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The Last Of Us: Late 2012/Early 2013, 3rd Person, [Update 2: More Info In OP]


When I think of someone saying a game is an "experience", I tend to think of a game with shallow gameplay but lots of fancy graphics, long cutscenes, and convoluted or trying too hard to be serious type of story. Oh and 5 hours long. In other words, a game where the gameplay isn't the focus (like it should be). Hope I'm very wrong.
Whoever posted that track from Motorcycle Diaries (Americanmushroom?)... thank you. Gorgeous piece of music. First time I heard it. First Edmondson and now this dude... ND fucking knows music.


Can we ban the "Zombie game again?"/"Zombies are lame" posts already? It's so annoying and not conducive to the discussion. If need be, let them make a "I hate zombies" thread or something so we can all keep a headcount when Dead Rising 3/Resident Evil 6 comes out to see if these blubbermouth say the same thing then.


When I think of someone saying a game is an "experience", I tend to think of a game with shallow gameplay but lots of fancy graphics, long cutscenes, and convoluted or trying too hard to be serious type of story. Oh and 5 hours long. In other words, a game where the gameplay isn't the focus (like it should be). Hope I'm very wrong.

ICO & SOTC are "experience". Are those shallow as well?
When I think of someone saying a game is an "experience", I tend to think of a game with shallow gameplay but lots of fancy graphics, long cutscenes, and convoluted or trying too hard to be serious type of story. Oh and 5 hours long. In other words, a game where the gameplay isn't the focus (like it should be). Hope I'm very wrong.

Well if it's anything like UC i welcome those types of experience cause i had a lot of fun with those games.
Then again i think there is room for all types of games but some people feel you have to choose which is stupid.


Gold Member
ND... I know youre gonna be there sitting and thinking "whatever..." if/when somebody brings up the point that its going to be another linear-experience like "Uncharted with zombies".

..... and If its true and you are thinking that.... then you're on the wrong path. You already have one linear singleplayer aimed franchise. Thats more than enough. Its a waste of time doing another. Focus on doing a somewhat different genre.

I cross my heart you know what youre doing. Im just saying, but this doesnt bode well if you think you people are so gullible to buy something so similar in droves.


No, but one could call Heavy Rain an "experience" and that is as shallow as it gets.

An experience is also rubbing my anus. PEOPLE stop reading too much into things. Bitching all the time. Ellen Page, linear, zombies, enslaved guy. For the love God stop. Don't follow the game instead. It is much easier. Just looking for that one word to give you food. Sad just sad.


Just saw this....


Cracked.com said something I agree with today:

I would probably be tired of games with aliens in them if I'd played every single alien game released too. I don't know why zombie games are suddenly getting called out as being overdone now. I mean, have the majority of people really played every single zombie game released in the last several years? The only ones I've played this gen are Resident Evil 5 (which was pretty disappointing), and Dead Space (which was pretty awesome). Can't wait for the "more zombies? Fuck this shit, it's gonna suck." replies in the HL3 reveal thread.

Also, The Last of Us seems to be a pretty different take on the zombie theme from what we can tell so far. Whereas games like Dead Rising, L4D, and Dead Island are basically just killing swarms of zombies with loads of weapons and ammo, TLoU seems like it will be focusing more on the survival aspect.

Sorry if this post seemed a little hostile. I wasn't just replying to you, but to the general "zombie fatigue" replies this game has gotten.


The Last of Us is the potential of a grittier and more mature story," says Geoff Keighley of Spike's GameTrailers TV. "If Uncharted is the video-game version of Indiana Jones, The Last of Us has the potential to be a video-game version of Cormac McCarthy's The Road.

I hope they can capture all the grittiness and maturity of the mutant zombieman battle scenes in The Road.
Oh for fuck's sake. This forced negativity feels like damage control and trolling now. Seriously? Buzzwords annoy you people so much now to the point you're not interested in the game anymore? Seriously?

