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Sony president wants to improve margins on their multi-platform releases (Updated w/ analysis)


It is very much a threat. Sony and MS dumping superior versions their games on PC/Steam, especially day one, is going to snag the very top end console gaming enthusiast and all of their money with it.

Imagine loosing like a million of your top customers and thinking your business will still be fine. All those casuals that will stay on consoles aint responsible for the bulk of the revenue. And their enthusiastic customers will be able to change easily.


Gold Member
Imagine loosing like a million of your top customers and thinking your business will still be fine. All those casuals that will stay on consoles aint responsible for the bulk of the revenue. And their enthusiastic customers will be able to change easily.
Lose a million in console sales to gain how many potential PC customers?

Duck Dynasty GIF by DefyTV


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
*reduce the budget of AAA games
*Dont do DAY 1 release keep it like rockstar games
* if possible bring psn plus to PC platform with old games. If gamepass works on PC why not PSN plus.
* Bloodborne remake on PC
This. There is no reason Spiderman 2 should have cost $300M to make. The first one (I think) only cost $100M.

Get these damn budgets under control.

Stop being obsessed with visual fidelity and focus on great gameplay.


The industry is changing. Console sales aren’t enough, to keep things afloat.

PC, Mobile, TV, etc…are required.
No, they are enough. AAA bloat and overpriced consoles are taking the console space. This could be course corrected but instead they are going to try and blow it up. It's going to fuck both of their gaming aspirations long term.

Mobile isn't going to pull in shit, they already have their on ecosystem and none of them are going to play some shoehorned Last of Us 2 port. Streaming isn't taking off either.


Gold Member
It is very much a threat. Sony and MS dumping superior versions their games on PC/Steam, especially day one, is going to snag the very top end console gaming enthusiast and all of their money with it.

Perhaps, but the vast majority of console gamers will still be console gamers and will game on PlayStation. Those top end gaming enthusisast are primarily gaming on PC already so Sony stands to lose a 30% on a small fraction of their first party game sales to expost those games to a much larger audience. That's an easy trade and no, I don't think for a second that is a threat to PlayStation consoles.


Gold Member
And please get that fuck out of California for Christ sake.
Knowing Kenichiro and Hiroki's concerns, they 100% will in the coming years. The main reason Sony Corp. established SIE LLC in 2016 was for the network infrastructure, but it's getting more and more expensive to keep up with the costs in San Mateo, so moving all these operations to the Tokyo-based SIE Inc. makes much more sense.
Also, I think before anyone starts worrying about day 1 PC releases, the phasing out of the old Kaz and Andrew's model of big blockbusters as system sellers is a lot more imminent. From now on, if you're not being productive working with all these expensive budgets, you will (kindly) fuck off, or that's where Hiroki Totoki is going at the very least.
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I would think microsofts dual 1st day release of all titles on pc and xbox would be a cautionary tale. While in ideal scenarios pc should get all games, staggered releases are the smarter option for maintaining console sales while drawing upon the additional revenue from pc.
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They will learn the same thing as MS, but even harsher lesson.

The difference being MS can keep xbox alive with the billions they make from enteprise, xbox can disappear tomorrow and MS would be fine.

Sony aren't in the same position, if they make moves that devalue their console business, not only is playstation fucked but sony as a whole.

Pretty retarded of Sony


Only a looney can be pro exclusivity in media like video games and give a shit about companies. This is good news for sane people
Do you like console gaming? Because the entire industry has evolved through exclusivity. The reason why we have games like Last of Us, Halo, etc is because billion dollar companies are dumping a ton of money into first party games to lure gamers to their console. This is the industry we all know and love.

To say "when everyone can play, we all win" is naive at best... we have no idea what kind of output there will be when that major incentive is off the table. They'll just become another EA or Ubisoft.


Gold Member
As long i can play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth on 29 february i'm happy, after that i don't care what happens anymore :D Well why not merge MS and Sony and create MSony

Naked Lunch

This is just where gaming is going.
Get used to it.

Games cost way too much to make - not sustainable.
Now its all about platform preference - which hopefully the core platforms can stay up and running.
Losing an entire digital library would be gutting.

The schoolyard fighting over plastic boxes is over. Buh bye.


Gold Member
They will learn the same thing as MS, but even harsher lesson.

