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The 89th Academy Awards |OT| La La Land up 3-1, they got this

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Same here, I adored Moonlight as well as LLL. Would've been fine with either winning/sweeping. But then I came to this thread. To my surprise, according to a vocal majority on GAF, it's now apparently some white privilege, singing, shambles of a trash movie that for some weird reason is critically acclaimed.

I just wanted it to win at that point so the hyperbole, & delusion about the movie would tone down

It would've been even worse if it had won.


I am so confused about what happened. Can someone summarize it? I just saw a quick video and the card clearly said moonlight, so why did Faye announce la la land?


Never work on a set. That wasn't even remotely rude to me. That was just someone being a pro and fixing shit as a fast as humanely possible as the audience laughed like it was a joke.
Nah. Snatching shit from someone's hands is always rude. Rudeness amplified when you do it to a Warren Beatty.

Heat of the moment and all, but still rude.


What did Casey do wrong? Didn't see the speech.

Naw dude the stuff you said will absolutely be swept under the rug. Who cares. I don't really care that Carol and Anomalisa didn't get recognized for shit. Sing Street wouldn't have been that much more appreciated if it was nominated for best song and I loved sing Street.

the fact that it wasn't even mentioned is the problem.

Casey said he didn't know what to say when he got his speech, Then thanked Denzel for teaching him how to act. even this was apparently the first year they met? Just weird.


Hunky Nostradamus
What an absolutely shocking turn of events. I feel really bad for the La La Land people, but I'm also happy to see an LGBTQ film win the top award.
He literally does not stop talking between his thanks and when he says "we lost by the way." How does he manage that and not already know he lost?

Again, I said it's an emotional moment. I understand that. That doesn't make his response respectful to his peers. It doesn't make him scum or whatever, but it's still not cool.

Have you been in a situation like that? Where there is a massive amount of tension as you sit in an audience and then they say that the thing that you put tons of blood sweat and tears into wins and then an audience of your peers, people you massively respect, all start cheering for you?

The emotion of that moment is insane. Completely, overwhelmingly insane. I completely understand how it would take a bit for his mouth to catch up to his brain. Bagging on that dude feels like bagging on a person for getting run over by a car incorrectly. Sorry man, the way you rolled under that Buick was completely disrespectful.

I just hate how Hot Take culture is dunking on a dude that just had a soul crushing moment on national television.


Nope just correcting you

"Just" correcting me, as if the tone of your post didn't shift with "try harder." =P

And even all of the "suck it haters" is just putting down the haters of La La Land and not necessarily fans of Moonlight. Now, if we put together a wall of shame of "fuck La La Land"....

Go for it. I just think the list of initial reactions is funny in light of the mix-up.


the fact that it wasn't even mentioned is the problem.

Casey said he didn't know what to say when he got his speech, Then thanked Denzel for teaching him how to act. even this was apparently the first year they met? Just weird.

He meant watching him in film was an inspiration for his acting. Like he was an idol/role model.


Not Wario
Yeah, that's how it looked to me, too. Horowitz looks like he's trying to round up his crew (and the statues) so they can be turned over to the rightful winners. And then he realizes Berger is basically still reading off thank yous while holding a statue that isn't his anymore.

At which point he's like "No. No, this is wrong."

He literally does not stop talking between his thanks and when he says "we lost by the way." How does he manage that and not already know he lost?

Again, I said it's an emotional moment. I understand that. That doesn't make his response respectful to his peers. It doesn't make him scum or whatever, but it's still not cool.

Yeah, he absolutely knew.


Watch this again:


He backs away from the mic; he isn't even going to give the speech, then he's told to just go for it anyways, while the Oscars staff is still walking through the group explaning things.

He didn't handle it perfectly at all, but he is not a "piece of shit" for this, christ.

They TOLD Fred to go on with it. He makes a clumsy attempt at a transition at the end and doesn't handle it well, but he's not some horrible human being. He clearly doesn't even want to go forward with it initially.


Wow what a piece of shit. The producer who corrected everyone was Horowitz right? He handled it really, really well.

I think he was just nervous and disappointed and shocked and wanted to at least thank a few people. I doubt there was any malicious intent behind it.


So you would bar people of specific ethnicity from specific art forms because of the colour of their skin? They can't practice this art form or be passionate about it because they are coloured a certain way?

