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STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 - To Next-Gen and Beyond!

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Axel Hertz
Talking about Kingdom Rush makes me think of Salsa, which in turn makes me think of the 3DS, which makes me remember I should update the system firmware, which means I'll forever be Canadian in Nintendo's eyes, because fuck paying 50% extra for games in the Brazilian Store and fuck not being able to use my CC in the US store.

Wish me luck.


Is Proteus really worth my time? I know it's only £1.40 but it just seems to be you walking around =/
I'd have to say no, but "experimental" hipster games tend to very hit-or-miss with me. Proteus and Thirty Flights of Loving were definite misses for me, whereas I did find Dear Esther worthwhile (haven't played Stanley Parable yet). I didn't feel like I got much out it for what I paid.

I think Edmund McMillen's game Aether is also supposedly considered an experimental game, but I enjoyed it immensely. Very charming and a bit oddball. Anyone who has Basement Collection and hasn't played Aether yet, should.
Injustice: Gods Among Us isn't as good as Mortal Kombat. It probably would work better for me if I was a fan of DC comics, but I only really care for Batman and maybe one or two other characters. Some of them are so goofy it hurts.
Graphics are nice, but it does suffer from slowdown on my rig at highest settings (- AA).

I'm pretty stoked to play Injustice but it hasn't hit the right price point for me yet. I love the roster, even if it's a little Batman heavy, but the Nether Realm take on many of the characters is like the new 52 mashed up with the 90's. I mostly just want to play the game for it's story mode, loved that mode in MK9.
Is La Mulana non linear or linear? I'm currently playing through it, and I have no idea where exactly to go. I did some stuff in the main area, and I have access to four other areas. Not sure which way is the right one. I'm gonna try to get as far as possible with no guide.


I'd have to say no, but "experimental" hipster games tend to very hit-or-miss with me. Proteus and Thirty Flights of Loving were definite misses for me, whereas I did find Dear Esther worthwhile (haven't played Stanley Parable yet). I didn't feel like I got much out it for what I paid.

This is a steam category I can get behind. We were talking about how we categorize our games the other day right?


I'm pretty stoked to play Injustice but it hasn't hit the right price point for me yet. I love the roster, even if it's a little Batman heavy, but the Nether Realm take on many of the characters is like the new 52 mashed up with the 90's. I mostly just want to play the game for it's story mode, loved that mode in MK9.

I love how lame some of the excuses are for fighting in Netherrealm's games.

Ares: "Did you just step on my foot?"
Aquaman: "I did."
Ares: "You must apologize to me!"
Aquaman: "Never! The Lord of Atlantis bows before no man!"

<Camera flies out to combat position>



Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Aww really? Might still bite on it, surely a GAFfer or two have it and i can play with them at least~

When I say lack of online play I'm not saying there isn't anyone playing I'm saying that it doesn't have online play. Local only.


Stormy Grey
That being said, it's time for me to gush a little at Proteus.

When I was younger my eyes crossed paths with an advertisement on the back of a game manual (I think it was on the back of the Metal Gear Solid NA release, if anyone can get a picture I will be eternally grateful) which depicted a tree obscured by a thick foggy haze, illuminated to almost white out condition by an overbright flashlight beam and surrounded by blurry snowflakes. It was such a striking image, powerful enough that it dug a small ditch into the back of my brain and planted a seed. From that seed grew the desire to come across this tree, approach it from the darkness and meet with my abstract friend. I often sat and wondered what it was about this scene that drew me towards it, analyzing all the small details about the image. At times I even considered learning how to code in an engine in order to recreate my trunked comrade, a lone map for me and only me that could put this twisted wonderland closer to reality than my imagination would allow. That seed had grown over the years into the tree from that ad and it rustled around on top of my brain. To this day I still find my obsession with this tree inexplicable, borderlining on irrational. But it has fueled a craving for a pure wandering experience in games and Proteus is the closest I will ever get to this fantasy.


Perhaps what Proteus does for me is equally as unexplainable as my bark-layered buddy. On its surface all it offers is a semi-randomized island that you can cross in a minute and a half with less graphical detail than a professional Quake 3 players maxFPS config. But to lean on such assumptions, to actually compare it as a whole against what most people consider games would be to miss the point. Proteus instead borrows from the Dear Esther camp of wandering aimlessly, albeit with more freedom and no weighty prose spouted by a suffering Englishman. It takes Minimalism to the extreme, stripping away any semblance of gamey elements in order to encourage pure exploration. Theres no goal at hand, no mission riddled with confusing dossiers to browse and no radio contact to fling objectives at you. Just you, the island and a few inhabitants which go about their lives as you drift from place to place.

