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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey The Official Thread of Minion and Demonica


Archie said:
Question about alignment:

I'm law right now but I want to go neutral. Can I give a few chaos responses and nudge it back so that I can be neutral at the endgame?

Potentially, yes.
There is a moment where your alignment is cemented, but it's not until late in the game and you'll definitely know it when you see it.


Second-rate Anihawk
Cool, thanks. I just hit (HUGE spoiler)
Zombie Gore who wanted me to take over the world blablabla and I agreed and it bumped me back to neutral


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
NichM said:
For those who got a bad burn of the soundtrack (which sounds like nearly everyone), the fix is in. Keep the cardboard sleeve, because that isn't part of the replacement program.
Mine works but I was curious to know why you guys chose .wav files. Any reason?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
NichM said:
See, that's yours not working. It's supposed to be a standard audio CD.
:eek:. Wow... I just put it in my mac and ripped and then converted the files. How bizarre. Well at least I can enjoy the music in the meantime. Thanks, Nich.


NichM said:
For those who got a bad burn of the soundtrack (which sounds like nearly everyone), the fix is in. Keep the cardboard sleeve, because that isn't part of the replacement program.

Thanks for the free CD, suckers!
Just kidding. I never miss a SMT game. Love Atlus!


I can't recall the last time I listened to music on a device that was actively reading the disc. I'm perfectly content with my .wavs. Still, nice of Atlus to do this. They also saved the guides from us sweaty-palmed Demon's Souls players.
This game is too awesome. Great monsters, fun sci-fi trappings, slick presentation. I love the self-reflexivity of the Schwarzwelt concept in relation to the idea of a videogame.

A couple of questions...

1) What is the point of registration?

2) What's the deal with sources?


Count Dookkake said:
This game is too awesome. Great monsters, fun sci-fi trappings, slick presentation. I love the self-reflexivity of the Schwarzwelt concept in relation to the idea of a videogame.

A couple of questions...

1) What is the point of registration?

2) What's the deal with sources?

The source is the power. Power is the road to all. All is the gate to heaven. Clear?

Doublethink said:
Registration is so that you can re-summon your demons as you registered them. Like if you leveled them up you can re-summon them at the registered level and not their base level.

Does the game charge money to resummon like other SMT games?
Registration is so that you can re-summon your demons as you registered them. Like if you leveled them up you can re-summon them at the registered level and not their base level.
Doublethink said:
Registration is so that you can re-summon your demons as you registered them. Like if you leveled them up you can re-summon them at the registered level and not their base level.

That's what I thought, but then I scanned something online about permanently raising levels for demons. What's that all about?


So I am guessing that it may not be a good idea to indiscriminately register your demons, especially if they are to be used for material in the future?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Does your party's alignment affect negotiation as well or is it just you? If I have a sandman in my party, for example, who is neutral-chaos, and I want to negotiate with someone neutral-law, will it hurt me? I can't even get the little Castlevania style fire imp things to talk to me.


Y2Kev said:
Does your party's alignment affect negotiation as well or is it just you? If I have a sandman in my party, for example, who is neutral-chaos, and I want to negotiate with someone neutral-law, will it hurt me? I can't even get the little Castlevania style fire imp things to talk to me.
I don't think the party members affect negotiation. Are you sure the target is neutral-law, though? You can't talk to demons who are dark aligned under normal circumstances. You have to either fuse them or talk to them on a full moon with the lunatic subapp.
Cep said:
So I am guessing that it may not be a good idea to indiscriminately register your demons, especially if they are to be used for material in the future?

Yeah, don't mess up and re-register an old demon at a lower level.
Count Dookkake said:
That's what I thought, but then I scanned something online about permanently raising levels for demons. What's that all about?
I haven't seen anything like this. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding you. Which demons are supposed to get raised levels?


So just got the game 3 hours ago. I played it and finished the first major mission. Love the atmosphere so far. Plus great music.

BTW a question about the poster. Did anyone from Canada not get the poster? I know that it's behind the game case art, but I still didn't find it there.
Well, I think I've finally got the SMT bug thanks to this one. I'm sitting here making a fusion spreadsheet of my own. Question: Are the fusions the same across the SMT games? Or do you need a different spreadsheet for every game?
survivor said:
So just got the game 3 hours ago. I played it and finished the first major mission. Love the atmosphere so far. Plus great music.