I recognize this probably is a potentially very touchy subject and it would be very difficult to sway your opinion. I just don't think this is a very fair opinion and people have made something out of nothing in regards to the aspects that we are discussing.
None of that is what I've said. Hell, I ain't even given my opinion on if I personally see a problem or not. I have just explained why people are feeling some type of way
LionPride would probably prefer black people accrediting themselves like we saw in Jamie Foxx's RAY, but what we did see in LLL, I'm okay with.
Don't act like you know anything I prefer bro, don't
I mean if you look at it.

Warren looks to Faye like "Something is wrong here" and she think he's playing, so she says LA LA LAND and then he kinda grimaces like "Well this is gonna be awkward".

I love her but this all falls on Faye Dunaway not seeing Warren was trying to get a 2nd opinion that they had the wrong envelope.

Would it had been awkward to pause the show to correct the mistake? Yes, but it was probably the right call.

Hell of a finish though.


I don't blame Warren Beatty. He actually realized something was wrong and tried to warn everyone. The blame goes to his clueless onstage counterpart for not realizing something was amiss.

I don't blame her either. She probably thought he was dicking around taking so long so when he showed her the card and she saw La La Land she said it to get it moving.
So you would bar people of specific ethnicity from specific art forms because of the colour of their skin? They can't practice this art form or be passionate about it because they are coloured a certain way?

I recognize this probably is a potentially very touchy subject and it would be very difficult to sway your opinion. I just don't think this is a very fair opinion and people have made something out of nothing in regards to the aspects that we are discussing.

I mean, with the Oscars so white criticism as context, Chazelle has had 3 jazz musicians as protagonists in his movies and none of them are black... I'd like to see what the percentage of jazz musicians are black/white today though before making that criticism.


It puts the lotion in the flashlight or else it gets the hose again.

"My life is a like a flashlight, just... shining on the parts of my life that needs focusing on. Everything else is on the outside, just out of the light and so hard to see. And I need to see that, but I just can't, it's just... so hard to see. Outside of that flashlight."

Oscar, boom. Let's do this.


I am so confused about what happened. Can someone summarize it? I just saw a quick video and the card clearly said moonlight, so why did Faye announce la la land?

The card that said Moonlight was a different card that was hurriedly rushed to stage by the show's producers as La La Land folks were giving acceptance speeches. Beatty and Dunaway received a duplicate of the Best Actress card that had just been announced (Emma Stone from La La Land). Beatty opened it, read it, and realized something was wrong, then gave it to Dunaway confusedly, who blurted out the name of the movie on the card without reading it in full.


to be fair John Legend's song in that movie was trash.

Gosling was right.

I think it's important to add context in how the movie plays out the scene with Seb and Keith talking jazz.

They were having a discussion on Seb's predicament where he wished jazz was more popular but prefers to stick with its traditional classic sound, whereas Keith wants to popularize jazz with his own take or spin on the genre.

I don't think the intent was to whitesplain jazz to a black guy. Rather, I think it's two guys with different ideologies explaining themselves. Ultimately Seb compromises to Keith's style.
I'm just having too much fun with this fuckery,

verry happy for Moonlight though I haven't watched one single movie on the Best Picture catagry

I feel bad for Beaty and Dunaway.


the fact that it wasn't even mentioned is the problem.

Casey said he didn't know what to say when he got his speech, Then thanked Denzel for teaching him how to act. even this was apparently the first year they met? Just weird.
I mean yeah man sure. But you're always going to have favorite movies that don't get recognized. Not only is that just life but there are so many reasons for that. Why worry?

Oh that just sounds like he was giving a shout out to the legend that was nominated with him. Pretty common.


He meant watching him in film was an inspiration for his acting. Like he was an idol/role model.

I don't think Denzel agrees with that. especially given this is the second time Affleck mentioned him.

I wanted Affleck to win, but that speech left a lot to be desired.

I mean yeah man sure. But you're always going to have favorite movies that don't get recognized. Not only is that just life but there are so many reasons for that. Why worry?

Oh that just sounds like he was giving a shout out to the legend that was nominated with him. Pretty common.
Not worried about it. Just highlighting the fact that the Oscars still got a ways to go with nominations. that and nominating la la land for 2 songs. Lot of stuff just didn't make sense
"Just" correcting me, as if the tone of your post didn't shift with "try harder." =P

Go for it. I just think the list of initial reactions is funny in light of the mix-up.

Well, it doesn't exactly work as a wall of shame when La La lost, lol. Not that I'm into that sort of thing anyway unless the people are in on the joke.
I think it's important to add context in how the movie plays out the scene with Seb and Keith talking jazz.

