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Sony cracks down on sexual content in games.


You're going to have to forgive me for being skeptical of the "censorship" angle on all of this. I'm trying not to blanket-accuse everyone who uses this argument, but in my experience most people who argue against censorship typically do so on an extremely selective basis. I.E. people are normally fine with the idea of removing/deplatforming shitty asset flip games on Steam, but once one of those terribad asset flip games include either nude women or [actual] Nazi imagery they suddenly conjure a flock of defenders decrying censorship.

I'm not accusing you in particular of being one of those people, but censorship concerns have consistenly struck me as disingenuous or, at best, completely misdirected. This is not the same as making blood green. Making blood green will completely pull you out of the experience for any game outside of an alien shooter or something. It was stupid for Mortal Kombat and it would be stupid for everything else. Its not the same as having characters wear an extra article of clothing, assuming that its, ya know, normal and not idiotic. Like, if a character suddenly was wearing a hoodie that said "LOL I HAVE TO WEAR THIS BECAUSE OF SONY'S CENSORSHIP POLICY ON IT" then yes, that would be a terrible design that pulls you out of the experience.

I guess I'll have to see what actually becomes of this. If it ends up causing major disruptions to a game's arc, i.e. completely eliminating the romance options from a Mass Effect game [past or future], then that would be awful and I'll totally eat my words on everything I've written in this thread. If its just that characters need to look like they came out of MK11 rather than MK9, then that's different. That would be fine.

Actual free speech defenders are not selective, e.g. aclu. Moreover, the tactic of tarring those who do believe in free speech as Nazi pedophiles is scummy.


The question now is once the silence shield cracks is if Sony doubles down on their current stance. I hate to keep banging this drum but I think they need their James Damore moment if they want to avoid PS3 2.0.

Why look for conspiracy when incompetence will do, e.g. Sony also has undocumented amorphous policies on cross-play. I just dont think they care a whole lot about dev relationships or their partner’s financial health and they feel they can do what they want because they have no real competition.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
You're going to have to forgive me for being skeptical of the "censorship" angle on all of this. I'm trying not to blanket-accuse everyone who uses this argument, but in my experience most people who argue against censorship typically do so on an extremely selective basis. I.E. people are normally fine with the idea of removing/deplatforming shitty asset flip games on Steam, but once one of those terribad asset flip games include either nude women or [actual] Nazi imagery they suddenly conjure a flock of defenders decrying censorship.

You have evidence of this? Please show it because I think you are full of shit.

I'm not accusing you in particular of being one of those people, but censorship concerns have consistenly struck me as disingenuous or, at best, completely misdirected. This is not the same as making blood green. Making blood green will completely pull you out of the experience for any game outside of an alien shooter or something. It was stupid for Mortal Kombat and it would be stupid for everything else. Its not the same as having characters wear an extra article of clothing, assuming that its, ya know, normal and not idiotic. Like, if a character suddenly was wearing a hoodie that said "LOL I HAVE TO WEAR THIS BECAUSE OF SONY'S CENSORSHIP POLICY ON IT" then yes, that would be a terrible design that pulls you out of the experience.

If a character is designed a specific way for 90% of its life span and then suddenly is changed - but only for a specific sex - that doesn't push you out of the experience? If a character is completely redesigned from the ground up to only *vaguely* look like their original character, that doesn't push you out of the experience?

Come off it, mate.

I guess I'll have to see what actually becomes of this. If it ends up causing major disruptions to a game's arc, i.e. completely eliminating the romance options from a Mass Effect game [past or future], then that would be awful and I'll totally eat my words on everything I've written in this thread. If its just that characters need to look like they came out of MK11 rather than MK9, then that's different. That would be fine.

"Censorship is fine, as long as its to my tastes." - Tupinambis_WOT
You have evidence of this? Please show it because I think you are full of shit.
Yeah, not quite the neonazi example that I remember but check out some of the responses to Jim Sterling's video about "Active Shooter".

If a character is designed a specific way for 90% of its life span and then suddenly is changed - but only for a specific sex - that doesn't push you out of the experience? If a character is completely redesigned from the ground up to only *vaguely* look like their original character, that doesn't push you out of the experience?

Come off it, mate.

