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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|


There is a lot of Sega franchises that are kinda dead. So, why let them go to waste.

Have you all ever felt like other mechanics or people involved in other Sega games might work well in a sonic game? If so , what game, or person, a composer, art director, something? and what mechanic.ic would like included in a sonic game.

For me, I have always found the sonic trick system rather lacking It would be interesting to have a more in depth trick/navigation system. I would like them to incorporate some stuff from JSR/JSRF i have always found those games to be pretty enjoyable ( sega port JSRF to the PC) and I feel like their trick system could work for linar levels. And I feel like It could differentiate multiple characters actually. Like shadow already has like rocket boots, I dunno. And maybe different characters could be good at different types of tricks/Navigation.

Another thing I think could be interesting is the city scape, I am not saying sonic should go Open world. However, I have always liked City Sonic levels, and It would be interesting to have the level start at a point and end at a point but a whole city scape of way to navigate that point, gives some people room to explore.

Last thing , the composer Hideki Naganuma/ Skank Funk whatever you wanna call him, I like his music. He should do sonic stuff more often, maybe somethings a bit more similar to what he has done for JSR/JSRF.

Anyways thazzit.

This simply makes me wonder why the hell Beat didn't make it into Sonic Riders.

You know I wouldn't mind Sonic Riders 4/Sonic Riders HD at all. Keep the tricky inspiration strong


Damn, Coldman got bopped


This simply makes me wonder why the hell Beat didn't make it into Sonic Riders.

You know I wouldn't mind Sonic Riders 4/Sonic Riders HD at all. Keep the tricky inspiration strong


Damn, Coldman got bopped

Nah, Coldman requested a break. Should be back around May.

qq more

Later Coldman. Good luck with whatever you're dealing with!


you're a man now, son.

so, how did it feel playing through the best Sonic game ever?

But I like Sonic 3 & Knuckles better! ...Regardless though, still a great game!

Metropolis is the only stage I sort of dislike. Every other stage are fun though.



This one makes for a great wallpaper.



Didn't realize I got paid at midnight so here I am playing Sonic 2

Oh dear lord the special stages look amazing, but gosh dang these controls screw me over on them.


Didn't realize I got paid at midnight so here I am playing Sonic 2

Oh dear lord the special stages look amazing, but gosh dang these controls screw me over on them.

I always felt the Sonic 2 special stages got too much stick. They aren't blue sphere but they are still hella fun. The Rush ones are a great variation too.


So have any of you tried Lost World after the update? It fixed every major issue I had with the game. It's amazing small changes like those really make a difference.
So have any of you tried Lost World after the update? It fixed every major issue I had with the game. It's amazing small changes like those really make a difference.

The level design is still flat and simplistic, the controls could be a lot better, and though rings finally have a purpose, the scoring system still doesn't make any sense in spite of entire levels where amassing huge scores is the whole point.

They fixed a couple of easy issues but the game at large still isn't very good, in my opinion.


Dunno about you guys but I like Marble Zone in Sonic 1. Was playing it on the 3DS ver. and I enjoyed playing it even though I lost my rings sometimes haha.

Nah, Coldman requested a break. Should be back around May.

aH i see, was surprised to see his status as banned. Hope the best for him.


My home internet's down today and I refuse to type out an entire SotD on a phone, so the first person who wants to fill the gap, can.
I like to think you're saying you one day hope to beat as many games as QQ does.

We can't all be QQ.


My home internet's down today and I refuse to type out an entire SotD on a phone, so the first person who wants to fill the gap, can.

I got this, Sciz!

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #78

Song: Open Your Heart
Game: Sonic Adventure
Album: Sonic Adventure OST
Composer: Jun Senoue
Arrangement: Jun Senoue

A song from Sonic's point of view regarding the plot's events. Unabashedly cheesy, and I love it for that.


I got this, Sciz!

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #78

Song: Open Your Heart
Game: Sonic Adventure
Album: Sonic Adventure OST
Composer: Jun Senoue
Arrangement: Jun Senoue.

