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The Initiative xbox game: "I don't think the internet is going to react very well to it."


The New Guy

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not a big fan of episodic releases, but I felt the same way about Hitman and I ended up really enjoying it. So who knows.
What is wrong with episodic games? Were people upset that Lord of the Rings was three full-length movies instead of condensing the entire plot into a single film?

FFVII Remake feels like a complete game. It's not even a remake anyway despite its misleading name and advertising. It is part one of a sequel.

If these games follows that model, where it is really several full games, I dont see the issue.

I don't want to see The Telltale model for AAA games though - where it is really one game, but it just abruptly stops several times to release the parts weeks or months apart.


I have mild expectations from The initiative. The amount of talent that is there. Would be wild to not have something decent out of their camp.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Good luck finding people with experience for something that doesn't exist.
Either does "AAA"; these things don't have some dictionary definition... AAA doesn't "Exist" in a concrete sense any more than AAAA does.

The ad simply was asking for people with experience on highest quality / biggest games out.. they used AAAA because it gets that across pretty clearly... more clearly than AAA does. "AAA games" is far more vague and encompasses games with a wide variety of production values because the term doesn't have a well defined budget range behind it.

You guys are parrots for click bait IGN bullshit. They keep selling this "Supposedly the first AAAA studio" narrative when that directly contradicts where the term came from.. a job ad where they were asking for AAAA experience at OTHER STUDIOS lol
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You guys are parrots for click bait IGN bullshit. They keep selling this "Supposedly the first AAAA studio" narrative when that directly contradicts where the term came from.. a job ad where they were asking for AAAA experience at OTHER STUDIOS lol

I'm not parroting IGN either. I'm saying there is no one who made a AAAA game in the past NOR is there anyone currently working on a AAAA game.
Just make a great game first; it does not have to be political nor does it have to be about current times. I'm expecting a helluva lot from this studio, it's been hyped as fuck. Seriously better hit it out of the park with all the resources, talent, fresh IP/game etc.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I'm not parroting IGN either. I'm saying there is no one who made a AAAA game in the past NOR is there anyone currently working on a AAAA game.
Language exists to communicate things; the reason they said AAAA is quite obvious.. they just mean at the highest possible production value and standards because AAA games do not all fall into that category.


Some microsoft excecutive already said they regreted calling the Initiative a AAAA studio.

The Xbox One's first-party games lineup has faced heavy criticism in recent years, failing to establish the console has a leading platform for in-house titles. Early Microsoft career listings pitched The Initiative as a "AAAA" studio from Microsoft, expected to elevate the publisher's games portfolio. Similar themes remain today, with key studio figures framing its upcoming plans as "new and innovative," and "spectacular and unique."

However, The Initiative also looks to set expectations going forward, claiming "staying small, and staying agile, will actually be our strength." Followed by words from Gallagher, the studio lead states "the bar is high" and "the challenge for us is making sure we deliver on those expectations." It indicates The Initiative is starting small for its early projects, leveraging a tight team focused on innovation – not scale.
Language exists to communicate things; the reason they said AAAA is quite obvious.. they just mean at the highest possible production value and standards because AAA games do not all fall into that category.

Well, then I can't wait to see what they make that can't be in the same category as lowly AAA games such as Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War, Cyberpunk, etc.

Because, right now, it sounds like a bunch of marketing BS that is taking the false promises to a whole new level.
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Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Tell me one thing Shpeshal Nick Shpeshal Nick predicted and got it right. Last time I know they predicted Microsoft will buy Bungie and was shot down by a Bungie exec.

Here's one. Pretty big one too.

But I don't think predicting the internet will react badly to something Microsoft does is really out of left field.

We also didn't predict Microsoft was buying Bungie. We speculated they might be based on investigating stuff we admitted we're not qualified to.


Everything Microsoft does, even if it looks good on the surface, turns out to be a dumpster fire.

Noe we are already getting bad news from their game, there is nothing left.


Are we seriously going to make a thread every time an average joe blow makes a prediction on the internet?

Zero credibility, zero sources, zero evidence. "Insider". Amazing.
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So someone from an Xbox podcast with barely 1,000 subs is all of a sudden a newsworthy insider. Ed doesn't know shit.


Stupid if true as AAA exclusive games are the only thing xbox should have their development teams make. It's the only reason why everyone has a playstation.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Are we seriously going to make a thread every time an average joe blow makes a prediction on the internet?

Zero credibility, zero sources, zero evidence. "Insider". Amazing.

So it's my fault a no name website took my shit out of context and made an article out of it? Which was then turned into a thread?


I hope Rockstar takes this promotional approach too. "We ain't making GTA VI, we are making a game you gonna fucking HATE."
Sounds like typical tech company bullshit about being first and adding later down the line, but now they’re tying it to a subscription model. There is no incentive to push out a big, completed release every few years when you can string people along with breadcrumbs and have them paying all the while. It’s the same thing happening with TV shows on streaming services. Get your audience hooked on one show, spread out releases of 8 episode seasons (or worse, one episode each week) and split seasons in half.

Not being down on the game itself, I hope it’s awesome. But this kind of behavior is a dangerous path for the industry to go down. It sucked when Telltale did it, and it sucks even more if a large studio makes this move.

Iced Arcade

I think it's all bullshit BUT.....

I kinda like the idea of an episode every week as long as its done right and obviously on gamepass.

