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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
That full commercial just blows my mind. I never expected to see that much of the city before I played it. The way the debris from the explosions blows around is just amazing. Gah! The wait just got longer.


got2bekidding said:
I really don't care how corny this sounds, but I can't wait to go bowling in this game. :p

Edit: Oh and play darts too....I hope you can play vs. with a friend on these mini-games.

Two of the best sports ever to play drunk; something which you can also do in the game.......The possibilities are almost endless.
GQman2121 said:
Two of the best sports ever to play drunk; something which you can also do in the game.......The possibilities are almost endless.

There is seamless integration of interiors with the outside map, right? So, theoretically you could drive a motorbike into the bowling alley, right?



Unlimited Capacity
I wonder if u can set up the multiplayer deathmatch to play like survival. The whole creep around corners/call out positions/general tension of a team survival would be CRAZY in an open street setting where people can literally be anywhere.


I wanted to put this here because well... it's fuck awesome. Skip was asked about how the Euphoria physics are. His answer:

* I once carjacked a dude and his buddy. they didn't take to well to it, so they pulled me out and started to throw punches. I knocked one of 'em down, got back in the car, and the other one's hand got stuck in the door. I dragged him for about 50 feet down the road before shaking him loose.

* A guy grabs onto my helicopter strut as I'm taking off. I carry him as I ascend, until he falls down hundreds of feet to his (presumed) death.

it's rad.


_tetsuo_ said:
I wonder if u can set up the multiplayer deathmatch to play like survival. The whole creep around corners/call out positions/general tension of a team survival would be CRAZY in an open street setting where people can literally be anywhere.
Well, you can set the number of lives/respawns..

aztrex said:
There is seamless integration of interiors with the outside map, right? So, theoretically you could drive a motorbike into the bowling alley, right?

Hmm.. I'm not sure that it is.


My biggest fear is that I'll die from exhaustion due to prolonged periods of jerking off before I'm even able to play the game.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Ten-Song said:
Or the thread will just be filled with posts like "HOLY SHIT! FUCK! HOLY SHIT!"

This and people who have hated every other GTA but caught up in the hype coming in saying the game isn't all that or it sucks. Actually I expect a healthy share of those posts.


has the aiming/control been improved in this game? i hated it in gta3 but loved the control in crackdown.


Joe said:
has the aiming/control been improved in this game? i hated it in gta3 but loved the control in crackdown.
It has both free aim and target lock ala Crackdown (determined by how hard you pull the left trigger/L button). And similar to Crackdown, when you're locked on you can target different body parts.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Joe said:
has the aiming/control been improved in this game? i hated it in gta3 but loved the control in crackdown.
Apparently, if you've played Uncharted, you'll feel at home. That's what 1up said right?


dskillzhtown said:
This and people who have hated every other GTA but caught up in the hype coming in saying the game isn't all that or it sucks. Actually I expect a healthy share of those posts.



newsguy said:


skip said:
* I once carjacked a dude and his buddy. they didn't take to well to it, so they pulled me out and started to throw punches. I knocked one of 'em down, got back in the car, and the other one's hand got stuck in the door. I dragged him for about 50 feet down the road before shaking him loose.

* A guy grabs onto my helicopter strut as I'm taking off. I carry him as I ascend, until he falls down hundreds of feet to his (presumed) death.

it's rad.



crustikid said:
I'm wondering if the special editions come in GTAIV all black box art. I like how that looks over the regular-edition box art, but I doubt they'll do that since the black was probably just place-holder art.


Which retailer is giving away that license plate?


Unconfirmed Member
chubigans said:
I think Amazon.com is.

Just amazon.com or all regions? I ordered from amazon.co.uk and wouldn't mind getting the license plate.


I'd love to see the development numbers on this game: Days in full production, Number of employees, etc. This will probably be the premier "next-gen" title for scope of production.

Which makes you wonder: will they only get one more GTA out this gen? (surely they can't pop them out one right after another with this level of polish and content)


BenjaminBirdie said:
Have we talked about the shot of the prison in the commercial yet?

Best mission ever, already.

I think that may involve the banned AU mission where you stick the "whatsit" into the "youknowwhere."


BenjaminBirdie said:
Have we talked about the shot of the prison in the commercial yet?

Best mission ever, already.
We haven't.

I'm hoping there's a riot. If not, I will start one myself. :D


Wollan said:
Can't wait to just cruise around listening to the soundtrack.

That's the pure joy of the game; cruising the city, randomly going after people, and keeping your eyes alert in case a Ferrari drives by you need to steal


lawblob said:
That's the pure joy of the game; cruising the city, randomly going after people, and keeping your eyes alert in case a Ferrari drives by you need to steal

I totally agree. I even went out and bought the soundtrack for Vice City a few months after it came out. Someone the other day was saying that GTA games have bad hip hop. I almost jumped through my monitor and choked him out.


Holy shit!

I just remembered that you can start/place the mp in any part of the city you want. Prison Break confirmed!
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