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The 5 games that mean the most to you


Mass Effect - The first game that genuinely got me into lore and universes of games, and made me appreciate the stories games could tell.

Dark Souls - Just had me immersed from beginning to end, at a time where most games wanted me to follow a minimap or a hovering arrow this was a breath of fresh air.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time - my mother read the text and translated to me which actually taught me more English than they ever could at school.

Super Smash Brothers. Melee - watch the documentary and understand why this game means so much to me and many other people.

Super Mario Galaxy - got me through a rough time and made me smile when not much else could.


Pokemon rby: popped my cherry for rpgs. Made me respect them even though I still consider turn based rpgs inferior to real time combat systems today. I know this game like the back of my hand. Glitches/hacks and all. I can see why people like turn based RPGs due to my early experience with Pokemon. (I still secretly wish for an arpg where you control pokemanz tho instead of how it is now)

Castlevania sotn: the best metroidvania in existence. Marrying RPG with sidescrollers best em up was brilliant. Top it off with a ton of content and a "part 2", and you get so much bang for your buck! (Value is what I am getting at here), dragons dogma kinda does this as well. I really like it when you thought you were done, but now got to do it backwards, or do it in dark mode to REALLY beat the game and get the true ending. It's like, " here's more for you to play with!" This only applies to good games however...

Fire EMBLEM path of radiance: I don't even know what happened here. I remember this being the first and only time I sat there all day with a bag of spicy hot Cheetos and my GameCube controller playing a game. My first experience with a srpg couldn't have been a better choice. What really hooked me was the relationship minigames you could play around with in between battles. Seeing that removed in the sequel really broke my heart. Oh and the game play was good to I guess lol. Honorable mention goes to valkyria chronicles.

Armored core (I'll choose 4): The mech game. Take Gran turismo, Gundam, and mix them the fuck up. You will get a hell of a mech sim game. This game series changes a lot, so you could ask any fan what they like and you will prob get different answers all the time. I liked 4 (and 4A) the best due to the ridiculous amount of speed you could spec for. High learning curve meant you felt pro when you aced missions.

Phantasy star online 2: I played a bit of the jp pso2 and busted out crying. I had snot all over my shirt. I had to delete it. I'm still waiting.


Alex kid: miracle worlda game that an early age caught my eye fell in love with it and even up to this day I play it at lest once a year

sonic 1 on mastersystem guess we all got older loving one mascot right lol most have a thing for Mario well Im not in that boat I love sonic sadly it moved from what I love but ya .. the colors the speed the levels love the first sonics so damn much together with the first game these 2 made me fall in love with gaming.

virtual fighter 2well to me the king of fighting games and the one fighting game I hold above every other spent months on it and mastered a character (as it can be seen in my avatar lol) no other fighting game felt as "real" engaging entertaining a blast and the opening door into fighting games for me

tomb raiderseeing a 3D World like the first tomb raider was amazing the puzzles the fact that I was still kinda young and had at some points to take some days to move past an area (English wasn't my main lenguage at the time) the exploring the story how I in visions those type of games and in my mind what thay genre has to live up to even to this day (and yes controls weren't the best but if you master them as I did well u were a gamer lol)

final fantasy Ix and X well its a tie both of them for the same reasons I've never was push so deep into a world as I was in those games I never regreted as bad that a game was going to end as I did those 2 best rpgs I've played yes there's better story's but as full packages well none beat those ...

Honarable mentions grandia 1&2 sky's of Arcadia GTA3


Maple Story - My first video game, with all the associated experiences of an MMO too though it wasn't exactly World of Warcraft. Had a dope character stuck on level 33 I deleted for some reason, immediately regretted the next day lmao.

Dawn of War: Dark Crusade - Besides Maple Story, this represents my first video game that really clicked with me (it would have been Kotor but I couldn't get off the flippin' first planet for starters lol) I was just shy of ten years old and having grown fond of Warhamer 40,000 from our school club I decided to try its video game adaptation. I installed it, booted it up, and was immediately greeted by a Space Marine bleeding out from a Necron wraith - my first taste of bloody video game violence. It had me shook, but I immediately told my parents it was of no concern. I never managed to finish the campaign, and even efforts made in later years were to no avail. I did, however, play countless skirmish missions even occasionally with some internet friends. I was that ten year old on whatever client used for multiplayer, can't remember its name now. Good stuff.

TES: Skyrim - My first open world RPG experience. Would love to revisit it with a beefy computer and all the mods downloaded. Well not literally all the mods, but a few caught my eye which made it look seriously damn pretty. Got burned out after 50-ish hours but those 50 were great. Haven't played a game of its kind properly since, and I instead look towards older RPGs for that sense of scale and adventure.

