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Super Mario 3D World |OT| Next-gen starts right meow!


Always love playing
Champion's Road
every now and again. Makes me wish for DLC that has an entire world filled with these kinds of levels, only make it so suits are banned and have 1 touch death to remove any safety net.

I would hate playing levels like that. I hated the perfect run mission when I first played itI do not want levels like that in super mario 3d world.




at last, for christ's sake
Always love playing
Champion's Road
every now and again. Makes me wish for DLC that has an entire world filled with these kinds of levels, only make it so suits are banned and have 1 touch death to remove any safety net.

eh do you want people to mass suicide?
Slowly sipping this one like a fine wine. Just got through the 4th world. I can already tell this is my GOTY, even though there's no way I'll finish it by midnight tomorrow. How does Nintendo make such polished, fun games? Man.

World 4 was one of my favorites, but trust me when I say you haven't seen nothin' yet!


Wish me a fun ride OMG

Edit: ok, impressions. World 1 was very basic but felt more satisfying and etretaining than the whole 3D Land. They were like a cat suit tutorial which is fine because I love he suit and I had lots of oportunities to use it. Captain Toad level was good too, I'd love to see the more challenging ahead.

So far World 2 is very diferent. I thought it would be stuck in the desert theme (which I don't enjoy much) but the enviroments have ben very differentfor he first four levels. I love howthey threw a new gameplay idea in each level and even 2-4 (the first level we saw at E3) was very innovative with the cat suit and the baseballs.

I hope the levels keep being original because so far I'm having a lot of fun with eveything I've touched. Maybe I'd consider 1-2 to be the worst 3D Mario level ever but the rest of them have been fantadtic and I can't wait to play more n the next days.

Oh, abot the characters, they are very unique but I'm loving how Toad runs a lot, is very fun to use hom though I'll stick with Mario for my first run and then Peach, Luigi and Toad respectivily to put more hours into this amazing game.
So I beat the main game and am currently on
World Mushroom
and holy shit do the controls and camera make some of these levels much harder than they should be.


I would hate playing levels like that. I hated the perfect run mission when I first played itI do not want levels like that in super mario 3d world.

It was an exaggeration on my part given that that level runs forever, ideally there would be shorter levels but still with difficult level design.

Also mission accomplished to Nintendo I guess, they've changed the difficulty curve of Mario over the years (and also added Super Guide) to make finishing the games rather easy but I guess it isn't enough,
make the special worlds and finale easier too!

Nori Chan

Hey guys I know this is kinda off topic but I'm going to buy a wii u today and I want to know what I should buy when it comes to equipment? I have a wii that hasn't been touched in years. Two wii controllers and a classic controller. Please help someone :) I'm really excited for 3d world

Also any suggestions of where to buy too?
Hey guys I know this is kinda off topic but I'm going to buy a wii u today and I want to know what I should buy when it comes to equipment? I have a wii that hasn't been touched in years. Two wii controllers and a classic controller. Please help someone :) I'm really excited for 3d world

Also any suggestions of where to buy too?

You don't need to worry about anything extra.


Hey guys I know this is kinda off topic but I'm going to buy a wii u today and I want to know what I should buy when it comes to equipment? I have a wii that hasn't been touched in years. Two wii controllers and a classic controller. Please help someone :) I'm really excited for 3d world
For 3D World specifically, the GamePad will perfectly suit one player.

If you want to add more players, I'd have to recommend Wii U Pro Controllers. I tried playing with both the OG Classic Controller and Nunchuk+Remote combo and found both rather awkward. That said, my daughter plays with a sideways Remote and seems to like it just fine… YMMV, I guess.


Did Boss Blitz with Toad. Didn't think I'd be able to do it before I head out tonight.

With Toad's short jump I was having trouble hitting those snake bosses quickly, but I eventually did it.

Now to do it 3 more times, before I go to the next world
only 3 more times because as you can see I'm not using Rosalina yet, I'm saving her for when I want to replay the entire game again in a few week/months
Beat every level in the game with 4-players, including
Champion's Road
. Amazing game. Best co-op in any game I've played, impeccable level design. I loved every moment of it, was rarely, if ever, bored.
I've played noting but super Mario 3d world trying to beat
Champion's Road

ive lost around 400 lives now

I have a big backlog but I'm not playing any other game till I beat it

EDIT just did it now only 4 more time for all stamps :(


Now to do it 3 more times, before I go to the next world
only 3 more times because as you can see I'm not using Rosalina yet, I'm saving her for when I want to replay the entire game again in a few week/months
You might not want to do this. She's kinda slow-moving, might sap the enjoyment out of that playthrough.
So my son got this for me for christmas, and it's fantastic. Reminds me of everything I've liked about Mario games since I was a kid. I can't shake the feeling it's the kind of game on the kid of hardware Nintendo should have released in 2008. I know we had the galaxy games, but they didn't grab me the way this has.

I really, REALLY hope Nintendo keeps making titles like this. I can play them with my family and they're just FUN.


Guys, when am I going to know what levels I played with each character?

Right now I'm at
Star World, already unlocked Rosalina


Okay that final challenge house is evil. It just goes on so long and you always make stupid mistakes when you get frustrated. I kept getting stuck on that damn rabbit. At least the last two rooms are easy. All I have left to do is Champions Road.

Question: I have every stamp but Champions Road yet have 6 or 7 stamps still to collect. Did I miss something? Every world but the last one has the paw thing on the top which seems to mean "you've 100%ed this world".


This game is AMAZING!! I'm so Impressed by the visuals, both artistically and technically. I'm playing on my 720p TV which helps, but still. Loving this game.
Okay that final challenge house is evil. It just goes on so long and you always make stupid mistakes when you get frustrated. I kept getting stuck on that damn rabbit. At least the last two rooms are easy. All I have left to do is Champions Road.

