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Sony cracks down on sexual content in games.


The retailer here still has unlimited stocks of all them perverted games, but he refuses to get the new games in stock unless they're toned down. The retailer here would place the censored version of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal (removed intimacy mode) besides Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash and Estival Versus which both have that same intimacy mode intact on that platform.

It's hypocritical to say they're worried about the children, or their image, when they're doing this. It's a half assed overreaction to the MeToo movement and fear of social outrage they might get themselves into if they keep having them games. Anime school girl T&A have never been an issue for US citizens (or the rest of the world) and that's a thing since the 90s and has pretty much peaked in perversion ever since To Love-Ru Darkness.

I mean, sure... Sony can do whatever they want, but when they decide to go down that path, then at least remove old games, or force devs to patch them. If they can't, then pay them off so you don't break contract when you remove them from PSN... but Sony isn't doing that, because they seem to not know what they want.
That would be suicide.

Hey we happened to change our policy so we are cutting off your revenue stream which you might have been banking on when you made your game and we certified, unless you spend money changing your game to our new policy.

It's as if the reasonable approach is unacceptable everywhere. It must always be all or nothing.
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lol This is not your average 22 year old from Japan. I'm sorry but that's some amazing cherry picking right there.
My point was east asian especially Japanese worship cute young looking male/female as one of the traits of beauty which that greatly differ than western one. So of course that will be reflected in the games they been made for.
So been called pedophille or the localized Japanese game must censor of all things above is pathetic move IMO. It show that SIE and mainstream western journalist cannot tolerate other ones culture and insist to inject their own culture to it while mandating all others non oriental language country follow it too (English is INTERNATIONAL languange not WESTERN NATION/USA exclusive language only).
Based on what all my SEA or Middle east friends need to comply with USA/western culture too? Just because they cannot speak orientals or USA is king of the world now? the games not even made in USA to begin with.
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He's not claiming that Asians looking younger than they actually are are common, just that such people exist in Japan and East Asia. Case in point:

I get that they tend to look younger and be shorter but that fake lolicon model or whatever is not the norm. I bet she looks closer to her age without the makeup.
My point was east asian especially Japanese worship cute young looking male/female as one of the traits of beauty which that greatly differ than western one. So of course that will be reflected in the games they been made for.
So been called pedophille or the localized Japanese game must censor of all things above is pathetic move IMO.
Sure, but then Japan has actually always had a paedophile problem. I mean they only outlawed possession in 2014 and from what I've heard they're still pretty lax on it.
Honestly doesn't bother me because I don't play games for sexual content... but the real question all perverts want to know is, what does this mean for the PS4 version of Leisure Suit Larry? All 4 people.


My point was east asian especially Japanese worship cute young looking male/female as one of the traits of beauty which that greatly differ than western one. So of course that will be reflected in the games they been made for.
So been called pedophille or the localized Japanese game must censor of all things above is pathetic move IMO. It show that SIE and mainstream western journalist cannot tolerate other ones culture and insist to inject their own culture to it while mandating all others non oriental language country follow it too (English is INTERNATIONAL languange not WESTERN NATION/USA exclusive language only).
Based on what all my SEA or Middle east friends need to comply with USA/western culture too? Just because they cannot speak orientals or USA is king of the world now? the games not even made in USA to begin with.

any look at an hentai website would make clear that japan does indeed have a "problem" with paedophilia...or better saying, with the sexualization of children, and i'm not talking about the " typical manga 16 years old" that looks like a 25 years old supermodel.

while i'm all for cultural relativity and the US does indeed have a problem with wanting everyone to adhere to their standards while they don't bother understanding other countries' ones, i'd say i draw the line at some of the sexualization about what is clearly a child in some of the content coming from japan...

dunno if it's the same on the videogame side since i don't play many japanese oriented games,but considering japanese media as a whole, yeah there might be some things to fix for a western release.

while beauty standards might play a role here, I still don't feel we can accept under the umbrella of cultural tollerance the sexualization of characters with clearly "child looking" bodies
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I get that they tend to look younger and be shorter but that fake lolicon model or whatever is not the norm. I bet she looks closer to her age without the makeup.
And still makeup which making face looks younger than the actual age have a lot of demand here. Also young looking male/female idol groups are very popular too regardless what their actual age.

