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Sunset Overdrive |OT| It's Always Sunny in the Apocalypse


I guess tomorrow's Sunset TV will probably need its own thread tomorrow.

DLC you'll be playing soon. And it's really, really good.

Ugh. I'm going to be in another country and without (free) internet access.

Looking forward to seeing this when I get back.
give me a million collectibles to collect pls

i want to run around the city or the new area like a maniac


I see lots of potential for collectibles.


So, I'm grinding up all my weapons now and trying to get enough Overdrive to buy the rest of the maps (also, I have fat stacks of cash and nothing to buy with it).

It's really a lot of fun to level up weapons here, so that's a nice little bonus.

Still can't hit that Downtown chaos squad cheev though. I've had enough chaos once, but we failed horridly.
I really wish there was a cash for OD transmutation mechanic. I don't care if the exchange rate was horrible, I've just got to buy the Charge Beam to level it up and I'm still 20K short with all challenges save two complete.
Just picked this game up. Anything I should know before I get started? Tips or pointers?

It'll take you a while to get used to the controls; there's going to be a lot of stuff going on at once, and at first it can feel overwhelming. Some people don't ever really get used to it until they unlock the air dash.


I just beat this game yesterday and I can't wait to see what's next for this game. It took me a total of 23 hours doing all the side missions and collecting the majority of the items in the game. Another 2-3 and I think I'll have everything.

I'm wondering if the dlc will expand on the ending or they are saving the sequel for that.
one thing I hate is i gotta keep moving in this game which means less time to admire nice scenery :(

When you're a bit stronger and have your weapons leveled up, it becomes easier to just hold your ground. Also, those sprinklers and other deployables are very useful when leveled up.

I just beat this game yesterday and I can't wait to see what's next for this game. It took me a total of 23 hours doing all the side missions and collecting the majority of the items in the game. Another 2-3 and I think I'll have everything.

I'm nearing 40 hours, and I still have some weapons to max out, 3 challenges to gold, plenty of stuff to collect, and I've barely touched the Chaos Squad. Sometimes I'll just aimlessly move around the city and shoot at random groups of enemies for hours, the basic gameplay is so well done.

Daft Bird

Finally finished the game, least way the story! I really liked it! I loved the
NeoGaf shout out
at the end. Brought a smile to my face.


Thinking about jumping back in to get the 10 and 20 level 5 weapons achievement, as I'm currently sitting around 900. What is the best way to do this? Online? Replay night defenses?
Thinking about jumping back in to get the 10 and 20 level 5 weapons achievement, as I'm currently sitting around 900. What is the best way to do this? Online? Replay night defenses?

Replay Getting the Band Back Together, the drums part has endlessly respawning hordes of OD.

I mean, if you want to do it quickly. Me, I'm just taking my time, cruising around and fighting random enemy groups.


What should I be using my money for? Weapons? Collectibles? I can currently buy the Freeze Bomb, Acid Sprinkler, Captain AHAB or the Dude, if I buy one, which should I buy?


I bought the Dude because it was the most expensive weapon.... that thing kind of sucks. Wonder if I should have picked a different weapon. Oh well.


Neo Member
I bought the Dude because it was the most expensive weapon.... that thing kind of sucks. Wonder if I should have picked a different weapon. Oh well.

Killing 300 OD with the Dude is the solo challenge this week, so at least it's of some use!
I finished the last quest,completed all the side quests,got all the collectables and got gold in all of the challenges. Is there anything left to do in the game?
I finished the last quest,completed all the side quests,got all the collectables and got gold in all of the challenges. Is there anything left to do in the game?

Get all the achievements, max out all of the weapons and all of the overdrives, find the secret collectibles, and play Chaos Squad, which unlocks some things not available in the single player portion. There are also weekly challenges. Other than that, wait for the expansion.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
I'm a few hours in and still struggling with the concept of doing stylish tricks while shooting enemies while I'm moving in crazy directions. I often end up frustrated and disoriented.

Does it become second nature eventually and did anyone else feel this way in the beginning? Or am I fucked?


I'm a few hours in and still struggling with the concept of doing stylish tricks while shooting enemies while I'm moving in crazy directions. I often end up frustrated and disoriented.

Does it become second nature eventually and did anyone else feel this way in the beginning? Or am I fucked?

Should become pretty natural 2 or 3 hours in. Don't try to do crazy stuff, maybe just grind back and forward on the same rail, with jumping to an adjacent one from time to time while in combat. Also try to find "grind loops" where it does not throw you off automatically.


I'm a few hours in and still struggling with the concept of doing stylish tricks while shooting enemies while I'm moving in crazy directions. I often end up frustrated and disoriented.

Does it become second nature eventually and did anyone else feel this way in the beginning? Or am I fucked?

yeah it feels wonky at first, but as soon as you become comfortable with traversal it all falls into place. give it some time and unlock some more moves. there is a slight learning curve, but it'll be second nature soon enough.