No, because the appearances of these characters have *constantly* been changing throughout the history of the franchise. Its like getting upset that Godzilla looks different from one iteration to the next. If this was like making the next iteration of Mario look like the bad box art Mega Man then you'd have a point, but really the altered appearances are nothing new and, frankly, they're not even terribly big changes. Like, the female characters are wearing more clothes and that's about it.

EDIT: I take that last part back. Some of these characters actually did change a LOT... but now that I'm double checking, the characters in that franchise have consistently been changing a LOT throughout the entire franchise history.

Actual free speech defenders are not selective, e.g. aclu. Moreover, the tactic of tarring those who do believe in free speech as Nazi pedophiles is scummy.

Actual free speech defenders seem to get pretty easily drowned out then.

Also I'm going to go on a limb here and say that not all forms of censorship are actually bad. Like, you know how Rosanne Barr had that weird obsession with Nazis? Not necessary supporting them but her social media history featured an eyebrow-raising saturation of content related to Nazis? What if she wanted to throw random dialogue exchanges into her show that talked about Nazis completely out of the blue, but then the network shut her the fuck down. Would that *REALLY* have been a bad thing?

Or a less hypothetical situation. Valve will, once in a great while, actually get off its ass and eliminate games off of its platform, i.e. the aforementioned "Active Shooter". is that actually a bad thing? To that extension, is Sony's decision making here really that bad? Again its kind of hard for me to say since they haven't shown their hand yet on what effect this will actually have.
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You're going to have to forgive me for being skeptical of the "censorship" angle on all of this. I'm trying not to blanket-accuse everyone who uses this argument, but in my experience most people who argue against censorship typically do so on an extremely selective basis. I.E. people are normally fine with the idea of removing/deplatforming shitty asset flip games on Steam, but once one of those terribad asset flip games include either nude women or [actual] Nazi imagery they suddenly conjure a flock of defenders decrying censorship.
What a shallow statement. At the end of the day everyone is selective when it comes to the threshold of censorship. Yes, I do not care about shitty asset flip games being removed from Steam - but I still do not approve of it. I'm sure there are TONS of people/gamers who would not care about violence/blood being totally removed from games either. So who's right here? Just because YOU do not care/understand about the censorship that is implemented now doesn't mean it applies to everyone else. Just wait until censorship reaches a level that rubs YOU the wrong way and then someone just like you now comes along and asks you what your so upset about.

I'm not accusing you in particular of being one of those people, but censorship concerns have consistenly struck me as disingenuous or, at best, completely misdirected. This is not the same as making blood green. Making blood green will completely pull you out of the experience for any game outside of an alien shooter or something. It was stupid for Mortal Kombat and it would be stupid for everything else. Its not the same as having characters wear an extra article of clothing, assuming that its, ya know, normal and not idiotic. Like, if a character suddenly was wearing a hoodie that said "LOL I HAVE TO WEAR THIS BECAUSE OF SONY'S CENSORSHIP POLICY ON IT" then yes, that would be a terrible design that pulls you out of the experience.

I guess I'll have to see what actually becomes of this. If it ends up causing major disruptions to a game's arc, i.e. completely eliminating the romance options from a Mass Effect game [past or future], then that would be awful and I'll totally eat my words on everything I've written in this thread. If its just that characters need to look like they came out of MK11 rather than MK9, then that's different. That would be fine.
I think you really either can't or refuse to see the big picture here. It's about restriction of the creators and what precedent it sets for the future of our hobby. If you fail to see that this isn't just about some small niche games any more by now than well... don't cry later.
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Yeah, not quite the neonazi example that I remember but check out some of the responses to Jim Sterling's video about "Active Shooter".

No, because the appearances of these characters have *constantly* been changing throughout the history of the franchise. Its like getting upset that Godzilla looks different from one iteration to the next. If this was like making the next iteration of Mario look like the bad box art Mega Man then you'd have a point, but really the altered appearances are nothing new and, frankly, they're not even terribly big changes. Like, the female characters are wearing more clothes and that's about it.

EDIT: I take that last part back. Some of these characters actually did change a LOT... but now that I'm double checking, the characters in that franchise have consistently been changing a LOT throughout the entire franchise history.

Actual free speech defenders seem to get pretty easily drowned out then.