Sure, but then Japan has actually always had a paedophile problem. I mean they only outlawed possession in 2014 and from what I've heard they're still pretty lax on it.
Every country have their own problem and I don't recall Japan is no 1 country in the world with the highest Pedophilia related crime so much that Sony even need to enforce that kind of policy against Japanese made games (even they themselves said this is because of political movement in US : #metoo rather than something related from Japan) and I'm sure liking loli games != pedophilia as same as becoming a fan of NGT48 group != pedophilia.
IMO this is one of the country with lowest crime rate so the police even still care to hunting a man who used his smartphone to film under a woman’s skirt.

any look at an hentai website would make clear that japan does indeed have a "problem" with paedophilia...or better saying, with the sexualization of children, and i'm not talking about the " typical manga 16 years old" that looks like a 25 years old supermodel.

while i'm all for cultural relativity and the US does indeed have a problem with wanting everyone to adhere to their standards while they don't bother understanding other countries' ones, i'd say i draw the line at some of the sexualization about what is clearly a child in some of the content coming from japan...

dunno if it's the same on the videogame side since i don't play many japanese oriented games,but considering japanese media as a whole, yeah there might be some things to fix for a western release.

while beauty standards might play a role here, I still don't feel we can accept under the umbrella of cultural tollerance the sexualization of characters with clearly "child looking" bodies
You free to call out the one who watching lolis hentai and manga as a pedophilia though I'm sure that's is wrong mindset because you know who is actually been caught IRL as Pedo? also could you also give me the receipt about the research from reliable third party that watching lolis hentai and manga = pedophillia in making?
I respect every country culture and tolerance, as I don't want USA/even rest the world to blindly adopt CERO stance about violence in gaming to the extend that I want to call every gamers who enjoy MK11 are serial mass murderer in making.
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And still makeup which making face looks younger than the actual age have a lot of demand here. Also young looking male/female idol groups are very popular too regardless what their actual age.

Every country have their own problem and I don't recall Japan is no 1 country in the world with the highest Pedophilia related crime so much that Sony even need to enforce that kind of policy against Japanese made games (even they themselves said this is because of political movement in US : #metoo rather than something related from Japan) and I'm sure liking loli games != pedophilia as same as becoming a fan of NGT48 group != pedophilia.
IMO this is one of the country with lowest crime rate so the police even still care to hunting a man who used his smartphone to film under a woman’s skirt.

You free to call out the one who watching lolis hentai and manga as a pedophilia though I'm sure that's is wrong mindset because you know who is actually been caught IRL as Pedo? also could you also give me the receipt about the research from reliable third party that watching lolis hentai and manga = pedophillia in making?
I respect every country culture and tolerance, as I don't want USA/even rest the world to blindly adopt CERO stance about violence in gaming to the extend that I want to call every gamers who enjoy MX11 are serial mass murderer in making.

noun Psychiatry.
an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.

Ask yourself.

Could this picture or concept be seen as a child that is sexually portrayed?

Over sexualizing kids will result in a ban on your product real freaking quick in the west with a metric ton of product killing publicity. Sounds like a smart business decision.

Playstation is mainly focused for the western market that involves kids probably mostly so it makes even more sense to cut and censor more and more on this front.

What some random crime rate and UN pedo has do with anything or how this validates oversexualizing kids is beyond me.

Then about your pedo in the making and research done on it. Which self respecting human adult male wants to see freaking kids in skimpy oversexualized outfits / positions? Sorry the only people that like this garbage are indeed pedo's.
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Censoring smut games is one thing, but what they tried with DMC5 really pissed me off and I am a PlayStation supporter.
You don't even know who "they" are. The censoring in DMC5 is all over the place (inconsistent across platforms and regions, can easily be avoided on PC by disabling lens flare, etc.), with some cutscenes also censored on XBox.
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noun Psychiatry.
an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.

Ask yourself.

Could this picture or concept be seen as a child that is sexually portrayed?

Over sexualizing kids will result in a ban on your product real freaking quick in the west with a metric ton of product killing publicity. Sounds like a smart business decision.

Playstation is mainly focused for the western market that involves kids probably mostly so it makes even more sense to cut and censor more and more on this front.