They have a massive army of 1st party studios soon try new things, We don't need every studio making the same 3rd person style game because the last one did good.


An episodic AAA could be great. Something that keeps me engaged weekly like a TV show if it’s done right.
I’m sure it will be great either way they go. Not going to do the normal thing like most people and freak out because it’s not the same cookie cutter delivery method.


So it's my fault a no name website took my shit out of context and made an article out of it? Which was then turned into a thread?

Did you create this thread? No.

It's the basement dwellers that scour the internet all day for negative news about their least favourite company, and then post clickbait "fud" threads on here daily. All it's doing is giving a soap box to all the autistic 12 year old fanboys so they can screech and cry about fake news.

It's not your fault. You just happen to have made the comments.


Episodic makes sense with gamepass, ties people in for longer and allows for high production values at the expense of shorter bitesize games.

I would honestly expect every first party title to either be GAAS or episodic given how hard they've gone in for gamepass, and that they are probably not planning on hemorrhaging money forever
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It all makes sense now

The main developer's young daughter was playing it, no fucking shit this game ain't gonna be some nitty gritty tlou or god of war killer. Yikes!


"The Initiative's games will not be similar to Sony's blockbuster third-person action adventures such as The Last of Us Part II or God of War."

Thank god. Actually i'm not a big fan of episodic games, but with Game Pass it's ok for me. It's just like Netflix.

Kagey K

"The Initiative's games will not be similar to Sony's blockbuster third-person action adventures such as The Last of Us Part II or God of War."

Thank god. Actually i'm not a big fan of episodic games, but with Game Pass it's ok for me. It's just like Netflix.
I have to say that was big relief for me.

Everyone hyped up Neir, so I bought it and was pleasantly surprised by it. Then Hellblade came along, and everyone said it was so good, so I bought it and I was like yep this is a Sony game.

There is something about that weird looking digital backgrounds with characters moving over top that Sony always seems to have.

I can’t explain it, but I can see it.

Kagey K

So you wanted the "Netflix of videogames"? Well there you have it, now with episodes.

Seems a bit early to call based on a podcast, with an opinion that even the person that said it, says it was only an opinion and has no facts to back it up. (In this thread)

Fucking embarrassing.

Remember when Gaf was full of credible rumours and insight?

I barely do either, now it’s speculation aNd console warring 24/7
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If it's not an Massive Epic undertaking/project, I'm not going to be interested either way - but hopefully, Microsoft realizes they can't just keep pumping out episodes of "Life is Strange" or whatever that franchise is called and expect to sell systems.


Gold Member


I often react differently to "the internet". To be honest though, it's low stakes for me, I forget this studio exists most of the time. If it's good cool, if not whatever.


It all makes sense now

The main developer's young daughter was playing it, no fucking shit this game ain't gonna be some nitty gritty tlou or god of war killer. Yikes!

Im fine with that.
Most 'mature' titles are try too hard cringe worthy.

Just give us something fun and makess good use of GP.
Imo it is a fair trade off. You dont need a 40hours game with crazy production costs to be AAAA rated.
So the touted AAAA studio WHICH poached all the top talent in Santa Monica is already relegated to a episodic indie type game....

So all this talk of ND talent going to the Initiative and they are going to be pushing the same tier of games like all the indie studios MS bought.
How do you know?


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
What I dont get about this whole XGS vs PSS fight is:
One company doing things one way, doesnt detract from the other company doing things the other way?

I still want God of War, The Last of Us, Uncharted etc etc......but I also want games like Ori, Gears, Halo, Senua, Forza Horizon etc.

So if the Initiative is doing something different im all for it, because them doing their own spin doesnt suddenly mean I cant play Playstation games.

And "fanboys" of Microsoft who want God of War might want to rethink their priorities if you want Playstation style games there is literally a console for you....why would you be upset that you cant play Playstation games on Xbox?
You should probably have bought a Playstation then.

I know it might be harsh to say, but I dont think anyone should tie themselves so deeply to a single console/device if you want to play "all" the great games that come out.
Being purely a single console player is a disservice to this great hobby of ours so why would anyone willingly do so then be upset the the console they chose doesnt have the games from the console they "didnt" choose?


Linux User
What is wrong with episodic games? Were people upset that Lord of the Rings was three full-length movies instead of condensing the entire plot into a single film?

FFVII Remake feels like a complete game. It's not even a remake anyway despite its misleading name and advertising. It is part one of a sequel.

If these games follows that model, where it is really several full games, I dont see the issue.

I don't want to see The Telltale model for AAA games though - where it is really one game, but it just abruptly stops several times to release the parts weeks or months apart.

LOTR was three books. The Hobbit on the other hand did cut up a story into three parts and people hated it.


Only ones who should be ready to be disappointed are the idiots, which there are a lot of, who have been praying and hoping for Xbox first party to suddenly become Sony first party.

Buy a PlayStation if that’s what you want so much.


Stupid if true as AAA exclusive games are the only thing xbox should have their development teams make. It's the only reason why everyone has a playstation.
gamepass happened,you wont get AAA games in gamepass every 5 months

Only ones who should be ready to be disappointed are the idiots, which there are a lot of, who have been praying and hoping for Xbox first party to suddenly become Sony first party.

Buy a PlayStation if that’s what you want so much.

ypu mean,doing excellent AAA games not ridden wit GAs bullshit? i guess anyone sane expect microsoft to have a stellar first party output,they have the money
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