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Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together |OT|: Fat Bottomed Girls


I have a question (spoiler warning regarding one of the endings)
I am talking about the ending when Denam is crowned and get shot by a guy in the end. This follows the route if the player does not decide to save Cachua. But I heard that if the reputation is high enough, witch means not killing much people from the 3 regions of Valeria, we get a different ending.
My question is: if I use the W.O.R.L.D. system to get to the beginning of the game, does the reputation reset? Or do I have to restart the game from scratch?


Neo Member
soulhouf said:
I have a question (spoiler warning regarding one of the endings)
I am talking about the ending when Denam is crowned and get shot by a guy in the end. This follows the route if the player does not decide to save Cachua. But I heard that if the reputation is high enough, witch means not killing much people from the 3 regions of Valeria, we get a different ending.
My question is: if I use the W.O.R.L.D. system to get to the beginning of the game, does the reputation reset? Or do I have to restart the game from scratch?
The Chaos Frame would set to what it was at the point returned to.
Just found this screenshot from a Giantbomb user:

soulhouf said:
I have a question (spoiler warning regarding one of the endings)
I am talking about the ending when Denam is crowned and get shot by a guy in the end. This follows the route if the player does not decide to save Cachua. But I heard that if the reputation is high enough, witch means not killing much people from the 3 regions of Valeria, we get a different ending.
My question is: if I use the W.O.R.L.D. system to get to the beginning of the game, does the reputation reset? Or do I have to restart the game from scratch?

You don't really get an entirely different ending, you just see a 30 second scene instead of Denam getting shot. It's not really worth all the effort and chaos frame grinding required to see it.


What is so awesome about that picture? I don't get that reference.

Anyway, I missed the event that would recruit me Diego, is that Event missed forever.

Also, how do I unlock different classess? The classess I have are teh exact same class I had when I started the game. I don't even have a priest or an astromancer.

I took break from the game but I am really iching to go back to it...


faridmon said:
What is so awesome about that picture? I don't get that reference.

Anyway, I missed the event that would recruit me Diego, is that Event missed forever.

Also, how do I unlock different classess? The classess I have are teh exact same class I had when I started the game. I don't even have a priest or an astromancer.

I took break from the game but I am really iching to go back to it...


You get new classmarks as you progress through the game and defeat enemies/bosses, I don't think it's luck based.


Peff said:
You get new classmarks as you progress through the game and defeat enemies/bosses, I don't think it's luck based.
Ah, Delta Refernce, nice....

Anyway, I am playing this game for 50 hours and I still don't have anymore classes. I know there is drops that makes me change into other jobs but those crads are exactly the same class'' I have...
Curufinwe said:
I'm only five hours in, and I don't really understand how I'm supposed to get all the cool classes.

If you kill a unit of a certain class their drop has a chance of being a classmark for that class. It is impossible to own a mark for a class without encountering that class at least once.

Rogues also have a chance of getting Classmarks with Steal.

After you get a new class the shop will start selling it(though some classes only start getting sold in later chapters).

Units with special classes get 5 of the mark for that class automatically(with Catiua's priest being the exception, though that can be randomly dropped from Clerics).


Neo Member
Anyone actually enjoy the ranger class? Vice has amazing stats but does pitiful damage at level 20 compared to my other damage dealers, i'm dual wielding swords at weapon level 4.

Thinking about changing him to the bucaneer class, not sure who else would use this extra pirates mark I got.... anything have any ideas on if this would be a good idea or not? Outside of the great stats the ranger is probably my most useless class right now.
Dryst said:
Anyone actually enjoy the ranger class? Vice has amazing stats but does pitiful damage at level 20 compared to my other damage dealers, i'm dual wielding swords at weapon level 4.

Really? My Vyce is doing great damage(also dual wielding swords). He does almost double Xapan's damage output (on par/slightly less when Xapan is using Sanguine Assault).


Neo Member
Fimbulvetr said:
Really? My Vyce is doing great damage(also dual wielding swords). He does almost double Xapan's damage output (on par/slightly less when Xapan is using Sanguine Assault).

Yeh, right now I have a vartan, archer, 2x Ninja's, dragon (with crossbow), ozma as lord commander, and even my 2hnd white knight wrecking Vice in damage, that and the fact that his mobility is pretty bad doesn't help. Anyone thing bucaneer would be better choice for him since bucaneer can keep dual wield?


Does anyone know how to activate the Shrine Quest?
This is the 4th time I WORLD back to do it and fail each time. I am before doing Heim battle (chap 4) and 5 of the 6 fortresses opened up but not Lhazan Fortress. What should I do to open it up?
This quest changed much since the original game...