Combat Arms - Another free to play game from Nexon, I surely am on someone's hit-list now. This was the game I turned to weekend after weekend just for fun and probably represents that itch for me the most in my memory. I soon picked up Team Fortress 2 in high school and am now patiently awaiting Overwatch's release, or rather the end of my exams when I will actually play it.

Not quite sure about a fifth game. Dark Souls, Hotline Miami, maybe a visual novel could fill this spot.
Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Megadrive (first console and game as a child)

Doom 1 & 2, going to lump these together. Amazing games and I remember being 11 when I got to play them through shareware. I still play them on the Xbox one through backwards compatibility

Tekken 3. Not played it since the psone but I used to okay tournaments with my sister and my dad. Great fun they were.

Call of Duty MW3. Me and my best friend had drifted apart due to work and distance when he moved away (and we both had controlling girlfriends), that all changed when we got rid of the girlfriend's and decided to go to a concert. We now regularly meet up (4 times a year) and if we are not doing anything we get drunk and usually okayw COD. This was the first one we played (survival - underground).

Final Fantasy VII. Reason I got a psone. Reason I got a PS vita, reason I got a ps4.


This is a toughie OP, but I'll try to limit myself to five games (with some cheating) that are special to due to attached memories and such, in chronological order from old to new:

1) Super Mario Bros. / The Legend of Zelda - I list both because they represent the definitive duology that made me conscious of being a game enthusiast after I got my NES (my second console after having an Atari 2600 first), the former because of its instant joy and satisfaction and the latter because of how it set its adventure hooks in you for hours on end. Both games were very different but also equally fantastic as experiences that everyone - even those that never played games normally - wanted to try. Zelda in particular opened my eyes to the power of games as something more than round or score based experiences, i.e. as adventures that could last many a play session. The fact that my mom to this day remains a Zelda and action adventure game fan because of our shared experiences with the original is very valuable on a personal level as well. Mario also stood out because of how it helped pretty much all kids in my neighbourhood become fans of games, but also because it gave them a shared cultural experience (akin to Pac Man before it) to look back to, an experience that for many of us still lasts to this day.

2) Secret of Mana - While I like Chrono Trigger, FFVI and Link to the Past equally as solo experiences, this SNES RPG wins its spot here by being the game I have the fondest memories of while playing it in co-op with others like my mom, my high school best friend and finally my then girlfriend now wife. Its incredibly charming look, touching and memorable music as well as the timing based, beat 'm up style combat made it an instant classic for me and a game I think back to fondly quite often as a representation of more carefree times where hours would waste away playing it. I only wish its sequel could have released outside Japan in the day as I still never played that one really despite feeling it might rival this game.

3) Street Fighter II - Probably the game that blew me away the most out of any game I had seen before (since the Atari and NES days) with its pure awesomeness and instant playability. I never really encountered it - or any other fighting game before it for that matter - in arcades (due to them not really being a thing in The Netherlands) but the SNES version was enough to instantly fall in love with the game and the fighting game genre as well. The colorful cast, big sprites, music, special moves and the travel the world theme greatly helped with my enjoyment as I spent hours and hours fighting my friends or passing the controller with my parents as we tried to beat the CPU. While SFIII and V might have surpassed II for me in some ways, II definitely deserves the spot in this list.

4) Outrun / Outrun 2(006) - Not a series I played the most of in terms of hours (partly because not having arcades around meant I played 2006 first and had to be creative in playing the original in Shenmue or through emulation/ports), but one that has come to represent an actual emotional state for me, i.e. the jittery feeling of excitement and relaxation when summer rolls around again and the potential for road trips or things like laying on your back on meadows watching clouds drift by increases. Whenever I go on holiday, think back to my childhood summer vacations or just feel relaxed and excited to be alive I describe this as an Outrun feeling because of how my mind instantly goes to this series and how well it represents such positiveness and excitement. What I like so much about Outrun is the colorful, real life inspired locales you drive through that instantly remind me of movies like Canonball Run etc. The blue skies, sea and palm trees of the first stages help greatly as well, as does the music of course. One of my favorite recent holiday memories was finding my first Outrun cabinet ever in the wild hidden away in a casino in Las Vegas - it was the perfect blend of gaming nostalgia and actual holiday jitters! (Now bring Outrun 3 Sega / Suzuki-san!)