What some random crime rate and UN pedo has do with anything or how this validates oversexualizing kids is beyond me.
1. I don't care about what western market (you can check previous post) like or don't. Just don't make your rules as a means to rest of the world rules. West != rest of the world
2. "Over sexualizing kids will result in a ban on your product real freaking quick in the west with a metric ton of product killing publicity. Sounds like a smart business decision." again do not assume west = rest of the world outside Japan
3. "Could this picture or concept be seen as a child that is sexually portrayed?" -- maybe could be or could not, depend case by case, but I just don't easily assume all people who like to play senran kagura games as a Pedophile.
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And still makeup which making face looks younger than the actual age have a lot of demand here. Also young looking male/female idol groups are very popular too regardless what their actual age.
I don't know where "here" is but whilst makeup to get rid of wrinkles is popular, the aim isn't to look like 14 year old girls. That's a false equivalency if ever I heard one. Also I don't see how the popularity of J-Pop & K-pop plays in anyway into your point, unless you're suggesting people only like them because they look young...
Every country have their own problem and I don't recall Japan is no 1 country in the world with the highest Pedophilia related crime so much that Sony even need to enforce that kind of policy against Japanese made games (even they themselves said this is because of political movement in US : #metoo rather than something related from Japan) and I'm sure liking loli games != pedophilia as same as becoming a fan of NGT48 group != pedophilia.
IMO this is one of the country with lowest crime rate so the police even still care to hunting a man who used his smartphone to film under a woman’s skirt.
Every country does have it's problems... And it's well known that Japan's is paedophilia, low overall crime rate or not. I mean that image you posted, I doubt it's just some random photo taken by a friend of a friend. It's most likely jack-off material that's made to get around anti-pedo distribution laws. I don't care too much for this censor issue. I think Sony are going too far on some stuff but It's pretty obvious *some* Japanese games are seriously pushing the limits to appeal to an audience that is attracted to little girls and Sony are going to want to watch that before it harms their worldwide image. It's just a shame other things have to suffer and I'd suggest Sony play more attention on a product to product basis rather than have overbearing guidelines.
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The problem with where you draw the line is always going to exist with content like this. It's easy to put a line at actual age when it's a real life person, but when it's drawings or cg it's always going to be highly subjective, and there's always going to be people asking for more or less limitations, and this is highly dependent on the culture they've grown up with. Personally I don't really want to push for bans on non-real life vague depictions (it's still totally valid to criticize the content) but it's totally up to Sony where they want to put their line. I just question why they feel the need to be more restrictive than whatever guidelines have already been put into place.

It's clearly a reactionary move to the increasing discontent coming mostly from the US progressive circles about female objectification. They are worried content like this will net them bad PR. They've been fine with it for so long, but the increasing mentality of "normalizing harmful content" is clearly leading to both platform censorship as well as self-censorship by the devs themselves, only because a mostly US based group has taken upon themselves to use social media as a shaming tool to attempt to deplatform anything they don't like. They'll pressure advertisers, credit card companies and platform holders as long as necessary to get what they want, and these will cave in as long as it's financially reasonable, partly because they've already been compromised by hiring these "diversity experts" that will eventually sink their companies if given the chance.


Because had you read the thread you would have seen somebody already mention how people seem less offended by things like COD than sexy stuff and it affecting GTAs promotion of vice would be a majority game. It would not fly as easily. A mom being outraged goes back to why they choose to curate a store in the first place. I know you have difficulty following along but you can't keep asking stuff that's already been answered by just calling people liars and shills. It's pathetic. Clearly we aren't getting anywhere so peace out.

I read that anecdote and I gave it the consideration it merited. Now, if we wish to play the anecdote game, tell me, how many links you can provide of ACTUAL parents that are against their children playing GTAV and how many are there for the games Sony are censoring? So yes, I will keep calling you shill if you act as one.

From a quick Google search of 5'.




https://www.debate.org/opinions/is-gta5-a-bad-influence-on-children (20+ parents share their negative opinion, there)


Can you say the same about all those games that Sony is censoring?


Every country does have it's problems... And it's well known that Japan's is paedophilia, low overall crime rate or not.

I need to see the receipts here, because as far as I know, some Western countries (like USA and UK) have the same stats for sexual abuse of minors (around 9%-10% such is Japan's), however, there is a bigger problem of CP distribution in those Western countries than Japan, like 20%-25% more, however, Japan has a problem with child abuse and maltreatment at home, with last year there was a record high cases of 80.000 calls to the police for child abuse and maltreatment.

