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Sony set to buy Square Enix


You're not going to find that out unless you personally ask the managment if they agree with the takeover. In all takeeovers you're going to find a wide variety of opnions among managment.

And unless they're actually shareholders they're just employees like any other person in the company. So from Sony's perspective if they think there's value in aquiring SE managment really doesn't matter.
It definitely matters. As I mentioned it was the actions of Ubisoft's management that prevented them being bought.

Hostile takeovers have to be announced, so we absolutely would find out about it. SE's management being against the deal would make the takeover much harder and much more expensive for Sony.
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It definitely matters. As I mentioned it was the actions of Ubisoft's management that prevented them being bought.

Hostile takeovers have to be announced, so we absolutely would find out about it. SE's management being against the deal would make the takeover much harder and much more expensive.

Ubisofts managment as in the guillmont family who are shareholders, yeah.

Takeovers have to be announced. Regardless of whether its hostile or not.


Ubisofts managment as in the guillmont family who are shareholders, yeah.

Takeovers have to be announced. Regardless of whether its hostile or not.
Exactly. So Sony would have to announce to the market they were trying to take over SE, and SE's management would publicly announce that they are against the deal and advise shareholders not to sell to Sony. That's not something that can happen secretly.


I get what youre saying. Alot of SE's value is predicated on how well they sell on playstation since thats where the bulk of their sales come from. Depriving them of xbox really wouldnt change things for them.
But it might change if you deprive PC and Nintendo of those games.
Exactly. So Sony would have to announce to the market they were trying to take over SE, and SE's management would publicly announce that they are against the deal and advise shareholders not to sell to Sony. That's not something that can happen secretly.

They only need to announce it publicly when they actually start the bid process. They can still negotiate privately to come to conditional agreements before then.
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They only need to announce it publicly when they actually start the bid process. They can still negotiate privately to come to conditional agreements before then.
Right, but if SE's management didn't want to be bought then negotiations wouldn't come to a satisfactory conclusion for Sony, and a hostile takeover would be their only option. Now if SE's management DID want to be bought, then yes those negotiations could continue in secret until an agreement was announced to market.
If it happens, then Final Fantasy 16 is 100% going to be a Game of Thrones rebranding.

Doubt it is real. They had some of their shares years ago and gave them up.


Don't make an unproven claim then.

Why didn't you quote the original claim?
The one that hasn't provided any proof.
I'll tell you you why because its ok to make false claims as long as it puts Xbox in a negative light.
Funny how no one has questioned the original claim because it fits their agenda.
No one knows either way if Square games sell well on Xbox or not but not one person questioned the original claim that they didn't.
There is more proof for them selling well as Square continues releasing games on Xbox even after Sony pays for timed exclusivity.


Here’s an example.

Most of SE’s games don’t even make it to Xbox because they already know just how poorly they would sell. Refer to article below for examples.

Not that I believe the rumour though.
Do you expect games to sell the same on XBox when PS has 2 times as many consoles sold?
Do you expect games to sell equal when they release later on Xbox?
21% is good considering the fact they launched on a console with less than half the sales and at a later date.
Do you expect games to sell the same on XBox when PS has 2 times as many consoles sold?
Do you expect games to sell equal when they release later on Xbox?
21% is good considering the fact they launched on a console with less than half the sales and at a later date.

That's the UK market so it's not a 2:1 lead. They can actually compete with PS here.

And FF15 launched on Xbox same day and date as PS
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FF14, FF15, FF7R, NieR Automata, DQXI + S, KH3 all released during the PS4 gen just from their Japanese side. Not to mention re-releases of the classics such as 7, 8, 9, 10HD, 12ZA, KH 1.5/2.5/2,8 and a few others.

Then you have their Western studios and published games. Not too shabby for one gen from one publisher....

They seem to be more on the ball going into this gen already and if Sony handled the publishing and reorganised the company to focus solely on development, it'd bring a lot of exclusives games and talent in-house.