Don't boo me, you SHOULD be booing yourselves. I hear "experience" and I think cutscene laden game that attempts to force a mood on the player instead of letting it happen naturally through gameplay, music, visual design, etc.. When talking about a Naughty Dog game post Uncharted, "experience" only means bad things to me who's expecting some sort of survival horror VIDEOGAME. I'm just taking in what I'm given.
Are people fishing reasons already to not to play the game?

Whatever... This game is going to be amazing and I know this is easily going to be in Top 5 best games of this generation.


The USA Today article says Joel is the lead character. That's pretty disappointing, since the trailer seemed to point toward it being Ellie. Oh, well.


An experience is also rubbing my anus. PEOPLE stop reading too much into things. Bitching all the time. Ellen Page, linear, zombies, enslaved guy. For the love God stop. Don't follow the game instead. It is much easier. Just looking for that one word to give you food. Sad just sad.

Why do you get so hung up by those posts? Does it bother you that people are not as excited about the game as you are? Can't you just ignore them?


I cross my heart you know what youre doing. Im just saying, but this doesnt bode well if you think you people are so gullible to buy something so similar in droves.

How nice of you to assume what people like. For the record, I don't like the majority of sandbox games. Give me linear plot any time of the day.
What if someone called Demon/Dark Souls an experience? Would you guys get up in arms or would you be all HELL YEAH MAN THERES NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT OUT THERE.
The USA Today article says Joel is the lead character. That's pretty disappointing, since the trailer seemed to point toward it being Ellie. Oh, well.
Maybe he's the first character you play as then it switches to Ellie. I hope the main character is Ellie as well.
If you actually read the article he calls it an experience in the context that its less about slaughtering zombies and more about surviving and displaying the connection between the two characters

Isn't that exactly what everybody wanted yesterday? For it not to be a generic take on the zombie "genre"?

Or are we flipping that argument today to find something else to complain about?




This game is an EXPERIENCE? Pfft, fuck this shit!
I want innovative, genre-pushing, vidyas, BUT I NEVER SIGNED UP FOR THIS EXPERIENCE SHIT.


Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I was doing some research on Cordyceps earlier today (I was bored) and I found out that the fungus is actually regularly used for medicinal purposes, specifically in ciclosporin—a drug helpful in human organ transplants, since it suppresses the immune system. It's also used a lot in Asia, specifically in Tibet and China, in folk remedies, usually in the form of the Cordyceps mushroom.

If I had to guess as to the driving force behind the spread of this new fungus in the game, I would assume it had to do with the medicinal version of the fungus mutating and starting to infect humans. Of course, this is a little ridiculous in scientific terms since apparently the fungus' ability to modify its host's behavior evolved around 48 million years ago, so I would assume that if it didn't evolve to affect humans in all this time there is no reason for it to start affecting humans now. But then again it's a fictional story, so whatever's clever.

What I find more interesting is that apparently the fungus thrives in humid temperate and tropical forests, and the trailer definitely shows a city with an overgrowing flora. This leads me to believe that there might be areas of the United States in the game which are fungus-free, and Joel and Ellie's entire goal is to reach one of these cities. Maybe somewhere in the north, like Boston? Or maybe south to a desert region, like Texas? I dunno, just throwing out some ideas there.

At the very least I hope the origin and inner workings of this fungus are explored in the story.
I had fun with the uncharted series as well. But this newest description sounds like some horrible game Ninja Theory would make.

Well ND wanted UC to feel like a Indiana Jones but your playing a game and i think they did very good job with that .
Still ND making a M rated game is awesome and i think a horror type game is perfect for them to push there self .

mango drank

In my ripe old age (late '20s), I'm all the way open for "experience" games. I want to explore a world, and I want interactive escapism.

escapism from zombies




lol. Im experiencing a day here at gaf. Just like i just experienced angry birds lol. That sounded weird.
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