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Tales of Xillia 2 |OT| Return of the Bazongas


I actually went through the entire tales of xillia without ever performing a chained arte or super move because I didn't realize i could :x had to watch the ending of the game on youtube, couldnt beat the last boss. But I know better now. Looking forward to this. Combat system was somewhat confusing to me too.

I could not even beat the first 'boss' ( at least I think it was) . Just kept getting shredded.....

Upsetting cause I was really into the story at that point.
I actually went through the entire tales of xillia without ever performing a chained arte or super move because I didn't realize i could :x had to watch the ending of the game on youtube, couldnt beat the last boss. But I know better now. Looking forward to this. Combat system was somewhat confusing to me too.

Most RPGs have a learning curve to their combat systems. It's usually just a matter of paying attention to the tutorials and not rushing through them.


Can't you replay tutorials in Xillia 2 with the battle book? JPN copy still packed so can't check myself. That'll help newcomers and people who struggle with the mechanics.


Can't you replay tutorials in Xillia 2 with the battle book? JPN copy still packed so can't check myself. That'll help newcomers and people who struggle with the mechanics.

Doesn't look like it, although there's still a lot of useful info to read of course.


I just went back to tales of xillia and tried to beat the last boss for the heck of it and I actually won. (used some item called the divide that cuts your damage and your attack damage to 50%, really helped since you can still heal at 100%.) Little gimmicky but still cool. Yeah there is a learning curve, it was my very first tales game. Just getting into the series, hopefully tales 2 teaches you more upfront before the game gets going.


Yeah doesn't look like it, oh well.

Who's voicing Ludger? Hard to tell from the small voice clips in English, haha, even when watching this walkthrough someone uploaded early.

As a Tales veteran, Xillia 1's final boss was a bit tricky until I figured out the gimmick behind it (stealing from them makes it easier). Yeah All-Divides are useful for getting past tough bosses, I think I used one at the final boss as well since I didn't want to turn down the difficulty.
Yeah doesn't look like it, oh well.

Who's voicing Ludger? Hard to tell from the small voice clips in English, haha, even when watching this walkthrough someone uploaded early.

As a Tales veteran, Xillia 1's final boss was a bit tricky until I figured out the gimmick behind it (stealing from them makes it easier). Yeah All-Divides are useful for getting past tough bosses, I think I used one at the final boss as well since I didn't want to turn down the difficulty.

I'm pretty sure Josh Grelle is voicing Ludger.


If anyone cares, CE is stock at Bandai Namco and Amazon. You can use BNS15OFF to get 15% off to bring it around $114.41 with shipping if you order through BN (but you can pay with amazon). Ordered it myself. Seems like a good deal.


Credit to CAG.com

I was thinking of doing this but I did not want to get screwed over and lose my original order. It happened to me before when amazon support had me cancel a order and replace it to apply a discount.

Maybe I will though, I paid for my order with part of a gift card. If I cancel it does anyone know if I can replace the order right away with the gift card balance? I am not sure if the namco store version has release date delivery either.


If anyone cares, CE is stock at Bandai Namco and Amazon. You can use BNS15OFF to get 15% off to bring it around $114.41 with shipping if you order through BN (but you can pay with amazon). Ordered it myself. Seems like a good deal.


Credit to CAG.com

hopefully that is still live come tuesday. I ordered mine through best buy and they shipped it out already (should be here tuesday) but the packaging weight says merely .6lb which seems to light for that CE... so hopefully best buy didn't screw up my order... if they did I will have to get it fixed (which they likely won't have any copies) and thus have to get a new CE from namco :/


I just tried it but it won't allow me to add a gift card balance or choose release date delivery. Oh well. It seems my other order is already processing and getting ready to be sent out. The difference with tax and the 15% off is not worth waiting 5 days.


Yeah doesn't look like it, oh well.

Who's voicing Ludger? Hard to tell from the small voice clips in English, haha, even when watching this walkthrough someone uploaded early.

As a Tales veteran, Xillia 1's final boss was a bit tricky until I figured out the gimmick behind it (stealing from them makes it easier). Yeah All-Divides are useful for getting past tough bosses, I think I used one at the final boss as well since I didn't want to turn down the difficulty.

There are some people who says that he's voiced by Orion Acaba, but that would mean he shares the same voice with Ivar.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Team lazy digital purchase. Hello? Anyone?


Doesn't look like it, although there's still a lot of useful info to read of course.

Ah, figured it out, it's an NPC near Job Boards who you can talk to to redo tutorials.

Been playing Symphonia 2 (It was 7 dollars and I haven't played it) to quell my thirst for Tales while I wait for this game to be cheaper.

