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Sweden wants to ban men standing up to pee

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Urinals can be used for both!



Really Really Exciting Member!
Maybe Gaborn should read the articles he copy and paste. They're not banning anything when they say

For men who might refuse to comply, party representatives suggested a separate set of toilets clearly labeled for stand-up urination only.


I call this study all sorts of bullshit.

It's true. I never have to shake when I sit down and pee. I sit, I eject, I get up. When I stand and pee, I have to shake and squeeze to get it all out. When you sit, you relax all of your muscles. It's perfectly logical.


If this would happen, why the hell would you piss on the floor or all over the toilet seat out of protest? You're only punishing the people who have to clean the mess up. They have nothing to do with any of these decisions.


Maybe Gaborn should read the articles he copy and paste. They're not banning anything when they say

"For men who might refuse to comply, party representatives suggested a separate set of toilets clearly labeled for stand-up urination only."

So basically urinals with a sticker that says "stand-up urination only"? Nothing changes then?
Why would it be healthier to pee sitting down?


It's true. I never have to shake when I sit down and pee. I sit, I eject, I get up. When I stand and pee, I have to shake and squeeze to get it all out. When you sit, you relax all of your muscles. It's perfectly logical.

I guess the difference is when you have poorly-designed urinals (or you are a shorter person) that make you have to pee up or forward instead of down, which is more natural. Aim down. If you pee on the floor because someone installed a urinal too high, that's not your fault.


Maybe Gaborn should read the articles he copy and paste. They're not banning anything when they say

What's the fucking point in the "ban" in the first place if they still make it possible to continue as always? It's just waste of money to create additional toilets in the same place...


Seriously, thread title has nothing to do with the actual news itself.

They are not banning men standing up and peeing. They are removing urinals and replacing them with regular toilets, you know, those things that 99% of you have at home.

I wish I could find it, but there was an article awhile back about Swedish feminists that wanted to remodel the bathrooms in their public schools so that the boys had to pee sitting down by lowering the ceiling right where you would stand.

I don't believe for a minute that they are doing this for their health, it's all about emasculating and making everything "fair".

Edit: I think this was it:

From Townhall.com --

Young women in Sweden, Germany and Australia have a new cause: They want men to sit down while urinating.

This demand comes partly from concerns about hygiene -- avoiding the splash factor -- but, as Jasper Gerard reports in the English magazine The Spectator, ''more crucially because a man standing up to urinate is deemed to be triumphing in his masculinity, and by extension, degrading women.'' One argument is that if women can't do it, then men shouldn't either. Another is that standing upright while relieving oneself is ''a nasty macho gesture,'' suggestive of male violence.

A feminist group at Stockholm University is campaigning to ban all urinals from campus, and one Swedish elementary school has already removed them. Some Swedish women are pressuring their men to take a stand, so to speak.

Yola, a 25-year-old Swedish trainee psychiatrist, says she dumps boyfriends who insist on standing. ''What else can I do?,'' said her new boyfriend, Ingvar, who sits.

But I can think of another reason to ban urinals. They are a sexist waste of space and money.

Because bathroom architects give extra places for guys to go, enabling them to pee while they stand up, guys are in and out, with little time wasted.

Some employers think this helps productivity and as a result women get crude remarks made to them, like ''what took you so long?'' Sexual harassment like that makes some women shy about using the bathroom and, as a result, makes them more prone to have humiliating accidents.

The only reason we girls take longer to go than guys is because we obviously have to displace more clothing and then also sit. Guys merely walk up to a urinal, unzip and whip it out.

I, however, have to walk into a stall, lock it, turn around, pull down my pants (or hold up my skirt), pull down my panties, sit down and then - finally - I can pee.

Some might question that even if schools removed urinals from boys' bathrooms, what's to stop a boy from peeing into a toilet behind the stall door?

They won't if low ceilings are placed above the toilet, physically forcing them to sit.

(That's also not a bad idea by itself - stall ceilings - to give everyone, boys and girls, total privacy. It would stop the harassment of girls and boys at school from other kids standing on the toilet in the stall next door, looking down on the kid on the toilet and making fun of her/him, perhaps even taking embarrassing photos with a camera phone and emailing them around).

Or moisture sensors can be placed on the tile floor, sounding an embarrassing beeping alarm if a boy misses.

For school boys that are still defiant, teachers could simply assign a couple of girls from their class as restroom monitors. The girls would observe which boys' shoes were facing the improper direction.

Since there wouldn't be any urinals, just stalls with doors, the girls wouldn't see anything they weren't supposed to see. An offending boy would be given a warning. Repeat offenders could be assigned bathroom cleaning duties or be denied bathroom access.