Good job dude, the hero we need in a time of crisis (am I overselling this?)

As for the song, the intro is really cool, the sounds are very atmospheric. I honestly don't know why people prefer live and learn over this, the guitar work is just superior imo and a lot of the time Jonny gets to stretch words out which melds well with his vocal style. The solo around 3 minutes has way more style too. Fighting a final boss to this is undeniably epic. Then they stop it to play generic orchestra haha.
The complete silence between notes at the beginning still gets me every time.

I've always felt that it's like the ominous tolling of a bell warning all who hear it about the musical monstrosity incoming.
Of course said bell is subject to the same sound deficiencies as the music itself so it also sounds awful.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
The level design is still flat and simplistic, the controls could be a lot better, and though rings finally have a purpose, the scoring system still doesn't make any sense in spite of entire levels where amassing huge scores is the whole point.

They fixed a couple of easy issues but the game at large still isn't very good, in my opinion.
I was writing up a response to that, but then you came and took the words out of my mouth. Good man. This doesn't fix my own issues with the game, and I'll still go with what I wrote when IrishNinja asked me about it in the LW thread. Not at all.

And my response would've been longer, too, which leads me to...

Also it makes me a little sad people feel this way:
This is why I was more than a little miffed that some people seemed to frown upon my posting style a few months ago. In fact, you know where I learned how to post at length about something? From reading GAF! Reading GAF all the way from late 2007 to the time I'd registered in early 2010 and got approved in early 2011. A lot of the posters who I read most often and had respected more because of that were ones that sometimes posted lengthy posts and impressions. I thought that that was how you were supposed to post on here, so I kind of adopted it. The posting quality was at least a little more passionate than it was now, but you know how it goes now. This isn't the thread to complain about it, but this site is not the one I joined, or read a few years ago. Nope.

I mean, it says something when people take well-known posters for their sarcasm fairly seriously, and those guys have been here long and are known for their posting style.

I really do think that year buffer people used to have between registration and approval might have done some good. It would at least encourage you to see how things should be done if you did pay attention to the better posters. There seemed to be more signal to noise than noise to signal. I know older folks in this thread could speak better for that.

3D Space Harrier is pretty much on the same level of Taxman's ports, right down to the whole "adding content that wasn't in either game's original release" thing.
This. Buy that shit. I'm glad I actually paid attention to you guys for once.

super mario 3d world - just fantastic.

gta v - a really weird game in that... i think they achieved the best possible balance rockstar could find, but i still find myself wondering if the game would be better if it did x... and that would come at the detriment of other element y. i do like, but a bunch of things feel like a missed opportunity.

metal gear rising: revengeance - watching the credits on this bad boy right now. this feels like a ps2 era game in 2013. i mean that in the best way possible, flaws and all.

tearaway's good too. i just don't know why i keep putting it off. i got pretty far and it's the one thing keeping me from starting zelda.
Glad you liked Revengeance. I'd... probably say the same thing. It really does feel like a better PS2 era game, and it comes off better for it. Reliance on the technical playing approach as opposed to accomplishing a lot of other stuff. It's just pure fun.

I still need to crack away at 3D World. I might actually do that tonight if I don't decide to play Bravely Default instead. But I should chip away at BD too. But 3D World is definitely one of the better platformers I've played all year. Very cohesive, very fun, looks great, sounds great, varied styles, knows how to incorporate gimmicks well, etc.

Bravely Default is the FF5 sequel I'd always wanted. It does so much right in terms of game design that I don't know how to begin describing it.

Haven't played GTA5. Will wait. I didn't like GTA4 very much (iirc, I gave it a negative point when you did GOTY 2008 2012 Edition). I have other stuff to play in terms of genres I frequent usually, so I don't mind.

You should finish Tearaway. I finished it last week. Don't have time to write up impressions but I'm pretty positive with it. I'm just kind of feeling bad that I played SM3DW between the times I'd started Tearaway and finished Tearaway. They're both dramatically different games despite being in the same genre so it is hard to compare the two, but for some reason, I do. Either way, both of them are very good at what they do. Very polished. Tearaway's my favourite Mm game at this point.