Of them, most of the time:

50% are domestic violence abuse (with a 2003 report showcasing that 70% of the cases the mother was present or even perpetrator on it)
40% are welfare problems such malnourishment, custody, etc.
10% were victims of sexual abuse. 9/10 times, by a relative.
any look at an hentai website would make clear that japan does indeed have a "problem" with paedophilia...or better saying, with the sexualization of children, and i'm not talking about the " typical manga 16 years old" that looks like a 25 years old supermodel.

while i'm all for cultural relativity and the US does indeed have a problem with wanting everyone to adhere to their standards while they don't bother understanding other countries' ones, i'd say i draw the line at some of the sexualization about what is clearly a child in some of the content coming from japan...
Could you provide some examples of what has led you to this conclusion? It’s difficult to argue against sweeping generalizations.

And please understand that not all the hentai you see online represents the average Japanese hentai experience. A lot of this stuff is not sold in stores and is instead self published works sold at conventions. Judging all of Japan for that would be like judging all of the US based on what is posted on 4chan.

dunno if it's the same on the videogame side since i don't play many japanese oriented games,but considering japanese media as a whole, yeah there might be some things to fix for a western release.
I’m curious as to what your experience is with Japanese media as a whole, and what you are seeing that is giving you this impression. Yes, Japan has lolicon and shotacon genres, but your sweeping generalizations make it seem like it is ever present in all Japanese media rather than largely limited to specific fetish releases.

while beauty standards might play a role here, I still don't feel we can accept under the umbrella of cultural tollerance the sexualization of characters with clearly "child looking" bodies
You switched here from sexualizing children to sexualizing “child looking bodies”. Do you understand that these are two separate things, right?
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Could you provide some examples of what has led you to this conclusion? It’s difficult to argue against sweeping generalizations.
i doubt i can link hentai websites here without getting a ban

And please understand that not all the hentai you see online represents the average Japanese hentai experience. A lot of this stuff is not sold in stores and is instead self published works sold at conventions. Judging all of Japan for that would be like judging all of the US based on what is posted on 4chan.

I’m curious as to what your experience is with Japanese media as a whole, and what you are seeing that is giving you this impression. Yes, Japan has lolicon and shotacon genres, but your sweeping generalizations make it seem like it is ever present in all Japanese media rather than largely limited to specific fetish releases.

you are right,i have no idea about how those hentai i saw are sold or if they are mainstream or not,but one would argue that any amount of that stuff is too much, even if it's limited release.

and in no way shape or form i ever said that ALL japan hentai is of that kind, just that they seem to be a little too lenient about that stuff if some of those are allowed to exist, even in the shadowy convention or something.

You switched here from sexualizing children to sexualizing “child looking bodies”. Do you understand that these are two separate things, right?
like i said on the start of my previous post,i have no problem with people lusting at a 16 years old manga characters that has the body of a 25 years old model..if the problem can be solved by just changing a number on the bio, it's not that much of a problem to begin with (of course this doesn't apply to real human beings...that would be clear without saying but on the current climate seems like you have to be precise)

what i'm taking an issue with are prepubescent bodies being sexualized
i doubt i can link hentai websites here without getting a ban
Then just give me names or authors. My Google-fu is strong.

you are right,i have no idea about how those hentai i saw are sold or if they are mainstream or not,but one would argue that any amount of that stuff is too much, even if it's limited release.
A vast majority of doujinshi have a print run of less than a few hundred copies. To put that in perspective, according to the sexual offender map, there’s a county in my state that has 1 out of every 200 people registered as a sexual offender. There’s about 290 offenders in this county - that’s just one county, but you wouldn’t say that being a sexual offender is representative of being an American, despite saying that about porn that has 300 copies for all of Japan.

We have a warped sense of Japanese porn since we have our own porn, so that Japanese porn we bother to translate tends to be the extreme stuff since we don’t need to go to the trouble for the vanilla stuff. And, of course, hentai is drawn - it isn’t real, and thus tends to be more extreme than real life. The closest equivalent in the West would be furry porn, and that stuff is hardly for the well adjusted.

and in no way shape or form i ever said that ALL japan hentai is of that kind, just that they seem to be a little too lenient about that stuff if some of those are allowed to exist, even in the shadowy convention or something.
If you are reading this stuff online, in English, then that means WE are allowing it to exist too.

like i said on the start of my previous post,i have no problem with people lusting at a 16 years old manga characters that has the body of a 25 years old model..if the problem can be solved by just changing a number on the bio, it's not that much of a problem to begin with (of course this doesn't apply to real human beings...that would be clear without saying but on the current climate seems like you have to be precise)

what i'm taking an issue with are prepubescent bodies being sexualized
See, I have a problem with this since I think you might end up making actual adults - real live people - feel like their bodies are child porn, and that’s not cool. There’s actually quite a few US porn actresses that can pass off as teenagers (sorry, I don’t know their names... or faces... but I think they are referred to as “spinners”?), but are easily adults well into their sexual maturity. I don’t want to see adults being criminalized here.