5) Demon's Souls / Dark Souls - I'm listing both as I like them equally (even though I did start with DeS before it became popular) and because DS proved that DeS was not a fluke but something FROM could actually recreate technically and financially within the modern games climate. I'd say that these games (as well as their sequels) pretty much single handedly keep my youthful obsessed form of interest in games alive with their large worlds, hidden lore, great combat mechanics and hours and hours of careful exploration based gameplay. In many ways they manage to bring to life what I dreamt of in my childhood when I saw illustrations for games like Zelda. The idea of a gaming climate without this series frightens me as nothing really comes close to what these games offer in many ways. I can't wait to see what Miyazaki and his teams cook up next.

Honorable mentions that - depending on when you ask me - could take a spot in the top 5:
X) Ico / SotC - Without a doubt two of the games that hit me hardest emotionally because of the sombre atmosphere and sparse looking worlds they bring to life. They come the closest to being a game version of emotional / sombre adventure movies from my childhood like like The Neverending Story or The Last Unicorn and for that alone they hold a special place in my heart. I consider them landmarks in game aesthetics that continue to inspire me and many other people as well (such as FROM's Miyazaki, who decided to change career to game development because of Ico!). Let's hope The Last Guardian will equal these two and become another instant classic.

X) Final Fantasy VII - The game I envied the most as a N64 loyalist at the time and one that eventually made me buy a Playstation as well. Due to my age and relative inexperience with JRPG's (outside of some SNES classics) and this game's fantastic presentation, music and character designs, FFVII became a landmark game for me that has come to define the PSX for me as a well as providing me with the perfect escape during the time in my life when my parents got divorced (as it was my dad who bought the PSX for me to use at his new place). I can't wait to see how the remake will turn out.

X) Sonic the Hedgehog (classic series, but mostly 1) - A game (series) I simply adore because of how fantastic it looks and sounds. The perpetual Other to what I was familiar with on the Nintendo consoles I did own as a child, and a game (series) that ever remained slightly out of reach / alien for me whenever I saw it being advertised on TV or visited a friend who did own a Mega Drive. Shinobi, Altered Beast, Golden Axe and Streets of Rage also had this effect on me but they don't stand out as aesthetically as classic Sonic does in my view.

X) Mega Man X - The game the finally made the Mega Man series click with me and the first one I beat (multiple times) as a child. I've loved this game and the overall series ever since.

X) Doom / Doom 2 - The games that defined PC gaming for me for years and the first FPS games I probably played. Still unequaled in some ways.

X) Super Castlevania IV - The soundtrack alone was enough to make me a permanent Castlevania fan as well as a permanent appreciator of game OST's. Just like with Mega Man X, this slightly more modern take on the formula made me appreciate the first three games in the series far more as well. A shame we might never see another game in the series again...(and yes, I'm still bitter Simon was not added to Smash 4...)


In No Order:
- Spiderman: Maximum Carnage (Sega Genesis)- This was one of first ever video game that i ever played when me and my sisters got a genesis from my parents. Even though I had games like Streets of Rage and Robocop vs Terminator, Spiderman was my favorite from what we ad.

-Phantasy Star 4- I had heard about this series, especially from talks of PSO , but had no real interest in playing an RPG (the only RPG I had played before this was PaperMario Thousand Year Doors) . At some point in high school i had decided to buy one of those sega genesis collections because i had grown nastaglic. While running through the list I came across Phantasy Star 1-4. While giving a quick look at all of them i came across 4 and was interested.The music, the story,the characters were amazing and made my branch out my tastes in games.

-Super Smash Bros Melee- Had the most fun playing this with my sisters and cousins. Enough said.

-Persona 3P/4G: Couldn't decide between these two. I had played both of them on recommendation from people and fell in love with the series. The music, the charters, and setting were amazing. Not only that , but both had helped with a depression episode i has suffered form my second year of college.

-Halo 3- The game, the music,and the story was amazing. I instantly fell in love with the game the moment i pressed start and entered the story. The mutiplayer was fum and i had a lot of great times playing.


Crash Bandicoot - This game really got me into gaming, I couldn´t stop playing it.

Diablo II + Lord of Destruction - My most played game by far.

Gothic II + NIght of the Raven - This game made me a huge RPG fan

Persona 4 Golden - This was my first JRPG I ever played and I really loved it, at the same time it made me sad, because I missed out on so many good games by ignoring this genre for so long. Since than I played a lot of the older JRPGs, but I am still catching up.

The Last of Us - The game that moved me the most, made me care the most about the characters.
I have basically been playing video games my entire life, and this was the first one to ever make me cry. Also happens to be the first game I bought and played based on GAF recommendation.