Whilst I think the rumour is unlikely, I can see the appeal, it would be a good acquisition and makes sense.


Really? IMHO SE didn’t have a good game in a long time. FF VX and KH III were horrible. I didn’t even finish those games.
Completely agree that those two games were horrible, but Square has other good franchises, and Final Fantasies are still huge - FF7 Remake was good, FFXIV Online is great, Dragon Quest 11 was huge, and they have Tomb Raider and Deus Ex among others.

Two bad games in their major series doesn't negate that. (Actually I'd argue that the entirety of Kingdom Hearts is a crime against gaming, but that's another thread.)


Neo Member
That be neat, but I honestly doubt it. Sony isn't really known to go out of their way to purchase big name publishers to make exclusives, that's more Microsoft's thing.


Prob bullshit just like the other acquisition rumours that have been circling but man oh man do I not want this to happen mainly because I know Sony has the resources to put Deus Ex on the map. But I’ll keep on dreaming.


atmost, maybe sony invest and collaborate with them a bit. thats all.

i doubt sony gonna buy it. i rather not.
but if they gonna invest and collaborate, then im interested since sony's first party studio knowhow surely gonna benefit square enix. maybe they can lend some help to crystal dynamic and even square's creative division.
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Can Sony even afford to buy Square? Like what’s Sony got in liquid right now? A handful billion dollars and Square does a couple billion last quarter or so (I’m guessing); I’m not sure that would just swallow the whole company but I could def see a major exclusivity partnership...


Gold Member
Can Sony even afford to buy Square? Like what’s Sony got in liquid right now? A handful billion dollars and Square does a couple billion last quarter or so (I’m guessing); I’m not sure that would just swallow the whole company but I could def see a major exclusivity partnership...
Google is hard I know
Can Sony even afford to buy Square? Like what’s Sony got in liquid right now? A handful billion dollars and Square does a couple billion last quarter or so (I’m guessing); I’m not sure that would just swallow the whole company but I could def see a major exclusivity partnership...
Neither Sony nor MS is buying Square outright, their assets are in the triple billions. I think people forget that Square has fingers in places outside gaming, a la Konami and even Sony themselves. For example, Square owns Gangan Comics publishing for manga. Fullmetal Alchemist, Soul Eater, Durarara, Space Dandy? All theirs. Can see a full list of the ones with anime adaptations at least here.

But I believe Sony actually has a financial stake IN Square, and may seek to fortify that, a la their partnership with Kadokawa. ESPECIALLY as doing so stands to benefit their other divisions as well. Case-in-point, Sony owns Aniplex, Funimation, and Crunchyroll, Square owns a lot of manga ripe for adaptation... seems a no-brainer on multiple fronts.

They may also be willing to help fund future games in exchange for console exclusivity. If rumors of that next-gen version of FF7R are true, it may already be happening.
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How much would freaking SquareEnix cost? There's no chance.

It's not how Sony operates. Sony buys struggling developers and turns them into powerhouses.

Remember Naughty Dog before the PlayStation?


It's basically the reverse of what companies like EA or Microsoft do.
You dont know what you are talking about on a few points. Sony bought naughty dog after crash bandicoot basically became the mascot for psx.

Sony doesn't buy struggling developers. Never have.
You dont know what you are talking about on a few points. Sony bought naughty dog after crash bandicoot basically became the mascot for psx.