Also “looks like” is a subjective standard that can not be enforced objectively. In this thread and threads like it, there are people who believe anything in the anime style looks like children (like Sony). Jason Screecher said the witch from Dragon’s Crown was for pedophiles (and she has an extremely mature body). I think we can draw the line at “looks like a 9 year old, is supposed to be a 9 year old”. but the 1,000 year old dragon situation is more complicated because they are an adult.

Ultimately, what it comes down to is that hentai is not real people, and child pornography law exists to protect real children from heinous exploitation - not because child porn is icky. It;s about the very real, very dangerous, and very heartbreaking consequences of creating the child porn - something which hentai does NOT have, and thus should not be outlawed on the behalf of.
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and in no way shape or form i ever said that ALL japan hentai is of that kind, just that they seem to be a little too lenient about that stuff if some of those are allowed to exist, even in the shadowy convention or something.
The west (we) shouldn't pretend to be morally superior, when we also allow that stuff. There are some states in the US like California for example where it is completely okay for you to do what the Japanese do, draw your own loli manga and sell it on conventions (well, finding a con that is okay with it might be another thing)... it's IS legal there with court rulings to back it up.

Here in Germany for example, possession of Loli/Shota manga (or anything depicting fictional characters, as long as the fictional characters don't look photorealistic/indistinguishable from real people) is okay since it is not real, but it is considered a greyzone since it might end up getting you into trouble, like if you are a moron and try to bring your loli doujin with you after your Comiket visit in Japan and customs finds that stuff in your bag. They'll end up calling police and start a CP investigation looking for real CP in your home. Browsing Sadpanda is okay, though.

I think the only places I know of where it's completely illegal are the UK (were someone got convicted) and Australia.
I think the only places I know of where it's completely illegal are the UK (were someone got convicted) and Australia.
Currently. The UN is trying to pass a resolution which would make fictional depictions of child porn considered real child porn - a resolution, I might add, that Japan's creators are publicly against. And they are right to be, since this resolution is six kinds of overreaching bullshit.
I get that they tend to look younger and be shorter but that fake lolicon model or whatever is not the norm. I bet she looks closer to her age without the makeup.
But no one is saying that is the norm. I'm just pointing that biologically, East Asians tend to retain child-like facial features more than other ethnic groups.

Ask yourself.

Could this picture or concept be seen as a child that is sexually portrayed?
Depends on the person and it's also a drawing with unrealistic proportions. Intrinsically, young looking characters drawn in anime style are not immersive.

Then about your pedo in the making and research done on it. Which self respecting human adult male wants to see freaking kids in skimpy oversexualized outfits / positions? Sorry the only people that like this garbage are indeed pedo's.
I guess if you say "kids" enough times, then the anime game characters are indeed kids and not because they happen to look young...
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You don't even know who "they" are. The censoring in DMC5 is all over the place (inconsistent across platforms and regions, can easily be avoided on PC by disabling lens flare, etc.), with some cutscenes also censored on XBox.

what was censored on the xbox side of things I can find nothing
what was censored on the xbox side of things I can find nothing
Unless I missed something, unlike the one scene with Trish in the Western PS4 release, none of the content in the Xbox version of the game features any unique alterations. The Xbox version does use lens flares to obscure Lady's body in a cutscene, which some may consider censorship that's been applied to all versions of game.


Basically what Sony has done is stood on a chair, put a noose around their neck and said "IF YOUR GAME IS IN ANY WAY MATURE IN ANY FIELD OTHER THAN BEATING SOMEONE TO DEATH THEN DON'T BOTHER" and then kicked the chair from underneath their feet.

Their loss is Nintendo and MS' gain.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member

Lets discuss Sony censorship without a discussion of pedophilia. Plenty of people like anime who arent pedophiles (myself included) but the truth is sometimes the art is a bit questionable. We all know this, its not a secret.

Lets keep the discussion to the act of censorship rather than calling whoever disagrees a pedo.

Future pedo dicussion will warrant a thread ban or a site wide ban.

