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The Official Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (4) Thread

Link1110 said:
Nail polish? So my wife has been painting them all this time?

I stand corrected :lol

Guys, btw, I believe Wocky had
a knife
which was found at the scene. When you press the perv on the matter he confesses that he was holding
"something" ie the knife
. They really didn't do a good job of clearing that up.
Just finished the first case. ZOMGAWESOME. Spoilers ahead are baseless speculation since I've not unspoilered anything that wasn't in response to my own posts or about the first case.

It looks as though Trucy was adopted after all. Apollo asked about their age difference and said there must be a good explanation.

After I saw the Steel Samurai DVDs in Phoenix's hospital room, Phoenix said that a "kid" was sending them to him, I started getting these crazy thoughts. Apollo asked if it was a nephew or niece sending him DVDs and Phoenix said "something like that". I did a quick mental calculation and realised that Maya would be 25 Pearl Fey must be about Trucy's age by now.

Surely they're not the same girl though...


RE: the DVDs
I always figured that Nick was just talking about Maya because he was describing a "kid" and, I mean, remember how she acted in the past three games.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Damn it, Capcom.

Preordered the game from your online store before the preorder promotion was announced. Finally got the game today. No keychain. :(


I finally finished the game today. I liked most of the game.

The only part I didn't like is the very ending. The other games' endings seemed way more epic than this one. I was surprised when it was over, tbh


Mejilan said:
Damn it, Capcom.

Preordered the game from your online store before the preorder promotion was announced. Finally got the game today. No keychain. :(
I'm making a mental note to never order from them.

zoku88 said:
I finally finished the game today. I liked most of the game.

The only part I didn't like is the very ending. The other games' endings seemed way more epic than this one. I was surprised when it was over, tbh
The Jurist System really screwed the ending of that trial. All of the other main villains were able to allude their capture by using the evidence in a way that would help them(either changing it or omitting it) or they would make sure they left as little evidence as possible. Gavin tried to do this, but with the way the Jurist system worked, it didn't really matter. We didn't have any huge decisive evidence against him, but we still won the trial because the Judge. Now, I understand that the entire point of the Jurist System is to fix their broken law system(for the sake of the characters, not the players). The Jurist System went in the right direction but went too far. There needs to be something inbetween the Judge's reluctance to see the truth and the easily swayed minds of the jurists.

Actually, I always found it funny that the judge declared your client guilty when you couldn't prove that someone else did it. There should be two sets of Game Overs, a "client guilty" game over and a "client innocent, but real culprit not caught" game over.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Just finished the first case. ZOMGAWESOME.

I just started playing last night and i thought the first case really, really sucked. It wasn't interesting, it was too long, and... fuck, it just dragged. Still looking forward to the rest of the game, though.
if they want to keep the
jurist system
in the next game, I'm thinking the next game is more about
appealing to they jury. hopefully we get more charismatic and smarter villain that way. and there's also a problem if someone related to the case can slip through as a jury. one thing for sure. it can't stay with the old formula for the next game, otherwise thing will get too easy and lost the epic feel like jvalioli said
I really thought this game was much better than the past three strictly from a gameplay and pacing standpoint. The story, though wasn't as great as I expected.
I like how they managed to link everything together in the end with the last case, but compared to the past three, I really didn't feel as much of a connection to the characters. Prosecutor Gavin was just some rock star, nothing like the relationship between Edgeworth and Wright. Trucy suffers from the same thing. It's interesting to find out she's related to Apollo, but it's also sort of show-stopping. Maybe it was just me, but the strange friend or lover relationship (even though its portrayed comically) between Phoenix and Maya's affection towards each other really added to their development. Now, you don't really have that. There was nothing that attached Apollo to any of the other characters except at the very end, and so I was just really let down.
Hopefully in a sequel they'll address this.

At least the group photos don't make everyone looks super fat any more. ;P


_leech_ said:
I just started playing last night and i thought the first case really, really sucked. It wasn't interesting, it was too long, and... fuck, it just dragged. Still looking forward to the rest of the game, though.
You didn't find it interesting at all? I mean, I could hardly believe that Gavin would do that. Being PW's supposed friend and all.


After finishing T&T last night (fuckawesome by the way) I managed to finish the first case in this. I gotta say, I enjoyed the story behind the trial, but unlike the last three, this case seemed to focus on everyone OTHER than Apollo, and that bugged me a bit.

Spoiler question
Do they say which of the women Wright managed to be with in the time between T&T and Apollo?


Kletian said:
After finishing T&T last night (fuckawesome by the way) I managed to finish the first case in this. I gotta say, I enjoyed the story behind the trial, but unlike the last three, this case seemed to focus on everyone OTHER than Apollo, and that bugged me a bit.

