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Sony president wants to improve margins on their multi-platform releases (Updated w/ analysis)


tbf. consoles has less cheaters, DRM and mutliple launchers and its cheaper.
Some games have always online requirement or DRM just for the PC platform.

I still play quite some stuff on Playstation despite having a good gaming pc, but more and more of your stuff you mention fades away. Forced crossplay on all of games, alot of pubs need their own login on consoles (bit more streamlined than on pc. And it's not really cheaper anymore if you do the math for multiple years. I dont know man with exclusives done too, consoles gonna be an expensive niche.

Mr Moose

lol Sony is doomed how do expect to keep selling PlayStations? Jk! as successful the brand is it goes to show that their consumers really don’t buy their exclusives. Since they’re not willing to take the gamepass model. This is going to be interesting to see how this all plays out I’m more interested in what Phil has to say now tomorrow since they’re always the more forward thinking company of the three sometimes to their own detriment.
What are you talking about?


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
In the end, Steam wins the console and PC wars. Who would have thought...
eh i dont think so.
Both PC and console works differently with each other.

I game on PC long ago, switched few times (2-3 times) but still stay on console, PC gaming just dont sit right for me personally.


Gold Member
Reminded me, Bryank75 got his own forum with blackjack and hookers these days.
Someone should drop by and check up on him.

Going to be honest someone said I should go check out these other forums so before really looking at who was there I made an account and looked around for awhile and haven't been back.

I tend to not hang out on either side that bleeds too much green or blue


They will learn the same thing as MS, but even harsher lesson.

The difference being MS can keep xbox alive with the billions they make from enteprise, xbox can disappear tomorrow and MS would be fine.

Sony aren't in the same position, if they make moves that devalue their console business, not only is playstation fucked but sony as a whole.

Have a few shares in sony will definitely sell those off. I dont see them having big success in the gaming side as they used to.


Maybe just a shorter window to PC.
Which i wouldn't agree with either in the favor of untapped revenue. Gain revenue else where but lose your foundation at home.

Just devalues the brand like their competitor is doing.


You make more money on software day 1 at the expense of some console sales. Number of consoles sold isn't the most important number any more.
Selling games in a closed garden store like the PSN on console is where the money comes from. All those 3rd party games and DLC where Sony takes a 30% cut is where most of the money comes from. Not 1st party games. So the moment you stop focusing in giving reasons for ppl to buy more consoles, is the moment you start killing your business.

Apple makes a shitload of money from gaming and they dont make games. They own a closed garden store.
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Gold Member
No. They were against it at first.

Yep. Tim Sweeney is the one who was pushing cross play. Microsoft followed Epic after initiallly rejecting the entire idea during the 360 years.

1) Xbox starts charging for online: Everyone else does soon after.

You say that like it is a good thing. Should PlayStation fans be bragging about having price increases before Microsoft?

Whats Going On Reaction GIF by Travis


Phones, Netflix, PC.

I'm never buying a PS again so this is good news for me. Worst gen in PS history. I'll play the occasional Sony game I'm actually interested in on cloud on a TV even rather than buy another system after the PS5.
Yeah the PS5 is the first Sony console I haven’t bought. All the games I went to their platform for are now multiplat so the appeal is gone. Interesting times!


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
I still play quite some stuff on Playstation despite having a good gaming pc, but more and more of your stuff you mention fades away. Forced crossplay on all of games, alot of pubs need their own login on consoles (bit more streamlined than on pc. And it's not really cheaper anymore if you do the math for multiple years. I dont know man with exclusives done too, consoles gonna be an expensive niche.
yes the log on part on console i agree but its a streamlined version, i dont really need to install a bunch of launchers.
Always online and DRM is still an issue on PC.

And it's not really cheaper anymore if you do the math for multiple years.
this is actually subjective. If you are talking about subscription fees like PS Plus, its still cheaper for me than building a gaming PC in the long run.
You need to understand PC hardware does not price the same in every country.

I dont know man with exclusives done too, consoles gonna be an expensive niche.
Exclusive is just a bonus, without exclusive i would still stay on consoles, i just prefer the plug and play of console.
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Its a double edge sword.

You can release PS games day one on PC, but at the cost of hurting the brand in trade off the money.

Sony gains a huge amount of money into their services, making the services less appealing can hurt the long term money.

What I find more stupid is the fact that they don't want to reduce the money they spend and making their first party games just for x100 zoom and look at that detail of the grass.

They should think about not wasting that amount of money to push graphics to the limit and instead embrace a more art direction approach.

Art direction waste less money and have a higher longevity than high fidelity graphics.