Thank you

Mod Team



Lets discuss Sony censorship without a discussion of pedophilia. Plenty of people like anime who arent pedophiles (myself included) but the truth is sometimes the art is a bit questionable. We all know this, its not a secret.

Lets keep the discussion to the act of censorship rather than calling whoever disagrees a pedo.

Future pedo dicussion will warrant a thread ban or a site wide ban.

Thank you

Mod Team
Excuse me but where came this from? When people posted pictures of women who are legally 18-23 years old people wanted to make a comparison how their look should not matter at all. They may seen look young but that does not mean they are not 16-18 depends on the age of consent in this country. Nothing that have been posted is a bit questionable as far I can tell.

Also let us not forget that the cut of age of pedophilia is 14 years. After that it is not pedophilia. It might be creepy for some people but that also depends on the age. Is it creepy for 18 year old boys or girls being attracted to a 15 year old boy or girl? I do not think so.

But this goes already a bit off topic but this is not even what the Sony censorship was about. It was about objectiication in the times of #metoo as the spokesperson said. So any form of sexualization of women can be affected. Hell that is why people are so unsure about Cathrine. That is why DMCv was censored for a week on Ps4 and so on.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Excuse me but where came this from? When people posted pictures of women who are legally 18-23 years old people wanted to make a comparison how their look should not matter at all. They may seen look young but that does not mean they are not 16-18 depends on the age of consent in this country. Nothing that have been posted is a bit questionable as far I can tell.

Also let us not forget that the cut of age of pedophilia is 14 years. After that it is not pedophilia. It might be creepy for some people but that also depends on the age. Is it creepy for 18 year old boys or girls being attracted to a 15 year old boy or girl? I do not think so.

But this goes already a bit off topic but this is not even what the Sony censorship was about. It was about objectiication in the times of #metoo as the spokesperson said. So any form of sexualization of women can be affected. Hell that is why people are so unsure about Cathrine. That is why DMCv was censored for a week on Ps4 and so on.

Yes that is all fine but we just want to avoid people being called pedophiles because they like a certain game or something. Discuss censorship if you agree with it or not without calling those who disagree pedos. Does that make sense?


Yes that is all fine but we just want to avoid people being called pedophiles because they like a certain game or something. Discuss censorship if you agree with it or not without calling those who disagree pedos. Does that make sense?
Sure that is totally fine I thought we were talking about the questionable content Sony is censoring not the other way around. Persona attacks should be handelnd very strictly in the first place IMO. No matter the topic^^

Apologize if I did understand it the wrong way...
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How on Earth did this thread reach 12 pages? Also just gonna declare right now that I'm way too lazy to read everything mentioned so far; but here's my basic takeaway from the 1st page.

"Anti-SJW" culture comes in 3 main flavors; "misdirected antiSJW", "hypersensitive antiSJW" and "rightwinger SJW"

misdirected antiSJW is when people angrily attribute some bad thing to SJWs when the two things are not related at all; i.e. people getting pissed off at the bad facial animations in Mass Effect Andromeda and then blaming it on liberals for.... some reason

hypersensitive antiSJW is when people get pissed off over extremely minor details that they perceive as slights against them; i.e. Mad Max: Fury Road having mostly a female lead

And then you get rightwinger SJW's which was basically the entirety of the angry twitter reactions to Wolfenstein's marketing campaign and people who are upset with the Hitler scene because they think its disrespectful to him.

Almost this entire thread is a hypersensitive antiSJW freakout. Like, do you guys realize what you've become? You know how annoying it can be when people get pissed off at Bayonetta for sexualizing the character? That is literally this thread. Getting pissed off about less sexual content is in no way better than getting pissed off about more sexual content.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
How on Earth did this thread reach 12 pages? Also just gonna declare right now that I'm way too lazy to read everything mentioned so far; but here's my basic takeaway from the 1st page.

"Anti-SJW" culture comes in 3 main flavors; "misdirected antiSJW", "hypersensitive antiSJW" and "rightwinger SJW"

misdirected antiSJW is when people angrily attribute some bad thing to SJWs when the two things are not related at all; i.e. people getting pissed off at the bad facial animations in Mass Effect Andromeda and then blaming it on liberals for.... some reason

hypersensitive antiSJW is when people get pissed off over extremely minor details that they perceive as slights against them; i.e. Mad Max: Fury Road having mostly a female lead

And then you get rightwinger SJW's which was basically the entirety of the angry twitter reactions to Wolfenstein's marketing campaign and people who are upset with the Hitler scene because they think its disrespectful to him.