BTW the Japanese guide really sucks. They do not explain anything. There are only the fortresses maps...

Edit: N/M, I found it.


Probably been asked before, but I'm close to the end of the game on the Law route and a couple of things:

- I'd like to go back and replay through each possible route, and collect all the characters. Is there anyone I should get BEFORE I finish the game, or is everything possible with WORLD anyways and there's no one miss-able?

- Any reason I should or shouldn't level up all classes just so they aren't useless when going back to other routes?

- I just got
, is there anyone else unique I can make the same class so that I should hold off training her class? I know
is the same unless you get her secret class, which I'll probably aim for.


I get some really nice drops at the end of the Phorampa Wildwood (Chapter 3 right now), but I don't want to fight all the way back there again.
Seda said:
I get some really nice drops at the end of the Phorampa Wildwood (Chapter 3 right now), but I don't want to fight all the way back there again.

You should when chapter 4 comes around and new sections open up.


I've got a question about the final battle of the Balmamusa sidequest in Golyat where I can recruit

I finally won the battle and found out that I'm not able to recruit her. I'm on my first playthrough and on the Chaos route. Since I failed to recruit her this time, does that mean I'm locked out from ever recruiting her after I beat the game and unlock the WORLD system, or will I be able to go back using the WORLD system and undo things so that I have an opportunity to recruit her again? Should I load the save from right before the battle, avoid Golyat for the rest of this Chaos playthrough, and then come back later after I grind to get my Galgastan reputation higher?

I'm a bit demotivated after I spent so long trying to win that battle, so I'd kind of like to just play straight through to the end of the game instead of spending hours grinding Galgastan rep. Thanks for any responses.


OK, that Final Battle is Bullshit.

WTF? How can a dev. think it is a good idea to spike the Difficulty at the end of the game? Is there an easy way out? I must have replayed 5 times and wasted 3 hours just bloody beating
my doppelgangers



faridmon said:
OK, that Final Battle is Bullshit.

WTF? How can a dev. think it is a good idea to spike the Difficulty at the end of the game? Is there an easy way out? I must have replayed 5 times and wasted 3 hours just bloody beating
my doppelgangers

Actually it is a brilliant design. It is made so that the fight does not become easy if you are over leveled.
You fight your greatest nightmare: the mates you spent so much time to develop.
But in the other hand, this is interesting because you can win easily if you observe how the cpu plays and give him a poisoned gift, if you see what I'm talking about.

BTW that battle is completely different compared to the original game.


soulhouf said:
Actually it is a brilliant design. It is made so that the fight does not become easy if you are over leveled.
You fight your greatest nightmare: the mates you spent so much time to develop.
But in the other hand, this is interesting because you can win easily if you observe how the cpu plays and give him a poisoned gift, if you see what I'm talking about.

BTW that battle is completely different compared to the original game.
It is a brilliant design by theory but in practice when a player is wnjoying the game and overlevel his charcters just because he is loving the hell out of the game, it is not.

Unless there are some tricks I am missing.


Try to bring only a few characters and slay the strongest one (Denam/Ninja in my game) and the healer first.
And be prepared for the second half of the fight against the true boss. So bring a balanced team and a dark magic caster so you can absorb his TP because his special attack is deadly.
Also, make a use of your characters weak points. You know theirs better than anyone, that's your big advantage.


faridmon said:
OK, that Final Battle is Bullshit.

WTF? How can a dev. think it is a good idea to spike the Difficulty at the end of the game? Is there an easy way out? I must have replayed 5 times and wasted 3 hours just bloody beating
my doppelgangers


Can't you just ignore them and take out
? I'm pretty sure I didn't kill more than a few enemies before taking out the leader on that map and progressing to the next part.


soulhouf said:
Try to bring only a few characters and slay the strongest one (Denam/Ninja in my game) and the healer first.
And be prepared for the second half of the fight against the true boss. So bring a balanced team and a dark magic caster so you can absorb his TP because his special attack is deadly.
Also, make a use of your characters weak points. You know theirs better than anyone, that's your big advantage.
Holy shit. This is harder than I expected. I really hope I beat him but I don't think. I really don't have magician that can absorb TP.

I am going to try because I love the game. But the situation looks really grim.

Bebpo said:
Can't you just ignore them and take out
? I'm pretty sure I didn't kill more than a few enemies before taking out the leader on that map and progressing to the next part.
Yeah, after reading few FAQS here and there, this seems to be the best way to deal with this battle.

OK, here I go. This might be my hardest battles I have yet to face.


faridmon said:
OK, that Final Battle is Bullshit.