Question: I have every stamp but Champions Road yet have 6 or 7 stamps still to collect. Did I miss something? Every world but the last one has the paw thing on the top which seems to mean "you've 100%ed this world".
You get a stamp for each character for beating EVERY level with them. So you essentially have to beat the game 5 times.


You get a stamp for each character for beating EVERY level with them. So you essentially have to beat the game 5 times.

Not if you have spare wiimotes and have the other characters join in at the flag poll.

Wish I had figured that out sooner. Kind of disappointed that beating the game with every character only unlocks stamps and not levels. That's kind of a letdown.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Played this today with my fiancée and her mother's fiancée and I was surprised how much this game could capture him. He has not played many games (only a few rounds of Mario Kart and Sonic Kart) but kept on pushing ahead, having a blast with the game. Also, it's quite challenging even in earlier levels to coordinate all the elements in the levels that can be controlled by the characters. My lifes melted away.


When you've 100%ed all normal worlds plus three bonus worlds, unlocking the last bonus world.

So just four bonus worlds? 3D Land had more :p Anyway, the fire and flower worlds were very challenging, I love this game. Now I have to collect everything and see what's inside that fourth bonus world


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
So just four bonus worlds? 3D Land had more :p Anyway, the fire and flower worlds were very challenging, I love this game. Now I have to collect everything and see what's inside that fourth bonus world

3D Land levels are also much shorter so I think it balances out.


3D Land levels are also much shorter so I think it balances out.

I don't care, I wanted my 8 brand new levels. Oh wait, 3D Land post game lev els were just rehashes. Oh wait, 3D World new levels are just rehashes too
though in 3D Land they are delicious rehashes because they are actually challenging unlike 3D Land's joke difficulty


Dat last world is very hard.
Stupid bullies in the Mystery House made me lose so many times. That room and the ice room were a pain in the butt. Captain Toad was challenging too but the easier of three by far. I haven't finished Champion's Road yet, stupid Random threw me Luigi...


Hey GAF - any tips for getting that damn second star in Piranha Creeper Creek After Dark? That is all I need to unlock
World Crown
, but I just can't do it! >_<

EDIT: And nevermind! I did it. Now for the last world...


alvmew, getting that second green start is very difficult, I had like 3 game overs before I could manage to do it, when I did I felt proud of me.


I have finally collected everything and I'm now in the final world. Got my butt kicked a few times before I took a break. Looks like this is going to be a tough one!


Dat last world is very hard.
Stupid bullies in the Mystery House made me lose so many times. That room and the ice room were a pain in the butt. Captain Toad was challenging too but the easier of three by far. I haven't finished Champion's Road yet, stupid Random threw me Luigi...

The bullies are easy as pie. You should have a cat suit still there and you can fuck them up something fierce by scratching them. You can clear that stage in like 2 seconds

The ice stage, yeah it's tough. As long as you manage to jump right into an ice skate and not land in between two and go sliding down the hill, you should figure out a pattern and be able to skate right through every time.


The ice stage, yeah it's tough. As long as you manage to jump right into an ice skate and not land in between two and go sliding down the hill, you should figure out a pattern and be able to skate right through every time.
You don't have to jump into the ice skates, just walk. Then you follow the coins: left, right, stay right until you go down, then center and you're done. Piece of cake.


Yeah I know, but it's still possible to thread the needle and miss them all completely. And yeah avoiding the side stepping guys is easy once you notice the pattern.

Eric C

Mystery House Marathon

30 stars

30 stars in a row, no breaks

5 times

basically FU slow characters.

After I finish that I'll only have the final world left, and based on GAF impressions I'm afraid.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I'm getting really frustrated playing this single player using the WiiU Gamepad thing. I keep accidentally pressing the shoulder buttons when I'm in stressful situations.

I have a classic pro here- is it possible to play through single player using it? There are a few levels I've played that require me to push stuff on the gamepad screen... how does that work if I'm just using the classic pro?


Unconfirmed Member
I'm getting really frustrated playing this single player using the WiiU Gamepad thing. I keep accidentally pressing the shoulder buttons when I'm in stressful situations.

I have a classic pro here- is it possible to play through single player using it? There are a few levels I've played that require me to push stuff on the gamepad screen... how does that work if I'm just using the classic pro?

The few levels that require the gamepad will require you to switch controllers before you start the level. There are only three in the whole game that actually require the gamepad though.


Played thes at a friends house, game looks gorgeous and was actually kind of funny....BUT...holy hell am I the only person who is having serious issues judging depth? Couldnt make a precise jump to save my life


Played thes at a friends house, game looks gorgeous and was actually kind of funny....BUT...holy hell am I the only person who is having serious issues judging depth? Couldnt make a precise jump to save my life
I had some depth issues in a few levels. I can't remember that happening in any other Mario game. Just keep an eye on Mario's shadow.


My only issue with this game so far is that the worlds are not themed at all, despite having the illusion of it by having an "ice" world or "desert" world. I love snow levels, so I was really excited to reach the ice world, and then, lo and behold, there was only one snow level!


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
maxcriden's recent marathon through most of the Mario games makes me kind of want to do the same and stream it. I just unwrapped Super Mario Galaxy 2 in order to register the Club Nintendo code while it's still good, but I'm wondering if I should put off the actual playthrough for now.

I'd need to clean the NES and pick up a new SNES to do it right, though. And I still want to work on trimming my Saturn backlog first. Perhaps eventually.

They're not even an achievement substitute. Why do people keep making this comparison?
If the only thing you value in achievements is having a checklist of extra things to do, then they're even better, because they have an actual function.

Nobody cares about gamerscore.
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