Almost this entire thread is a hypersensitive antiSJW freakout. Like, do you guys realize what you've become? You know how annoying it can be when people get pissed off at Bayonetta for sexualizing the character? That is literally this thread. Getting pissed off about less sexual content is in no way better than getting pissed off about more sexual content.



Almost this entire thread is a hypersensitive antiSJW freakout. Like, do you guys realize what you've become? You know how annoying it can be when people get pissed off at Bayonetta for sexualizing the character? That is literally this thread. Getting pissed off about less sexual content is in no way better than getting pissed off about more sexual content.
Please tell me you realize why this is nonsense.

No one mandated "sexualized" characters and banned non-"sexualized" characters. Bayonetta wasn't a non-"sexualized" character before the "antiSJW" came along and changed her either.
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How on Earth did this thread reach 12 pages? Also just gonna declare right now that I'm way too lazy to read everything mentioned so far; but here's my basic takeaway from the 1st page.

"Anti-SJW" culture comes in 3 main flavors; "misdirected antiSJW", "hypersensitive antiSJW" and "rightwinger SJW"

misdirected antiSJW is when people angrily attribute some bad thing to SJWs when the two things are not related at all; i.e. people getting pissed off at the bad facial animations in Mass Effect Andromeda and then blaming it on liberals for.... some reason

hypersensitive antiSJW is when people get pissed off over extremely minor details that they perceive as slights against them; i.e. Mad Max: Fury Road having mostly a female lead

And then you get rightwinger SJW's which was basically the entirety of the angry twitter reactions to Wolfenstein's marketing campaign and people who are upset with the Hitler scene because they think its disrespectful to him.

Almost this entire thread is a hypersensitive antiSJW freakout. Like, do you guys realize what you've become? You know how annoying it can be when people get pissed off at Bayonetta for sexualizing the character? That is literally this thread. Getting pissed off about less sexual content is in no way better than getting pissed off about more sexual content.
God that's a lot of words. I'm just gonna declare right now that I'm way too lazy to read them all, but I'm going to post my basic takeaway: Tupinambis_WOT's opinions make me feel uncomfortable to be around, like a soggy butt crack sprinkled with jalapeno powder. I'm sure some people like it, but I don't want to be around anyone who does.


Getting pissed off about less sexual content is in no way better than getting pissed off about more sexual content.

You're not actually addressing the real issue (which was mentioned in the first page). Anime tiddies aside, the problem is Sony enforcing their own rules at their own discretion when
  1. there's a perfectly fine system in place (ESRB)
  2. they're clearly targeting a specific group whilst most probably going to ignore others that do the same thing
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You're not actually addressing the real issue (which was mentioned in the first page). Anime tiddies aside, the problem is Sony enforcing their own rules at their own discretion when
  1. there's a perfectly fine system in place (ESRB)
  2. they're clearly targeting a specific group whilst most probably going to ignore others that do the same thing
They've also conveniently forgotten about their own parental control system. Rather then leaving parents to decide what their children can play, Sony thinks it's better if they decide for us.
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They've also conveniently forgotten about their own parental control system. Rather then leaving parents to decide what their children can play, Sony thinks it's better if they decide for us.
You should look at the like to dislike ratio when their Youtube channel uploaded their parental controls video. It's rather telling people don't like the way Sony is treating Japanese developers.
Please tell me you realize why this is nonsense.

No one mandated "sexualized" characters and banned non-"sexualized" characters. Bayonetta wasn't a non-"sexualized" character before the "antiSJW" came along and changed her either.

You're right, but none of that has any particular bearing on what I said. I wasn't asserting either of those things as facts or as being important to what I wrote.

You're not actually addressing the real issue (which was mentioned in the first page). Anime tiddies aside, the problem is Sony enforcing their own rules at their own discretion when
  1. there's a perfectly fine system in place (ESRB)
  2. they're clearly targeting a specific group whilst most probably going to ignore others that do the same thing
The ESRB is fine for this, but there's also basically no harm being done either. In what way is Sony "targeting a specific group" in a way that is being harmful? Its not like they're *only* blocking this for straight white boys or something.

I can understand the argument that this move by Sony is pointless and a waste of time. I still really do not get people getting MAD over it.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Seems that Persona 5 Royal may have some censorship given the screens/trailer. During the first boss fight, multiple things are changed (listed in spoilers below). I am hoping that this is just an oversight and that these things are still in the fight - but given Sony's track record as of late... I am not so sure.