Either way, I'm fairly happy with platformers this year. I have some PC stuff to get around to again, and I have to play Pac-Man CE DX+. Nert messaged me the other day to tell me some stuff from CE DX+ OST's up.

Reentrance BGM
Pac Steps (<-click this pls)
Dig Dug

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #78

Song: Open Your Heart
Game: Sonic Adventure
Album: Sonic Adventure OST
Composer: Jun Senoue
Arrangement: Jun Senoue
Usually you'd hear people saying that this was the theme that started it all: a long tradition of rock themes in Sonic games. Some would say that it started a tradition of vocal music in Sonic games but we all know that started a looooooooooooooooooooong time before Sonic Adventure. In any case, in many aspects, design-wise, musically, sound direction-wise, etc. Sonic Adventure was a large turning point in what we knew as 'Sonic', perhaps even to some people's chagrin.

I was thinking about it a little today and I realize that I just wasn't fond of Sonic Adventure from the start. Our money went to the bills, so I never got a Dreamcast when it first came out. My cousin's family was fairly rich and got every system ever (hence I got to play some awesome CD-i games when I was younger!), so I went over to his house to see Sonic Adventure a few times. I don't think I ever liked it right off the bat. It made me nauseous, and I couldn't understand why they went with that game design at the time. Granted, I was 11 and barely knew anything about game design or anything else, but I just... didn't get it, I guess? I don't think I played Sonic for the story, nor did I play it for more interaction between Sonic and NPCs, so I guessed it wasn't for me. I somewhat left feeling disappointed. I guess I was locked into this mindset of just wanting a straight-up platformer. And you all know that that's changed given my feelings towards Unleashed. Unleashed exhibited better RPG mechanics than other RPGs of this generation, for instance.

I still don't look at the Adventure games very fondly, keeping that in mind. I like what they tried to do, but so much the execution.

That, and I was transitioning into playing PC games at the time since we usually kept our computer upgraded, so I was more enamoured with playing cRPGs, Quake II/Doom (oddly enough Quake II/Doom got me nauseous, but I thought everything about those games were cool), learning about MUDs and older RPGs, older adventure games, etc.

Oh, this is just fantastic. The transitions are so gooooooooood.


This is why I was more than a little miffed that some people seemed to frown upon my posting style a few months ago. In fact, you know where I learned how to post at length about something? From reading GAF! Reading GAF all the way from late 2007 to the time I'd registered in early 2010 and got approved in early 2011. A lot of the posters who I read most often and had respected more because of that were ones that sometimes posted lengthy posts and impressions. I thought that that was how you were supposed to post on here, so I kind of adopted it. The posting quality was at least a little more passionate than it was now, but you know how it goes now. This isn't the thread to complain about it, but this site is not the one I joined, or read a few years ago. Nope.

I mean, it says something when people take well-known posters for their sarcasm fairly seriously, and those guys have been here long and are known for their posting style.

I really do think that year buffer people used to have between registration and approval might have done some good. It would at least encourage you to see how things should be done if you did pay attention to the better posters. There seemed to be more signal to noise than noise to signal. I know older folks in this thread could speak better for that.

This. Buy that shit. I'm glad I actually paid attention to you guys for once.

If it helps, when I was lurking before deciding to sign up fully here, it was you and some other posters that impressed me enough to actually give this a go. I actually knew a few people to look out for and what they were like as posters before I got my account. And it was posters like you that I wanted to emulate in my posting. I haven't been posting in main gaming side as much I like, but that's because I don't like posting unless I have something meaningful to say, which isn't the case on most topics. And I still have yet to write a full on impression like so many here so still a ways to go. Anyway point is there are new people who appreciate you guys, don't worry about that.