WTF? How can a dev. think it is a good idea to spike the Difficulty at the end of the game? Is there an easy way out? I must have replayed 5 times and wasted 3 hours just bloody beating
my doppelgangers


I quite liked it, one of the few battles in the game that actually posed any challenge (along with the last boss).


Bebpo said:
Can't you just ignore them and take out
? I'm pretty sure I didn't kill more than a few enemies before taking out the leader on that map and progressing to the next part.

Yeah, that part is really, really easy. You don't need to kill anybody, really. You just need to deal some damage to the main target.


I can see why the final battle could be considered hard. I had a hard time myself so I tried different set-ups until I finally beat it.

However, if you think carefully like the others said: you don't need to kill anybody but the main target. Change your tactics, do some things different, try to experiment.

For the second form, I had no magic to absorb TP but this can be avoided by trying to space your characters so not all of them are caught in the blast and you have a chance to recover, should it come to that.
i steamrolled the final battles, you don't need any new tactics. the only difference is that your opponents hit harder.

Fimbulvetr said:
That's okay, I got a female one. Their faces are obscured. :p

Can they recruit undead or is that Necromancers only?

no clue seriously, i don't have one.


Fimbulvetr said:
Xaekid where'd you find the image for you avatar?

I can't find any class art outside the basic ones released by andriasang.

As far as I know this is all the artwork that was officially released, give or take. The official site has a couple more classes, but the quality is not that great. Maybe it's a scan of the Complete Guide from Japan or the US one from Brady, but nonetheless there is a 250 A4 pages artbook coming soon (May 19 IIRC) which will have everything, hopefully.
LiquidMetal14 said:
A regular lol will suffice!

I'm a complicated mind.
Actually I don't like repetition, so I quickly installed a smilies application for this one and to not repeat a lol already expressed by someone else.

Calmness said:

Thanks for arts! I'll put some Dolgarua I think. I appreciate his new -majestic- design.

Long time I didn't play although I love this game.
I'm in the fight against Brantyn. After this battle I'll finish Diego's sidequest if its still available, do the gunner on the north-east, the Dead Palace to get Radlum and then the Eden
So I am a complete noob to SRPG's and I am about 20 hours in and only just opened up
Phorampa Wildwood
in Chapter 2. I want to change a class to Vartan and I dont have the choice with any character... what am I missing?

Demigod Mac

Final battle was a challenge, but not THAT bad.

I just picked off the heavy damage dealers first using my archers, followed by the healers, while getting my knights to tank the front. Then when the boss made the mistake of getting too close, I let him have it with finishing moves.

Second phase was pretty easy. Just stay loosely spread out and whittle him down until you can use finishing moves to bring him down.


TheExecutive said:
So I am a complete noob to SRPG's and I am about 20 hours in and only just opened up
Phorampa Wildwood
in Chapter 2. I want to change a class to Vartan and I dont have the choice with any character... what am I missing?

I'm a bit of a newb to this game despite playing it halfway through chapter 4, but I think you can only change Hawkmen into the Vartan class.

Before you go into a battle with hawkman units, teach the Recruit skill to one or two of your units. Once you're in a battle with a hawkman unit, bring the enemy hawkman down to very low HP. Then, have your character move beside the Hawkman and use recruit. The lower his HP is, the higher the chance you'll have of recruiting him. Once you've recruited him, you should be able to change his class to Vartan.

The Pirate Graveyard did not end the way I expected it to. I like it.

I thought it would follow adventure movie and RPG cliches with you being the only person who could get to the treasure because you're so cool and awesome, and the treasure is cursed or something. Turns out you got beaten to the punch multiple times and the "treasure" isn't really that special at all.


I was running the optional area in Chapter Two and the music in there brought tears to my eyes. Remixed Ogre Battle music is SO beautiful.
I got to a dead end, then went back to the crossroad and followed the path that took me to a fight with a bunch of skeleonts and four friggin' dragons that build enough TP after a few turns to one-shot each of my units
, so I momentarily gave up on it. Every fight so far has been a blast, I'm having even more fun than I remember having with the PS1 version. Best game ever.

One question. At what point do I get Swordmaster class?
I fought a couple Swordmasters in the optional forest but they didn't drop the card, I was expecting it to drop because the shop already sells Battle Dances
I've just recruited
red_13th said:
One question. At what point do I get Swordmaster class?
I fought a couple Swordmasters in the optional forest but they didn't drop the card, I was expecting it to drop because the shop already sells Battle Dances
I've just recruited

it's easier to recruit one of those with your skills or wait for a unique swordmaster to join, wouldn't count on card drops.
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