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//: SK Telecom StarCraft II Proleague 2014 – Protoss Hard at Work


Fantasy Proleague Standings - Round 1, Week 1


Congrats to Mairu! dat perfect anti-team ;)

Poor zargle... ByuL on the anti... ;_;

I don't know about ya'll, but I'm looking forward to using all my trade points whenever next week's lineups are out. :p

Too bad I chose the worst high pointer

wtf is sOs doing this season
Damn you guys can whinge about anything. He nearly lost due to stupidly overcommiting when he didn't have to. He should never have went onto the map and lost all those units and he should have stayed in his base until he had a bigger army and then just rolled zest.

You don't really have to try and talk down the terran wins. Tonight's results aren't going to suddenly affect the direction blizzard is taking in terms of balance.

:( But bro I'm Terran and Protoss has been giving me a hard time so I have to QQ! ;b

Anyways that wasn't the point I was making. In Maru vs Zest, the Blink allin wasn't successful but Maru's army was weak when he moved out. After losing a lot for pushing out and thankfully getting away with his medivacs intact. Zest came back with more Stalkers and his choronoed MSC which had a Time Warp ready to use. Its only thanks to Maru's godly Micro that he won the battle with his marauders. Which was mostly what I was complaining about. That Maru was so ahead in tech and army for the most part yet struggled so much due to a single time warp. At least it wasn't as bad as Fungal or that would have been GG.

I'm happy about the Terran wins. You think I care if Blizzard will nerf PO by 20 seconds? The match up has WAY BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN THAT!

But I do wonder what the hell is going on with the Protoss. Its not that the Terrans didn't play their hearts out and deserved the win but it seems to me that the Protoss players really underperformed especially sOs.

sOs has lost to a Zerg and Terran. If he loses a PvP then he really is slumping hard.

I mean how the hell did Stats let the hellion do so much damage in his match? He let a meching player beat him..... 30+ Probe kills. >.>^

Zest vs Cure was just unbelievable.

Cure vs Zest

You know what most protoss players do at a bunker near their building Nexus? They laugh and throw down a PO. A PO does over 900 damage in 60 seconds. 20 * 60/1.25 = 960. Thats enough to kill the bunker and SCVs repairing and the Nexus might take a bit of damage. Add in a Stalker DPS and it will go down faster. Zest would have been so ahead.

Then that failed Warp in with the hidden pylon. 400 minerals for free. Cure just wreaked him after that. Like all the protoss players on both teams forgot how to Starcraft literally.

Thanks for calling me out though. I can get a bit whiny from time to time so its better to keep myself in check. ;b


Just realized seven Protoss played last night and only one emerged victorious and that was only because of a mirror matchup between herO and Stork.

And then six Terrans played last night and ALL OF THEM WON with 4/6 of the matches having been TvPs.

Some twilight zone shit. All Protoss just went full foreigner.

Yeah, looking back, Zest derped pretty hard with that Nexus cancel against Cure's soft bunker contain. The Nexus would probably have only lost half of its shields by the time it finished even with 5 Marines attacking it and the MSC would've had enough energy at that point for a PO + Stalkers to easily clean everything up.
Damn Sniper, taking out the favorite! Anyways Prime you need to win! Don't end up in last place!

Go TerrOr and Creator. Remember too.

Will skip SKT1 and IM for the VODs. Can't stay up that late.
Too bad Terror! :( Really needs to react better to cheese. Also didn't get roaches. Fuck the bunkers, Roaches kill them with high ground.

Creator and Remember, please come back and take it to the Ace match.

Edit: Ok Wolf needs to lay off a bit. TerrOR won vs Gumiho in GSTL. The kid has issues but no one becomes champion in a couple of matches. Some people have more losses than TerrOR since a long time ago. On that note though, Byun needs to come back or maybe even Eins. Give Kal or Creator a break to mix it up. Use your rosters instead of trying to be KT with Flash and his trio of backup players.
Terror could have came back if he didn't commit to the nydus. He could have easily double expanded with only 2 bunkers with 1 Marine in each and Dream had 0 plans for an expansion until his Rax got home.
Only 2 terrans playing tonight that really sucks. There are some really good matches though.

Edit: To the above crimsonlink i don't necessarily disagree with you on balance at the moment. I think Protoss needs to be changed (it will never happen and if it does it won't happen until LOTV) and i think terran need some working on too especially mech. I hate seeing so few terran players around but sometimes i think the complaints go way over the top.


Terror could have came back if he didn't commit to the nydus. He could have easily double expanded with only 2 bunkers with 1 Marine in each and Dream had 0 plans for an expansion until his Rax got home.

He never bothered checking how many Marines were left in the Bunkers. Don't think he even noticed Dream bring most of his forces back to his base.

Running 5-6 Banelings into the Bunker with a single Marine on the low ground convinced me that his nerves just cannot handle the main stage yet.

Soon, little duck. Soon. ;_;

Only 2 terrans playing tonight that really sucks. There are some really good matches though.