It's been a pretty bad idea, since Symphonia 2 is horribly mediocre on every level.
i need this game in my veins. I am waiting though for the week of the 25th. I have a stack of games i dont play ima trade in to gamestop for the 50% bonus coupon thing i got and pick it up then.


Just got my game informer in the mail. They gave it a 7.75
- Plot takes 10 hours to get interesting
- Mandatory side quests (to pay off debt) are fetch quest/hunt monster variety
- Framerate can drop at times
- Reused content regarding map locations from first tales
+ Story is better than tales 1
+ Excellent voice acting
+ Challenging battles, great character interaction, story full of twists




Since Xillia 2 is coming so soon I figured I'd start on Xillia 1. I've been a Tales fan since the PSOne games (and Destiny 2/Eternia is still one of my favorites in the series), and I thought Vesperia was great and Graces was very good, but this one just feels very lacking. Is this just me?

The way the characters come together feels very forced, there's not much chemistry between them so watching the skits isn't much fun, the cities and other locations are tiny and you can't even talk to everybody you see (and that feels really weird), the item gathering seems like a waste for a potential crafting system, there's no cooking, the titles don't do anything (I know they didn't do anything in some previous Tales games, but they were really useful in others as they changes your stats or gave other bonuses)...of course, just like Graces there's no real over world map.

I hear Xillia 2 is better, but does it actually fix any of the issues I mentioned? I get the impression Namco Bandai just dealt with the rigors of HD development by simplifying everything to keep development costs down. It's especially jarring after my previous JRPG on PS3, which was Ni no Kuni.

I apologize for the rambling!


Since Xillia 2 is coming so soon I figured I'd start on Xillia 1. I've been a Tales fan since the PSOne games (and Destiny 2/Eternia is still one of my favorites in the series), and I thought Vesperia was great and Graces was very good, but this one just feels very lacking. Is this just me?

The way the characters come together feels very forced, there's not much chemistry between them so watching the skits isn't much fun, the cities and other locations are tiny and you can't even talk to everybody you see (and that feels really weird), the item gathering seems like a waste for a potential crafting system, there's no cooking, the titles don't do anything (I know they didn't do anything in some previous Tales games, but they were really useful in others as they changes your stats or gave other bonuses)...of course, just like Graces there's no real over world map.

I hear Xillia 2 is better, but does it actually fix any of the issues I mentioned? I get the impression Namco Bandai just dealt with the rigors of HD development by simplifying everything to keep development costs down. It's especially jarring after my previous JRPG on PS3, which was Ni no Kuni.

I apologize for the rambling!

I feel like a lot of long-time Tales-ers have some pretty negative thoughts about Xillia (I've been playing since Destiny on PSX...so as long as the series could have been played in NA). It doesn't seem to excel in any one area that a previous game did much better in. It is short, unfulfilling, graphically unimpressive (nowhere more than the boxed-in "Grand Canyon" world map), and the characters range from being okay to completely bone-headed.

I've heard (and what little I've played myself) Xill2 improves upon a lot of this (sadly, not the world map). So I'm looking forward to it for what it's worth. Importer impressions have been positively glowing as well (the same importers who also felt luke-warm about Xill1)


I'm eagerly waiting on the verdict of Milla's voice, specifically her lisp with
Milla Maxwell

Yeah I honestly think if it's not for a slight lisp on her VA's part, then someone forgot to do the de-essing. All the characters had super sharp "s" sounds.
I feel like a lot of long-time Tales-ers have some pretty negative thoughts about Xillia (I've been playing since Destiny on PSX...so as long as the series could have been played in NA). It doesn't seem to excel in any one area that a previous game did much better in. It is short, unfulfilling, graphically unimpressive (nowhere more than the boxed-in "Grand Canyon" world map), and the characters range from being okay to completely bone-headed.

I've heard (and what little I've played myself) Xill2 improves upon a lot of this (sadly, not the world map). So I'm looking forward to it for what it's worth. Importer impressions have been positively glowing as well (the same importers who also felt luke-warm about Xill1)

That's really good to know. I know that Xillia 1 was apparently rushed so that it could be released in time for the anniversary, so that excuses some if it's faults, but not all. I hope we someday get another game that has Vesperia levels of content.


Team lazy digital purchase. Hello? Anyone?

All about team lazy digital. I got Xillia 1 for $10 during that PSN sale last year and couldn't stop playing. Now I need Xillia 2 digitally sitting next to the first one in the same folder on my PS3. Cannot wait to have this game in my veins.

I guess I'm weird in that I like to have an entire series on the same medium, so either all digital or all retail. That way whether my collection is physical on my shelf or in a PS3 folder it is all there looking nice together. Why it bothered me so much that I had Demon's Souls on PS+ but Dark Souls only had a physical version!


I think whoever came up with Xillia 2 hotspring ending scene should be
made director and script writer for all the series future episodes.
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