Upon opening your eyes for the first time to the isle of Proteus, youre waist deep in sea water a little ways out from the shore. Deep but distant rumbling ambient drones soothe the senses and draw you into this dreamlike world. As foot touches to sand, the drones mix out into a cheerful little number, trees and nearby plants provide plucks of digitized instruments which layer effortlessly into the mix. The soundtrack is now much more structured, a song more along the lines of Brian Eno or Robert Richs works. You can choose to sit here and soak in the spring air some, or move until the scene fits your picturesque view. With everything framed differently, the song changes a little bit to reflect your distance from different parts of the scene. Moving elsewhere will give you new pieces of music every few feet you move, hand crafting sound through scenery. It calls to mind other music oriented games like Rez, but the lack of interaction and mechanics pushes it closer to Electroplankton.


When the night fell, everything now had a new tone, giving me more reason to explore under the stars glittery light. Serenity befell the island and the music illustrated this just as well as the gorgeous and ever changing pastel palette. Soon I discovered how to change seasons, which brought new wildlife to chase and an entirely fresh set of sounds with appropriately changed colors. There is an eventual end and a barely there something-or-other that isnt quite a plot. Most of what the island has to serve up is less for the upfront part of the mind and more towards imagination. Theres a nearly perfect synergy between exploration and feedback while just moving around which I can only compare to playing outside as a child and the innocent bliss such an activity provided. Once in a while, Proteus was able to get my jaw to dislodge from its grumpy and stubborn position and plant it firmly on the edge of my desk in awe. Thats just what kind of power it holds over those who the experience will appeal to.


Not everyone will find Proteus experience to their liking, preferring to spend their time with the usual gaming affairs. But Proteus succeeds in standing apart because it brings something fresh to the table, a relaxing trip you can truly lose yourself in so long as youre willing to let go of the fact that you have no jump button, no interaction button, and no things to shoot. It fills a void by being devoid, a bold statement drawing yet another line in the sand in the Games are Art! argument. Ill be returning to that island rather frequently I feel, seeing that my first run took me 4 hours when others blew through it in 40 minutes. Ill touch toe to shore again and again emerging from the sea, my soul burdened by the heft and stress of life now cleansed by Proteus zen-like journey. And I hold out hope that maybe, just maybe Ill get to see my tree again.

If any of that made you even the least bit interested in Proteus:

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 2 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Proteus -- MB-24F28176A9E82896 - Taken by Blue Ninja. 15 entrants total.
Proteus #2 -- MB-7EC310958369BAD4 - Taken by Spring-Loaded. 15 entrants total.



When I say lack of online play I'm not saying there isn't anyone playing I'm saying that it doesn't have online play. Local only.

Waaa, that sucks, from the looks of it, this game would've benefitted much from online play, but the SP campaign is at least good right?
I love how lame some of the excuses are for fighting in Netherrealm's games.

Ares: "Did you just step on my foot?"
Aquaman: "I did."
Ares: "You must apologize to me!"
Aquaman: "Never! The Lord of Atlantis bows before no man!"

<Camera flies out to combat position>


I don't care how flimsy the pretext is because it allows you to do this...


Almost as badass as the Brave & The Bold Aquaman assist.



I don't care how flimsy the pretext is because it allows you to do this...


Almost as badass as the Brave & The Bold Aquaman assist.


Injustice was a fun game when I played it on 360. Sure it isn't perfect but in my opinion neither was MK9. Both games are just goofy fun in both story and VS. My biggest disappointment was only scorpion as the DLC Outsider character. Should've been just about anyone else.
Injustice was a fun game when I played it on 360. Sure it isn't perfect but in my opinion neither was MK9. Both games are just goofy fun in both story and VS. My biggest disappointment was only scorpion as the DLC Outsider character. Should've been just about anyone else.

Yeah, it's a little goofy that Scorpion is in the game but at least it's not as leftfield as Freddy Krueger. I am admittedly a geek for DC and its goofiness and this game looks thick with fanservice. I'll pick it up when it's 10-15$ and probably have a blast with it.


I'm starting the same love/hate relationship with Don't Starve as I had with Binding of Isaac.

I had such a good world going. Day 16. Close to Beefalos. got me a nice farm. Then eyes started popping up. How hard can eyes be to defeat? Well it turns out quite hard after getting swarmed.

I'm a bit pissed right now, I was gathering everything I ever wanted. But secretly, I want to get a new game going so hard right now.


anyone using the xbox360ce wrapper?
is there anyway to bypass the annoying "xbox360ce is misconfigured or device is disconnected" message?
you don't beat la mulana

it beats you

Is this Soviet Russia?

just beat brothers, i thought it was alright

i didn't feel a thing tho

Pretty much.

I thought the whole game was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLekt6fGous

You're DEAD inside

Saw the "twist" coming. Knew she was up to no good. Kind of dampened the whole experience waiting for her to stab the older brother in the back..

And that's where the game went from "eh, this is alright" to "please let me finish it already, i want to delete it and never play it again". :|

anyone using the xbox360ce wrapper?
is there anyway to bypass the annoying "xbox360ce is misconfigured or device is disconnected" message?

I'll send it to you in a steam message, but it's putting a particular version parameter into the file somewhere.
I'm starting the same love/hate relationship with Don't Starve as I had with Binding of Isaac.