Edit: To the above crimsonlink i don't necessarily disagree with you on balance at the moment. I think Protoss needs to be changed (it will never happen and if it does it won't happen until LOTV) and i think terran need some working on too especially mech. I hate seeing so few terran players around but sometimes i think the complaints go way over the top.

Check out the VODs from yesterday if you missed it. It was Terran redemption night in SPL. lol


That botched fight cost Creator the game. Keen stepped up his game after that, and didn't allow any openings.
Sigh* Its really hard being a Prime fan nowadays. If only they didn't lose Maru. Would have made sure they got at least 1 win per match. This is what the coach gets for being so predictable. He did this in GSTL. Let the other players be used you stupid coach!

Eins and Byun exist in case you forgot. Really disappointed and I really hope Prime stages a comeback next round if they keep losing this round.


Creator knows he fucked up. That game was absolutely his to lose. Too many bad engagements but I give credit to KeeN for using his Ghosts to their maximum effectiveness. Clutch EMPs galore. Flying Medivacs out in front to grant vision for dem skill shots was brilliant and a tactic more Terrans should really utilize.


That High Templar in the Warp Prism to get in, assassinate a full energy MSC with a Feedback and get out was just brilliant.

PartinG so gud
Man that was a really fun game there. Actually the parting game was too. PvZ and PvP have really improved compared to where they were 6-12 months ago.


I really regret not picking Byul for my team. I completely forgot how good he is.

Haven't been able to watch any of these games yet, how is Protoss looking? Any of the Zerg/Terran players disproving the OP stigma?
Yesterday was terran domination. Today has been fairly even between the races.


I really regret not picking Byul for my team. I completely forgot how good he is.

The thing is he was never this good. His run in WCS AM could've easily been considered a fluke and his first three SPL wins didn't impress me at all.

His win against Rain was nice but I still don't think he's as good as his current 4-0 record.
Looking forward to more PvZ. I like how it's one of the few match ups where you can really see a huge variety of strategies and compositions both mid and late game.

Yesterday was terran domination. Today has been fairly even between the races.

Actually so far the only protoss wins today and yesterday have been in PvP's :p.


His play outside of the WCS has been solid pretty much all year. He was always near the top in most events, though I agree he's been on another level in proleague.
The pro league is basically as hard as you get in terms of competition and team leagues are usually a good indicator of when a player is doing well. Perhaps Byul had a really strong off season, only time will tell.
Yesterday was terran domination. Today has been fairly even between the races.

Actually so far the only protoss wins today and yesterday have been in PvP's :p.


Any specific build/tactic the Terran has been using against Protoss, or is just much better macro than we have seen with European players?

Any matches I've seen recently the Terran seems to either:

- Struggle in the early game against Oracle and Blink Stalker/Mothership Core
- Struggle in the mid-late game against Storm and Phoenix/Colossus


His play outside of the WCS has been solid pretty much all year. He was always near the top in most events, though I agree he's been on another level in proleague.


His best result in the GSL was making Code S and then proceeded to get 2-0'd by Creator and Symbol in the Ro32.

Aside from that, the only foreign event he ever competed in was the MLG 2012 Spring Championship where he finished 29th - 32nd.

Fucking lol. can't wait to go back to the community thread and listen to the balance whine..

To be fair, seemingly every Protoss last night were playing like foreigners. I wouldn't at all use one night in SPL as a barometer for the current state of the balance with the game.



Any specific build/tactic the Terran has been using against Protoss, or is just much better macro than we have seen with European players?

Any matches I've seen recently the Terran seems to either:

- Struggle in the early game against Oracle and Blink Stalker/Mothership Core
- Struggle in the mid-late game against Storm and Phoenix/Colossus
Maru is so fast and he's so good at multi he's almost impossible to beat.
TY had a cunning plan that caught the protoss off guard.
And Cure won because Zest sucks.


His best result in the GSL was making Code S and then proceeded to get 2-0'd by Creator and Symbol in the Ro32.

Aside from that, the only foreign event he ever competed in was the MLG 2012 Spring Championship where he finished 29th - 32nd.
I was totally thinking of Hyun. I guess the dangling y made me confuse the two. :)
SKT1 has become one of those boring unbeatable teams with the exception of a loss here or there.. KT needs to take them out.

Also Protoss players are not playing very well recently.


Terminator bringing out the old school Mothership and Carriers (YES, MUTHAFUCKIN CARRIERS) in the opening game.

This guy is alright by me.


Nine winning streak for terran. If CJ somehow bring it to the ace match, and Maru brings it up to ten, half of that will be him. That's why he's my team captain.


Never expected Maru to look this unstoppable in his debut round of SPL.

Also, didn't herO just win an IEM? He costed 7 points this round. His play has been relatively atrocious.

And when did Hydra forget how to play StarCraft?


After Maru's big win, he started to play like he just didn't care, but I'm guessing with a new team he wants to earn his salary. herO looked real good going into this, he's on my team, but at this rate I should have picked Kal as my anchor protoss.
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