Spoiler question
Do they say which of the women Wright managed to be with in the time between T&T and Apollo?
They don't. I don't think he was with anyone, though. I believe that this is only like 7 years after the end of T&T... That should tell you something...
Crusader said:
RE: the DVDs
I always figured that Nick was just talking about Maya because he was describing a "kid" and, I mean, remember how she acted in the past three games.

Remember Cody Hackins?


The Jurist System really screwed the ending of that trial. All of the other main villains were able to allude their capture by using the evidence in a way that would help them(either changing it or omitting it) or they would make sure they left as little evidence as possible. Gavin tried to do this, but with the way the Jurist system worked, it didn't really matter. We didn't have any huge decisive evidence against him, but we still won the trial because the Judge. Now, I understand that the entire point of the Jurist System is to fix their broken law system(for the sake of the characters, not the players). The Jurist System went in the right direction but went too far. There needs to be something inbetween the Judge's reluctance to see the truth and the easily swayed minds of the jurists.
Yup, the ending was incredibly lame. I was expecting an epic showdown, and got "shit, I can't manipulate the evidence because there's a jury!" Plus, you got to make yourself win. I was actually expecting jurors or something, but the whole closed-circuit camera thing made the jurists just observers instead of active participants.


Death_Born said:
Yup, the ending was incredibly lame. I was expecting an epic showdown, and got "shit, I can't manipulate the evidence because there's a jury!" Plus, you got to make yourself win. I was actually expecting jurors or something, but the whole closed-circuit camera thing made the jurists just observers instead of active participants.
I'm with the other poster, I hope they refine (aka, make) an improved juror system for the next game...
zoku88 said:
You didn't find it interesting at all? I mean, I could hardly believe that Gavin would do that. Being PW's supposed friend and all.

It's the first case in a new series with a load of new characters, there isn't enough time to care enough about Gavin at this point to be surprised. And when the question came up it was obvious it was him by process of elimination alone (there wasn't anyone else in the court record who would fit, so there was no guessing or surprise involved).


grandjedi6 said:
zoku88, your spoiler is broken
Thanks, I'm so absent-minded sometimes....

_leech_ said:
It's the first case in a new series with a load of new characters, there isn't enough time to care enough about Gavin at this point to be surprised. And when the question came up it was obvious it was him by process of elimination alone (there wasn't anyone else in the court record who would fit, so there was no guessing or surprise involved).
TBH, I totally picked him from process of elimination. But I was still surprised. I mean, there was seemingly no motive or anything.


Just finished and pretty much all my plothole findings are in this thread:

Case 1: So Zak wants to destroy Phoenix's reputation as a poker player, using a despicable method, right after they share a tender moment, and Phoenix has been taking care of Zak's daughter for 7 years? Orly?
Case 2: Two guns? How did that slip past the writers?
Case 4: Past & Present Mingle. Not possible. And if it were, it alters the past.
Plus, when you bomb the case, the JUDGE pronounces a sentence. When you win the case, the Jury does. Make up your mind, Capcom.

Other than that, I thought the stories and characters were fine. I honestly do not know why GAF wants an exact retread of events in GS1-3 with the new cast. All your petty whining comes down to that.

Moreover, you guys are crazy. The gameplay was the worst in this game. Emma existed only as a vehicle to do stupid little touch-screen minigames to showcase the DS features. Sure they broke the monotony. But that doesn't make them interesting inclusions. The only DS-feature I enjoyed was the
sound board in Case 3
. Everything else felt like filler.

And the Perceive System? Ok. So all of you like it more than the Psychelock system. Fine. Here's the thing though. The psyche-lock system is an extension of you as a Defense Attourney. In order to convince people to talk, you present evidence. With the Perceive system, there are two problems:

1. If you accused me of lying because I twiddled my thumbs, if I were lying, why would I admit it? At least presenting evidence shows you had some knowledge that I was lying. But a habit? Give me a break. Most unrealistic system they could have come up with.

2. As far as actual gameplay, at best presenting evidence comes down to looking over your clues, thinking about your present situation, and coming up with a logical link. At worst? It's guess and check. Perceive system? Even at its best, it's guess and check. "Be at the right place at the right time." WOW! THIS IS SO FUN. I admit it's different. But when you actually think about the game mechanic of it, it's terrible. There's maybe a little logic in the timing of the when. But ultimately it's still a game of guess and check.

Overall I enjoyed the game, but it definitely has many problems. But I feel most of the comments on GAF about it are overstated - both in the praise and the complaints.


zoku88 said:
I'm with the other poster, I hope they refine (aka, make) an improved juror system for the next game...
This will likely be the case. Remember,
this was a test to see if the jurist system would be effective. I'd expect them to continue tweaks for a while before they finalize how it should be for the entire court system


I found a funny thing about the mansen investigation part in case 4.
how IS it possible to present evidence you got from the future in the past? did anyone here notice that


darkjacob said:
I found a funny thing about the mansen investigation part in case 4.
how IS it possible to present evidence you got from the future in the past? did anyone here notice that
If you can buy the mysticism from the earlier games, surely you can buy this right? ;)



darkjacob said:
I found a funny thing about the mansen investigation part in case 4.
how IS it possible to present evidence you got from the future in the past? did anyone here notice that
Yea, a poster two posts above commented one that. Uhm, TIME PARADOX, maybe?