BHZ Mayor

One strange thing I noticed about the remastered Sonic 2 (Android in my case) is that the edge springs seems to propel me higher than they should. Weird.
Usually you'd hear people saying that this was the theme that started it all: a long tradition of rock themes in Sonic games. Some would say that it started a tradition of vocal music in Sonic games but we all know that started a looooooooooooooooooooong time before Sonic Adventure. In any case, in many aspects, design-wise, musically, sound direction-wise, etc. Sonic Adventure was a large turning point in what we knew as 'Sonic', perhaps even to some people's chagrin.

I still don't look at the Adventure games very fondly, keeping that in mind. I like what they tried to do, but so much the execution.

That, and I was transitioning into playing PC games at the time since we usually kept our computer upgraded, so I was more enamoured with playing cRPGs, Quake II/Doom (oddly enough Quake II/Doom got me nauseous, but I thought everything about those games were cool), learning about MUDs and older RPGs, older adventure games, etc.

About SA: I haven't played SA1 yet (I tried the steam version... my mistake. So I'm holding off until I can come up with the Gamecube version), but I was introduced to the series with SA2. Back in those days, when I was a youngin', I couldn't get enough of the game. Now that I'm playing it again 12 years later... I have a less favorable opinion (though I'm high on nostalgia). I still like the game overall, but some of the issues are so damn glaring I can't in good conscious say it aged well. I'm gonna give a big retrospective some time next week, so I'll hold off saying too much.

On another note: Can someone please tell me why the Itunes version and original soundtrack of SA2 omit so much of Eggman's and Knuckles' music? I get that they might have legal problems with the Knuckles' music due to the lyrics, but what about the instrumental Eggman tunes?

Edit: I just got the bridge you fight Shadow/Sonic at in SA2 to glitch into oblivion. Poor Shadow ran out of track to run on.


One strange thing I noticed about the remastered Sonic 2 (Android in my case) is that the edge springs seems to propel me higher than they should. Weird.

Are you talking about regular springs that shoot you off diagonally? Or are you talking about the Metropolis Zone bumpers? Wasn't it Act 1 with the forever-repeating pit that it was possible to get stuck bouncing between bumpers if you jumped into the pit after rolling up into a ball (effectively losing the ability to steer in the air)? Is that still a thing?


Glad you liked Revengeance. I'd... probably say the same thing. It really does feel like a better PS2 era game, and it comes off better for it. Reliance on the technical playing approach as opposed to accomplishing a lot of other stuff. It's just pure fun.

I still need to crack away at 3D World. I might actually do that tonight if I don't decide to play Bravely Default instead. But I should chip away at BD too. But 3D World is definitely one of the better platformers I've played all year. Very cohesive, very fun, looks great, sounds great, varied styles, knows how to incorporate gimmicks well, etc.

Bravely Default is the FF5 sequel I'd always wanted. It does so much right in terms of game design that I don't know how to begin describing it.

Haven't played GTA5. Will wait. I didn't like GTA4 very much (iirc, I gave it a negative point when you did GOTY 2008 2012 Edition). I have other stuff to play in terms of genres I frequent usually, so I don't mind.

You should finish Tearaway. I finished it last week. Don't have time to write up impressions but I'm pretty positive with it. I'm just kind of feeling bad that I played SM3DW between the times I'd started Tearaway and finished Tearaway. They're both dramatically different games despite being in the same genre so it is hard to compare the two, but for some reason, I do. Either way, both of them are very good at what they do. Very polished. Tearaway's my favourite Mm game at this point.

i thought gta iv was awful. honestly, a bad game. gta v brings back a lot of the id. the story still conflicts with the gameplay though and that's part of what makes it weird. however controlling three characters and switching between them makes it so much easier to get to the good parts in missions. unfortunately the story really meanders around in the middle and resolves itself in a messy way. there's this really half-baked focus on heists too. the heists are cool, and they have some real heft in the game because you have to spend time prepping for it, but there are only three in the game that actually count, and a couple more that don't. gta v's mission could have been just ten heists that escalate each time, but that would mean lots of really clever level design and stuff when you could just be shooting things like 70% of the game.

tearaway is definitely next. now that revengeance is done, i actively want to return to it. i'll beat it soon.

i still haven't typed up my full thoughts on 3d world. my mind was frazzled by it after the final level. it's still hard for me to put into words what i like about it and why i still prefer galaxy 2. however as someone who disliked 3d land, 3d world is a top-class mario game.


