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So...Can anyone find a New 3DS XL right now? It seems sold out everywhere

And for the people who defend this, Nintendo is arguably at their historic low when it comes to mindshare and influence. The winners this gen are not playing scarcity games - they want their product in the hands of consumers, not sitting on some arsewipe's closet waiting for the ebay auction to close.

I really don't understand Nintendo's mindset. Mainstream consumers aren't sitting at their PCs talking about supply shortages like GAF. They move on and buy something else and forget about Nintendo's products.

well hopfully they refill by the end of this month because I really want to grab one dam nintendo they really need to find a new manufacture to make more of these systems its seems they only make enough for hard core people and then stop.

It's not a problem with their manufacturer.


well hopfully they refill by the end of this month because I really want to grab one dam nintendo they really need to find a new manufacture to make more of these systems its seems they only make enough for hard core people and then stop.

The title is misleading. They aren't sold out there are link in the thread with stores that have them in stock. Major retailers like Best Buy and Toys R Us still have them on their website. Also there are probably some smaller retailers that have them too. Basically Gamestop is fully sold out, but all other retailers seem to either have them online, or brick and mortar or both.
Best Buys and Gamestops throughout the greater Chicago area are all out. My nearby Target said to come in tomorrow morning and they should have some.


Excuse me, I am confident that I can walk in on launch day and buy a Wii. :smugface

It's a really good upgrade from the OG. I don't think it's worth it if you enjoy the XL, though.

It is when your XL's circle pad is broken. If it wasn't for that I never would have considered upgrading. However, I've been playing around with all day, and both the steady 3D and c-stick are fantastic, much better than I expected. Its a pretty good upgrade overall. Now I just hope there a few good exclusives that take advantage of the added muscle.


If they don't have them available by next week I'll just stop bothering and spend my money elsewhere, I've been getting tired of having to hunt for Nintendo products lately.


This is totally on Nintendo. Their retarded region locking automatically reduces potential supply because each system has to be coded for each region so cant say well shit we are overstocked in japan send half to America.

On top of that while its a new region launch they have had the system out in others for awhile now. There is no reason to not have been building supply for the future launch.

Nintendo has been in the business over 30 years. They have launched numerous products. No more excuses.

There are plenty of companies that have been around for over a century that still have issues with new launches. Increasing production is really not that simple. You have to bring in new employees who are completely inexperienced and make more mistakes. If you're already maxed out tooling/machine wise you'll have to bring in more of that. None of this stuff is plug in and go, either. Then there's that actual matter of predicting product volumes. Nintendo can lose a lot of money if they're too far off either way.

The point is, even if you've done it a million times, product launches are not simple and there's always shit that goes wrong in unexpected ways.

I work in a manufacturing facility and can appreciate the supply difficulties for a product launch. But Nintendo gets paid to figure out those issues, not the consumer.

That may be true but shit still happens no matter how prepared you are. Projecting volumes isn't exactly a science. Issues are popping up all the way through ramp up. Sometimes things happen that simply can't be completely addressed and considerable production time is lost.
I think there's a clear opportunity to optimize Nintendo's supply chain.

My question when talking about Nintendo shortages, as always, is 2-fold:
- Did the retail partner misread demand and thus ordered fewer units than truly needed?
- Is Nintendo's order fulfillment process sub-optimal and thus cannot produce & ship orders to meet the needs of the market?

My assumption is that it's probably a bit of both.
Do you guys think there will be plenty in stock in the coming weeks? Or is Nintendo of America's expectations for this product just really low. I mean come on, we didn't even get the normal model :p
Funny, it seems like those shortage rumors happen with every Nintendo console and handheld since the NES.

Sorry but when was the last console launch that you could go in the next day and just buy one? This shot wouldn't fly with anyone else so why exactly are we giving Nintendo grief about it specifically?
No idea what you're talking about. I found a Majora's Mask-themed one waiting for me at home after work ;P

Seriously, though. I know at least two people who skipped work in order to drive around searching. No idea if they found anything yet. Nintendo pls
I was gonna dump my old xl at gamestop for the trade-in, but doubt they'll have any before the offer expires. Probably for the best since I don't really play the thing very often anyway
I think there's a clear opportunity to optimize Nintendo's supply chain.

My question when talking about Nintendo shortages, as always, is 2-fold:
- Did the retail partner misread demand and thus ordered fewer units than truly needed?
- Is Nintendo's order fulfillment process sub-optimal and thus cannot produce & ship orders to meet the needs of the market?

My assumption is that it's probably a bit of both.

Looking at the number of cancelled orders from both Best Buy and Target, I am going with number 2. I'm still salty as hell about my cancelled MM LE, I ordered it immediately, paid for it, and it still got cancelled. This is on Nintendo.


Still like 5 systems at local best buy tonight but I imagine gone this weekend.

The enhanced 3d really is how the system should have been and simply makes the upgrade worth it for me. No more playing like a statue,
During lunch today, I went to Target, Best Buy, Gamestop and two local stores. I was looking for a Majora's Mask 3DS. ALL FIVE OF THEM had the new 3DS in stock. Both had red and black.

After work... so 6:00 PM now, I went back to the Best Buy to see if, by chance, they got an afternoon shipment. They didn't, but they still had both red and black systems in stock. Where does everyone in this thread live??? Is it really that difficult to find these?


