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Terraria |OT3| 1.2 many things to dig...

Awesome I didn't even know about this update until I saw it advertised on steam's sale page. I'm definitely gonna start up a new world and check it out.

J. Bravo

Really wish I could be playing this right now... But my Dr appt ended with me in the hospital until noon tomorrow lol. FML


Maybe it's because I like playing on small worlds, but does anyone else find the large worlds very laggy now?


Maybe it's because I like playing on small worlds, but does anyone else find the large worlds very laggy now?

I setup a medium sized world on my machine with terraria server and connected to it, and I was getting some lag. Otherwise the update looks awesome. Hopefully he considers doing a 1.2.1 to clean up any bugs that appear.
I got to play 2 hours today with my brother. I miss this game, it's a ton of fun. Also walking goldfish!


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
What a strange discovery underground...


Yeah, I found two such places so far on a new small world. And I haven't really gone very deep yet either.

So far I'm loving this update. Played tonight for a good five hours straight, LOL. I see me spending many, many more hours with Terraria yet. The map is worth the update alone, I can't believe how handy having a map in this game is.


What a strange discovery underground...


I found one of these myself and plundered the painting. Gotta say that I love all the little cosmetics around the place, like the broken chest and the extra rocks and such. Easily breakable but gives the landscape some character. You also have a nice deposit of Tungsten in there.


Had insane amounts of fun tonight playing with my 3 friends. Went exploring for a while, messed around with ice blocks near the end. We mad a giant V of iceblocks and used the hammer to smooth it out. Your character slides on them so if you hold in one direction and let go the momentum will shoot you up the other side of the V. You get even more/faster momentum if you aim your grapple just right point up the v, then let go. There's definitely going to be interesting physic things found with them I think.

Anyways. Tons and tons of fun. Haven't even messed around with the new Hardmode things. I'm literally dying to know how to make a Pickaxe thats as good or nearly as good as the Hamdrax (I think its just called the Drax now) If anyone knows please tell me.
Been playing on the GAF server, made a couple cool little places. Really need to explore more though.

However I do have to say playing multiplayer does kind of feel like cheating a bit with accelerated item gain. Might just start over and go at my own pace for a bit before joining up on the GAF server again. Though I may make an exception for a magic mirror at least.

There's still a ridiculous amount of content I never even touched from some of the earlier patches and with the new stuff as well it can get overwhelming. Not sure if small or medium world would be best for solo play.

Oh and I've had quite a few crashes and disconnects. More crashes with some kind of memory leak or something.


I think I lucked into one of the best weapons in the game. It's called the
Death Sickle.
You get it from
reapers in the blood moon replacement: solar eclipse.
I can't see myself replacing this unless I get something truly ridiculous. It's melee, but it's most useful for what it shoots out, completely free of mana, and goes through walls.
Had insane amounts of fun tonight playing with my 3 friends. Went exploring for a while, messed around with ice blocks near the end. We mad a giant V of iceblocks and used the hammer to smooth it out. Your character slides on them so if you hold in one direction and let go the momentum will shoot you up the other side of the V. You get even more/faster momentum if you aim your grapple just right point up the v, then let go. There's definitely going to be interesting physic things found with them I think.

Anyways. Tons and tons of fun. Haven't even messed around with the new Hardmode things. I'm literally dying to know how to make a Pickaxe thats as good or nearly as good as the Hamdrax (I think its just called the Drax now) If anyone knows please tell me.
About the Drax, and the Pickaxe Axe, as it's called:
They're now both made with Hallowed Bars. I just got about ten of those from killing the Destroyer just now. You no longer mix the previous things to make the Drax or the pickaxe equivalent. They cost the same amount of materials. It's just down to whether you want the pickaxe or the drill.


Can you combine tin and copper into bronze or should you just smelt and use them right away?
Use them right away. The majority of ores do not combine with other things to make different bars. If you're ever in doubt about what you can make with certain things (anything you can craft into something else will be labeled as a Material), talk to the guide, click Crafting, and put the item into the slot next to your crafting bar.


Started up a new character / world last night, truly feels like a different game. Only got in about an hour, but the amount of new stuff I've come across already is pretty crazy. Holding off on anything multiplayer, thought giving SP a go would be a good way to take it all in gradually.

Still really fun! Great update.

Core Zero

Been playing on the GAF server, made a couple cool little places. Really need to explore more though.

However I do have to say playing multiplayer does kind of feel like cheating a bit with accelerated item gain. Might just start over and go at my own pace for a bit before joining up on the GAF server again. Though I may make an exception for a magic mirror at least.

There's still a ridiculous amount of content I never even touched from some of the earlier patches and with the new stuff as well it can get overwhelming. Not sure if small or medium world would be best for solo play.

Oh and I've had quite a few crashes and disconnects. More crashes with some kind of memory leak or something.

(Note: I'm Rakk on the GAF Server)

I would recommend a small world for solo play, unless you have specific plans that need a larger world. The problem with larger worlds is that, without late game gear, they can become rather tedious to navigate, especially if important biomes end up far away from spawn. Also, ore density is lower, so you can end up spending a lot of time digging, only to not find anything. Just my opinion though.