Unequal restroom budgeting results in longer lines for women at concerts, ballgames, amusement parks. We therefore miss more of these events than men, despite having paid the same price for a ticket.

Due to the long bathroom lines, we also are more prone to having a humiliating accident.

If guys had to pull their pants down and sit to go, they'd be up in arms about the lack of adequate restroom facilities and more stalls would be constructed.

My answer to the average guy who is probably outraged at my support to ban urinals?

You've probably never suffered the embarrassment of wetting your pants while waiting in a long bathroom line at a ballgame or crowded club, as I have, and then had to walk back to your seat, totally humiliated, with everyone smirking or outright laughing at you.



Gentlemen, I believe this is a ploy by the toilet industry.


(Hank Hill sure has come in handy the last two days.)



To reiterate my point, men scatter urine not so much during the actual urination as during the “shaking off” that follows. As a result, forcing men to sit while emptying their bladders will serve little purpose, since no man wants to shake himself off while remaining seated on the toilet. To do so he must run the risk – a great risk indeed for the famously well-endowed men of Western Europe – that his instrument will bash against the toilet seat, or dip into a bowl teeming with coliform bacteria. Because of this reasonable and compelling reluctance, all the obedient men who sit to void their bladders will inevitably defeat the purpose of sitting by rising to scatter their offensive droplets on the floor.

But all is not lost. Eons ago, a hydraulic genius designed the perfect instrument for receiving urine from the male organ with a minimum of mess and bother. I speak here of the lowly urinal, the gleaming porcelain icon that adorns public toilets throughout the western world. For those female readers who have never visited a men’s restroom, let me describe this icon: its bowl is broad as a toilet bowl but sits much higher from the floor, at just the right level to encourage a direct hit from a majority of the men who stand before it. Better yet, the urinal comes with a back-splash to catch any misguided drops, while the push of a button flushes all its surfaces with a cleansing gush of water. Voila! What more could a man or woman ask?

Unfortunately, urinals give no help on the family front, since few of them are installed in private homes. But we must not lose hope – the solution is at hand. In fact, every home already contains the solution, and it rests only a few feet from the toilet itself. Let us consider the sink, a porcelain instrument whose opening spans a greater width than the toilet, and whose height above the floor brings it much closer to the average male instrument. The short-legged among us must stand on our toes, while midgets and children will need to use a stool, but this is a small price to pay for urine-free floors. By my calculation, considering only the physics of hydraulic trajectory, urine aimed at a sink by a man of normal height is eight and one-half times less likely to go astray than when aimed at a toilet. Furthermore, this logic applies equally to both urination and to the drip-dispersing ritual that follows.

Yes, I can hear the howls of protest: urine in the sink – yuck! Indeed, our culture is replete with disparaging references – “piss on it,” “filthy as piss,” Sink“I don’t give a piss” – but rest assured that such prejudice is for the most part misguided. Which is to say, urine has long suffered a bum rap. To quote Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary:

Urine: liquid to semisolid matter that is produced in the kidney and discharged through the urinary organs, that is typically (as in normal man) a clear transparent amber-colored slightly acid fluid which is essentially a watery solution of end products (as urea, uric acid, and creatinine) of protein metabolism, inorganic salts, and complex pigments, and that constitutes the major true excretion of the vertebrate body.

What Merriam-Webster leaves out is the most important fact of all: urine from a normal male is also sterile – completely free of bacterial contamination. In fact, as any soldier trained in desert warfare will attest, this warm, salty liquid serves as an excellent wound cleanser, provided contamination is avoided by delivering the stream directly from its source. In my paean to urine, however, I will not go so far as to advocate urophagia – drinking ones own urine. Though the habit is unlikely to cause serious harm, those “alternative” practitioners who insist it will cure a variety of ills can offer not one jot of scientific evidence to support this idiocy.

Despite urine’s innocuous nature, when contaminated it provokes an aesthetic and hygienic disaster by offering an excellent growth medium for bacteria. After an hour or two in a warm environment, these organisms produce breakdown products that stink to high heaven. This problem is easily avoided, however, by the simple expedient of washing away the urine soon after it is voided.

So at last we have the solution to our excretory dilemma. First, encourage men to continue using the urinals in public toliets, while at home insist they both urinate and squeeze their last dribbles into the sink rather than into the toilet, then rinse the sink with a generous splash of water. To facilitate this splash, the wise hostess will keep a plastic cup nearby. Let me close my argument by noting that this procedure offers a spectacular bonus: even the most efficient modern toilet consumes more than a gallon of water with each flush, while a sink can be rinsed with only a few ounces. Thus if every man on earth pursues this excellent regimen, we will save billions of gallons of water every day, thereby preserving the environment for future generations.