They were having a discussion on Seb's predicament where he wished jazz was more popular but prefers to stick with its traditional classic sound, whereas Keith wants to popularize jazz with his own take or spin on the genre.

I don't think the intent was to whitesplain jazz to a black guy. Rather, I think it's two guys with different ideologies explaining themselves. Ultimately Seb compromises to Keith's style.

oh no doubt. I was just being facetious with my comment.

although I also don't think it was "whitesplaining". there's a lot of unnecessary controversy revolving around this movie tbh.
I am so confused about what happened. Can someone summarize it? I just saw a quick video and the card clearly said moonlight, so why did Faye announce la la land?

Beatty & Dunaway head out on stage with the wrong envelope: Instead of the Best Picture envelope, they've grabbed one of the backup envelopes for Best Actress.

Beatty opens the envelope, and you can see him read it, realize it's for Best Actress, go back in the envelope for another card, doesn't see it there, starts to read the winner, stops again because it's OBVIOUSLY for Best Actress, gives it to Dunaway, who apparently thinks Beatty's just milking for laughs and straight away reads "La La Land" as the winner.

As Marc Platt is giving his acceptance speech, stage managers head out and show Jordan Horowitz and Fred Berger the real Best Picture envelope. Platt finishes his speech, motions for Berger to step to the mic. Berger declines at first, and then decides to give his acceptance speech, as Horowitz begins trying to get the Oscars for the Moonlight people.

Berger's speech winds down and ends with "We lost, by the way," at which point Horowitz takes over, tells the crew of Moonlight they actually won, reassures everyone he's not joking, invites them to come get their trophies, and snatches the envelope out of Beatty's hand to show Moonlight's rightful win to the audience.

Beatty then takes the mic and explains that he read the Best Actress card, and was confused, and that he wasn't milking for laughs.

Then the Moonlight crew gets their awards.

They TOLD Fred to go on with it. He makes a clumsy attempt at a transition at the end and doesn't handle it well, but he's not some horrible human being. He clearly doesn't even want to go forward with it initially.

I didn't say he's some horrible human being. I said it was shady. And just because he's told to do it doesn't mean he has to. Horowitz didn't. If Berger didn't want to go forward with it, he shouldn't have. Award winners decline to speak all the time. It happened multiple times at these Awards even.

It was a bad call, Ripley.


the fact that it wasn't even mentioned is the problem.

Casey said he didn't know what to say when he got his speech, Then thanked Denzel for teaching him how to act. even this was apparently the first year they met? Just weird.

Obviously he meant he idolized Denzel's performances as a young actor.


He petty as fuck

I disagree with one point, I enjoyed La La Land. Thought it was beautiful and a good, not great film. There is an issue, that in a film about Jazz, a black art form for the most part, the film's main male lead basically white-splains Jazz. Even to the one speaking black character in the movie. There is an issue there.
Are you saying a white guy can't appreciate jazz?


The bald guy that kept saying "IT IS NOT A JOKE" was REALLY pissed. The way he took the envelope from the announcer's hands was so unecessary.
You guys who are going hard on the second Bald Producer for giving a "speech" after knowing well that they lost... Have you guys ever been up on stage? gave a speech at a wedding maybe?

That guy is totally in a different world, time is moving at a different pace for him than us the audience, he probably rehearsed his "acceptance" speech million times in his head like a robot... And even though he saw the actual "Moonlight" 'Best Picture' Envelope his mind was still racing, he saw the lights, the open mic and he like a zombie to a human brain went for it... maybe halfway through his speech, reality started to seep through the cracks, he snapped out of it, and that's when he added "We Lost By The Way"

Seriously, give the guy a break, it's mix of stage fright, rush, adrenaline, confusion, disappointment and realization, all in one...


I honestly cannot believe people are actually on anyone's case here for being "rude."

Let's see you try to give a speech for winning Best Oscar in front of millions and millions of people, then redirect the award to another film. Jesus Christ. This is the absolute epitome of anonymous internet armchair bullshitting.


I think it's important to add context in how the movie plays out the scene with Seb and Keith talking jazz.

They were having a discussion on Seb's predicament where he wished jazz was more popular but prefers to stick with its traditional classic sound, whereas Keith wants to popularize jazz with his own take or spin on the genre.

I don't think the intent was to whitesplain jazz to a black guy. Rather, I think it's two guys with different ideologies explaining themselves. Ultimately Seb compromises to Keith's style.
Now this is likely it, but I understand why some feel like it's white-splaining

His post doesn't read like that at all..

Imma just let people with low reading comprehension keep goin
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