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Super Mario 3D World |OT| Next-gen starts right meow!


So I got this for Christmas and while I think it's great so far I don't think it's nearly as great as the Galaxy games.

Haven't been following the thread but what's the majority opinion on this compared to the Galaxy games?


We'll I refused to use any suits so that didn't help but there was a point where I completely lost my timing for the piranha plant jumps and would always lose a hit there or die altogether. If I lost a hit I was one stuff up on the speed pads away from death. I eventually got to that point where you should stop playing but don't out of stubbornness too.

This is why ridiculously difficult levels like this are so great. The journey to completing them is an experience in itself, with points where you might doubt yourself or have a eureka moment where a part of the level suddenly clicks for you. But once you finally manage to beat the level it feels so good.

Haven't been following the thread but what's the majority opinion on this compared to the Galaxy games?

Personally I don't think 3D World is on the level of the Galaxies, but it's definitely a huge step up from 3D Land and of course the NSMB games. However, I do feel it's better than SM64, though I don't think a lot of people would agree with that.


What is the deal with all of the little 8 bit luigi's hidden in levels? Is there any purpose to them other than an easter egg?


Thanks, guys! I am probably making a doctor's appointment for next week.
I immediately took my blood pressure and sugar level, everything was within normal parameters.
I still have no idea what could have caused it, but I was exaggeratedly excited because I cleared the dash panels area.

You were probanbly right about it being low though. Sounds a bit like orthostatic hypotension is what happened. Can lead to fainting
I just read about it. It seems likely.
Heh, just discovered the additional world you gain access to after completing the game.
I'm liking these bonus levels much more than those in the main story.


I still have no idea what could have caused it, but I was exaggeratedly excited because I cleared the dash panels area.

I have this horrible vision in my head of you clearing the dash panels, passing out, then waking only to find the timer had dropped to zero before you'd actually got to the flag ;)


Began playing this a couple days ago and its wonderful. I have found I have a terrible sense of depth perception, I keep missing the most obvious of blocks and/or jumps :/
Just started playing it. The first world was underwhelming. I guess it's supposed to ease you in. Only played a couple levels in the second world and the design is much more inventive. Specifically the second level. I hope it starts to really pick up soon. I shouldn't compare it to Galaxy but that game hit you in face immediately on how great it was. Maybe my expectations is too high but the amount of praise this game is getting I'm expecting a little more.


El Capitan Todd
Just started playing it. The first world was underwhelming. I guess it's supposed to ease you in. Only played a couple levels in the second world and the design is much more inventive. Specifically the second level. I hope it starts to really pick up soon. I shouldn't compare it to Galaxy but that game hit you in face immediately on how great it was. Maybe my expectations is too high but the amount of praise this game is getting I'm expecting a little more.

you haven't even scratch the surface of it
btw, I'm having an hard time in finding the stars needed to beat the mushroom workd (240 if I remember correctly...) >_<
Just started playing it. The first world was underwhelming. I guess it's supposed to ease you in. Only played a couple levels in the second world and the design is much more inventive. Specifically the second level. I hope it starts to really pick up soon. I shouldn't compare it to Galaxy but that game hit you in face immediately on how great it was. Maybe my expectations is too high but the amount of praise this game is getting I'm expecting a little more.

Don't worry, it will really pick up soon and never let you go. The end game is something else, wow.

you haven't even scratch the surface of it
btw, I'm having an hard time in finding the stars needed to beat the mushroom workd (240 if I remember correctly...) >_<

I remember some of those being pretty tricky.


The section with missing blocks and rotating spikes is very tricky.
Using Tanooki suit, I always landed on the center of those rotating spikes platforms instead of using the blocks.
After that, it only requires a little bit of patience since some platforms and enemies are time-based.

Thanks for the tips Alistair! I'm really dreading doing this level on our no powerup run.... (and no enemy run....)


D: champion's road is killing me ahrlakjkl it pissed me off so much that i did the infinite 1up trick just to prepare for it, ..i go the 2nd star and now ..I'm fucking stuck .help me gaf D: it's soo hard to jump on these fuckers what do I DO??!?! i

Keep the jump button pressed while aiming the joystick in the direction you want to go. That's honestly the easiest part of Champion's Road.


Finished this finally.

Solid game. A bit uneven, and I'm getting tired of sludging through a lot of the early easy stuff to get to the real meat. Thankfully that meat was oh so tasty.


D: champion's road is killing me ahrlakjkl it pissed me off so much that i did the infinite 1up trick just to prepare for it, ..i go the 2nd star and now ..I'm fucking stuck .help me gaf D: it's soo hard to jump on these fuckers what do I DO??!?! i

this one is the easiest part off the level
just hold the jump button and keep bouncing on them
the red and blue blocks are the hardest for me and now i am stuck at the dashing section!


Just started playing it. The first world was underwhelming. I guess it's supposed to ease you in. Only played a couple levels in the second world and the design is much more inventive. Specifically the second level. I hope it starts to really pick up soon. I shouldn't compare it to Galaxy but that game hit you in face immediately on how great it was. Maybe my expectations is too high but the amount of praise this game is getting I'm expecting a little more.