I'm a few hours in and still struggling with the concept of doing stylish tricks while shooting enemies while I'm moving in crazy directions. I often end up frustrated and disoriented.

Does it become second nature eventually and did anyone else feel this way in the beginning? Or am I fucked?

If you wanna' do crazy stuff, you have to use a big explodey gun (of which there are many).

Otherwise you are probably only going to be aiming with accuracy when grinding or bouncing.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Thanks you guys! I'm playing some more and stuff is starting to feel amazing. Gleeful, ridiculous amazing. Haha. I think using the wall-run really helped open stuff up for me.


jesus christ finally got my best buy order from Black Friday

hopefully get to play over the weekend pretty excited

played the day trial, and was pretty enjoyable


To whoever suggested using the Reaper amp with the Taunt Bot : you were right. Not only is it very cool, it's pretty much the only weapon where it's useful. Up until now, I really thought the Reaper amp was broken as the reaper appeared, but didn't do anything to anyone, just standing there looking cool.

Thing, is, he's not supposed to move, and just "reaps" whoever comes in contact. So basically unless you have the taunt bot in the same place to keep attracting enemies, it's highly unlikely to do anything. A bit underwhelming for a goddamn reaper but oh well :D

Anyway, 30 hours in, still a bunch of secondary missions to do, there's probably 5-10 weapons I haven't even bought yet, and have barely even touched the challenges. I have so much left to do and never want to stop. Just roaming around doing shit is so fun it makes it takes me a while to actually go somewhere and start a proper objective :D

Yesterday I did a few Fargarthian missions and earned the
customisation set. But is there an actual
scuba+diving mask
I can get somewhere ? I love the complete outfit but it seems to lack just that. So I stick with the goggles at the moment.

Also unlocked the "one man is an island" clothes, they're just lovely to traverse around with :D

I also do some chaos squad from time to time.

Edit : Also I can't wait for the DLC, looks so good :D


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Just got an Xbox 1 to play this game, lets do this!

Edit: God damn it's taking it's sweet time to install!


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
You should savour these moments before its ready. You about to be blown away, be ready.

Just played it for a few hours, I really like it. My only minor concern is a potential lack of variety, is it just grinding on rails shooting enemies or does the story missions mix it up a bit? The game is so fun that I can't see it being a big problem either way though
Just played it for a few hours, I really like it. My only minor concern is a potential lack of variety, is it just grinding on rails shooting enemies or does the story missions mix it up a bit? The game is so fun that I can't see it being a big problem either way though

I thought the missions and quests were well varied personally and as you unlock traversal stuff (air dash etc) it adds a lot to the game as well


I have just started the game today (Received it along with the white XBone bundle). I played for about an hour and I am kinda overwhelmed by the things I need to/can do. So can you give me some tips? what should I focus on in the beginning?


I have just started the game today (Received it along with the white XBone bundle). I played for about an hour and I am kinda overwhelmed by the things I need to/can do. So can you give me some tips? what should I focus on in the beginning?

I stuck to the main quest line until I got air dash. Then traversal really gets amazing.
I have just started the game today (Received it along with the white XBone bundle). I played for about an hour and I am kinda overwhelmed by the things I need to/can do. So can you give me some tips? what should I focus on in the beginning?

Practice, practice, practice. It definitely takes some getting used to, but you'll get the hang of it.

Also, like Shiba suggested, sticking to the main quests until you pick up the Air Dash isn't a bad idea either. It greatly opens up your traversal options.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I have just started the game today (Received it along with the white XBone bundle). I played for about an hour and I am kinda overwhelmed by the things I need to/can do. So can you give me some tips? what should I focus on in the beginning?

One thing I found that helped in the beginning is sticking to simpler patterns when grinding by hitting X and the reverse stick to change directions. Basically going back and forth on the same rail or cable. This gives you time to get used to traversing while shooting without worrying about switching things up a lot. Once you get to used to it you'll start to be able to pull off more sophisticated moves which you'll need since enemies will also start to attack your traversal paths.


I have just started the game today (Received it along with the white XBone bundle). I played for about an hour and I am kinda overwhelmed by the things I need to/can do. So can you give me some tips? what should I focus on in the beginning?

I stuck to the main quest line until I got air dash. Then traversal really gets amazing.

Yeah that's pretty much it :D

No but really don't worry if it doesn't click instantly, it will requires a few hours of play to be able to juggle properly between traversal and shooting (after all it's the core of the game).

As someone else suggested try to stick to simple patterns, try to find rails that either cycle or "auto return" so you don't have to micro manage your position, and also don't forget that by pressing LT you actually go slower on grinds, which will give you more time to aim properly if need be.

After that, you'll slowly gain the mastery necessary to just flow between grind and bounce at full speed while dealing out hard damage :D
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