2 Nintendo things tick me off atm:
1- Super Mario 3D World sales not being high
2- Still waiting for Bravely Default to get here, I don't care for any of that PS3 and P4 blockbuster shit

Oh and as I understand it, Sonic 1 on 3DS is a port of the original Genesis ver., am I to assume it doesn't run at 60 FPS like Taxman's iOS version?
Sonic 1 3DS runs exactly like the Genesis version did, right down to running at the same resolution, having slowdown in the same places, and even bits of sprite flicker here and there.

Just with the added benefit of 3D layering.


Sonic 1 3DS runs exactly like the Genesis version did, right down to running at the same resolution, having slowdown in the same places, and even bits of sprite flicker here and there.

Just with the added benefit of 3D layering.

Aha, ah well I haven't noticed any issues outside of sprite flickering that actually bothered me. I'm satisfied with this port overall =)
Aha, ah well I haven't noticed any issues outside of sprite flickering that actually bothered me. I'm satisfied with this port overall =)

Yeah, it's actually a great port. Like it's one of those things where you don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but great as it might be, I still feel it is inferior to Taxman's iOS port.

But I get why that is. These 3D Classics were made as a batch deal, so it's obvious they can't just use Taxman's version for this one game. Sega probably contracted M2 for five games to all use the same tech as a base and Sonic was among them.

I'd definitely recommend people buying the 3DS one, though, assuming they don't already have it on iOS or Android.


Graduating in an hour! Same deal as yesterday, then, but I'm putting a restraint on it so you don't jump straight to Live and Learn: Pick a past track from Sonic CD, either version.

BHZ Mayor

Are you talking about regular springs that shoot you off diagonally? Or are you talking about the Metropolis Zone bumpers? Wasn't it Act 1 with the forever-repeating pit that it was possible to get stuck bouncing between bumpers if you jumped into the pit after rolling up into a ball (effectively losing the ability to steer in the air)? Is that still a thing?

Apparently they're called Catapults. These.

BHZ Mayor

Graduating in an hour! Same deal as yesterday, then, but I'm putting a restraint on it so you don't jump straight to Live and Learn: Pick a past track from Sonic CD, either version.

Congrats Sciz.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #79

Song: Wacky Workbench - Past
Game: Sonic CD
Album: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG CD Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition
Composer: Masafumi Ogata
Arrangement: Masafumi Ogata

One of the best themes in the game backing what may be the worst designed level of all the 16-bit games.
I spent most of the last week sitting in threads knowing I had something to say but being unable to get the words out for some reason, so many previewed posts, so little actual posts. So on that note cheers Anihawk for effectively saying what I wanted to say in the expansion pack thread, dismissing sequels as an expansion seems to be the thing to do if you don't like or are disappointed in a sequel. On top of this I now know someone else who thinks Oracle of Seasons is kinda lame, why I could almost wheel out my damning tome on the sucker I typed up earlier this year but never posted.

i thought gta iv was awful. honestly, a bad game. gta v brings back a lot of the id. the story still conflicts with the gameplay though and that's part of what makes it weird. however controlling three characters and switching between them makes it so much easier to get to the good parts in missions. unfortunately the story really meanders around in the middle and resolves itself in a messy way. there's this really half-baked focus on heists too. the heists are cool, and they have some real heft in the game because you have to spend time prepping for it, but there are only three in the game that actually count, and a couple more that don't. gta v's mission could have been just ten heists that escalate each time, but that would mean lots of really clever level design and stuff when you could just be shooting things like 70% of the game.