Also I'm going to go on a limb here and say that not all forms of censorship are actually bad. Like, you know how Rosanne Barr had that weird obsession with Nazis? Not necessary supporting them but her social media history featured an eyebrow-raising saturation of content related to Nazis? What if she wanted to throw random dialogue exchanges into her show that talked about Nazis completely out of the blue, but then the network shut her the fuck down. Would that *REALLY* have been a bad thing?

Or a less hypothetical situation. Valve will, once in a great while, actually get off its ass and eliminate games off of its platform, i.e. the aforementioned "Active Shooter". is that actually a bad thing? To that extension, is Sony's decision making here really that bad? Again its kind of hard for me to say since they haven't shown their hand yet on what effect this will actually have.
First of all. Rosanne Bar is Jewish so I doubt she loves Nazis and speaking about Nazis making a parody which she did by the way is nothing bad. Secondly. It depends how it is. In a TV series if you can bring it together sure. Otherwise it just looks stupid anyway. In a live interview it again depends. Does she talks about Nazis or does she seriously encourages people to kill others? Then it s hate speech anyway.

Here nothing that they censor is criminal or dangerous to anyone. And again we have rating boards for these things. Furthermore in the Case of Sony. A western Headquarter now dictates whats ok and whats not ok on the basic principle of western values. I is based on generalizations regarding Japanese media which can even be argued as homophobic

Furthermore it is said to protect children while in the meantime they officially promote a game like Mortal Kombat 11 with its "disgusting" violence. At least Nintendo had clear guidelines and no double standards. With Sony right now it change from day to day depending on social media reactions etc.

I also bet they will censor the new Persona 5 Character.
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Actual free speech defenders seem to get pretty easily drowned out then.
This is true, but not in the way you are thinking. It’s hard to defend free speech when people go around labeling you as a white supremacist - and unfortunately, they are as many and as loud as they are wrong.

Also I'm going to go on a limb here and say that not all forms of censorship are actually bad. Like, you know how Rosanne Barr had that weird obsession with Nazis? Not necessary supporting them but her social media history featured an eyebrow-raising saturation of content related to Nazis? What if she wanted to throw random dialogue exchanges into her show that talked about Nazis completely out of the blue, but then the network shut her the fuck down. Would that *REALLY* have been a bad thing?
Does it change your opinion in any way to find out that Roseanne Barr is Jewish?

Or a less hypothetical situation. Valve will, once in a great while, actually get off its ass and eliminate games off of its platform, i.e. the aforementioned "Active Shooter". is that actually a bad thing?
I’m not sure it is a good thing, especially given the market share and lack of competition. When only a handful of places own 99% of the market share, their decisions don't just affect their own stores, it affects the entire market.

To that extension, is Sony's decision making here really that bad?
Oh, yes. This is going to sink Sony if they keep going down this path.


This however was intentional be it for rating or style etc.
Whereas the Trish one was accidental?

The original poster said

You don't even know who "they" are. The censoring in DMC5 is all over the place (inconsistent across platforms and regions, can easily be avoided on PC by disabling lens flare, etc.), with some cutscenes also censored on XBox.

And in reply the other person completely skipped xbox when trying to say nothing was censored, which simply isn't true.
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Whereas the Trish one was accidental?
For only the western PS4 version? I HIGHLY doubt it that they write complete new code for the western version. And again it fits with Sony and their draconian censorship policy
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For only the western PS4 version? I HIGHLY doubt it that they write complete new code for the western version. And again it fits with Sony and their draconian censorship policy
The US western version has it now too. The point being made by the person who posted that was that DMC5 was a mess. Nobody knows who decided to patch in the flare then patch it out again much like the fact that we don't know who decided to add a lens flare to Lady on all platforms also.


AFAIK, the only censoring was done on PS4. The lens flare on PC and PS4 in the Lady scene was done for comedic effect if anything.
curiously enough, the lens flare on the lady cutscene was absent on the pc version too in the pre-release version of the game.

basically pc and xbox added it only to the lady scene, while sony went the extra step and added it to the trish one too.