I'm on either 4 or 5 I forget, but I still feel pretty underwhelmed. Kinda almost regretting buying it but some say It still gets better.

How many worlds are there though? Aren't there traditionally 8 worlds in a Mario game?


I'm on either 4 or 5 I forget, but I still feel pretty underwhelmed. Kinda almost regretting buying it but some say It still gets better.

How many worlds are there though? Aren't there traditionally 8 worlds in a Mario game?

. I'm on world
and it's gotten mental.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Ok, I've reached the final world and tried C.road for a bit. The switch blocks are the first real roadblock for me. Already about 40 lives wasted and didn't get past that part :(


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
So, I played a lot of this game in multiplayer over Christmas week with a few different groups. Most everyone had a lot of fun with it, but I'm thinking about how a couple of my companions just could not come to grips with the 3D and depth, even after I insisted that they pay attention to shadows to discern position more easily when possible. It's left me a little confused because I'm the one of the group who actually has impaired depth perception. I can't see the 3DS stereoscopic 3D and have sort of had to flub my way through stereoblindness tests in the past. This isn't the case for them, yet I've had little to no issue following 3D World while they've struggled at times, and I can't help but wonder why. I know there are a handful of Gaffers who have shared similar experiences.

Maybe it's a case where I'm wearing metaphorical weighted training clothes in real life 24/7 and notice no difference when I sit down to play video games, whereas they're confronted with a sudden handicap when playing that I don't notice because it's always on? It's just something I find kind of interesting.


I'm on either 4 or 5 I forget, but I still feel pretty underwhelmed. Kinda almost regretting buying it but some say It still gets better.

How many worlds are there though? Aren't there traditionally 8 worlds in a Mario game?

There are technically 12 worlds.This includes the four special worlds.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Done with my first 'sitting' of champion road. Think I lost about 150 lives, but I made it to the part with the speed boards. I definitely made progress, beating it no longer seems impossible.

The mystery house seems way more annoying to redo every time. I was sick of that after a couple of tries.


Done with my first 'sitting' of champion road. Think I lost about 150 lives, but I made it to the part with the speed boards. I definitely made progress, beating it no longer seems impossible.

The mystery house seems way more annoying to redo every time. I was sick of that after a couple of tries.

I would have bursts of success with Mystery House. Get to 10 Stars and then fuck up. Then bang my head against that for a while. Then get to 15 Stars. Then 23. All with repeated awful failures for extended periods of time, of course. But that last successful run through those final several levels felt glorious.


Well, looks like I'll be staying at 377 stars. Tried too many times to count on
Champion's Road
and I can't do it any more. Especially since I can just about get to the beat blocks with my eyes closed so it is incredibly tedious to have to do that bit every time I (inevitably) fail later on. Pity. Still my GOTY, though :)
Well, looks like I'll be staying at 377 stars. Tried too many times to count on
Champion's Road
and I can't do it any more. Especially since I can just about get to the beat blocks with my eyes closed so it is incredibly tedious to have to do that bit every time I (inevitably) fail later on. Pity. Still my GOTY, though :)

dude...don't give up


OMG I just got a WiiU and the game, I can't wait to get my mind blown. Just a question, do I run alternatig wit characters or should I go woth a single character run first? Is there any beneffit for playing a level with all characters?


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
OMG I just got a WiiU and the game, I can't wait to get my mind blown. Just a question, do I run alternatig wit characters or should I go woth a single character run first? Is there any beneffit for playing a level with all characters?
If you care about unlocking every last stamp, you have to beat every level as every character, so you can save yourself a little time by being methodical about it. You could do your first run through every stage with one particular character, then use another one if you have to double-back for more stars, etc. The game doesn't let you check and see which characters have beaten which levels until you unlock the final stage, even though it keeps track of this information from the very start.

If you have extra controllers, you can also cheat around this requirement by having other characters join in at the flagpole. The characters have to actually touch the pole in order for it to count, though.


Does anybody know if i can still get glittering stars if i accidentally hit the tanooki block and immediately returned to world map. Also, if Ionly have 1 star should it glitter or only shen i have all 5. (currently don't have any)


The system has horrible range. I literally cannot walk around a corner 8 feet away. I can't even sit three feet away through a single thin wall.


Does anybody know if i can still get glittering stars if i accidentally hit the tanooki block and immediately returned to world map. Also, if Ionly have 1 star should it glitter or only shen i have all 5. (currently don't have any)

I accidentally did what you described a couple of times and I still got one shiny star on my profile.


Slowly sipping this one like a fine wine. Just got through the 4th world. I can already tell this is my GOTY, even though there's no way I'll finish it by midnight tomorrow. How does Nintendo make such polished, fun games? Man.


Does anybody know if i can still get glittering stars if i accidentally hit the tanooki block and immediately returned to world map. Also, if Ionly have 1 star should it glitter or only shen i have all 5. (currently don't have any)

Your glitter is only lost when you actually touch the power up, not when you hit the block. If for some reason you do touch the power up, I'm pretty sure you can fix it by replaying the level normally.


Always love playing
Champion's Road
every now and again. Makes me wish for DLC that has an entire world filled with these kinds of levels, only make it so suits are banned and have 1 touch death to remove any safety net.
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