  • No trophy
  • The female legs are missing from the goblet
  • Mashima takes the place of Cognitive Ann


Gold Member
Seems that Persona 5 Royal may have some censorship given the screens/trailer. During the first boss fight, multiple things are changed (listed in spoilers below). I am hoping that this is just an oversight and that these things are still in the fight - but given Sony's track record as of late... I am not so sure.

  • No trophy
  • The female legs are missing from the goblet
  • Mashima takes the place of Cognitive Ann
Yup. And now we know why Shin Megami Tensei V is on switch.
Seems that Persona 5 Royal may have some censorship given the screens/trailer. During the first boss fight, multiple things are changed (listed in spoilers below). I am hoping that this is just an oversight and that these things are still in the fight - but given Sony's track record as of late... I am not so sure.

  • No trophy
  • The female legs are missing from the goblet
  • Mashima takes the place of Cognitive Ann
That’s a big disappointment if the censorship has hit Persona 5 R, as well.

Also, there’s a rumor that’s being discussed about on KiA regarding Sony’s censorship policy.


Didn't we knew all that? Didn't we already knew that Sony's policy changed the soon they hit the USA shore and more importantly, Commiefornia, the bastion of SJWs in America?
You're right, but none of that has any particular bearing on what I said. I wasn't asserting either of those things as facts or as being important to what I wrote.

The ESRB is fine for this, but there's also basically no harm being done either. In what way is Sony "targeting a specific group" in a way that is being harmful? Its not like they're *only* blocking this for straight white boys or something.

I can understand the argument that this move by Sony is pointless and a waste of time. I still really do not get people getting MAD over it.
You don't get that people don't like censorship in any way? Interesting.
Like, let's all games have green blood from now on. Why be mad about it? That doesn't change a game.
I can only approve of this censorship if they get rid of all the effeminate weirdo boys that Japan assaults us with. If they're also censored, then I am okay with it. Equal censorship to make sure girls don't get distorted views of sexuality.
Didn't we knew all that? Didn't we already knew that Sony's policy changed the soon they hit the USA shore and more importantly, Commiefornia, the bastion of SJWs in America?
It's been the common speculation, but of course Sony has been very hush-hush about it outside of Morita's comments and the WSJ article. If the tweets are true, then it may be a sign of Sony's "silence" shield cracking.

Now, if Sony gets its James Damore moment like what recently happened with Microsoft.


Gold Member
It's been the common speculation, but of course Sony has been very hush-hush about it outside of Morita's comments and the WSJ article. If the tweets are true, then it may be a sign of Sony's "silence" shield cracking.

Now, if Sony gets its James Damore moment like what recently happened with Microsoft.
The question now is once the silence shield cracks is if Sony doubles down on their current stance. I hate to keep banging this drum but I think they need their James Damore moment if they want to avoid PS3 2.0.
You don't get that people don't like censorship in any way? Interesting.
Like, let's all games have green blood from now on. Why be mad about it? That doesn't change a game.

You're going to have to forgive me for being skeptical of the "censorship" angle on all of this. I'm trying not to blanket-accuse everyone who uses this argument, but in my experience most people who argue against censorship typically do so on an extremely selective basis. I.E. people are normally fine with the idea of removing/deplatforming shitty asset flip games on Steam, but once one of those terribad asset flip games include either nude women or [actual] Nazi imagery they suddenly conjure a flock of defenders decrying censorship.

I'm not accusing you in particular of being one of those people, but censorship concerns have consistenly struck me as disingenuous or, at best, completely misdirected. This is not the same as making blood green. Making blood green will completely pull you out of the experience for any game outside of an alien shooter or something. It was stupid for Mortal Kombat and it would be stupid for everything else. Its not the same as having characters wear an extra article of clothing, assuming that its, ya know, normal and not idiotic. Like, if a character suddenly was wearing a hoodie that said "LOL I HAVE TO WEAR THIS BECAUSE OF SONY'S CENSORSHIP POLICY ON IT" then yes, that would be a terrible design that pulls you out of the experience.

I guess I'll have to see what actually becomes of this. If it ends up causing major disruptions to a game's arc, i.e. completely eliminating the romance options from a Mass Effect game [past or future], then that would be awful and I'll totally eat my words on everything I've written in this thread. If its just that characters need to look like they came out of MK11 rather than MK9, then that's different. That would be fine.
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