Gold Member
Discerning age is essentially a rorschach test. Put any person in front of a group of people and tell them to state how old the person is and you'll get a bunch of different answers.
We can only discern age through broad groups. It's impossible to know the exact number of years any person has been alive just by looking at them. If someone has completely white hair and a lot of wrinkles in their face we can probably safely assume that they are at the very least 40+ years of age for example but there's no way you can actually guess exactly how old they are just by looking.
The same goes for the teens/younger adults. At this point the range is anywhere from around15/16 to 36 and that's just a rough approximation. The shortest guy in my group who looks like he just started high school is actually in university and the tallest guy in my group who I assumed was around 18 initially actually just started his first year of high school. My sister who is 35 is frequently mistaken for a teenager still.

I love this old video where they have bartenders guessing ages because it shows just how much it's a guessing game based on irrelevant assumptions.

I don't have any issues whatsoever with someone who guesses a different age than me on any particular person or fictional character. However that becomes a problem when you have people who act like they have something that the rest of humanity doesn't and can tell the age of a real or fictional person down to the exact year just by looking, and because of this gift they have other people should face punishment following any disagreements.

I think the most amusing part of this whole thing is how the definition of "paedophilia" keeps getting extended further and further where ever it's convenient. Now even 18 is practically paedophilia because it's right next to 17. People who consume any porn with "teen" (adult actors) in the title are also now paedophiles and anyone who watches porn where the adults involved are wearing school outfits are now included in the group as well. I don't think TV shows starring teenagers played by adults are in the category yet but it's probably just a matter of time at this point.
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Discerning age is essentially a rorschach test. Put any person in front of a group of people and tell them to state how old the person is and you'll get a bunch of different answers.
We can only discern age through broad groups. It's impossible to know the exact number of years any person has been alive just by looking at them. If someone has completely white hair and a lot of wrinkles in their face we can probably safely assume that they are at the very least 40+ years of age for example but there's no way you can actually guess exactly how old they are just by looking.
The same goes for the teens/younger adults. At this point the range is anywhere from around15/16 to 36 and that's just a rough approximation. The shortest guy in my group who looks like he just started high school is actually in university and the tallest guy in my group who I assumed was around 18 initially actually just started his first year of high school. My sister who is 35 is frequently mistaken for a teenager still.

I love this old video where they have bartenders guessing ages because it shows just how much it's a guessing game based on irrelevant assumptions.

I don't have any issues whatsoever with someone who guesses a different age than me on any particular person or fictional character. However that becomes a problem when you have people who act like they have something that the rest of humanity doesn't and can tell the age of a real or fictional person down to the exact year just by looking, and because of this gift they have other people should face punishment following any disagreements.

I think the most amusing part of this whole thing is how the definition of "paedophilia" keeps getting extended further and further where ever it's convenient. Now even 18 is practically paedophilia because it's right next to 17. People who consume any porn with "teen" (adult actors) in the title are also now paedophiles and anyone who watches porn where the adults involved are wearing school outfits are now included in the group as well. I don't think TV shows starring teenagers played by adults are in the category yet but it's probably just a matter of time at this point.

Not to mention, your example is in a real life context. If people can't approximate other folks' ages accurately in real life, then don't act like you know what's underage or not when it comes to anime-drawn characters.


Just came across this and took notice, it comes with a reversible cover that even things out.
While still weird I suppose, but it's a middle ground that solves the cover issue since it offers a choice.

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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
How on Earth did this thread reach 12 pages? Also just gonna declare right now that I'm way too lazy to read everything mentioned so far; but here's my basic takeaway from the 1st page.

"Anti-SJW" culture comes in 3 main flavors; "misdirected antiSJW", "hypersensitive antiSJW" and "rightwinger SJW"

misdirected antiSJW is when people angrily attribute some bad thing to SJWs when the two things are not related at all; i.e. people getting pissed off at the bad facial animations in Mass Effect Andromeda and then blaming it on liberals for.... some reason

hypersensitive antiSJW is when people get pissed off over extremely minor details that they perceive as slights against them; i.e. Mad Max: Fury Road having mostly a female lead

And then you get rightwinger SJW's which was basically the entirety of the angry twitter reactions to Wolfenstein's marketing campaign and people who are upset with the Hitler scene because they think its disrespectful to him.

Almost this entire thread is a hypersensitive antiSJW freakout. Like, do you guys realize what you've become? You know how annoying it can be when people get pissed off at Bayonetta for sexualizing the character? That is literally this thread. Getting pissed off about less sexual content is in no way better than getting pissed off about more sexual content.

