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Sunset Overdrive |OT| It's Always Sunny in the Apocalypse

How do you install stuff manually btw? I downloaded the digital deluxe version.

and yeah I spoke too soon since at 9 pm it was still at like 15% either the thing sky rocketed or I dunno lol

edit: wait no never fucking mind haha. it let me load the game but the menu is stuck in installing. what a sick twisted joke on poor woof. Does the xbone have a similar system to the ps4 where after it downloads X-amount of the total game it can play? If not I find it weird that it says "ready to start" but I cant start the game.

It does have that system, but irritatingly most of the games I've played just use the install screen loophole.
It does have that system, but irritatingly most of the games I've played just use the install screen loophole.

Yeah... I went ahead and switched to the wired connection my adjacent PS4 normally uses. I know this is partially the servers and partially my internet being painfully slow lately. Hopefully with wired it'll be done by the time I get back tomorrow at around mid-day. Shame the system doesn't work. I wanted to create my character at the very least.
Was the game stuck at the loading screen for a long time for anyone else? In 10 minutes it hasn't budged from the page that simply says "Sunset Overdrive" in huge letters with a small "Loading . . ." towards the lower righthand corner.


Was the game stuck at the loading screen for a long time for anyone else? In 10 minutes it hasn't budged from the page that simply says "Sunset Overdrive" in huge letters with a small "Loading . . ." towards the lower righthand corner.

Might be downloading the patch?

N° 2048

Absolutely love that when you run out of ammo and keep shooting the weapon wheel pops up automatically. This game is smoooooth.
TnTeddy is ace!
Yay! My Dell order is scheduled to arrive on release date. I used a $25 "gift card" and I'm getting another $25 gc for ordering this too... I feel like this is going to be an endless cycle of gift cards o_O

It still feels weird seeing an Insomniac game for Xbox.

N° 2048

They weren't lying when they said you can outfit your character to be almost naked.

Pink panties and a Painter's Tank Top with some Sandals for me, haha.

Too much? :p

Wish I knew how to take screenshots.

N° 2048




Sweet it's unlocked for West Coast already? Time to play. Thanks again to Gamestop for giving me $100 of XBL money over the summer. We are now even for all the times you ripped me off as a kid.
Figuring out how to wall-run around corners (hit X at the corner) was seemingly the final piece in the puzzle to make the traversal feel complete. Everything is grindable, but feels slow unless you boost - but slowing down by letting off the burst or by aiming gives you enough wiggle room to get your shots. There is significant auto-aim, even with the "precision" weapons, at least the starter ones, but you still have to not only position yourself and the camera for the shot, but line up your targeting. Its forgiving, but it has to be when you consider that you not only need to mix up where you're grinding or grabbing next, but tweaking your direction and speed, while making the best use of the environment.

Its all one short of two many variables, at least so far, in the beginning.

Am looking forward to just exploring for a while and getting a handle on the landmarks and fine tuning my traversal even more. Grabbing TP'd poles and jumping from one grind to another above takes a little finesse I haven't quite grokk'd yet.

So far so good.


Once you meet Calista you can change the melee skin. Currently using the rad guitar pre order DLC.
Thanks! This game is a blast! Really happy for Insomniac and Xbox One owners this game turned out the way it did. Finally my XBO pulled me away from my other systems.
I think all the concerns about it being too slow are put to rest once you play it. There's so much going on and so much to pay attention to once the OD show up in greater numbers that I think the speed of the game is pretty perfect. It's hectic and complex, but it's super rewarding once you figure it out and execute it well. Needless to say, I'm loving the game so far.


ugh i don't know why but I have an irrational hate for this reasoning

Yeah, while I'm sure there are people out there who play female characters for that reason, it tends to feel like a cop out response. I've seen some of guys are just too insecure to admit they just like playing games with a female character, so they try to come up with manly responses like "I do it for dat ass".

I don't mean to knock the original poster who said that as I don't think there's really a wrong reason to pick whatever character you want and it seems silly to judge someone based on that. Just something I've noticed amongst people I know is all.


Yeah, while I'm sure there are people out there who play female characters for that reason, it tends to feel like a cop out response. I've seen some of guys are just too insecure to admit they just like playing games with a female character, so they try to come up with manly responses like "I do it for dat ass".

I don't mean to knock the original poster who said that as I don't think there's really a wrong reason to pick whatever character you want and it seems silly to judge someone based on that. Just something I've noticed amongst people I know is all.

There's nothing wrong with the "ass" reasoning. People like what they like. I play as women in third person games because their bodies tend to be smaller, thus take up less screen-room.

Is this game a system seller?

I pulled the trigger on an Xbox One bundle today due to this game rather than wait for a possible better deal with Halo MCC, so yeah, it's sold at least one system.


There's nothing wrong with the "ass" reasoning. People like what they like. I play as women in third person games because their bodies tend to be smaller, thus take up less screen-room.

Again, I'm not saying there is. It's just people I've known who have used that reasoning and kind of fumbled when trying to explain to me what that truly mattered to me, and ultimately just admitted they simply liked playing female characters (regardless of how nice or bad that ass looked). Whatever your reason is fine, and I don't think anyone needs to hide their reason for choosing what character they want to play as. Whether it's for dat ass or not, it's all good.


Started playing at 9:05pm and played for a solid 2 hours and loving it. It took a while to get use to the controls for me and am still learning it to be more fluent in moving around, but damn is this game fun and it looks great. If I have one knock on the visuals, there are a lot of jaggies all around, but at times it looks cleaned up depending on what you are doing.

The sequences where it goes from cut scenes to gameplay are very impressive and visually it looks stunning at times. IQ does suffer as mentioned above in certain circumstances, but the overall graphics are pretty impressive. I like that the city is not sterile, there is trash, items that you actually can knock over all over the place, basically they littered the town with a ton of little things to make it less sterile and that is a good thing. It is one hell of a colorful game and the gameplay (once you get a hang of it) is pretty damn impressive. I have been in some major encounters with what looks like 50+ enemies, shit splatting all over the place, me switching directions grinding and not a hint of slowdown.

I also like that there are hidden items to find and that you can just go out and explore after the intro parts. There are also these special chest that you find, some are dropped from airplanes and you have to figure out how to get to them, which is just one of the extra things you can do. There are also a lot of different challenges, like traversal challenges where you have to try to get the best score with leaderboards and all, which for some will add a lot to the game to get higher on the rankings.

Two hours is no where enough time to really say more about the game. But for the 2 hours I played, I thought that game was pretty damn great, looks great, albeit it a little jaggied, music/sound is great and me and my wife found some of the humor to be pretty funny as well.

Great first impression on me so far! Cannot wait to get back from my mini vacation and play some more.
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