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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey The Official Thread of Minion and Demonica

I played it for an hour today.... I can already tell it is going to eat my soul. Maybe I don't need to finish FFXIII first after all.........


I'm still fairly early in the game, just finished up the initial forma search. It mentions in the O/S that forma are random. Does anybody know yet if this is in regards to placement, or just what kind you pick up? Like if I return to the Red Sprite, and then reenter Antlia, will there be new forma spread around, new forma in the old places, or a re-stock of the old places? Or is it only randomly set once when you move to a new floor/area?


hipgnosis said:
Any word on European release?


When will people learn just to import Atlus games? ;)

Anyway, it looks like I will still get my copy this week. This will save me from boredom during my flight to Japan. :D


Second-rate Anihawk
Just hit the third 'dungeon'. The level design is pretty good. There are alot of clever features that made me smile.

Ruzai said:
I'm still fairly early in the game, just finished up the initial forma search. It mentions in the O/S that forma are random. Does anybody know yet if this is in regards to placement, or just what kind you pick up? Like if I return to the Red Sprite, and then reenter Antlia, will there be new forma spread around, new forma in the old places, or a re-stock of the old places? Or is it only randomly set once when you move to a new floor/area?
As far as I can tell, item placement and what you get is totally random. I kinda like it because it encourages me to explore without rushing straight to my goal.


Fimbulvetr said:
One of us.

One of us.


But seriously, I usually HATE first person RPGs, I have never actually finished one because of the huge disconnect. This may either be an exception, or the opening of a new genre for me.

As for the game, I really like the story thus far, but I have 2 issues:

1)-Weak Characterization. I am guessing that this is not uncommon with the non-persona games?

2)-Loose translation. I am still not sure if it is the dialogue or its translation, but it seems too loose. But I have the same issue with most Atlus games. I usually spend the first 5 or so hours criticizing sentence structure and word choice.


Cep said:
2)-Loose translation. I am still not sure if it is the dialogue or its translation, but it seems too loose. But I have the same issue with most Atlus games. I usually spend the first 5 or so hours criticizing sentence structure and word choice.

Sex murders?


I know this has probably been asked before, but the game hasn't said anything on the subject yet: is it possible to regain a demon's source after you use it, or you can only get them once and never again?


This has been fantastic so far. I loved the Etrian Odyssey games, but this is blowing them away. I do wish you could strafe with the shoulder buttons, but that's a really minor complaint. Can't wait to get back to it tonight.

Archie said:
Hold down B to strafe.
I knew I had to be missing something, thanks!


Second-rate Anihawk
Dineren said:
This has been fantastic so far. I loved the Etrian Odyssey games, but this is blowing them away. I do wish you could strafe with the shoulder buttons, but that's a really minor complaint. Can't wait to get back to it tonight.
Hold down B to strafe.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
I'm glad the butt-rock or whatever it's called is gone. The new music style is a lot more atmospheric.


Second-rate Anihawk
The new music is good, but butt rock is still awesome. :mad:

TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Do you guys think this game will be a rare one?

So the best time to get it is now, right?
I sorta doubt it. Nearly every SMT game is pretty easy to find now and days.


Neo Member
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Do you guys think this game will be a rare one?

So the best time to get it is now, right?
Unless you want a copy with the soundtrack, I wouldn't worry about having a hard time tracking down a copy. Now with soundtrack, you should jump for this now.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
Archie said:
The new music is good, but butt rock is still awesome. :mad:
It's fine when used sparingly, but with its prevalence in the SMT games it eventually starts to all blend together.
God damn. Fusing monsters is awesome. I've never really gotten into an SMT game so this is new for me. Haven't even really done anything on the second floor yet since the monsters destroyed me there. But I've fused an angel that looks like a whore. And if I level my guys up a bit more I can fuse Hathor. Her race is Megami.... Does that mean anything special since the game is Shin Megami Tensei? Is she going to be super awesome?


This being my first SMT game I'm shocked that I have not started sooner. This game is so bad ass, and having a lot more fun with it then I tought I would. I just don't know what demons I should use should I just keep fusion for strong ones, or is there certain ones I should work towards getting? I also have persona 4 still in the wrapping, so I will getting to that after this.


NichM said:
Be sure to register your demons before fusing them away, speaking of which. It's easy to forget, but it's important if you don't want to lose the extra skills from fusion/experience from leveling them up.
Still waiting for the game to ship, but what does this entail, exactly?


Llyranor said:
Still waiting for the game to ship, but what does this entail, exactly?