So we just make up our own stuff now when we run out of arguments?
So we just make up our own stuff now when we run out of arguments?

He's like the inverse of that stereotypical uncle who only listened to Fox news and Rush Limbaugh, trapped in a bubble of same think and is just shocked that others perceive things differently. Tea Party Liberal who views anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders as equal to a Nazi.
So we just make up our own stuff now when we run out of arguments?
No, because deep inside you know how idiotic and pedantic anti-SJW culture has become. It is literally just a shittier version of the thing that its arguing against. For a better example, check out the "Pepe the Frog Head Removed from Dreams by Sony" and take a shot everything some imbecile wines about TEH SOYBOYS!!!!! or some shit like that.


No, because deep inside you know how idiotic and pedantic anti-SJW culture has become. It is literally just a shittier version of the thing that its arguing against. For a better example, check out the "Pepe the Frog Head Removed from Dreams by Sony" and take a shot everything some imbecile wines about TEH SOYBOYS!!!!! or some shit like that.
I wanna know then if you're okay with how things are, what's your stance on this. Does vague censorship guideline from Sony not becoming a concern for you?

I agree though, raging at anything is never good. Deflecting the rage without discussing it is another topic.
I wanna know then if you're okay with how things are, what's your stance on this. Does vague censorship guideline from Sony not becoming a concern for you?

I agree though, raging at anything is never good. Deflecting the rage without discussing it is another topic.

It honestly really doesn't at this stage. I'm specifically very wary and skeptical of slippery slope fallacies; they get used a lot by.... everybody [liberals included] and over the years I've had to force myself to identify them specifically not to fall into that trap. The notion that if Sony censors this, then the next thing they'll do is make straight white men illegal or whatever is a slippery slope fallacy.

I wrote this a while ago, but my opinion of this is based entirely on information we don't have yet. How selective and by what means is Sony "censoring" explicit content? Are they doing in a such a way that the quasi-hentai puzzle shovleware that's been showing up on the PSN store is no longer allowed? I mean.... whatever. I guess that's sort of lame but that's pretty much it.

Are they doing it in such a way that, if the Mass Effect trilogy were remastered and put on PS5, that they'd have to completely edit out some of the romance options? Then no, that's fucking bullshit.


It honestly really doesn't at this stage. I'm specifically very wary and skeptical of slippery slope fallacies; they get used a lot by.... everybody [liberals included] and over the years I've had to force myself to identify them specifically not to fall into that trap. The notion that if Sony censors this, then the next thing they'll do is make straight white men illegal or whatever is a slippery slope fallacy.

I wrote this a while ago, but my opinion of this is based entirely on information we don't have yet. How selective and by what means is Sony "censoring" explicit content? Are they doing in a such a way that the quasi-hentai puzzle shovleware that's been showing up on the PSN store is no longer allowed? I mean.... whatever. I guess that's sort of lame but that's pretty much it.

Are they doing it in such a way that, if the Mass Effect trilogy were remastered and put on PS5, that they'd have to completely edit out some of the romance options? Then no, that's fucking bullshit.
The point is Sony's vague straw policy had already affected devs, and even more the upcoming developers. We had seen the consequences of it from DOA6 for example. Acting coy by changing the usual skimpy suits to more conservative (sexy half-naked males are not a problem btw) during introduction, then their stance change when original fans rage and not being interested to that - preorders are low. I'd say developers are confused.

But the real issue comes from Sony gating certain game ratings, well except for those big games like Cyberpunk. Other developers are gonna become overly cautious because they don't know if their games are gonna be accepted or not, and that is not point of the game ratings at all. All games should be accepted from the start, and customers will choose what kind of games they are interested to play. Censor things by the choice of customers, that's the use parental controls and such. I mean the Switch is full of said games, but parents still feel safe giving it to their kids. The system works well, customers are satisfied. Also, a shovelware's problem is because of it being a shovelware.

It just that Sony can be seen of being pushover at this point, maybe because their HQ moved to California, their stance change - still a vague policy, which is annoying because they still pander to mature big games, or maybe anything else..
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Im sorry a big +18 or M is not enough? Let the developers put wherever they want and the consumers decide. And i'm not talking about the store not being curated from trash games.