So I have an attachment to forms of entertainment that are capable of tugging my heartstrings. I went into Undertale expecting feels, and BOY did it not disappoint in that regard. Not only is it the second game to ever make me cry, but it also holds the records for the fastest a game has ever made me cry (not even 30 minutes in, thanks Toriel), and the most a game has ever made me cry. There are many, many other reasons why I love this game as much as I do, but I continue to be thoroughly impressed by just how emotionally invested it managed to make me.

I've played the ever-loving hell out of this game. I managed to take the number 1 spot on the leaderboards for the Steam version within the first three days of its release, and I managed to hold on to that spot for roughly two and a half months by playing it every day for hours on end if I could help it, and gained a bit of notoriety as a result. I even backed it on IndieGoGo, so it was also the first crowdfunding campaign I ever put money into. It was the first fighting game I traveled out-of-state to play against other people in a tournament for. Of all the traditional fighting games I have ever played, Skullgirls is my favorite.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U:
I play Smash 4 just about every weekend with my group of friends. It's crazy just how many fond memories I have with them involve that involve this game. Several of them being me trolling them with Mr. Game and Watch. lol

Mega Man X:
Of all the games I played during my childhood, this is the one where I can vividly remember most of my experiences. I played this game for the first time when I was in Kindergarten. I remember how much fun I had going through the intro stage and how much I loved its music. I remember how cool Zero was for saving me (and how confused I was because I couldn't tell what his gender was lol). I remember not even being able to be Chill Penguin for the longest time. I remember being stunned when I finally did beat Chill Penguin and saw him explode. I remember being dumbstruck when Zero sacrificed himself; that was the first character death I had ever witnessed in a video game. I remember how proud I was when I finally beat the game (I was in the 3rd grade at the time), and I remember how freaked out I was when Sigma showed up on the TV after the credits. It's a wonderful game, and it's amazing how well it still holds up.


Playing since Late 90's when i was a little kid, played so many great games its hard to choose only 5, but i guess these are the ones that had the most impact on me as a gamer or as a person.

Zelda Ocarina of Time = Probably the first one that really blow my mind and think "ok whoa i really love these videogames"

Final Fantasy VII = After finishing it i went out looking for any game that was similar, and that's how my love for JRPGs began

Persona 4 = This game made me emphatize and feel so intimate with the characters so much it was mind-blowing, plus the whole Shadow-self thing taught me a lot about how we are vs how we act in front of others and all that stuff

Bloodborne = The "regain your health after you get hit by attacking" mechanic taught me that there's always a chance, that it's not over until it's over

Final Fantasy XV = "This is it, this is the one" its what my brain and heart tells me every time i think about this game. I don't know what it is, maybe the art direction, the themes and the plot, the soundtrack, but since the very first CGI trailer back in 2006 this game resonated with me like no one before. My faith in it has stayed still in these whole 10 years, and being so close to release feels incredible.

Honorable mention to:

Pokémon R/B/Y = Just so many great memories of meeting new kids thanks to the game, exchanging pkmns, battling and just generally talk about the games

Final Fantasy Tactics = Ramza's earnestness and Delita's ambition really resonated with me

The Witcher 3 = Simply the joy of exploring the wild, reminds me of the bike trips i take with my father


There are a handful of games, but I'll just mention the three that I feel are above everything else.

Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow - I've been with this series since it started and I probably always will. Pokémon is one of the reasons why I'm such a big fan of games today, and I made friendships because of this game. I love the community aspect of it.

Super Mario 64 - I have many fond memories of playing this as a kid and discovering all the secrets. I think later 3D Marios have since topped it, but this is still the one that means the most to me.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - My relationship with this franchise really started to blossom with Melee, and the Wii U version is just an extension of that. It's the best Smash game and I still play it regularly.


Super Mario World for being the real kickstarter to my videogame fandom.

Quake 3 Arena for memories of hauling my gear to LAN parties, sleeping on the floor just to game with likeminded people.

Resident Evil 4 for getting me back into console gaming and making me go back in the GCN/PS2 catalogue.

Persona 3 as a stand in for the whole SMT series, being the most emotional of those games to me.

Journey, for showing how impactful and innovative games can be and will become more and more going forward.
Simpsons Hit and Run - Spent too much time playing this as a kid.

Silent Hill 2 - Mastery of horror and subtle design. Made me realise games could be so much more.

Fallout 3 - My favourite setting ever that allowed me to do whatever the fuck I wanted.

Bad Company 2 - Spent too much time playing this with friends instead of doing homework.