I'll also note that you don't strictly need a Magic Mirror in solo play. Save+Quit and restart accomplishes the same thing. I do consider the Mirror nearly mandatory on a server, and I suppose if you have a larger world or slower computer, my solution might not seem good. Works for me though.


I really need to learn to use the trash can in the inventory. I keep putting stuff in the chests on the server.

J. Bravo

What are these dirt trees doing here? Are they supposed to be giant redwoods or something?

edit: oh they are wood, you just have to use a pickaxe because they're 4 columns wide.
edit2: wow they even have roots haha.


Is there a way to toggle pets on and off or simply dismiss them. I have a mini pet and my fairy bell out and sometimes they just get in the way when I'm building.


Is there a way to toggle pets on and off or simply dismiss them. I have a mini pet and my fairy bell out and sometimes they just get in the way when I'm building.

I dunno about the other pets, but you can click the buff the fairy gives to dismiss it.


We may have a small crisis in our hands. I killed the wall through a bug it seems. I was spelunking and threw one of my dolls in a stream of lava while organizing my inventory amd woke it. I didnt know little streams of lava counted.

Anywho the wall grabbed me and it got stuck w me and I shot at it with some poison bullets and it went down in like 30 seconds. All of the heads kept going down. Not sure if theres a server backup. I killed it as of 20 min ago.


We may have a small crisis in our hands. I killed the wall through a bug it seems. I was spelunking and threw one of my dolls in a stream of lava while organizing my inventory amd woke it. I didnt know little streams of lava counted.

Anywho the wall grabbed me and it got stuck w me and I shot at it with some poison bullets and it went down in like 30 seconds. All of the heads kept going down. Not sure if theres a server backup. I killed it as of 20 min ago.

I let Harlan know via steam, but there's not much we can do until he gets on.

If you don't have an old character, maybe stick to single player until further notice.
We may have a small crisis in our hands. I killed the wall through a bug it seems. I was spelunking and threw one of my dolls in a stream of lava while organizing my inventory amd woke it. I didnt know little streams of lava counted.

Anywho the wall grabbed me and it got stuck w me and I shot at it with some poison bullets and it went down in like 30 seconds. All of the heads kept going down. Not sure if theres a server backup. I killed it as of 20 min ago.

... Why would you kill it? Just save and quit.
So I've probably tried to get into this game about a dozen times since it came out but never lasted more than an hour. Saw this update hit and decided to give it another chance... and I blew fucking 6 hours on it yesterday. This game is awesome.


... Why would you kill it? Just save and quit.

I shouldn't be able to kill it, at least not yet. It got bugged somehow and my poison darts that took 2 mins to kill skeletron killed it in less than 30 seconds. This was on gaf server, so we dont want hard mode on since there are a lot of people including myself that cannot handle hard mode.
I shouldn't be able to kill it, at least not yet. It got bugged somehow and my poison darts that took 2 mins to kill skeletron killed it in less than 30 seconds. This was on gaf server, so we dont want hard mode on since there are a lot of people including myself that cannot handle hard mode.

Isn't hard mode activated immediately after he dies though?


Apologies if this has been asked before, but for those of you guys following the development of this game - has there been any mention of controller support

J. Bravo

lol hardmode is a lot harder now. derplings and tortoises destroy. also
the frost golems drop some sick armor
that is better than hallowed gear. the
frost breastplate alone has 5 more defense and adds 11% to ranged and melee crit chance.

I might go start my own server and spawn some more golems to finish the set lol...

edit: WOW you can make
turtle armor that makes enemies target you more and increases your defense by a shit ton. uses something called chlorophyte bars and turtle shells.
also added spoiler tags on the items in case people dont want do see it.


Gamepad/360 support?

Also, is it now easier to setup an online or LAN co-op game? Could never figure it out before...
The helmet, unfortunately, uses the ranged helm type paradigm, so it has a rather anemic 10 defense. The set bonus is that it applies Frostburn debuff when hitting with melee or ranged weapons. I'd say if you've got the Hallowed melee set it's probably better to stick with it, though it might make a reasonable 'Hybrid' type set if you like to use both melee and ranged.

There are much better sets that aren't much harder to make, though.
The Turtle set you can make from hard mode jungle stuff is much better if you're going for defense, though honestly the Spectre set (mage set made from Ectoplasm farmed in the hard mode Dungeon) is just enormously better than everything else I've seen. The set bonus gives 10% lifesteal from magic damage.


My poor weak not even at 200 HP character just died a horrible death to the Wyvern and it's all your fault Agkel!!!! ;_;

Joking aside, I do hope we get mod tools soon. Still think it's kinda silly that multiplayer servers can't disable hard mode without them. D:

Gamepad/360 support?

Also, is it now easier to setup an online or LAN co-op game? Could never figure it out before...

No official support for gamepads, and it seems about the same as before for LAN co-op.