I guess this part of the video is the best example I can give. And please get that fuck out of California for Christ sake.
What are you talking about?
He’s basically saying they need to be selling like 20 million units of some of their exclusives in that year of release like a big multi platform game. Over the generation god of way or another game selling 15-20 million over 6-7 years after discounts and promotions is not bringing in the kind of margins they want. Especially since most of their games are single player game with no live service components to them to monetize. This is why COD was so contentious for them when exclusivity came up. They literally said the fund their first party from the money they make from COD. Now Microsoft their competitor is now on the receiving end of the 70 percent and they’re are the largest console audience for COD as majority of players on console are PlayStation.


eh i dont think so.
Both PC and console works differently with each other.

I game on PC long ago, switched few times (2-3 times) but still stay on console, PC gaming just dont sit right for me personally.

Oh I totally agree that it won't vanish but I think the ps5 might be the last non nintendo console to ever hit 100n consoles sold.

If you expect people to buy all those stuff at a premium price you have to give them a premium experience or people will look elsewhere for a better product.


Consoles are dying. It's going to be just apps pretty soon.
Rubbish, Sony are still on track to sell 21 million consoles this calendar year, and Nintendo just sold the most consoles of anyone with the Switch. Just because XBox is doing shit doesn't mean consoles are dying.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
Gaming business is also huge at Microsoft it’s now their third biggest business bigger than windows now. It will also only get bigger.
Im talking about the platform aka playstation, not division.

Xbox is a very small part within Microsoft.
If you mean the whole gaming division of Microsoft, we shall see in the near future.

What im trying to say here is, Microsoft has nothing to lose by abandoning Xbox.
But Sony has alot to lose by abandoning Playstation.

Im just exaggerating but you see my point here.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Yeah the PS5 is the first Sony console I haven’t bought. All the games I went to their platform for are now multiplat so the appeal is gone. Interesting times!
I got it in 2020 and literally only have Demon's Souls, Miles Morales and Resident Evil 8 for it (and Humanity digitally). And I deeply regretted buying Miles Morales.

Forgot, I did also get Returnal and hated it. And Ragnarok, and hated it.
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
They will learn the same thing as MS, but even harsher lesson.

The difference being MS can keep xbox alive with the billions they make from enteprise, xbox can disappear tomorrow and MS would be fine.

Sony aren't in the same position, if they make moves that devalue their console business, not only is playstation fucked but sony as a whole.
yea thats what im thinking. this is a very huge risk for Sony to go multiplatform like Microsoft.


yes the log on part on console i agree but its a streamlined version, i dont really need to install a bunch of launchers.
Always online and DRM is still an issue on PC.

this is actually subjective. If you are talking about subscription fees like PS Plus, its still cheaper for me than building a gaming PC in the long run.
You need to understand PC hardware does not price the same in every country.

Exclusive is just a bonus, without exclusive i would still stay on consoles, i just prefer the plug and play of console.

To each their own. Options are fine but I predict a niche for playstation hardware going forward.

Games and online play are alot cheaper. I bought two versions of helldivers 2 one for 40 euro, one for 25. Which one was on pc? I won't get rid of the console but I'll go pc exclusive for next generation. It's not worth to pay all the premium prices and get nothing in return.


They will learn the same thing as MS, but even harsher lesson.

The difference being MS can keep xbox alive with the billions they make from enteprise, xbox can disappear tomorrow and MS would be fine.

Sony aren't in the same position, if they make moves that devalue their console business, not only is playstation fucked but sony as a whole.

Spot on. If they follow Microsoft they will be in big trouble because people forget that Xbox getting prejudice doesn't mean Microsoft is not getting profit.

Xbox survived that terrible Xbox One fiasco because Microsoft make a huge amount of money into their Software as a Service, Office, Azure, Windows. I remember one interview where Bill Gates said if he still in charge of Microsoft, he would sell the Xbox division to Samsung.

Sony don't have this luxury Xbox have with Microsoft. They sell top end TVs and some products, but they not make profit as much as Microsoft to keep Playstation plugged into machines to survive.
but how do you grow console if you release day 1 1st party games on other platforms like PC?
People still buy consoles despite games being available on PC. As an example, a lot of the guys that work in the IT projects department at work cannot stand using PCs outside of work as they're on them all the time. They'd much rather play on console.

Others truly believe that PC gaming is a pain and would rather just have a gaming device with no extra work, games are typically optimised and run without major issues.

Just because a game comes to PC doesn't mean people won't buy it elsewhere.


Gold Member

I read that statement differently but who knows with translation.