Go to Demon Data from the menu and then Demon Compendium, then choose Register. You can press X at that screen to register all the demons at once. Though you should be careful about doing this in case, for instance, your currently registered version of Pyro Jack is the awesome one you fused to cover his weaknesses and give him Media, but a vanilla Pyro Jack forced its way into your party afterwards. In this case, the souped-up version currently in your Compendium would be overwritten with the sucky one currently in your party. If you're not sure, you can press L/R on the Register screen to compare the one in your party to the one currently registered.
ScrabbleDude said:
God damn. Fusing monsters is awesome. I've never really gotten into an SMT game so this is new for me. Haven't even really done anything on the second floor yet since the monsters destroyed me there. But I've fused an angel that looks like a whore. And if I level my guys up a bit more I can fuse Hathor. Her race is Megami.... Does that mean anything special since the game is Shin Megami Tensei? Is she going to be super awesome?

Not really, Megami is just a demon type(like fairy, foul, flight, etc.) that means goddess.

Cep said:
So it seems that to have any chance at all, I actually have to do some grinding.

I am not pleased.

I usually gain enough levels through exploring that I don't have to grind.
Mechar said:
Unless you want a copy with the soundtrack, I wouldn't worry about having a hard time tracking down a copy. Now with soundtrack, you should jump for this now.

oh, you mean the soundtrack that you have to rip to a computer then burn to a cd so it will actually play in a cd player or vehicle? awesome.

ugh, I love you Atlus, but that was a pretty big ball you dropped.


Fimbulvetr said:
Not really, Megami is just a demon type(like fairy, foul, flight, etc.) that means goddess.

I usually gain enough levels through exploring that I don't have to grind.

Yeah this is what I thought as well, and it has been working out for the most part.

The problem is on one of the basements, you get jumped by Onis and the last group worked my party over.


DigitalDevil said:
oh, you mean the soundtrack that you have to rip to a computer then burn to a cd so it will actually play in a cd player or vehicle? awesome.

ugh, I love you Atlus, but that was a pretty big ball you dropped.

Just sit tight.
Cep said:
Yeah this is what I thought as well, and it has been working out for the most part.

The problem is on one of the basements, you get jumped by Onis and the last group worked my party over.
You get jumped by Onis on the very first basement. Almost wiped me out the first time I encountered them and had no idea what they were thanks to lack of analysis. I managed to run just in time, so I don't have a game over yet.

Just fused an Oni, hopefully it's a good one. Like the register feature. This is an awesome game.


Chairman Yang said:
I'm glad the butt-rock or whatever it's called is gone. The new music style is a lot more atmospheric.

Hey now, dont knock Nocturne/DDS saga soundtrack.

DigitalDevil said:
oh, you mean the soundtrack that you have to rip to a computer then burn to a cd so it will actually play in a cd player or vehicle? awesome.

ugh, I love you Atlus, but that was a pretty big ball you dropped.

I thought there was a CD in that box?


Okay, the game answered my question itself: you can regain a demon's source after you use it, though it takes longer to get it back.


Don't think this has been asked before, but is it safe to use the starting pixie as fusion fodder?
Don't want to miss out on a potential super-pixie like in Nocturne :/
hadar said:
Don't think this has been asked before, but is it safe to use the starting pixie as fusion fodder?
Don't want to miss out on a potential super-pixie like in Nocturne :/
you can get back any demon you fuse by registering it.
Uh-oh. I'm starting to fall into my Nocturne habits: I'm grinding in the same spot next to a healing and save point for hours. :lol

I'm only just past the first boss - when
you go to the Basement floor of the first area
- and my MC is already level 11 with many demons on/near his level. I think I've grinded the source out of every demon possible up until this point and I'm rolling with like 20,000 mecca already.

So good.
As some one who has never played any of the mainline SMT games I must say, this game freaking rocks so far! I have only played the Persona games but I really like the Sci-Fi setting of this game. I am only just an 1:30 in and just rescued


I'm sure I'm just missing something obvious, but can someone tell me of somewhere in the menus I can check my own character's alignment? And am I understanding right that it can change slightly based on your decisions? Still really early on now but I realized I wasn't sure where that was at in the menus, if it's listed openly at all.


Second-rate Anihawk
stupei said:
I'm sure I'm just missing something obvious, but can someone tell me of somewhere in the menus I can check my own character's alignment? And am I understanding right that it can change slightly based on your decisions? Still really early on now but I realized I wasn't sure where that was at in the menus, if it's listed openly at all.
As far as I can tell, your text color determines your alignment. White is neutral, blue is law and red is chaos. I haven't had to make any moral decisions yet and I'm still white.

TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
One last question before I decide to get this:

Do you need the stylus to play this or can I play it with just the buttons?

Thanks! :D
Buttons only.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
One last question before I decide to get this:

Do you need the stylus to play this or can I play it with just the buttons?

Thanks! :D
So far I have only been using buttons. Stylus moves the bottom map though.

I hate playing stylus-required games. Optional button controls should be mandatory in every DS game (looking at you Spirit Tracks!...I love Spirit Tracks by the way, but the controls is uncomfortable though).
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