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//: SK Telecom StarCraft II Proleague 2014 – Protoss Hard at Work


relies on auto-aim
I'm not winning qq

It's okay, second place is good!
Yeah eins became a filler pick for me ;o

You really got lucky with Solar. Him and Byul people got really lucky. Maru and Flash of course lived up to their reps while sOs was just a terrible investment.

BTW guys we are at the halfway point. 2 more weeks until the first playoffs. If SKT1 doesn't lose at least one match, they are very likely to go to the playoffs in first place.


You really got lucky with Solar. Him and Byul people got really lucky. Maru and Flash of course lived up to their reps while sOs was just a terrible investment.

To be fair, Solar was absolutely tearing it up in qualifiers and online cups leading up to SPL '14 but yeah the fact that both players were sent out for an ace match on teams with much bigger names is very fortunate for anyone with them on their FPL main teams...
and very UNFORTUNATE for whoever put them on their anti teams ;_;
You can find full matches under Past Broadcasts. Also, individual games are all on YouTube already. Not sure why the hold up for Twitch.

The match is on twitch, it's just sort of hidden. Doesn't start until 36 minutes in on one of the videos even though it's the first between Jin and CJ.


You can watch the whole thing on twitch with $5 sub.

Past Broadcasts in Proleague's Twitch profile. :)

Oh that's right you need the sub. But it's seriously worth it. If there's one thing SNM and Whiplash did right, it was convincing me every night about how much of a steal this sub was and continues to be.

Thanks you guys, I didn't realize that. I will absolutely sub on twitch then. It's just not the same without all the content in between the matches to help add context and make it a spectacle. Seeing the players getting ready in their booths and getting stats/opinions really adds a lot to me. Even f I do choose to skip small portions here or there, it's a lot better than not having them at all.
SKT1 vs KT tonight and 30 minutes earlier to boot. Don't miss it guys! Flash vs Parting to start us off.

Go Flash! But before that its CJ vs IM.

BTW some interesting stuff to note.

You can as a team only go 7-0 in a round because there are 8 teams and 5 weeks of play with every team playing each other once.

SKT1 has gone 3-0 so far. If they win vs KT, they are in the playoffs without a problem. They can lose all 3 matches they have left in the next 2 weeks. Exception of course being that someone ties them somehow in map score.

Prime and CJ cannot afford lose any of their remaining 4 matches. So today is a especially important day for CJ and tomorrow for Prime.

MVP is there as well if they cannot win against anyone after their first win.

Samsung is in the middle with IM while KT and Jin Air make up the top 3 with SKT1.

This is only one round though. There are 3 rounds afterwards and then the final playoffs.

Hope Primes makes a comeback next round if they can't manage it this round.

Soul and KT did in the previous Proleague so I don't see why Prime or other teams cannot.


I'm too old to have ever played Pokemon, so every time Squirtle plays I have to frown at the commentators references. :\


Can't lie, all the "skillrays" cracks in the chat amuse me.

EDIT: lol at "respect the void ray" drinking game jokes. LOL at Sora one shoting the iced tea. ;)
Is there anything in any match up that counters mass void ray?

I played this Masters/GM on ladder that was trolling me. He cannon rushed me to VRs. The only counter Terrans have vs VRs is Mass Widow Mines, Ravens or Marines. Marines aren't that good sadly after a certain point aka 16 VRs. Thors are decent if the number is too high but they die too fast to get more than one shot off.

For Zerg, just pray for the best fungals of your life and to chain them into a perfect kill.

Protoss the only answer is your own VRs lol. That or mass Phoenix with range. Archons are good if you can get a clumped up shot.

Anyways ZvZ, Byul should have this but Effort might just break Byul's streak.
Jinair in second play 90% due to the Maru factor. Prime could have been 2-3rd place.

lol Tell me about it. Jin Air got so damn lucky with that grab. sOs hasn't worked out for them so thats some karma for taking away Prime's chances.