Sony doesn't buy struggling developers. Never have.
Well, they did buy Eidetic (the studio that made Bubsy 3D), rebranded them as Sony Bend, and thus the Syphon Filter franchise, Resistance: Retribution, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and Days Gone were born.
The only reason Sony would need to buy SE is if MS has been trying to do it and they need to cut that off, otherwise they already have a strong working relationship and MS has no shot at taking over Sony in Japan, hell most people who are into SE games are also playstation gamers, there really is no reason for sony to buy them right now. I don't want anymore big publishers being picked up by hardware makers, the bethesda purchase doesn't benefit xbox gamers at all, they were already getting Bethesda's games anyway all that purchase does is potentially keep games away from PlayStation and Nintendo gamers.
Surely the other important question is does SE even want to sell.
That's the million dollar question. Sony has the means to buy a publisher the size of Square Enix, but does that publisher want to relinquish their freedom and confine themselves under the authority of one parent company? Maybe not, unless they're not doing so hot and really like what Sony has to offer. As it stands right now, it seems Square Enix is just comfortable giving Sony the exclusivity deals they desire.
You're expecting Naughty Dog tier graphics or better in an open world game from a bottom tier developer

Trust me you don't need to be an expert to see the delusion in that lmao
Delusion? I know for a fact that at least the art style will carry over, doesn't take a genius to know that, and now that they're first party they'll likely be getting a bigger budget.

I didn't even think SOD2 looked bad so I won't be disappointed if the third game doesn't come all that close to the trailer, but if current gen is anything to go by then I don't doubt my speculation yet.


Gold Journalism
The only reason Sony would need to buy SE is if MS has been trying to do it and they need to cut that off, otherwise they already have a strong working relationship and MS has no shot at taking over Sony in Japan, hell most people who are into SE games are also playstation gamers, there really is no reason for sony to buy them right now. I don't want anymore big publishers being picked up by hardware makers, the bethesda purchase doesn't benefit xbox gamers at all, they were already getting Bethesda's games anyway all that purchase does is potentially keep games away from PlayStation and Nintendo gamers.
Completely agree with your second point. That's what I've been saying since forever. Bethesda's purchase does not benefit Xbox gamers at all. It only serves as a loss to PS gamers. That's it.

And to your first point, I also agree. But one counterpoint could be that just like how MS hurt Sony by locking those previously multiplatform IPs out of PlayStation, Sony can purchase SE to do the same. Yes, Sony is getting almost SE releases on PS, but by buying the company, they can completely lock out that content on Xbox (and even Nintendo). This may have four benefits for Sony:

1. It can seriously hurt Xbox's dream to get a stronghold in Japan. They won't be able to do it for the foreseeable future without SE.
2. It can also hurt Nintendo's ever-growing presence in Japan (albeit it will be a small bump for Nintendo).
3. Sony pays a lot of amount for exclusive content to SE. After the acquisition, that money can be saved.
4. Anime benefits

One counterpoint could be: SE games do not sell that well on Xbox anyway. So it could be argued that Xbox's position in Japan will not be meaningful anyway with this kind of record. And locking SE content out of the Xbox platform may not have as meaningful an impact in the grand scheme of things.


Gold Member
Hopefully not, Sony buying stuff is worst case for most gamers.

Any mega corporation buying up studios, or the studios losing their independence, is the worst case for gamers. I really, really don't like this current trend of hyper consolidation that seems to be happening right now in around the industry. Its not going to be funny when 2 or 3 grouped up mega entities rule and dictate 90% of game output.

Kagey K

Any mega corporation buying up studios, or the studios losing their independence, is the worst case for gamers. I really, really don't like this current trend of hyper consolidation that seems to be happening right now in around the industry. Its not going to be funny when 2 or 3 grouped up mega entities rule and dictate 90% of game output.
It's always been 2 or 3 entries running the show, from Sierra to Sony.

This idea that independents can be successful only came from the 360 and expanded into the PS4 days.
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This is the source lmao

Anyone that unironically listens to this guy has a smooth brain

This one looks like a bit extra stupid, than the usual bulshit insiders.
At least Tidux and Foxy pretend to not be fanboys
To be honest I'd be happy if they did. Square Enix as it stands right now is too busy doing shit things to try and raise more money (Looking at you KH PC prices) I feel if they were owned by Sony they could just make thier games great again.
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