The difference being MS can keep xbox alive with the billions they make from enteprise, xbox can disappear tomorrow and MS would be fine.

Sony aren't in the same position, if they make moves that devalue their console business, not only is playstation fucked but sony as a whole.
This sounds just like when Playstation first even put games on PC, it was the death of Playstation




No, they are enough. AAA bloat and overpriced consoles are taking the console space. This could be course corrected but instead they are going to try and blow it up. It's going to fuck both of their gaming aspirations long term.

Mobile isn't going to pull in shit, they already have their on ecosystem and none of them are going to play some shoehorned Last of Us 2 port. Streaming isn't taking off either.

Console players demand cutting edge graphics. Those budgets will only balloon further. It’s not sustainable. Not only that the releases are few and very far between.

The industry is not in a good place. They need to find other ways to bring in money. Multiplatform is the way.


Damn... is really that bad, isn't?

I was hoping for some japanese figure, but we are trading Jim Ryan with another terrible clone.

Dark times.

They will end up trading him for a Japanese bean-counter.

The days where they had passionate and eccentric executives with creative/engineering backgrounds are long gone. This is something plaguing the tech/engineering world at the moment, boeing being the prime case study.


Knowing Kenichiro and Hiroki's concerns, they 100% will in the coming years. The main reason Sony Corp. established SIE LLC in 2016 was for the network infrastructure, but it's getting more and more expensive to keep up with the costs in San Mateo, so moving all these operations to the Tokyo-based SIE Inc. makes much more sense.
Also, I think before anyone starts worrying about day 1 PC releases, the phasing out of the old Kaz and Andrew's model of big blockbusters as system sellers is a lot more imminent. From now on, if you're not being productive working with all these expensive budgets, you will (kindly) fuck off, or that's where Hiroki Totoki is going at the very least.

I mean, you can complain about saving money while giving your studios not only unlimited amount of money, but banking their stay at California.

Living in California right now is stupidy expensive. If they really want to retain cost, they need at least to reconsider that.

Remove SEI from California, rethink about graphic fidelity mentality in games, things like using face capture with cost a loads of money. The way I see, the only incoming will be more layoff. If they are good with maintain California OK, fine, but just be prepared for more layoffs. No turning back.

If you want to save money without layoff, thats the way to go. Otherwise face the consequences. WILL BE MORE LAYOFFS. There is no way of saving money while expending too much money. Doesn't work.
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They need to scale back games size and release a lot faster like Nintendo do. A game is not better if is insanely huge, I'm playing TLOU2 for the first time and it's unnecessary long, what's the point of a so long game when you could have something same scale of the first one that cost a third and sell as much or even more. Also they need to make fun games that are not triple-A expensive. If you can have Remedy doing a game like Alan Wake 2 with just 50$ millions, how they wasted 300$ millions on Spider-Man 2 makes no sense at all. Putting games on PC day-one or some months later is not the solution, we already seen that PS exclusives on PC not sell that much.

Instead, imagine the margin for Nintendo releasing something like Super Mario Party that sell more than 20 millions or Super Mario RPG that sell more than 3 millions in a couple of months. Make money and have no profits is useless.
Do you like console gaming? Because the entire industry has evolved through exclusivity. The reason why we have games like Last of Us, Halo, etc is because billion dollar companies are dumping a ton of money into first party games to lure gamers to their console. This is the industry we all know and love.

To say "when everyone can play, we all win" is naive at best... we have no idea what kind of output there will be when that major incentive is off the table. They'll just become another EA or Ubisoft.
I think you're overblowing it a bit, it's not like millions of Playstation owners are going to drop consoles and buy $3000 PCs over night.

Plus casuals are the largest owners of consoles, they aren't going anywhere and they also don't care about exclusivity. Sony want that DLC/Subscription/Battle Pass money, they can still get it, and now even more with their games on other platforms.


People after a long day at work want to come home and have that box under their TV they can grab the controller and plop down on the couch and play some games and thats hard to beat for $500, all like you said price and simplicity
I think the same, I think they are different markets. The fact is that 4 years ago I defended this and the quick response was "you don't need an X console, just buy a PC" 🤔🤗

Now seriously, I think the best thing is to wait several years for multiplatformity to be established and see the evolution of the console market. Making statements in such a special and changing situation is useless.