Bloodborne - Got me into the best current sub-genre by it's beautiful gothic design and only got better once I found out it turns into fucking Lovecraft.


Halo 2 (Online addiction)
Metal Gear Solid (First real story driven game I completed/enjoyed)
KOTOR (Pure epicness)
GTA 3 (First open world game)
Sonic 3 (Childhood memories)
Metal Gear Solid - Hence my use of SolidSnake as a handle for the past 17 years.
Half Life
Counter Strike - Probably spent more time with this game than anything else in my life.
Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 - I still believe this is the best RTS ever.
The Last of Us - Probably the most emotional game that I've ever played. Will stick with me for the rest of my life.

HM - Persona 4, FF7


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Halo - was never going to get the original Xbox but saw this on a rolling demo in GAME of all places and thought what the hell, so went for the console. Loved it, when you first set foot on the ring and you pan your camera around, plus the snow levels. Love it.

Final Fantasy VII - my father died suddenly from a heart attack and I was in a really bad place, my best friend at the time bought me this because he read on the box that it had hours and hours of gameplay, he thought it could maybe take my mind off the horrors going on in my real life at that time. I played that game so much for those initial few days and weeks after losing my dad, I guess looking back now, it must have had some serious impact on me.

GTAIII - 2 weeks off work, sitting in my house, smoking fags and drinking booze while playing that to death only stopping for sleep and showers and to get more booze!! Was quite ill at the end...

Cannon Fodder - Amiga - Yes! Loved it, played it to death, into the small hours when I should have been sleeping so that I could go to work the next day!!

Mass Effect - just something about the first one, with that lovely piece of music playing on the title screen that hooked me. Driving the Mako round all the planets too.

Honourable mentions, Super Shinobi, Casltevania IV, Thunderfroce III, Championship Manager 93!! Plus of course all the modern day stuff...

I've had almost 35 years of gaming, there are so many more to pick, I could probably do with this being a top 200 or something!


Secret of Mana
Playing in co-op with my brother is one of my favourite memories.

Mega man X
Watching X gain the armour parts and see the holograms of the long-dead Dr Light, who put X in for testing for a century to make sure he was safe and would never see his creation grow, somehow really affected me. I had no idea how I much I liked Dr Light in the NES/GB games for the few seconds he appears now and then. Zero's sacrifice too.

Zelda LTTP.
Still the template for everything I love about computer games. No bloat, something to do, see or find on every screen, and a choice of levels to tackle. It starts with a bang and never lets up, making me feel like an epic hero right from the start. The fact that you are an outlaw for having saved Zelda, and so the guards are after you even in the light world, was a really nice touch, making it clear that you are ultimately alone. It always said to me that doing the right thing isn't always rewarded (although that happens a lot in Zelda) or easy, but you should do it anyway.

Dragon Quest V.
When I played it on DS, I had just lost a pet, and really enjoyed having the sabrecat(?) in the party. When I played it again recently, I did so as a father with a wife and a young family, and I obviously took something different from its theme of a family's struggle over generations, and the main character not being the hero, but his son is.

Monster Hunter series
The games mean a lot to me as the general lighthearted sense of adventure combined with tough battles fits really well into my gaming time. I've always got a spare 20 minutes for a hunt. I just love the nonchalant approach of the characters to hunting, where it's all "that thing is the size of a building and will eat you. Go get it!'". Even the silly dances, the cats, the cooking. So many games revel in darkness that it's refreshing to play in a world that displays it's sense of fun for all to see amidst the heroism and awesome gameplay.


Excite Truck
You fly really really high in the air! You can play your own music. It's so excite
Link's Awakening
Chocked-full game design and an eerie nostalgic atmosphere. It's like vapourwave: the game
Cave Story
Ditto to Link's Awakening. Solid pick-up-and-gameplay and simple cute visuals that come first, and then give way to a large thematic story. It's the kind of game design that makes me happy.
Super Metroid
Ditto again! Not so much a thematic story but a great experiential atmosphere holds the piece together.
Super Smash Bros Brawl
I had some damn fine matches with my brother here.

I like Nintendo. No Regerts
Valiant mentions: Super Ghosts N Ghouls, Monkey Target
, Donkey Kong 94, Shadow of the Colossus, MGS, Soul Calibur, The Last Blade 2, House of the Dead 2


Not my best games of all time, but games that are special to me...

Me and my brother were playing this together. Probably finished it with him over 20 times, discovering all of the secrets of the game. I have very fond memories of that.

Shadow of the Colossus
I was playing this during a time when I was building up a strong friendship with someone, but he passed away in 2006. So everytime I see this game or hear the music, I think about that person.