The rating system is not enough this is poliitical in nature, an issue that some people see as an issue. This is just one group of people trying to make a point. I don't think they have any respect for a rating system or allowing adults to choose adult themed things to play.

I am not sure how serious Sony is in pushing sexualized content out of gaming. I can't even imagine them going to Rockstar and telling them remove the strip club from the PS4 version of GTA Online.

I honestly think this is more of a move by Sony to have a little something they can point at and say they have been active in doing something about the anime panties. This can only work on smaller Japanese developers not so much on the level of a developer with something as big as GTA.

Right now I don't see the same standards being pushed for everyone.

If Sony could get both Nintendo and Microsoft to push the same policy against anime panties. I am not sure the people pushing for the removal of sexualized content are just going to stop at pervy visual novels they are bound to ask about the prostitutes and strippers of GTA.

The only end game I truly see here is yet another change in the rating system were none of the content is banned or changed but moved to yet another level. Creating yet another box of shame to place our sexual boogeymen.

What is being banned so far is really a joke because the games hardly deserve a T rating, it doesn't change anything for anyone who really want these types of content. I don't really think Sony really wants to become the Chick-Fil-A of Gaming doing God's work against pervy thirsty anime gamers.

There are many communities of modders who do nothing else but add extreme sexaul content to games they feel don't go far enough with the sex stuff.

So what is Sony really doing here? What changes? Who are they protecting?
The rating system would never be enough for anyone who really wants sexualized content to be banned. But banned things have a way of becoming truly out of control bad.

Nintendo does not seem to go beyond the rating system to police game content anymore. At least this has not been a reported thing since green blood in SNES games. Nintendo has always been the family or 'Kiddy' company if anyone could make a dent in the anime panties issue it would need them pushing against the content. They are not actively creating most of that silly shit in-house, and they are not currently asking for censored art assets.

Still Xenoblade 2 was bad enough for many of the folks pushing against sexualized content in games. So maybe a change in the next Xenoblade or a change in Bayonetta 3 will tell us if Nintendo will cave and help Sony push the issue.

Whatever this is, it is not about respecting adult choices.
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. I'm specifically very wary and skeptical of slippery slope fallacies; they get used a lot by.... everybody [liberals included] and over the years I've had to force myself to identify them specifically not to fall into that trap. The notion that if Sony censors this, then the next thing they'll do is make straight white men illegal or whatever is a slippery slope fallacy.

The slippery slope is not only real, it is science at that point!

Now a game publisher now joking it's game for it's PS4 version of this game well if Sony being not woke enough on this trend then some publisher will try to use it's advantage or tell that so called "policy" will hurt it's foundation of gaming thus this is nice way to tell the truth on them..

Now a game publisher now joking it's game for it's PS4 version of this game well if Sony being not woke enough on this trend then some publisher will try to use it's advantage or tell that so called "policy" will hurt it's foundation of gaming thus this is nice way to tell the truth on them..
This is so ridiculous. They even took away the ω in the logo for the PS4 version. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Somebody needs to make a ResetEra OT for Labyrinth Life. Discussion of Omega Labyrinth is banned there, but they made a special Ree-only version of the game. Even changed the name for them.
Now it's time gamers will tell...way version they will seek a protected one or unprotected one even + it will show it's sell figures of this game on release day + it's a boost stunt of publisher that can sale more switches than ps4s......
If 20 years ago, someone said Nintendo would be more adult friendly than Sony, I would've told you to go fuck yourself. Sorry Sony, you'r're management is a complete joke these days. When Nintendo's platform begins to look more adult friendly than yours, something is seriously wrong. Well done to Nintendo for not censoring a developers vision. We have age ratings in place for a reason Sony. This kind of shit does make my eyes wander to a potential competitor next gen so keep it up Sony you fucking idiots. These games aren't to my taste but it's the principle that pisses me off.
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I hope more Japanese dev doing this to subtly mock Soyn. The backlash from sales and gamers reaction will hopefully send a clear message to Soyn on censorship.
The Switch and PS4 are now about even in terms of sales in Japan. I hope the Switch version trounces the PS4 version and that it happens on a regular basis.
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