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The Next Donkey Kong Is Being Developed By The Super Mario Odyssey Team


If it is like DK64 then I am going to pass. If it is something original by the Odyssey team them I am all about it.


I'm glad they are keeping it 2d. Don't really want another 3d collectathon. I could manage 3d if it was like Super Mario 3d World though.


Gold Member
Came in here to make a joke about lazy Nintendo reskinning the moons into bananas and calling it a day, but actually excited to imagine a decent 3D Kong. Then I read 2D only.

Pardon my salt, but why take the team that just turned out one of the best (if a little thematically haphazard) 3D platformers ever, and then stick them on another damn 2D DK?


Nah, Tropical Freeze was still too cheerful and bright. SNES DKC games looked darker and more gloomy. I loved the atmosphere in the SNES games. Not so much in TF.
I feel like the original DKC was colorful and vibrant. I won't say cheerful, but it was far from darker or gloomy. DKC2 seemed a lot darker by comparison, for sure, but then DKC3 was perhaps the most colorful, vibrant, and cheerful of the bunch from what I played.
First of all, why is he called a donkey when he's obviously a gorilla?

people poop GIF

"For example, for the game's title, I was trying to convey the idea of 'stupid monkey,'" he said. "'Donkey' of course referred to the animal, but the dictionary I used said that it had a secondary meaning of 'idiot.' Nintendo of America said that this was not the case, and 'donkey' didn't mean 'idiot.'"


Nah, Tropical Freeze was still too cheerful and bright. SNES DKC games looked darker and more gloomy. I loved the atmosphere in the SNES games. Not so much in TF.
I can't deny your point there.

Tropical Freeze has amazing set pieces though. Amazing pacing as well. Every level offers something something new.

I love the atmosphere in this stage, plus the throwback music.

Tropical Freeze is the best platformer ever at underwater stages I'd say.

I don't like the bonus stages in Tropical Freeze and I wish you could ride more animals. That's about all the bad I can say about it though.

Edit: I could do without the rocket stages as well
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I need Tropical Freeze but its always bloody 40 quid, I missed the one microsecond it was 20 quid in 2020 lol


Nintendo is all just rumors these days, their little 15-20 minute events are so shit filled with trash nobody cares anymore.

I hope during E3 or TGS or sometime this summer they put out ACTUAL INFORMATION about at least ONE GOOD GAME that Switch players can look forward to with an ACTUAL FUCKING DATE on it.
I agree, im sick of hearing about what rando g twitter person is claiming about what nintendo has in store. I wish nintendo themselves would speak up more. Every clout chasing rando whose been saying that 2021 will be “huge for nintendo”...well, im waiting.


I agree, im sick of hearing about what rando g twitter person is claiming about what nintendo has in store. I wish nintendo themselves would speak up more. Every clout chasing rando whose been saying that 2021 will be “huge for nintendo”...well, im waiting.
Nintendo has announced a bunch of new first party games already this year and we know they are attending E3. They were very silent about first party last year but not anymore.


DK failed in resonating with the masses like Mario did.
I don't think that's too surprising. It really took DKC to humanize DK, but I really can't say for certain why that popularity didn't extend too far past the SNES. Frankly, I think that Nintendo can do a better job at marketing some of its lesser IPs, but then there's always merit to not fighting the market currents. Animal Crossing basically turned itself into a powerhouse thanks in part to the pandemic, but it always was a huge evergreen title. Sometimes it's not the games we think are cool that really resonate with the masses.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Post launch support for SMO sucks a bit… considering it sold like 20 Million units maybe some more DLC levels or a sequel… it sold very similarly to BotW which is getting a sequel, but getting Nintendo to do SM64 3D platformers is hard… it is like they do not want to do them no matter how much they sell.


Neo Member
Maybe we could get something with Sonic's distinctive momentum-based platforming, like Spark the Electric Jester 2 or the upcoming indie game Aztech the Forgotten Gods.
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Neo Member
The best way to handle DK in 3D would be to focus a little bit more on combat than Mario does IMO. Nintendo doesn't have any 3D beat 'em ups that I can think of.


Gold Member
DK64 banana collecting was just over the top. I hated it. Collecting moons in Odyssey was pretty great.
The worst part was, the gane would forget which bananas you had collected whenever you left a level. You could be at 99 bananas withone ape, and if you died or avcidentally brushed a crystal coconut you had to start all over. Painful.
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