Demon's Souls
The game that made me love videogames again.


The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past
Super Mario 64
Super Mario World
Resident Evil (1996)
Resident Evil 4


Baldur's Gate Series - This is the game that started me off , the game that made me invested for the first time in a videogame. It made me realise how deep RPGs can truly be.

Deus Ex - Was the next big step in my appreciation for RPG games, but it came in the shape of an FPS. This was the first time I began to look at FPS properly. The narrative was utterly engrossing and the gameplay was great.

Halo Combat Evolved - The first time I saw a drop ship filled with Covenant soldiers I was mesmerized. Halo was the first game that sucked me into core FPS games. I've been glued to the series since then.

WoW - I'll always remember WOW because of how well it made the player invest into the incredible world they created.

Witcher 3 - Witcher 3 is the one game that resoundingly beats all others in recent memory. The gameplay, narrative and world are so well crafted it's hard not to remember it well, with better DLC around the corner it's only going to get better.
Morrowind - the gold standard for open world games

Diablo 2 & star control 2 - my favorite games of all time.

Loom & commander keen 6 - the games that made me like video games.
Demon's Souls
Grand Theft Auto 3
Final Fantasy VII
Super Mario Bros 3

those were the first 5 to pop into my mind.

also Team Ico games.


Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus: a game that I played during a hard (and at the same time beautiful) time of my life, where I was away from my dear ones and videogames felt like "home" for me

Metal Gear Solid 2: the first game I really desired with all my heart

Persona 4 Golden: the only game where I created a connection with the characters in it

Pokèmon Gold: reminds me of that rainy days during middle school spent at Gianmarco's house looking for new pokèmons and wondering where the hell was Lugia

Onimusha 2: there's a story behind this: I was broke and couldn't afford any game, my family struggled to keep going and we had all sorts of problems. One day the son of my neighbour comes visit and lends me a videogame, knowing that I like them a lot. I knew nothing about it, but hey, it's a new game! Everything was gold for me back then. Who could imagine that the game was an amazing samurai vs demons adventure with a memorable setting, that kept me playing for hours and multiple playthroughs. It was not a gift per se, but I'll always remember as that, still feeling the joy that came with that unexpected game.
Power Rangers: Wild Force - got me to buy my very first gaming system (the GBA SP).

Pokemon FireRed - first time I was fully immersed in a game. Felt special.

Pokemon Diamond - got me back into gaming, and made me buy my second ever gaming system.

Fable 2 - never liked console story games before. This was the first one that made me realise that some console games can offer a different experience from handheld games that is just as entertaining in many ways.

Smash Brothers 3DS/Wii U - my most played game ever.

Honorable Mentions:
Fifa 09 DS/XBox 360 - only thing I played for a couple of years.
Super Mario 3D World - probably my favourite game.


PES 2006-Just memories of me, my mates and my brother playing it non-stop. Great craic.

Mario Kart Double Dash-Ditto. Same as above.

Pokemon Blue-First game i saved up for and bought with my own money. Plus pokemon was mega hot at the time.

The world ends with you-Still currently my favorite game ever. Play it once every year, never get tired of it.

Smash Bros 64 & Melee-Untold hours of fun in both. And it was the first game which i tried to follow the news for in magazines and what-not because the concept was so awesome and it delivered in spades.
Final Fantasy VII
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
The Last Of Us
Uncharted 2, Uncharted 4(I actually have not finished this yet, but it qualifies)

I couldn't pick just five.
In no particular order:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series - three games, so cheating a bit, but two games are basically standalone expansions of the first.
The Zone is a terrible place, full of despair and suffering, it doesn't want to be explored.
The Zone is magical place, full of wonders and potential that people will explore to satisfy their own curiosity, greed, lust for fame.

Dark Souls - 'nuff said
A game with absolutely impeccable design (let's pretend Lost Izalith and Bed of Bullshit don't exist).

Warframe - almost 2k hours, send help
I've started playing during closed beta way back in '13, and holy shit the game has changed since then. What was once a 'meh' shooter with some potential was updated, and updated, and updated, and is now a legitimately great game.
It is also the only F2P title I've seen where older players avoid spoiling quests for new players.
Being given a character creation screen once you are 200+ (or in some cases 1500+) hours into a game is one hell of a surprise.

Portal 2 - I had no idea how fun a game could be in co-op until I played this.

Dota 2 - so many game modes, so many community made maps, so little time.
World of Warcraft... so many friends gained and lost during difficult times for me, but saved me from finally losing the will to carry on.

