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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey The Official Thread of Minion and Demonica

Picked it up today, thanks again jaundicejuice. Not sure when I'll play it though, as I'm currently about halfway through Persona PSP. Looking forward to playing it once I get a chance.
Put in about 8 hours.
Right before returning to Mitra's palace.

Game is fantastic. Makes me think of remake possibilities big time.

YoungHav said:
I hate first person battle screens.

yank yank


DigitalDevil said:
oh, you mean the soundtrack that you have to rip to a computer then burn to a cd so it will actually play in a cd player or vehicle? awesome.

ugh, I love you Atlus, but that was a pretty big ball you dropped.
So it wasn't just my copy? Ugh


viewtifulsub said:
Europeans/Austrlians importing this. Find any site thats sells Strange Journey at a decent price + shipping?

i ordered my copy from videogamesplus.ca for 36€ (shipping included) a few days ago.


Archie said:
As far as I can tell, your text color determines your alignment. White is neutral, blue is law and red is chaos. I haven't had to make any moral decisions yet and I'm still white.

Makes sense. Thanks.

Really, really loving it so far. I'd originally planned to save it mostly for my commute but I ended up playing it instead of God of War III last night once I got home. Still early in because I haven't got a lot of time for gaming during the week right now, but so far it's moving at a really good pace.

What's the challenge like ramping up later?
I fused a Prime Erthys, and then fused it with my Angel to make an Archangel. Woo! Noticed thought that the Prime is by far the most expensive demon I have to resummon and I didn't even level it at all. Are Primes able to raise the ranks of all monsters? Is that what makes them valuable?


Second-rate Anihawk
ScrabbleDude said:
I fused a Prime Erthys, and then fused it with my Angel to make an Archangel. Woo! Noticed thought that the Prime is by far the most expensive demon I have to resummon and I didn't even level it at all. Are Primes able to raise the ranks of all monsters? Is that what makes them valuable?
Primes are primarily fusion fodder. If you fuse two primes then you get a Mitima which you can fuse to a demon to raise their stats permanently.


Mmm, good info in this thread. So far this game is doing everything right and exceeding my expectations for a DS rpg. Now that I've got fusion and forma search opened up the game has really started to hook me. Only been able to negotiate with 3 demons so far though I did fuse a 4th. Good stuff, Atlus!


Second-rate Anihawk
I just beat the third boss
. Well more like I charmed a minion and he beat the boss for me. :lol

I'm loving the boss battles in the game. Every one so far has been a real challenge and I have been holding my breath while fighting them.


I'm trying to finish
the first subquest.

Where the fuck do I get a bead from? Can't make one on the ship and no one will give me one. :(

Fucking aggravating


Second-rate Anihawk
Lard said:
I'm trying to finish
the first subquest.

Where the fuck do I get a bead from? Can't make one on the ship and no one will give me one. :(

Fucking aggravating
Try to sweet talk a demon into giving you one.


Lard said:
I'm trying to finish
the first subquest.

Where the fuck do I get a bead from? Can't make one on the ship and no one will give me one. :(

Fucking aggravating
Onis drop it.


Second-rate Anihawk
Limedust said:
Not sure when it happened, but anybody who orders from Amazon now only has to pay $29.99.
That is actually a third party selling it for $29.99 (which is a bargain btw). Amazon is still selling it for $34.99.


I am still on fence about buying this. I really enjoyed P3 and P4 (and further back, Nocturne), but I bought Devil Survivor and REALLY didn't like that game at all. I even bought Persona for the PSP and like it. I guess what's really making me pause is how much I didn't get into Devil Survivor...decisions, decisions.

One questions - how is the music? Rather, what kind of musical style is it this time around. I heard the guitar hard rock stuff is much sparser this time around (good to me).
Alts said:
So, I made a fusion calculator, as well as a password database.

You are a prince among men.

(Seriously I don't fucking know how I'd play these games without a fission calculator I mean jesus)


Suffered my obligatory Mudo on main character instant game over today... :lol

Anyway, got an Ancient Armor on now so safe from that (now weak to Zios though). Addicted to grinding and customizing demons in the second area at the moment.


Second-rate Anihawk
I was browsing online and found the password to everybody's favorite
demon! (Gonna spoiler it since the password gives a hint as to which demon I'm talking about.) :p

Nich Maragos

He is level 88 and costs over 520,000 Macca to summon, though.


ScrabbleDude said:
I fused a Prime Erthys, and then fused it with my Angel to make an Archangel. Woo! Noticed thought that the Prime is by far the most expensive demon I have to resummon and I didn't even level it at all. Are Primes able to raise the ranks of all monsters? Is that what makes them valuable?

different primes have different effects on each race. Outcomes are No fusion possible, -1 rank, +1 rank, +2 ranks.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I had ordered this off Amazon but I couldn't wait :eek:

I bought a second copy at gamestop. Nice hard paperish covering. Got the soundtrack. Going to rub it on my face now.


I still need to look at this game's beast of a manual. Wow it's got quite a few pages compared to games I've seen lately.

Beat the first boss though, woo!
Fimbulvetr said:
I am addicted to negotiating, sometimes I will stay near a save point just to talk to all the demons in the area.

keanerie said:
Must. Fill. Every. Square.

This is what I will be doing once I start my game. :D

Reminds of the time in FFIX where I killed griffins to amass 99 peridots to power up Garnet's Ramuh summon.


Yay, Gamestop just called me telling me my game has arrived. Gonna leave in half hour to go pick up the game . Can't wait.


Alts said:
So, I made a fusion calculator, as well as a password database. Check it out: http://apps.evilrobotstuff.com/strange_journey/

I'm going to be adding fission like I did for DS2 and P4, but I'll probably finish that tomorrow.
Thanks for doing this. I was really surprised that Atlus USA didn't put up a US version of the Japanese password site which is just wonderful. I really wish something like that was available for the US game, but a central place (that isn't just a forum thread) to submit and browse passwords is better than nothing, provided people use it.


One thing I've always loved about the SMT series is that no fight is ever hopeless, as my level 12 character managed to defeat a level 31 Lorelei in the EX mission to reclaim the Blue Jet. This game is awesome.


For those who got a bad burn of the soundtrack (which sounds like nearly everyone), the fix is in. Keep the cardboard sleeve, because that isn't part of the replacement program.


NichM said:
For those who got a bad burn of the soundtrack (which sounds like nearly everyone), the fix is in. Keep the cardboard sleeve, because that isn't part of the replacement program.

probably nice for everyone that didn't import the game. seems like the second "defective" product in a row from atlus for me...
after the demon's souls strategy guide :/
In boot: Damage panels? Really? Guess it ain't bad save for the areas where you literally have to walk through them.

So, anybody thought out their alignment for the rest of the game?

Neutral all the way.


Second-rate Anihawk
Question about alignment:

I'm law right now but I want to go neutral. Can I give a few chaos responses and nudge it back so that I can be neutral at the endgame?
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