XiaNaphryz said:
If you can buy the mysticism from the earlier games, surely you can buy this right? ;)
That's somewhat a good point >.>
Tsubaki said:
Just finished and pretty much all my plothole findings are in this thread:

Moreover, you guys are crazy. The gameplay was the worst in this game. Emma existed only as a vehicle to do stupid little touch-screen minigames to showcase the DS features. Sure they broke the monotony. But that doesn't make them interesting inclusions. The only DS-feature I enjoyed was the
sound board in Case 3
. Everything else felt like filler.
Agreed! But did you not like the crime scene recreation? I thought that was good but felt they could've and should've taken it a lot further -- such as moving more objects around and stuff - and in 3-d.


Tsubaki said:
Just finished and pretty much all my plothole findings are in this thread:

Case 1: So Zak wants to destroy Phoenix's reputation as a poker player, using a despicable method, right after they share a tender moment, and Phoenix has been taking care of Zak's daughter for 7 years? Orly?
Case 2: Two guns? How did that slip past the writers?
Case 4: Past & Present Mingle. Not possible. And if it were, it alters the past.
Plus, when you bomb the case, the JUDGE pronounces a sentence. When you win the case, the Jury does. Make up your mind, Capcom.

Honestly, the case 1 thing with Zak annoyed me the most. It makes absolutely no sense with his character. I hold no grudge against you and thank you for taking care of my daughter for the past 7 years. Now proceed to let me ruin your reputation and pretty much guarantee you, the care taker of my child, lose your job. Also when my plan fails let me proceed to try to kill Olga Orly for no real reason when it was pretty obvious you simply saw through my plan!


Kusagari said:
Honestly, the case 1 thing with Zak annoyed me the most. It makes absolutely no sense with his character. I hold no grudge against you and thank you for taking care of my daughter for the past 7 years. Now proceed to let me ruin your reputation and pretty much guarantee you, the care taker of my child, lose your job. Also when my plan fails let me proceed to try to kill Olga Orly for no real reason when it was pretty obvious you simply saw through my plan!
He was obviously being controlled by Kristoph during this time. Come on, you think the game didn't have any mystic psychic powers involved? :D
Kusagari said:
Honestly, the case 1 thing with Zak annoyed me the most. It makes absolutely no sense with his character. I hold no grudge against you and thank you for taking care of my daughter for the past 7 years. Now proceed to let me ruin your reputation and pretty much guarantee you, the care taker of my child, lose your job. Also when my plan fails let me proceed to try to kill Olga Orly for no real reason when it was pretty obvious you simply saw through my plan!

See, I agree to an extent, but on the other hand, there was a dark side to his character. Zak did purposely withold the real journal page, thus leading to the end of Phoenix Wright's career as an attorney and the ruination of his reputation. His motives for witholding the evidence were entirely selfish--he simply wanted to make a spectacle of himself by disappearing in front of the court. He wanted to show that he was above the rules of society. If he was truly concerned about the well-being of his daughter, he would have cooperated with Phoenix fully instead of intentionally going a route that would lead to his fugitive lifestyle. So, I'd say that he was pretty impulsive.

Also, Phoenix did mention a sort of dangerous gleam in Zak's eye prior to the card game. It is evident that Zak had a selfish/competitive/egotistical nature that was just as strong as his compassionate side.

Him bashing the dealer over the head with a bottle did seem peculiar though, considering that no matter hot-tempered he was, he would probably want to draw as little attention to himself as possible.
I just finished Apollo Justice the other day and read through this thread and I just wanted to say that I can't believe all the hate this game is getting.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is so much better than all the other Phoenix Wright games it's not even funny. The only cases from the past games I like even remotely as much as all the cases in this game are Mask de Masque and the DS Exclusive Case from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.

Trucy is the greatest sidekick you've ever had.

The only character I couldn't stand was Brushel and, like someone else said in this thread, much like Lotta Heart, he's the one who probably has the most chance of reappearing in Ace Attorney 5 :(



But unlike the other Gyakuten Saiban games, this one is absolutely full of plotholes. Capcom really did a sloppy job here.