Fallout 3... helped me when i was ill.

Zelda: a Link to the Past... was living away from home and pretty lonely despite having my own life and gf at time, i was pretty unhappy and this game kept me focused on better things.

Halo 3... playing with my sick nephew so many nice memories of when he was a lot healthier and before his cystic fibrosis hit him badly.

Knack... when my younger nephew came to stay after him witnessing terrible violence and abuse we teamed up together and worked our way through it and it helped him immensly.

Video games will always remind me of happier times and hold good memories for me, even if i find my interest fading a bit.


How is this supposed to be different from your 5 favorite games of all time?

My 5 favourites are REmake, Silent Hill 2, F.E.A.R., Doom and Streets Of Rage 2.

That said.

Tekken 2 is a very *important* game to me because it got me back into playing after a couple of years. I'd have to say it was arguably number 1 in terms of getting me to play. It's not, however, in my top 5 favourites.

Nor is COD2 which showed me that a lengthy MP experience could actually be completely rage free and instead a very happy time.

Nor Metroid Prime, which made me value Nintendo, as someone that had little previous experience of them.

There are experiences that mean 'the most' to me without being a favourite.


On the top of my head 2

SF2 turbo for snes-
because that game with out a doubt maybe me love fighting games. i'd play it with family members, friends you name it. First social game

Mega Man X2-
I know its sappy but when my friend first rented it, it also was the first day I got my dog.


Crash Team Racing: after all these years, it's still my favorite (and, IMO, best) Arcade kart racer around.

Tekken 3: My first Tekken and, retrospectively, it is still the highest point in the series. Also art direction was still great!

Ōkami (HD): Most cheerful and beautiful game I ever played. Helped me Through a really blue phase and made me a Kamiya worshipper!

Dark Souls: after being mesmerized by Demon's Souls, From Software delivered an even better game! It also is the only game I have ever preordered!

Metal Slug X: Super fun and gorgeus game that gets only better in co-op? It's fuckin' Metal Slug X!

As a '95 italian guy, I've always been a Sony aficionado
Sonic the Hedgehog - Not a great platformer, but the first game I've ever played. I didn't own it though, so I only played it occasionally at other places.

Super Mario 64
- The first game I beat and owned. When I heard the credits theme for the first time after a decade at some place, I had to fight my tears back, after nostalgia hit me like a train.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Maybe not the best Zelda game... but the second best. The reveal was legendary, especially after everyone was fearing another Wind Waker. But more importantly, it's also the culmination of the utter hype I had for the Wii, which couldn't possibly have been higher. Then, when I've got it, it really delivered. Just like the console, which I've fought for on launch day.

Gunbound: Thors Hammer
- The first online game I've got really addicted to. I'm not sure whether I should hate it or love it.

Killer 7 - The story stuck with me until today. It hit all the right notes, everything I want from both a mystery plot and a story that doesn't pull any punches.


I cherish these games and nothing has ever come close.

Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot 2
Crash Bandicoot 3
Crash Team Racing: First kart racer and best racer for me.
Uncharted 2 : Played for 32 days worth of time in multiplayer.
Dark Souls

First Platinum trophy because I couldn't put the game down. I became enthralled with the story, the gameplay, the world, everything to the point where I couldn't watch movies as they were so dull in comparison at the time. Such a fantastic experience.

Perfect Dark

Multiplayer was off the chain, had bots, some amazing enemy animations, insane graphics, was a great way to send off the 64. Had so much fun playing with friends.

Secret of Evermore

One of the first games I ever finished to completion, it was super challenging for me as a wee lad and the adventure of a boy and his dog played so well with my imagination. An unforgettable experience for a young fella.


Another multiplayer juggernaut that I spent countless hours dicking around with. The physics engine made it such a blast to throw warthogs around the map. Single player was pretty boss too, was a great challenge to finish on Legendary. \

Ninja Gaiden

An unforgettable experience on the hardest difficulty, requiring perfect timing, reflexes, patience and endurance to beat. Satisfying in every way save for those damned ghost fish! Probably the best action game I've enjoyed this outside of Dark Souls.


I'll post a franchise list first:

(in no order)

Dark Souls
Mass Effect

(Honorable mentions for Telltale Walking Dead and Star Wars)

Best games out of those franchises:

(in no order)

Ocarina Of Time
Dark Souls 1
The Witcher 3
Mass Effect 2

(Telltale Walking Dead Season 1 and Jedi Knight 2)

It's always hard to pick, I still feel I'm missing out. Valve made so many games, played TF2, Dota 2, Counter-Strike for thousands of hours, but those all came out of Half-Life sorta, so I'll stick to that. Nintendo responsible for tons of Mario games and Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow, really made my childhood. And some series I'm still catching up on like old Tomb Raider games right now. Just too much good shit to play.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

It took me two years to beat the game, started playing it when I was like 6 years old. First 3d adventure game I really played. So much nostalgia now thinking about it.