I read it as him saying that was the case in the past, growing consoles but now they want to grow their 1st party games for more money

“In the past, we wanted to popularize console and the 1st party titles' main purpose was to make the console popular. It is true, but there is a synergy to it. So if you have strong first party content, not only with our console but also other platforms like computers, 1st party can be grown with multiplatform and that can help operating profit to improve. So that is another one we want to proactively work on.I personally think there are opportunities out there for improvement of margins, so I would like to go aggressive in improving our margin performance.”

Exactly. I'm thinking their strategy with first party on PC isn't performing as well as they would like. There seems to be no indication that it is hurting their console business, however, so why not push a bit further on the PC front.
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Gold Member
Selling games in a closed garden store like the PSN on console is where the money comes from. All those 3rd party games and DLC where Sony takes a 30% cut is where most of the money comes from. Not 1st party games. So the moment you stop focusing in giving reasons for ppl to buy more consoles, is the moment you start killing your business.

Aple makes a shitload of money from gaming and they dont make games. They own a closed garden store.
Third parties aren't going to stop releasing their games on PlayStation if they sell a few fewer consoles. They'll still get the same third party deals they get now and console gamers will still buy as much software. Worst case PC first gamers don't buy a PlayStation. In the end it's a wash since PC gamers are already buying third party games on PC. But Sony potentially sells more first party software at higher prices day 1.
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Forget Jim Ryan. Seems the wrong guy got ousted. If you can honestly look at Xbox's strategy and the slow destruction it brought to their business and still think it's a good path to follow, there's no hope for you.

Hopefully, he just means more titles are going to be going PC after 6-12 months of releasing on PS5, instead of only a select few. Not that games will be releasing just a month or two, or God forbid, Day 1. That's the path to the death of PlayStation as a HW brand.


Gold Member
So xbox traded their exclusives for playstation exclusives. I think either way that exclusive make the gaming industry alot more interesting no matter the platform.

Iam here for

Pc exclusives
Playstation exclusives
Xbox exclusives
Nintendo exclusives
And mobile exclusives.

Imo consoles lost their point in existence with loosing more and more benefits. Exclusives are basically the last hold out.
I agree.. being playing only on consoles since the ps3/xbox360 era... only on playsation since the xbone shitted the bed, but if sony moves to pc day 1 launch Im out, no need to play on weak hardware just "because" , even 6 months of wait is acceptable to me if I know every game will eventually end up in pc
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The scale is just different, console level exclusives are just mainstream compared to pc games, if they really wanna grow, even ms, not just Sony, they need to understand pc demographics, that's not alienating your consumers, that's a whole different thing, payday is a bad example, they need to go big with pc, it's actually better than vr if they make it right, if console gamers don't understand pc games then they need to get educated, that's not an excuse to prevent making quality contents on pc, the moment these big 3 companies alienate pc demographic players, it's done for them, cause that perspective still holding them back as a first party publishers.
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As with the Microsoft stuff I think everyone is reacting in a too "black and white" way to this. It's either "every game is multiplatform day 1" or "all games stay exclusive".
Sony is already doing what he is saying, they just released an exclusive day 1 on PC a few days ago with Helldivers 2 and have many more in the pipeline: Concord, Fairgames, Marathon, etc

but how do you grow console if you release day 1 1st party games on other platforms like PC?

I think consoles will always have a big audience because they are cheap and easy to use.
Lot's of people just want a $499 box that's easy to set up, optimized from the box to be used on a TV and offers decent performance for the price.
Sony games on PC day 1 won't mean everyone will start building a PC or buying some $1000+ pre built ones.


I agree.. being playing only on consoles since the ps3/xbox360 era... only on playsation since the xbone shitted the bed, but if sony moves to pc day 1 launch Im out, no need to play on week hardware just "because" , even 6 months of wait is acceptable to me if I know every hame will eventually end up in pc

Do the math, you trade a little bit of ease of use for all the benefits. Crossplay is also standards now you dont need consoles to play with the guys who stay there.


If we get to a world where exclusives are only timed for all platforms then we've truly reached a golden era.

Time to shout at Nintendo and get them to at least put their shit on PC. I would try borkys minecraft of hyrule on PC if it didn't drop to sub 10fps like it does on the switch


Gold Member
Exactly. I'm thinking their strategy with first party on PC isn't performing as well as they would like. There seems to be no indication that it is hurting their console business, however, so why not push a bit further on the PC front.
If they want big sales numbers on PC they can't release old games that sometime perform like shit on PC

They are seeing these numbers on Helldivers 2 (I know its GAAS) but you know the people looking at the bottom lines are saying Wolverine across all platforms would be a massive seller

I know I don't expect people to remember these things but I warned people eons ago this was going to happen, Bryank used to argue with me it would be the death of PS ;)
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