I've needed an excuse to talk about this one as I was a bit late to the party.
GTA5 is an odd one for sure, I played it, beat it and thought "yep, that was another GTA all right" and wondered just what they'd have to do to really enthral me in the series again.
I think it's solid yet unremarkable in a sense. The main entertainment I got from the game wasn't so much that of the gameplay itself, rather it was all the small details, dialogue exchanges and other aspects that helped define the world I was playing in and its characters. For example GTA5's internet has no need to be as pointlessly robust as it is, you could entirely ignore it and the main game wouldn't suffer yet I'd dive in semi regularly to see how peoples life invader status' had changed in relevance to the plot or just check out the silly jokes each new website had to offer. As odd as it may sound it's the little things like this that really stood out to me.

The gameplay continues the series jack of all trades, master of none philosophy and delivers an array of average antics on top of some side activities that don't even make it that high up the quality ladder (Oh I always wanted to simulate yoga with control sticks!). The shooting was heavily reliant on lock on, snapping between targets for quick kills seemed to be the order of the day offering little in the way of engaging encounters yet if you did get caught with your pants down your health can get blown through at an alarming rate, I guess this was to balance the addition of the token health regeneration and character specific power up (of course there's a "Rage mode" option for at least one character) that almost define this era of big budget games.
The idea I suppose is that the sum of its parts pool together in a somewhat cohesive fashion to elevate the whole experience, well it picks it up to a decent 7 or 8 I guess, not sure about all those perfect scores.

In a nutshell it really is the ultimate mass market angled game, it does tons of things in a simple enough way so that anybody can hopefully handle the tasks asked of the player, a game where shooting a pilot out of a helicopter is simply two button taps away. I did have fun in the time I spent playing the main game yet the moment I finished the story I'd more than had my fill, various post game stuff and other optional missions I needed not. Perhaps the plot for all its shaky pacing was what pushed me through to the finish line.

GTA5 made me give Rockstar credit for what they are able to do with a sandbox game regarding scale and world building while also making me appreciate some of the other sandbox titles I've played from the same generation a lot more for their more involving approaches to gameplay, GTA 5 sometimes falls victim to the almost on rails set piece structure where some missions feel limiting in what you can actually do to achieve success, a far cry from say me winning GTA3's turismo race because I just blew up my opponents with a rocket launcher at the starting grid and then had a leisurely drive around the circuit alone.
For what it's worth GTA5 handily destroys 4 in the fun department, mid mission checkpoints are greatly appreciated and even if it can be inconsistent it offers quite the variety in its mission structure as well as bringing back some of the crazy that the series lost. They just need to give the various gameplay aspects a kick up the arse.

i still haven't typed up my full thoughts on 3d world. my mind was frazzled by it after the final level. it's still hard for me to put into words what i like about it and why i still prefer galaxy 2. however as someone who disliked 3d land, 3d world is a top-class mario game.
I promised JC he'd get a writeup over a week ago, I'm failing to deliver.
SMG2 is still my main man, of that there is no doubt. I appreciate what 3D World does, it's a great game, alas the fatigue has finally caught up to me, too much Mario in such a short span of time.

When I consider that since 2011 there's been 3D Land, NSMB2, NSMBU, NSLU and now 3D World with the lines between 3D and 2D Mario merging closer with these games in particular I figure that I just reached the saturation point with 3D World, yeah maybe I shouldn't have played all of those NSMB titles.

I've actually been working on something for the platformers thread which has been sitting on the backburner, maybe I'll continue it so I can get my thoughts on 3D World among other platformers of this year out there. When it comes to the GotY stuff this year I plan to just stick to the positive side of things, no pondering about how something in a game could be improved and all that, so I'll need to drop the more critiquing points elsewhere anyway.

Sciz said:
Graduating in an hour! Same deal as yesterday, then, but I'm putting a restraint on it so you don't jump straight to Live and Learn: Pick a past track from Sonic CD, either version.

Graduating? well nuts to dwelling in the past (tracks), time for a victorious theme.
Plus BHZ has that covered.

Bonus track: Colours Stage Clear
Typically stage clears in Sonic use a reliable catchy jingle and nothing more, Colours starts with what seems to be a rather bombastic jingle that then goes off into a small scale version of the games main theme, it's pretty extravagant. Really though all I can think of is trying to break the numbers fast enough to find the hidden 1 up within, failure to do so turns my stage complete victory into minor disappointment, it's like a race against the fanfare.