Make your woman happy.

Be clean and green.

Piss in the sink!
How could you proove a correlation between peeing standing up and sitting down vis a vie prolonged health? It would seem that there are way too many variables to lend any credence to such a claim. And yeah, I would rather go to jail than pee sitting down. Come at me Sweden.


I feel sorry for Jonas Sjöstedt that he has to be associated with this kind of nonsense. Really wish Vänsterpartiet as a whole would stop indulging in stupidity and just focus on infrastructure (energy and railroad transportation to be more specific), welfare (ending this nonsense of semi-privatized welfare) and getting us out of Afghanistan, is that too much to ask? Can't trust the Right to do anything useful atm so I'm putting my hope in the Socialists but it seems to be in vain with shit like this :(


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Where do you live? Here in England a lot of bathrooms are unisex now.

I shouldn't say this categorically, but here in the US there are, to my knowledge, no public unisex bathrooms. The only time I ever experienced a public unisex bathroom was in France and...it was weird.


The proper reply is to say this with a taunting voice

Jag kan nåt som inte du kan, jag kan pissa rakt fram.
Unisex toilets are pretty common already in Sweden. Banning urinals is not gonna change much.

I never understood the whole "sitting is more hygienic" pov tho. When i pee standing on a regular toilet i lift the seat so no woman will ever have to sit on my piss. However when i sit while peeing and then stand up there is a real chance that some drops land on the seat because there is no way to properly shake them off. And then you feminists have to sit in my piss!

Purely annecdocitaly but for me it's also easier to empty my bladder when i stand. I find it outrageous that some women want to tell me how i have to empty my bladder.

Another thing some of the most disgusting things that i encountered in bathrooms clearly wern't left there by men.


I don't understand how this leads to a ban while peeing. I mean my home technically has "sit down only facilities" - it's call a toilet. Basically it sounds like they plan to switch out urinals for toilets. No big deal.

Urinals save space and water compared to toilets.
Replacing them all with toilets is a terrible idea.
Lines will be longer, costs will be higher, and bathrooms will be filthier.

78 posts and no one did it yet?
Ok, I'll do it.

Stand and Deliver
Unisex toilets are pretty common already in Sweden. Banning urinals is not gonna change much.

I never understood the whole "sitting is more hygienic" pov tho. When i pee standing on a regular toilet i lift the seat so no woman will ever have to sit on my piss. However when i sit while peeing and then stand up there is a real chance that some drops land on the seat because there is no way to properly shake them off. And then you feminists have to sit in my piss!

Purely annecdocitaly but for me it's also easier to empty my bladder when i stand. I find it outrageous that some women want to tell me how i have to empty my bladder.

Another thing some of the most disgusting things that i encountered in bathrooms clearly wern't left there by men.

Yeah. This whole thing is so absurd. If I could have a urinal in my house I would. Its faster, cleaner and they take better advantage of space+privacy than toilets.


Has waited diligently to think of something to say before making this post
Urinals are disgusting. Have you ever peed at a urinal and felt your pee splashing back and hitting you in the leg? There's no need for shit like this to exist in this world.


Yep, let's just ignore the fact that biologically men and women are different and lets live in a pretend fantasy world where they are exactly the same, because to realize and acknowledge differences between genders is offensive.


Why is this being done? I alternate between peeing sitting down and standing up, and since I know how to aim, I never hit the seat. And, if I were to, I'd wipe.


This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Men are designed differently than women when it comes to peeing. That's like saying that women should not be allowed to wear bras because men don't have to. It's fucking stupid. What a bunch of dumbass feminists (as in feminists that are stupid).


Urinals are disgusting. Have you ever peed at a urinal and felt your pee splashing back and hitting you in the leg? There's no need for shit like this to exist in this world.

I've dropped a log in the toilet and had the poop water splash my ass, too. Should toilets not exist either?
I don't understand what they are trying to accomplish here. They are going to have "sit down toilets" but then other toilets that are stand up only for men who refuse to comply (in other words, urinals). So how is that any different than what is currently in place? I do think women's restrooms in some public places need to have more stalls though. But how about fight for that and try to make it better for women instead of worse for men in your equality crusade.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Men are designed differently than women when it comes to peeing. That's like saying that women should not be allowed to wear bras because men don't have to. It's fucking stupid. What a bunch of dumbass feminists (as in feminists that are stupid).

lol feminists have been there too


I'm glad that this thread has received more proportional outrage than threads about Obama drone striking innocent people.

More than enough people have expressed outrage about that long ago, as well as his hit lists. Obama is trash, and I was one who was shilling hard for the man to get him in office.
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