In fact, I just thought of another that hasn't been mentioned:
- Vera is poisoned and when asked who did it, she says: "The ... de... vil"
- Fast forward to the part when you can "link to the past" and you can talk to 12 yr old Vera. Don't you remember her overwhelming enthusiasm for Gavin? But then... she also said she caught a glimpse of a devil... a demon out there too.
- This either means:
1. There was another person with Gavin, and that person has never been identified.
2. or more likely, Gavin was acting on his own. But somehow Vera could "see" his demonic persona underneath. So I guess she's packing a bracelet, eh? Or her reality is so warped, she personifies different attributes of other people? Neither of these are plausible.

The more I think about GS4, the less any of it makes sense.


Tsubaki said:
But unlike the other Gyakuten Saiban games, this one is absolutely full of plotholes. Capcom really did a sloppy job here.

In fact, I just thought of another that hasn't been mentioned:
- Vera is poisoned and when asked who did it, she says: "The ... de... vil"
- Fast forward to the part when you can "link to the past" and you can talk to 12 yr old Vera. Don't you remember her overwhelming enthusiasm for Gavin? But then... she also said she caught a glimpse of a devil... a demon out there too.
- This either means:
1. There was another person with Gavin, and that person has never been identified.
2. or more likely, Gavin was acting on his own. But somehow Vera could "see" his demonic persona underneath. So I guess she's packing a bracelet, eh? Or her reality is so warped, she personifies different attributes of other people? Neither of these are plausible.

The more I think about GS4, the less any of it makes sense.
I thought the whole devil thing was in reference to the way his hand looks when he tenses up, causing the scarred area to look like a demon?


XiaNaphryz said:
I thought the whole devil thing was in reference to the way his hand looks when he tenses up, causing the scarred area to look like a demon?

Ah good call. There was that reference.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
darkjacob said:
I found a funny thing about the mansen investigation part in case 4.
how IS it possible to present evidence you got from the future in the past? did anyone here notice that

That is because
the Mason system was from Phoenix's point of view, adding information to both the past and the present with the information he got from his

You were essentially exposed to what Phoenix called the "truth", embellished with his own information and assumptions.

Kusagari said:
Honestly, the case 1 thing with Zak annoyed me the most. It makes absolutely no sense with his character. I hold no grudge against you and thank you for taking care of my daughter for the past 7 years. Now proceed to let me ruin your reputation and pretty much guarantee you, the care taker of my child, lose your job. Also when my plan fails let me proceed to try to kill Olga Orly for no real reason when it was pretty obvious you simply saw through my plan!

That is because
Only the first part is what actually happened. The second part of the discussion is a hypothetical "what if Phoenix did present evidence." At the end of the discussion between Zak and Phoenix the first time around concluded with the card game.

The friendliness before could be some old catching up, then the card game he tried to fix it to make phoenix feel like he was cheating so he could vindicate the "forged evidence" used in Zak's court case


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Shahadan said:
I'm so tired of people calling "plot holes" their lack of attention during the game.

Very true, much of what was there is inferred or implied, so it requires lots of attention during the story line.

Of course, there are still plot holes that will be likely be explained as the 5th and 6th games are released.


El Pescado said:
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is so much better than all the other Phoenix Wright games it's not even funny.
I'm not sure if it's better than the others but it's easilly better than part 2. Some of the complaints I've read are nothing more than insane nitpicking, if not outright fabrications. Stop the hate.


Just finished this game, i loved it just as much as the previous PW games i'd rank it just above the second, and below the first & third.:)

the ending was kinda weird though, it ended very suddenly. I was waiting for some final piece of decisive evidence to present, that would end the case, but it never showed up.:lol
klavier pretty much did the job for me.

and the
the jurist system didn't seem to affect the court \ gameplay at all. (you just choose whether vera was gulity or not gulity, hopefully it has more of a impact in the later games.


Just finished Case 3, and I'll probably put Case 4 on hold until tomorrow or Sunday.

But wow.. Case 3 impressions ahead...

Apollo was on fire during that case, as somebody on another board pointed out. Apollo had to deal with a loopy-ass case where the court was willing to accept that a 14 year old boy was able to fire a revolver twice without breaking every bone in his body, a wilily villain that played everybody for fools, and no real unexpected saves from either Trucy or Klaiver and yet Apollo was able to put on a very good show.

At this point, I'm pretty convinced that Apollo is leagues better than Phoenix was in his first year and even in the first two cases of Justice for All. He really only needed an incredibly vague hint from Phoenix to turn the case upside down, and not having his hand guided by a dead mentor. As I already mentioned, the logistics of the case really shows everything wrong with the court system in the AA world all at once, and it was very interesting to see Apollo weave between the bullshit even when his back was against the wall.

Let's hope either Case 4 shows a better glimpse of what Apollo is really made of.
zoku88 said:
I finally finished the game today. I liked most of the game.

The only part I didn't like is the very ending. The other games' endings seemed way more epic than this one. I was surprised when it was over, tbh
Felt the same way. There was all this build up and then boom it's over.
I'd still consider it a good game overall.
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