Hopefully this theme fits your situation well.
Meanwhile in Nocturnowl land....



This seems alot nicer than it is in-game.

I felt art-direction was stronger in Unleashed and Colors.

That piece makes me realize that Silent Forest Act 3 was probably going to be like that, but with Moai, which would, as a level concept, make sense. My guess is they realized that wouldn't be hard enough, so they made it ice at the last minute.

So much of the game suffered because it was rushed. Darn shame.
Just played the first hour of Dust: An Elysian Tail.

The art direction and the soundtrack are to die for. The gameplay, while a little basic for what I'm used to in an action game (aka Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, etc) is still appealing enough and fun. The VA is pretty good too. And while the story is a bit cliche, the execution seems well done and I really like the dialogue so far. I think I'm in for a real treat.


SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #78

Song: Open Your Heart
Game: Sonic Adventure
Album: Sonic Adventure OST
Composer: Jun Senoue
Arrangement: Jun Senoue

A song from Sonic's point of view regarding the plot's events. Unabashedly cheesy, and I love it for that.

Sonic never fails on its final boss music. It's great to mix and match the boss themes to different bosses in Generations. Chaos was an excellent antagonist and I was upset that he got shoved to the side in Sonic Battle. This was all before the "Eggman tries to control an ancient force that ends up betraying him" thing got overused.


The most frustrating thing about this game is that when Sega develops something that's promising - Sonic Colours - they don't build on it. instead they create a new game, say something like Sonic is a franchise that is always changing, and ruin any consistency they may have otherwise found. So frustrating.

That's what I think anyway.


I think it's stupid too how Sonic Team feels like writing a whole new engine each game instead of building upon and polishing the previous one. There was absolutely no reason for Sonic 2006 to do everything worse than SA2.

The only time I noticed when that wasn't the case was with Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Generations, where both games used the same engines. And yet, Sonic Lost World uses something completely new and inferior.

I understand what they are trying to do, but Sega either don't give them enough time or they simply don't have the talent to pull it off.
I think it's stupid too how Sonic Team feels like writing a whole new engine each game instead of building upon and polishing the previous one. There was absolutely no reason for Sonic 2006 to do everything worse than SA2.

The only time I noticed when that wasn't the case was with Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Generations, where both games used the same engines. And yet, Sonic Lost World uses something completely new and inferior.

I understand what they are trying to do, but Sega either don't give them enough time or they simply don't have the talent to pull it off.

Somebody over there loves to re-invent the wheel. I mean, there's no finer posterchild for that than Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

"What if we made a sequel to Sonic 3 that ignored everything that Sonic 3 did and instead played like an half-assed combination of Sonic 1 and a Modern Sonic game?"


I think it's stupid too how Sonic Team feels like writing a whole new engine each game instead of building upon and polishing the previous one. There was absolutely no reason for Sonic 2006 to do everything worse than SA2.

The only time I noticed when that wasn't the case was with Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Generations, where both games used the same engines. And yet, Sonic Lost World uses something completely new and inferior.

I understand what they are trying to do, but Sega either don't give them enough time or they simply don't have the talent to pull it off.

Sonic 06 was pressed for time but that's really only an excuse for the glitches, not everything else. But I agree with the earlier post. The Sonic 4 episodes were a good example. Episode 2 had no right to be bad. It should have been a fixed continuation of episode 1.


SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #80

Song: I'm A Spy... for Security Hall
Game: Sonic Adventure 2
Composer: Fumie Kumatani.

Rouge's music is actually my favourite from SA2, it feels very unique compared to the other characters who kind of blur together to a certain extent (except for knuckles ofc, but he is unique for different reasons). Whilst her theme is her best tune imo, this is my favourite stage theme. The brass oozes style and energy, the keyboard, or whatever that is, provides a great backing, and the melody is catchy and enjoyable. It fits the context too, there is a certain secret agent feel to it that makes the race against the clock even more tense.
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