J. Bravo

The helmet, unfortunately, uses the ranged helm type paradigm, so it has a rather anemic 10 defense. The set bonus is that it applies Frostburn debuff when hitting with melee or ranged weapons. I'd say if you've got the Hallowed melee set it's probably better to stick with it, though it might make a reasonable 'Hybrid' type set if you like to use both melee and ranged.

There are much better sets that aren't much harder to make, though.
The Turtle set you can make from hard mode jungle stuff is much better if you're going for defense, though honestly the Spectre set (mage set made from Ectoplasm farmed in the hard mode Dungeon) is just enormously better than everything else I've seen. The set bonus gives 10% lifesteal from magic damage.
wow that spectre set sounds pretty freaking dope. cursed flames are where it's at right now. although there is probably something way better.
edit: oh spectre is console only...
My poor weak not even at 200 HP character just died a horrible death to the Wyvern and it's all your fault Agkel!!!! ;_;

Joking aside, I do hope we get mod tools soon. Still think it's kinda silly that multiplayer servers can't disable hard mode without them. D:

No official support for gamepads, and it seems about the same as before for LAN co-op.
haha that was him that started it? at least he was pulling some weight in there. But I'm pretty sure a TShock update was released for 1.2 already, not sure about
wow that spectre set sounds pretty freaking dope. cursed flames are where it's at right now. although there is probably something way better.
edit: oh spectre is console only...

haha that was him that started it? at least he was pulling some weight in there. But I'm pretty sure a TShock update was released for 1.2 already, not sure about

Hmm? No, it's part of 1.2.

Complete spoiler for how it's obtained:

Once you've entered hard mode, return to the Dungeon. New, much tougher mobs will be spawning there - Hell Knights, Paladins, Bone Lee, Necromancers, etc. - with a variety of new drops, including new weapons that are just flat-out better than anything you could previously get, and some disgustingly overpowered new spells.

Any enemy you kill in the hard mode Dungeon has a chance of leaving a ghost behind that, once killed, will drop Ectoplasm. You need, if I remember right, 56 of it - and nothing else - to make a full suit of armor. You can also make some tools with it, including a Pickaxe that completely shames the Adamantine Drill (and has +3 Range for block mining distance to boot). The defense is a bit lower than Hallowed due to the helmet having only 5, but it's well worth it for veritable immortality.

There's a bunch of new stuff in the Dungeon, actually. Very much worth a second glance, if you're someone who cleaned it out long ago. The same with the Underground Jungle.

J. Bravo

Hmm? No, it's part of 1.2.

Complete spoiler for how it's obtained:

Once you've entered hard mode, return to the Dungeon. New, much tougher mobs will be spawning there - Hell Knights, Paladins, Bone Lee, Necromancers, etc. - with a variety of new drops, including new weapons that are just flat-out better than anything you could previously get, and some disgustingly overpowered new spells.

Any enemy you kill in the hard mode Dungeon has a chance of leaving a ghost behind that, once killed, will drop Ectoplasm. You need, if I remember right, 56 of it - and nothing else - to make a full suit of armor. You can also make some tools with it, including a Pickaxe that completely shames the Adamantine Drill (and has +3 Range for block mining distance to boot). The defense is a bit lower than Hallowed due to the helmet having only 5, but it's well worth it for veritable immortality.

There's a bunch of new stuff in the Dungeon, actually. Very much worth a second glance, if you're someone who cleaned it out long ago. The same with the Underground Jungle.

huh. I'll have to go check that out, thanks. The only reason I was saying it's console only is because that's what the wiki says, but I guess it just hasn't been updated yet, but I also checked an inventory editor, and it's not in there either. ectoplasm is though....time to go farm it.
For whatever reason, when I launched the game, the language was set to French...

Other than that, I'm so happy the PC version finally has a map. I only got a little ways into the original release, but I'm looking forward to spending some time with it this winter.

J. Bravo

HOLY TITS. bro you weren't fucking around when you said
were serious business.
5k hp and they do 100 per hit and they throw a couple axes a second
. wtf!

these monsters are some bullshit.


Unconfirmed Member
All right, since I got the server mod up and running, UberGAF v2.0 is now up and running.

Remember, since it has the mod, you'll need to register. Its not "necessary" this time, but if you register and login, you'll have access to things like warps (when we set them up), as well as the ability to lock your builds from others.

Retro is one of the admins, so either he or I can help if you have any questions/issues.

EDIT: Oh, one more thing, if you've been on the server before when we used to have to have it up with the mod, you may remember the mod had the dumb habit of kicking/banning people for doing exploits. Well... its been a while, and I don't know what constitutes a kick/ban with the mod anymore, so, if you happen to be kicked, just go back on and dont do it again, but let me know what happened.

If it was a ban, let me or Retro know, and we can unban.


Man, this whole tin/lead/tungsten thing is throwing me off. Finally got to try out the GAF server. Thanks Zonna for the help!
Man. I think I spawned in my world and the only thing I can find is stone and copper.

I forgot how tedious the game is at the beginning with that. >_>
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