BTW a question about the poster. Did anyone from Canada not get the poster? I know that it's behind the game case art, but I still didn't find it there.
I couldn't find mine either. Not the first DS game there was supposed to be a poster in, but I haven't gotten on a Canadian copy.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Kishgal said:
I don't think the party members affect negotiation. Are you sure the target is neutral-law, though? You can't talk to demons who are dark aligned under normal circumstances. You have to either fuse them or talk to them on a full moon with the lunatic subapp.
Yeah, it's a Onmoraki. Wouldn't talk to me. And still won't. He's dark-law actually.

I haven't played an SMT game with this kind of alignment system...looks like I need to read the MASSIVE MANUAL that came with it.

Anyone dark-x I can't talk to at all. But neutral-x or light(?)-x I can?


Y2Kev said:
Yeah, it's a Onmoraki. Wouldn't talk to me. And still won't. He's dark-law actually.

I haven't played an SMT game with this kind of alignment system...looks like I need to read the MASSIVE MANUAL that came with it.

Anyone dark-x I can't talk to at all. But neutral-x or light(?)-x I can?
Right. You can talk to dark-* demons on a full moon with the lunatic subapp as I said, but it's a low chance that it'll work. It's easier to just fuse them.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Kishgal said:
Right. You can talk to dark-* demons on a full moon with the lunatic subapp as I said, but it's a low chance that it'll work. It's easier to just fuse them.
Well, no point for now. I don't have enough red pokemanz to use for demon coop yet.


Fimbulvetr said:
Recruited a Jack Frost, hee-ho.

Lilim is being illusive though; I need her for a special fusion. D:
Here's a password for a decent Lilim if you don't mind going that route.
EDIT: She has Zio, Mazio, Charm Strike, Agi, Media, and Dia.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Fimbulvetr said:
Recruited a Jack Frost, hee-ho.

Lilim is being illusive though; I need her for a special fusion. D:
I just fused a Lilim with a melchom and something else. She's pretty nice :eek:

EDIT: She has Zio, Mazio, Charm Strike, Agi, Media, and Dia.

oh :(


Doublethink said:
Does anyone know if there are any plans for a strategy guide? Specifically, by the guys who did the P3/P4/Demon's Souls guides.
Unfortunately, no. I asked the same question a bit earlier and it looks like DoubleJump isn't doing too hot.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I like my Erthys. He's not weak to anything and he has Zio, Bufu, Agi, and Media. So he's a nice starter demon with lots of strengths.

Doublethink said:
I haven't seen anything like this. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding you. Which demons are supposed to get raised levels?

I don't know. :lol

I was kind of nodding off while scanning Gamefaqs.

I just remember something about stats being raised permanently. I guess it probably does refer to that registration business, but was worded poorly.


Second-rate Anihawk
Count Dookkake said:
I don't know. :lol

I was kind of nodding off while scanning Gamefaqs.

I just remember something about stats being raised permanently. I guess it probably does refer to that registration business, but was worded poorly.
Odds are you are thinking about Mitama which you can fuse to demons to permanently raise their stats.


Yeah. Fusing a demon with mitama will raise stats, and fusing a demon with an elemental (Erthys, Aeros, Aquans, etc.) can rank up or rank down within the family of the other parent demon. Like Prime Erthys x Femme Leanan Sidhe = Femme Acheri (one rank down from Leanan Sidhe).


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm not high enough level to make the High Pixie that would help me kick the second boss' ass. :(
Y2Kev said:
Awesome, beat him anyway. But that was close, phew.

He kept killing one of my Chaos demons with a Hama spell :(. Would revive him, resummon, and he'd immediately use it again. I had High Pixie and he was still a bit of a close call.

Anywho, for those of you who don't know, there's a fantastic wikidot for this game with info on Missions, Ex-Missions, Demons, etc. Most of it is based on the Japanese version, but seems to be getting more and more added for the English release. Probably familiar to any of you who use GameFAQs search to find help:



So, the password system seems rather hackable. I just registered a lvl 4 Sandman with Agility 62. Costs about 5000Macca to summon, though.
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