Still like 5 systems at local best buy tonight but I imagine gone this weekend.

The enhanced functional 3d really is how the system should have been and simply makes the upgrade worth it for me. No more playing like a statue,

Fixed your spelling.
During lunch today, I went to Target, Best Buy, Gamestop and two local stores. I was looking for a Majora's Mask 3DS. ALL FIVE OF THEM had the new 3DS in stock. Both had red and black.

After work... so 6:00 PM now, I went back to the Best Buy to see if, by chance, they got an afternoon shipment. They didn't, but they still had both red and black systems in stock. Where does everyone in this thread live??? Is it really that difficult to find these?

The people getting the limited editions are the exceptions, not the rule. Most apparently picked them up when the stores opened. I doubt you'll just find one on a shelf any time soon.

Edit for clarification: it'd basically impossible to find a limited edition on a shelf now.


During lunch today, I went to Target, Best Buy, Gamestop and two local stores. I was looking for a Majora's Mask 3DS. ALL FIVE OF THEM had the new 3DS in stock. Both had red and black.

After work... so 6:00 PM now, I went back to the Best Buy to see if, by chance, they got an afternoon shipment. They didn't, but they still had both red and black systems in stock. Where does everyone in this thread live??? Is it really that difficult to find these?

I live in Chicago, and I couldn't find one anywhere that I could get to easily with public transit.


Pretty sure a fellow Gaffer, who was/is verified by mod (Bish?), gave the heads up that supply would be limited back in the second week of January no? I believe it was Shogun around the time of the Ambassador EU announcement/Jan Direct speculation.
cant believe people are actually buying it

The upgrade is a lot bigger in my eyes than the DSi vs DS Lite. The 3DS effect is nearly perfect now and makes the system do what it was supposed to since the beginning, so now it not only has an amazing line up of great games, it has the 3D effect that works great too......not to mention the added buttons and c-stick.
I never played with 3D enabled for more than 5 minutes, it was a completely useless feature to me, because it didn't work properly.

The New system completely changes all that, I just played Majora's Mask for 4 hours straight, with 3D on the whole time, it works so well, I almost forgot that it was on.

And that's not even the real reason I upgraded, I wanted the analog nub/c-stick, and the faster processor. The enhanced 3D effect is just icing on the cake.
Pretty sure a fellow Gaffer, who was/is verified by mod (Bish?), gave the heads up that supply would be limited back in the second week of January no? I believe it was Shogun around the time of the Ambassador EU announcement/Jan Direct speculation.

Yup it was me.


My local Best Buy was out within minutes after the doors opened this morning. Really surprised by this since every other 3ds model barely sold at launch.
Just hit a Toys R Us to pick up Toon Link and noticed they had 4 Reds and 2 Blacks. One of the black models was sold on my way out though. Doubt they'll make it past lunch time tomorrow.


I don't know if this is a supply issue or just an absurd demand issue. How many consoles is normal for a stock?

It would be strange to me if it were an issue of demand because in my mind I see the majority of N3DS XL buyers being enthusiasts as from GAF, looking to upgrade. I could be totally off-base, but I don't see it as this huge demand to meet. But when I see people already claiming that stores are cleaned out on launch of a standard console model, albeit new, I tend to fall on supply being the issue. But again, I could be totally wrong based on my own observations and perspective. I just think it's odd.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Goddamnit I wasnt going to buy one and then my L button goes and breaks on my, rendering Monster Hunter unplayable, and now I have to find one
I think it's easy to see that what is in play here are a couple factors

- Nintendo's focus on maximizing profit through their supply chain by minimizing excess stock is showing

- Nintendo's relationship with retail is not what it was during the DS and Wii generations so I can imagine orders from retail were not that large

- And maybe there's a little bit of Nintendo going back to creating demand by slightly artificially creating a supply constraint
Sigh.... I sold off some older games recently and have $400 sitting in my pocket right now that has both the LE MM3D console and LE MM3D game name on it. In fact whatever is leftover would probably go towards MH4U and a few amiibos....

I've never seen a company make it so hard to spend money on their products without jumping through flaming hoops as Nintendo of recent times.

Ulysses 31

Gold Member


Went to a Future Shop in Canada about 10 minutes after they opened and grabbed a red New3DS XL and Monster Hunter. That being said, only looked like 10 or less 3DS boxes behind the glass.


Third party sellers on Amazon aren't even selling it right now. The beautiful partnership between Amazon and Nintendo continues.
Hey if anyone needs a new 3ds in philadelphia , bridesburg target has 3 red and 2 black ones in stock. That was this morning at opening though. Can call and ask ahead of time.
I didn't have a problem because I pre-ordered it.

Nintendo is doing this thing where they run limited supply of their items so that demand jumps up. It's very similar to how Apple operates.

They wait to issue orders when demand hits a certain point.
Target: out

Gamestop: out

Bestbuy: out

Amazon doesn't even have it listed for some reason

What the fuck is this?

Amazon hasn't directly sold Nintendo hardware since the OG 3ds launch, due to some fallout over packaging, the screen scratching issue I believe. This includes the wii U, whatever the issue is I wish both sides would get over it and move forward.
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