I had such a good world going. Day 16. Close to Beefalos. got me a nice farm. Then eyes started popping up. How hard can eyes be to defeat? Well it turns out quite hard after getting swarmed.

I'm a bit pissed right now, I was gathering everything I ever wanted. But secretly, I want to get a new game going so hard right now.

Heh, reminds me of some of my FTL runs :). Hurts soooo good!

Um, or something that doesn't make me sound like a masochist.

Not that I'm saying I'm not [I'm not] and I'm not judging but I'm not sure that's the sort of thing that should be admitted here.


So I'm near the end of my XCOM run :). My backlog is very pleased!


Is this Soviet Russia?

Pretty much.

I thought the whole game was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLekt6fGous

And that's where the game went from "eh, this is alright" to "please let me finish it already, i want to delete it and never play it again". :|

I'll send it to you in a steam message, but it's putting a particular version parameter into the file somewhere.

thanks man! i'm trying out the neogeopad with xbox360ce... but it's not mapping the right buttons at all


Unconfirmed Member
I'm playing a bit of the oldies but goldies Dreamcast classic Sonic Adventures and I must say:

1) Sonic Adventure DX is a crappy conversion (if you pick a res higher than 1024x720 it adds a huge frame, wtf?) and the game aged really really bad.

2) Sonic Adventure 2, instead, seems a very good conversion (actual 1440x900, somewhat hi-res texture - at least higher than DC ones) and the game is SO SO SO SO SO SO GOOD (and it's not the nostalgia speaking!). Even the Knuckles/Bat gal stages, that sucked back then, they still suck today, but is not like they're worse, they just suck the same.
The weird thing is that SADX already had a good PC port many years ago, which included a bunch of unlockable Game Gear games and some extra missions. Apparently all that stuff was removed from the newer port that made its way to Steam, and I have no idea why.
Sang Froid seemed like a less polished but a potentially more in-depth Orcs Must Die 2. Is this the case?

That's fair I suppose. In Sang Froid you only drop traps in the planning phase before a level/night, never during the enemy waves like you do in Orcs Must Die. All the money you get during a wave is just used on the next level/night. So since you only get one shot setting traps (and you need to set them up for multiple waves in advance) the strategy is much more important. (I say this having yet to play the end game levels in either)

Sang Froid is also much slower than Orcs
Finally, Everyday Genius: SquareLogic is mine.
20000 puzzles, here I come. <3

Holy cow! I contacted one of the developers over the weekend and I got a reply today. I asked for the Android port as well and he said that the IOS version didn't do well, but if there's enough interest in the Steam version, he might do it if time allows.

If you like Sudoku, you will LOVE Everyday Genius: SquareLogic. Is one of the games that I have more hours logged in my account. No need to use math, it's just logic.

Ooof, but overall how's Cities in Motion? I've been eyeing it for a long time but never got aroun d to buying it =P

Cities in motion was one of my favorite little steam surprises. You know, those games that you don't really know anything about, buy anyway and end up falling in love with them. I think I put about 25 hours into it over the course of the first 3 days.
That being said, there are some mods that fixed the few complaints I had with it.

Camera Control Mod
Line Statistics Plus
Repair Fix


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Waaa, that sucks, from the looks of it, this game would've benefitted much from online play, but the SP campaign is at least good right?

Just skirmishes against bots.

It's pretty bare bones, but it is just supposed to be a digital version of the board game. Still online play should have been in there, it's suprising given that Petroglyph (the developers, formerly known as Westwood Studios) have had online play in all their other games.


Holy cow! I contacted one of the developers over the weekend and I got a reply today. I asked for the Android port as well and he said that the IOS version didn't do well, but if there's enough interest in the Steam version, he might do it if time allows.

If you like Soduku, you will LOVE Everyday Genius: SquareLogic. Is one of the games that I have more hours logged in my account. No need to use math, it's just logic.

Speaking of logical games, I would like to see HexCellsPlus on Steam one of these days.

Hexcells Plus - $3 on the Humble Store (PC, Mac, Linux)

Hexcells Plus is a standalone expansion to Hexcells that contains 36 new and more challenging puzzles.


Is there some good sudoku game on Steam? I got Zen Sudoku, which isn't too bad, but it doesn't exactly scratch my itch.
Puzzler world has a Sudoku but it feels lame.


I'm going to go out of my mind.

All of Luchador's copies are on hold. And Cyberquake said he can get me a copy tomorrow.

A lot can change in 24 hours. I hate being put in this spot D:

Curse you Prey! CURSE YOU!
Hey Steam folk. Didn't want to ask during all the Holiday sale craziness, but figured that I would now that traffic has slowed down a bit. I just recently sold my 360 and moved over to the PS3. I saved one wired 360 controller since that has been pretty indispensable for me with PC gaming. But as I recall there are some ways to get the DualShock 3 working with the PC, so I wanted to figure that out. I recall hearing that some method or another was not recommended so I wanted to get GAF advice on the matter over randomly Google searching.
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