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Sunset Overdrive |OT| It's Always Sunny in the Apocalypse


Yeah I've heard it only gets better and was not expecting to enjoy the first five hours as much as I did.
Sitting at work at the moment but just want to get back and play!


Quick question, when I'm wallrunning why does my character sometimes turns around the corner and the other time just walks straight into the air and falls. Do you need to push a button to turn around a corner?


Quick question, when I'm wallrunning why does my character sometimes turns around the corner and the other time just walks straight into the air and falls. Do you need to push a button to turn around a corner?
Yes, X, on "sharp" corners you do (90DEG), on 45DEG corners and radui, it will do it anyway.


It unlocked after "Bringing the band back together".
I stopped playing after that,so i don't know how far from the end it is.

Pretty close, I think there's one more story mission left.

the final story mission is frigging amazing, stay through the credits
That's probably my favorite aspect of the game, traversal is a lot more involving than in a simple autoplatformer, yet it flows so smoothly. A really impressive achievement.
It only get better too. Early on you rely on grind wires and bounces, then you start working in the swing poles to get up off the ground quickly, then really start to understand wall running.

Now? One of my most used maneuvers is just vaulting over straight edges. Dash right for that straight top of a building/sign and do a leap that transitions into a high jump off a A/C unit really well. Time it right and you can even approach grind wire and instead of going along them you can just use them as a jumping point to get to the other side of a road.

The amount of moves possible in the game is pretty crazy, and as you play more and more you're able to carve out straighter and straighter paths right through the city.


Well there was a lot about the game that I didn't get on with, the sheer amount of fetch quests for one. Also the constant nods to the player "its a game", "this is what games do" were mildly amusing but a wasted opportunity to subvert expectations and have some fun rather than lampoon something you then do yourself.

Having said that the game has had me playing all week through a couple of quite big, and not so big bugs and on the whole I've enjoyed it. Art style is fantastic, music tends to get old/samey quick but is OK, and the traversal system is compelling and fun. Its kind of like when you unlocked the low gravity cheat in THPS2 and could just relax and chain together combos for ages.

Colourful and cheerful open world game for those long, cold & dark winter nights that doesn't sicken you with innumerable collectables and side quests. I've enjoyed finishing off the story and I'll probably bite on the DLC and Chaos mode stuff now too (and then polish off the last quests/collectables/weapons).

If there's anyone up for Chaos mode (usual UK playing times) feel free to add me, Tag in the profile.


I have the problem that there are some dlc outfits (Granny's, Foul Baller) not in my game.

Is there a solution for this? I uninstalled and redownloaded them but no luck...


Any news on when the DLC is set to be released. I haven't bought the season pass yet, but will do so the second I know when it's coming.
Not to second guess or question your plans, but it seems debuting the DLC at the TGA might have been a good way to give the game more exposure.

Anyway, really looking forward to seeing the DLC. Come on OD'D spidermonkeys.

MS seems to have skipped the Game Awards entirely, so that probably played a part in that decision.


This game was amazing from start to finish.
Shame on Xbox owners who don't buy it. This is one of my favourite titles on the console along with D4 and Dead Rising 3.


Ah, the missing dlc was already in my game. I was looking for an outfit but the dlc outfits aren't outfits in the game just some piece of clothing.

And I think I got all the chaos squad clothes.

Now I need to level up the remaining amps. The "screw the fourth wall" amp doesn't have a second level?
What's a killing streak?
I'm trying to do the Buck challenges,and those give a lot of points,but I have no idea ho to get them. I seem to get them at random after killing ODs.
At first I thought this game was pretty boring , but I am now a good chunk into the game and loving it. I have just met
the cheerleaders
and curious how far I am into the game?

Nori Chan

What's a killing streak?
I'm trying to do the Buck challenges,and those give a lot of points,but I have no idea ho to get them. I seem to get them at random after killing ODs.
Killing enemies without getting hit

There's a hero amo I believe that nulls enemy damage when you get hit every 3 seconds which is perfect for keeping kill streaks
Almost at the end of the main story.

There's a lot of great side quests to keep you busy afterwards, though, if you haven't done them already.

Really ? I feel like i have done all side quests already (blue ones). not including time trials/gun trials e.t.c

Feels like a really short game, or maybe its just gone by really quickly. Also i feel like massive parts of the city have barely been touched.

Last night i spent an hour just grinding everywhere. I love the cityand its various locales.


Just ordered this from best buy with free expidited shipping. After tax gcu and certs it came out to $28.

Am I in for a treat? This was an impulse buy from positive stuff ive heard.


Just ordered this from best buy with free expidited shipping. After tax gcu and certs it came out to $28.

Am I in for a treat? This was an impulse buy from positive stuff ive heard.

A steal at that price. I came in to this game not knowing anything at all other than seeing a few commercials on TV and it blew me away.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Man yesterday I walked into BestBuy Canada in Toronto area. And they have 5-6 white SO bundles. I feel bad for people in states who genuinely wants to get it but cant. Seems like people in Canada don't want em lol


Got this game for 40 bucks at Best Buy the other day and is loving it, anyways, my character:


Finally sinking my teeth in to the game and getting lost in it (in a good way). Only thing is I suck at Chaos Squad. Somehow I'm always the last person to the new mission even though I have airdash lol.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, I'm grinding up all my weapons now and trying to get enough Overdrive to buy the rest of the maps (also, I have fat stacks of cash and nothing to buy with it).

It's really a lot of fun to level up weapons here, so that's a nice little bonus.

Still can't hit that Downtown chaos squad cheev though. I've had enough chaos once, but we failed horridly.


Sailor Stevenson
I guess tomorrow's Sunset TV will probably need its own thread tomorrow.

DLC you'll be playing soon. And it's really, really good.


Is the Xbox Marketplace the only place to get the season pass or is there somewhere else it could be for possibly cheaper?
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