Golden Sun: The Lost Age

I remember seeing a friend play the first one and I decided I wanted it. We were on a vacation and I could only find the sequel so bought it and played it first. Only played the first game years later on an emulator. I still can't believe how big the world is in the game, the combination of puzzles + combat was brilliant. Reminded me a lot of Zelda.

Dark Souls

I was one of the early importers of Demon's Souls but I ended up putting much more time into this one. I don't need to explain any further.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

My first real foray into PC gaming, took me several attempts to get into it but once I did it was incredible. Such a charming world, so much shit to do. Best part is still the wizard that falls from the sky.

League of Legends

I was struggling for a fifth game but really it would be dishonest to leave League off my list considering I've put more hours into it than the rest of the games here combined. It's so satisfying to learn and improve, I'm a pretty competitive guy so I got hooked pretty easily. Kinda stopped playing now but it's still fun watching it.
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's veil
Dark Souls
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Final Fantasy 7

I personally actually find Bloodborne the better game over Dark Souls, but Dark Souls meant more to me overall and got me into what I consider the apex of last generation's games.

Honourable mention also for Half Life 2, which for me is still the pinnacle of FPS games.


Okay, these are not my TOP 5 games of all time (since it's almost impossible for me to list them now). However the belows meant a lot to me as a gamer:

1. Super Mario Bros (NES) *Technically not my first VG experience but this blows my childhood mind and I became in love with VG forever.

2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II the arcade game (NES), spent dozens of hours co-op on this game with my cousin made me believed that VG is a fun social entertainment.

3. Winning Eleven 4 (PS1), I am a fan of soccer games and played the fifa 95, but this game was my addiction back then. Now I am back with Fifa lol.

4. Jack and Daxter (PS2), I love Naughty Dog. I think the Uncharted series are their pinnacles now (and the TLOU). However when I played JND for the first time, I realised that the studio was the extremely talented one. Open-world game without loading screen, the jokes by Daxter, the animations, platforming, etc. Wow.

5. SIMCITY 4 (PC), sleepless nights.

I could have listed a bunch more, but these five shared the most fond and fun memories.
Super Mario Bros.
Not the first game I ever played (i'm pretty sure an older cousin let me play Atari or some shit), but the first game to really grip me and let me know that i'd be in this hobby for a long damn time.

Chrono Trigger
My first RPG of any kind, as I was late to the SNES game, and the rich cousin I used to mooch games off of wasn't much of an RPG guy. Absolutely blew my mind! This caused me to borrow FFVI off a friend... loved that too. Gave FFIV a try... and it just went on and on from there.

Persona 4
Several years ago, a cat burglar snuck into our house and made off with most of my gaming hardware that wasn't stuck in a cabinet (shit-tier laptop, PS3 phat, NDS, PSP). The only thing he left behind was the PS2, which was in a sorry state (covered with a thick layer of dust). I was so depressed that day... thankfully, the PS2 still worked, and I played through the rest of Persona 4. I never forgot that experience, even after buying a new PS3 slim - I now obsessively collect every P4 related doodad I can get my hands on, regardless of quality.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Infinity Ward's finest hour, MW showed me that multiplayer FPS could be done on console, and done very, very well. Dragged me kicking and screaming into the online gaming era, a big achievement givem my preference for single player experiences.

Hyperdimension Neptunia 2

Yes, I know, you think Neptunia 2 is a pile of shit. I actually think it's a pile of shit too! (I should know, I beat it on PS3, and own it on PC.) Despite it being an atrocious RPG, I recognize it as the first game I ever bought off Steam, and the game that sealed my decision to give PC gaming another shot. The reason I've been a Sony guy all these years was my strong inclination towards niche Japanese titles (not necessarily weaboo BS, but stuff like EDF, Yakuza, Kiseki, Stein's Gate). Seeing Nep2 up on Steam made me realize that the PC market I left during my teenage years had become much more varied, and pushed me to take the plunge on a new PC.

That "Welcome to PC Gaming" gif hit me real hard then, for real.
Cryo's Dune (1992)

Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars (1996)

Homeworld (1999)

Commandos 2: Men of Courage (2001)

Wargame: AirLand Battle (2013)
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