and that they have an English dub in place by default. where is the studio based that made this game? feels very old fashioned in a lot of ways.


enjoying the story stuff in Paititi. they gave me a metallic skull & green costume so i could pass for... something. lol. these South American style tombs are the best, i was chilling in a place earlier that had tons of ornate gold carvings everywhere.
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Does anyone else here have a 2080ti? I'm getting horrible frame rates in the city in the beginning, even when I switch to 1080p. I'm going to guess it's a driver problem? Every other game I've tried gets frames similar to review benchmarks except Witcher 3 which has a known bug with the current driver. I suppose I should wait for the RTX features to play it anyway.

Edit: figured out the problem. The power profile in windows was set to "high performance" instead of "ultimate performance" (no idea why this matters or where that profile came from) or changing to the profile set something else that matters. Guess this game is the most demanding I tried so it was the only one where the extra perf mattered. Still runs slower than desired in the city but is playable
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Neo Member
I played this game the day it came out as early release. I had the Croft version, so I’m not sure how difficult it was to unlock outfits, but the game was really glitchy overall. It was the same old story, and I didn’t like the grindiness of side quests, especially because the game is excruciatingly difficult without doing the extras. Other than that, the research done for this was phenomenal. The addition of languages and side quests that explored issues the area was facing was a good idea. Props to the historians they went to for helping mix reality with fantasy.


aww sneaking by these little jungle sets of heavily armed dudes is making me nostalgic for MGS3. they really stepped it up with the stealth on this third entry. it is a lot of fun to draw attention with arrows and take out guards one by one, hiding in some underbrush or against a mud wall. having this option makes the combat a lot more inventive.

i always find myself unable to pick most things up. my inventory is full for all the random stuff you pick up in the world. berries and wood and boxes and crates and all the random shit you pick up laying around. should i be crafting things? i already upgrade my weapons but there is so much of this stuff laying around lol.
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aww sneaking by these little jungle sets of heavily armed dudes is making me nostalgic for MGS3. they really stepped it up with the stealth on this third entry. it is a lot of fun to draw attention with arrows and take out guards one by one, hiding in some underbrush or against a mud wall. having this option makes the combat a lot more inventive.

i always find myself unable to pick most things up. my inventory is full for all the random stuff you pick up in the world. berries and wood and boxes and crates and all the random shit you pick up laying around. should i be crafting things? i already upgrade my weapons but there is so much of this stuff laying around lol.

I keep half my stock for crafting and sell the other half to vendors to purchase upgrades and outfits.


i still have not seen anything worst than the darkened impaled by spikes scene. which doesn't have any gore, it's just the standard model placed inside of a model of spikes. it is hardly gorey. tbh most of my deaths are falling deaths. i tumble down into an abyss, i don't even see her as she hits the ground far below and presumably explodes or something. or i see her fall into water, struggle to swim briefly, then slam into some rocks. no blood, no gore. again, what is the problem?

meanwhile i can shoot an arrow into somebody's head. i can brain somebody in the back of the skull in a mini-cutscene with a mountain-class pickaxe.

also as a British imperialist i can infiltrate a sacred South American temple and murder dozens of natives wearing full war paint and spears, one at a time, in cold blood. when this game came out journalists were saying it was self aware and admitted Lara is kind of shitty but i haven't seen any of that self awareness. on the other hand, i just found out the natives are supposed to be speaking unique languages and that they have an English dub in place by default. where is the studio based that made this game? feels very old fashioned in a lot of ways.

Keep in mind that Lara is Helping one faction fight another, she's not just doing this without sanction. This actually fits in with Original Lara being a Tomb Raider for hire (Even if she only played for sport).
Loving the game more than the previous ones! The game looks great on X!



I keep half my stock for crafting and sell the other half to vendors to purchase upgrades and outfits.

yeah turns out i was near the end of the game! like 20 minutes after i wrote that i was presented with the point of no return. kind of crept up on me tbh. time to go back an look through everything i missed.
Im loving the game. My only complaint is that this game is very dark. Yes..."shadow" of the tomb raider. I mean i like the fact that it is realistic, if you are way deep underground theres barely anything to see without light. Problem is Lara seems to use her flashlight seldomly...like if there is a chance you can at least see your silluet, she wont use it. Its sometimes hard to navigate around the cave cuz i cant see shit so I have to crank up the brightness.

As i said its realistic and the theme but i feel the game is so beautiful but you cant really appreciate all areas cuz they are so dark.


yeah this was an issue for me too. Rise worked because she always had that light stick on, it feels like she just forgets to turn it on half the time in this game.


Managed to pick a copy of this up quite cheap for Xbox and I’m playing it on an X (4K HDR).

I’ve played an hour so far and wow, this is one of the best looking console games that I’ve ever seen.
Does this game ever get good? I loved Rise and 2013, but this has been tedious and boring so far. I can't even remember where I am in the game. Past the flood cut scene is all I really know.
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How did they fuck this game up so bad? The first two reboots were great, semi-open world, adventure games. Now they are trying to copy Naughty Dog with their "story telling" method. Walk and talk with Jonah, who has no personality and generally gets in the way. I never finished RE5 for this reason, dumbass AI buddy just getting in the way. That's one thing Naughty Dog got right, even though it looks ridiculous in TLOU for example when Ellie is running at full clip into enemies while you're stealthing, but at least she wasn't a burden. I just got to some little village and Laura's like, "well Jonah, you have the day off now to court the local babe" which should have had some kind of wink wink,sly smile to it, but Laura has the emotional range of an android with Botox injections. It's a shame, because the graphics are gorgeous and the game controls well, but they didn't animate it very well. Also, Laura's new face looks like an alien.The developers should add some side story about how Laura's addicted to plastic surgery, then in the next game, she can look like Joan Rivers.