We are not in the years where Studios could release games every 2-3 years and their development cost was 1/5 of that. Now they cost 5x more and the user base is not enough.

Strange years are coming in the industry, of course.
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Gold Member
They will end up trading him for a Japanese bean-counter.

The days where they had passionate and eccentric executives with creative/engineering backgrounds are long gone. This is something plaguing the tech/engineering world at the moment, boeing being the prime case study.

Probably a good thing overall. Maybe the days of corporate executive hero worship in console gaming will finally come to an end.


This sounds just like when Playstation first even put games on PC, it was the death of Playstation


Well we don't know how this will change since they still had the exclusive stigma with "timed exclusives" and stuff usually dont go to shit overnight. If they still manage to sell similar amounts of playstation next gen and make more money on top from others platforms than i will eat as much crow as you want. I dont they will tho.


Gold Member
I think the same, I think they are different markets. The fact is that 4 years ago I defended this and the quick response was "you don't need an X console, just buy a PC" 🤔🤗

Now seriously, I think the best thing is to wait several years for multiplatformity to be established and see the evolution of the console market. Making statements in such a special and changing situation is useless.

We are not in the years where Studios could release games every 2-3 years and their development cost was 1/5 of that. Now they cost 5x more and the user base is not enough.

Strange years are coming in the industry, of course.
It is a strange shift but it started years ago and I keep using the boiling frog analogy


Gold Member
Remove SEI from California, rethink about graphic fidelity mentality in games, things like using face capture with cost a loads of money.
Oh, I'm pretty sure Jim Ryan is well aware of that, he probably did a lot of changes in their internal development operations.
Needless to say, Polyphony Digital, Team Asobi and XDEV Japan are ultimately safe from layoffs.


Do you like console gaming? Because the entire industry has evolved through exclusivity. The reason why we have games like Last of Us, Halo, etc is because billion dollar companies are dumping a ton of money into first party games to lure gamers to their console. This is the industry we all know and love.

To say "when everyone can play, we all win" is naive at best... we have no idea what kind of output there will be when that major incentive is off the table. They'll just become another EA or Ubisoft.
Well maybe as everything else, that industry we all know and love is changing and is not the same as 10 or more years ago. Games and marketing are now insanely huge (or can be easier than before), does R* need a dedicated console for their games, does Activision, etc.? Games can be huge and great, look at everything From Software did in last 15 years or so, I doubt quality of game has to do shit with exclusivity. And you mention games that honestly I could do without anyway. Thing is they should focus on making meaningful experiences and not money, money is pointless if chased for itself, while quality content will surely bring it.
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I would think microsofts dual 1st day release of all titles on pc and xbox would be a cautionary tale.

If not for PC, Game Pass would’ve been an enormous failure.

If not for PC, their “Xbox” game sales would’ve been even further in the toilet.


Gold Member
I would think microsofts dual 1st day release of all titles on pc and xbox would be a cautionary tale. While in ideal scenarios pc should get all games staggered releases is definitely the smarter option in terms of maintaining console sales along with additional revenue.
But imagine if the games were actually bangers instead of what we got


The Amiga Brotherhood
I can see this happening....

Sony to release first party games day and date on PC..... but exclusive to a Playstation PC Store with cross buy for PS5. Then release on Steam as a secondary market months later.

This is not because I think it is a good idea, but because I think they won't want to risk losing 100% of that day 1 digital cut they get now. That said there could be an argument that Steam/PC is just replacing the old physical retailers in their model and they are happy to lose a cut for more sales, if they are happy it won't cut into console sales (which it may well do).

Interesting times we live in.


Gold Member
I would think microsofts dual 1st day release of all titles on pc and xbox would be a cautionary tale. While in ideal scenarios pc should get all games staggered releases is definitely the smarter option in terms of maintaining console sales along with additional revenue.

Microsoft putting games on PC day one didn't cause Xbox's slow console sales. Slow Xbox console sales is what prompted Microsoft to put Xbox games on PC.


Gold Member
If you think Sony moving to multiplatform (it already is) would effect console sales you are off your absolute head and live in fantasy.

If you can have cross save between your PC and console and you dont own one or the other, it makes the other more appealing as you dont lose what you have on your original platform.

Not only that but your bros arent going to stop dropping cash on PS consoles if thats where their friends are and they dont care about PC gaming.
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