Heck if MKP came back they would at least get one match or maybe even Byun. ;_;

Anyways Hyped for SKT1 vs KT. GO FLASH! Win me more FPL POINTS!


Nice win for CJ

Hype for the next match, Flash vs Parting. I'm scared for Flash, hope he pulls through again this week.
Is there anything in any match up that counters mass void ray?

Not being a really low bronze league player?

Edit: That sounds snarkier than was intended. Regardless just massing void rays is a dumb strat at any level and will end up with you losing. Sorry crimson i've got to disagree with you there. So the only units that counter protoss building voidrays are widow mines, ravens and marines. Considering that terrans basically don't build ravens or widow mines against protoss why don't we see them massed more often? On any level.

Against zerg fungals aren't the only counter. In low numbers hydras, mutas and even corrupters can deal with them fine (you can mass corrupters far easier than void rays). If you'e talking late late game when the toss has amassed a huge number of void rays than it's an unfair comparison. By that point the zerg has swarmhosts, infestors, broods and masses of static defense. Voidrays really aren't all that strong in that situation and it's why we're seeing that style become so popular and protoss struggle so much in the late game at the top level. Simply building voidrays isn't the answer and that will end up with you dead.

PvP i'm not sure what you mean. Voidrays aren't some ultimate unit in PvP. They're hard to amass and get caught off guard easily. That's why you don't see them very often. It's a risky play that can be shut down. When a typical protoss army tends to be filled with mass archons it doesn't take long to build an army that will stop void rays (add storm, more archons and maybe some stalkers for extra anti air).

I hate void rays. They're a boring unit and when they win a game it's typically in an incredibly boring fashion. They generally don't require that much skill (which isn't a good thing for toss players either). Having said all that they aren't super imba and that's why don't really see them massed all that often. In fact about the only time i see them massed regularly is when i'm mucking around against bronze and silver players and even then it's not that common.

That was not a good game. Parting had the better control, that I will give him. But how in the hell did he take the 3rd for free. Flash not punishing him? Fuck that, more like PO made pushing the 3rd impossible.

Timewarp slowing down the economy of Flash was another factor. Very unhappy with how that went. Flash scouted everything and tried to respond the best he could. Oracle didn't do any damage with the exception of one kill.

I'm in disbelief right now that Zest and all the other toss lost to Terrans last week. Maybe Parting just played on another level or Flash just played bad. But it doesn't change that what I saw made me sick to my stomach.

Parting had like 2 Sentrys and 1 Zealot with 2 Stalkers. That PO alone made Flash back off and then FF killed off all of them which was great by Parting. Flash couldn't push for a minute while the 3rd got set up and it just snowballed from there. WM drop did crap and it was nice of Parting to snipe it before it landed. Then Parting engaged Flash's army and we saw what happened. But it all leads back to that early 3rd. Parting went early Oracles which did nothing and took the 3rd and basically defended it with a PO. It makes me very sad that Protoss players can get away with that. Could Flash have done things better? Hell to the yes! But damn if it doesn't piss me off that there was literally no risk for the Protoss after investing into an oracle and blink afterwards.

Not being a really low bronze league player?

Edit: That sounds snarkier than was intended. Regardless just massing void rays is a dumb strat at any level and will end up with you losing. Sorry crimson i've got to disagree with you there. So the only units that counter protoss building voidrays are widow mines, ravens and marines. Considering that terrans basically don't build ravens or widow mines against protoss why don't we see them massed more often? On any level.

Against zerg fungals aren't the only counter. In low numbers hydras, mutas and even corrupters can deal with them fine (you can mass corrupters far easier than void rays). If you'e talking late late game when the toss has amassed a huge number of void rays than it's an unfair comparison. By that point the zerg has swarmhosts, infestors, broods and masses of static defense. Voidrays really aren't all that strong in that situation and it's why we're seeing that style become so popular and protoss struggle so much in the late game at the top level. Simply building voidrays isn't the answer and that will end up with you dead.