It's true they censored the game because of SJW press? Lara can butcher hundred of mens but can't be impaled?


Gold Member
I'm probably a bit over halfway through. I think it's a good game. I'm liking it better than Rise of the Tomb Raider. Several reasons: 1) There is a lot more emphasis on stealth, which is an improvement over RoTR's heavy emphasis on combat. 2) It's a very dark game visually, and although I had my doubts about that, it's a nice change of pace for Tomb Raider. 3) I'm also playing it differently than RoTR, taking more time to do the challenge tombs and side content (whereas with RoTR, I pretty much plowed through the main quest). 4) I also appreciate that they give you separate difficulty settings for combat, exploration, and puzzles. I've got puzzle difficulty set to easy, because although I enjoy the puzzles, I don't like getting stuck on them for too long.

I don't have any major complaints, but in terms of negatives, I'd say the story is gobbledygook, although that wasn't a surprise, and the side missions have been hit or miss, a bit glitchy at times.


my mrs suggested i pick up all three of these in the sales...

played the original reboot back in the day and havent done rise....

whats the opinion on that one?


Gold Member
my mrs suggested i pick up all three of these in the sales...

played the original reboot back in the day and havent done rise....

whats the opinion on that one?

I found Rise pretty ordinary. The story and dialog were pretty bad, and there was an awful lot of shootey shootey for a TR game. Plenty of cinematic action setpieces, which was cool, but ... I don't know, the game just didn't impress me that much. However, I should qualify my opinion and say that, because I thought the story and characters were so crappy, I just pushed through the main quest to "get it over with," so to speak. I probably would've had a better time, had I spent more time doing the challenge tombs.
my mrs suggested i pick up all three of these in the sales...

played the original reboot back in the day and havent done rise....

whats the opinion on that one?

Personally, I think Rise was the better game. If you like the reboot, I imagine you should like it. It has improvements to the combat and gameplay(like running) and looks great even to this day. They did get rid of the online mode, but I think 4% of the world actually cared about that.


I played the demo the other day and it was exactly the game I thought it would be.

It's polished from a graphical POV and from a general gameplay/control one too. But the game lacks authenticity of the great Tomb Raider name.

Forced narrative, forced tension, weak characterisations, big explosions, bigger explosions, set piece after set piece on a linear rail so linear it makes Uncharted feel like an open world game.

The first of the reboots was a decent game if not what I wanted from a TR game. Rise got worse and now, from the demo at least, it appears Shadow has followed the downward path.

Certainly the demo hasn't convinced me to buy the game even at £25 in the Xmas sales. Maybe at £19.99 I'll take a punt finally.

Sorry fans of it. Just my opinion. :)
Sitting through the credits now, definitely enjoyed most of this game but I completely lost track of the story and had no idea what anyone was doing nor did I care lol the puzzle tombs and underwater sections were great, combat stealth was improved mainly because now you can cover your self in mud and stand against walls, the close quarters combat is still terrible and the aiming just isn't as good as other TPS's, and because of that the last boss fight was extremely frustrating! Hope the next one is more 90's TR 😁


Been playing this on and off for about a month now, and its just super dissapointing to me. I loved Rise and the reboot, but this just annoys me. Annoying constant puzzles, very little action, and the game crashes for me a lot on PC, something the other 2 never did for me. I get alot of graphical glitches as well like Lara's hair and bow scitzoing out.
I dont know, i mean i know a lot of old school fans wanted a bit less action and a bit more puzzles, but i think the devs went way too far.


Gold Member
Been playing the game in 3D on my C6 OLED and it's pretty awesome. It has native 3D support like the other games and they once again did a great job.

I'm also a little tired of all the "puzzles" and not enough action. They never found the right balance between them.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
So I just finished this game and earned the Platinum trophy. I'll say it straight up. This was an excellent game' although the platforming left a lot to be desired at times.

It's really a shame this wasn't released with more fanfare as it was clear that a lot of effort went into it.

My issue with the puzzles is that they weren't always well designed and it was often very confusing what you were trying to do, let alone how to do it. Not to mention in climbing far too often a button press wouldn't even register and Lara would fall to her death.
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Nope. I stopped after an hour. Still waiting on RTX and haven't seen a significant update on it since the original reveal. It gets asked about on the Nvidia Reddit like 10x a week.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Ill be excited about ray tracing patch if the performance isn't god awful. If I can get 1440p and 60 fps with it on my 2080 Ill be giddy!


I played the demo the other day and it was exactly the game I thought it would be.

I'm just about to play the demo (on ps4) as well. They need to really make these demos easier to find because it's not actually on the demo page of the ps store, but instead it's on the game page itself. So I would bet many people don't even know it exists. But, kudos to them for even releasing a demo because it shows they trust their product (it also shows the game didn't sell so well either).
Nope. I stopped after an hour. Still waiting on RTX and haven't seen a significant update on it since the original reveal. It gets asked about on the Nvidia Reddit like 10x a week.
When graphics are more important than a fun game............
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