PvP i'm not sure what you mean. Voidrays aren't some ultimate unit in PvP. They're hard to amass and get caught off guard easily. That's why you don't see them very often. It's a risky play that can be shut down. When a typical protoss army tends to be filled with mass archons it doesn't take long to build an army that will stop void rays (add storm, more archons and maybe some stalkers for extra anti air).

I hate void rays. They're a boring unit and when they win a game it's typically in an incredibly boring fashion. They generally don't require that much skill (which isn't a good thing for toss players either). Having said all that they aren't super imba and that's why don't really see them massed all that often. In fact about the only time i see them massed regularly is when i'm mucking around against bronze and silver players and even then it's not that common.

The only counter to mass VRs was the discussion not speculations based on low numbers of VRs. The composition of more than 10 VRs is usually what we call mass VRs.

The reason we don't see mass VRs in Pro games is due to Protoss players being smart enough to know that no opponent will let them get mass VRs unless they fail to like Hyun in one of his ZvP matches.

WMs hard counter VRs along with Marines as Terrans players will not sit back and let you get mass VRs. If you attempt to then the Terran will respond with the WMs and Ravens, otherwise you won't see them in the matchup much except for WM drop or mech. At a lower level or in team games its possible to get Mass VRs only to be countered by WMs and Ravens.

How is lategame an unfair comparison for Zerg vs Protoss against mass VRs? Fungals are the only counter and yes low numbers can be beaten with the usual counters but we are taking mass numbers which only Fungal is the answer. Static Defense? Spores are armored structures if you forgot. 20 damage or more per second depending on upgrades. Broodlords? Cannot shoot air units. Corrupters? Let me know when 40-50 Corrupters can beat 20 VRs. They can have 3-3 vs 0-0-0 and still lose.

In PvP I was joking about making your own VRs. But as you can see in Sora vs Squirtle who let Sora build his airfleet. It was already over. There you go, mass VR won vs Archons and everything else. Maybe if Squirtle had a couple more storms he could have done something but nope.

Yes a lone VR or a handful is not IMBA. But without AOE, any player will lose to mass VRs.

Apologizes in advance if my response sounds rude/wrong to you. Not exactly impartial to toss at the moment.

Anyways TY costs me even more points and I'm glad I traded Soulkey for someone else. Seems that Woojin had a curse on them that they passed to Soulkey and sOs who both underperformed for their teams.

Lets see if Stats can close this out or will it be an Ace match.

As a final note, Fuck Protoss just because.


Really good for the sake of competition that SKT1 was stopped today. Now it's suddenly really tight in the top.
Really good for the sake of competition that SKT1 was stopped today. Now it's suddenly really tight in the top.

Yeah I'm really happy that KT stopped them. Would be epic if all the teams now worked hard and screwed over SKT1 from qualifying lol though not seeing them in the playoffs would be weird and awkward.

Lets see if Prime can pull a CJ and take out Samsung tomorrow or they will be the first team out of the running.


Edit: I should traded TY for Rain in my Anti. Him or Soulkey. Wouldn't have lost as many points. ;_;


relies on auto-aim
I hope Parting gets WREKT next match. Probably not.
Also considering trading Flash for Baby, probably a net gain there, but.... it's not Flash


Good lord, I fucking hate RorO. Protoss still playing with only half their brain. It amazes me how many of them just die to fungals because the entire concept of splitting just escapes them.

That was one of the most pathetic games I've seen in a while. Was Creator's thought process really, "Oh, let me just mass Void Rays and try to 1-A to victory like I'm on the Bronze League ladder."???

The hell I didn't know rOrO was this good.

It's easy to look good when the opposing player is playing like a Silver League Protoss.
Well Prime you have really fallen off. Did losing Maru really kill you completely?

Kassia and TerrOR need to win their matches or its over. Too bad, their coach should be sad. No Terrans and depending on Kal, Creator and TerrOR trio with a random 4th is not going to work Gerrard.
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