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The Official Second Coming of Christ (aka Super Paper Mario) Thread of Wonder and Joy


Been playing this most of the night... at 5-2 currently and I just spent a while beating the Flipside Pit of 100 Trials. Totally worth it for the reward at the end, though I won't spoil it. The earlier you can do this pit, the better it will be for you. Trust me.

And yeah, that code bit in 5-1 was kinda bullshit. And it was long and obnoxious to enter, even though I did it on the first try.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I played until 5-2 to get Cudge, then Piped out and did the Flip Pit of 100 Trials, and half of the Flop Pit of 100 Trials. Good stuff! Gained way too many levels between those two. Just finished Chapter 5 entirely.


Mejilan said:
I played until 5-2 to get Cudge, then Piped out and did the Flip Pit of 100 Trials, and half of the Flop Pit of 100 Trials. Good stuff! Gained way too many levels between those two. Just finished Chapter 5 entirely.

I'm gonna beat chapter 5 and then attempt the Flopside Pit. But I'm loving the look of Chapter 5's motif.
The backdrops have great layers to them and the underground sections look cool with the askew wood beam supports. The primitive rock TV's are a neat touch.
Zerodoppler said:
That's it, no more IS games for me.

Thank god I also picked up a cheap copy of Geist. That game is great so far.
Yes! Geist is a very solid game. It's definitely worth playing through once and the multiplayer is actually quite innovative. I would also say that nailed the music and atmosphere. It's too bad it came at a time when the Cube was pretty much left for dead.


Reading through this thread, its just a bunch of "how do i do this puzzle plz :("

1. the game is easy
2. how long have you anticipated this game? Just work it out and you'll enjoy it more.


Bloodwake said:
For the people saying the artificial game lengtheners are funny:

Dude, I love Nintendo and all. Hell, some could call me an Nintard. But stuff like 2-3 where I had to hold right for 10 minutes is just uncalled for. I didn't find anything funny about it at all.

Sure, I did other things while I was holding the button down. And, I sure as hell looked around for other things to get money for a good amount of time. But, when I realized I had to run around a ****ing hamster wheel for ten minutes, I didn't go "LOL let's do it this is hilarious there's no way around it," I marked it down as a flaw in the game.

I didn't buy the game to do one thing monotonously for ten minutes. I bought the game for ENJOYMENT, which the game didn't do in 2-3.

Granted, this is one bad moment in a million good moments, but let's not sugar coat this and say it's funny or the programmers did it for humor. That's just stretching it a tad.

This is also why I think it's great.


Ok, guys i got a problem with the game.

I was playing paper Mario and I noticed that my game started to lag at one point. No big deal I thought.

Then It started to lag every 10-15 minutes which sound like its not that bad but it sucks when I jump on someone and suddenly it starts to lag, or when I go through a pipe it shows the animation of the beginning stops for 3-5 seconds, then skips to the end of the animation. Or when I was peach and changed to bowser, the whole game just lagged for 5 seconds with the box around peach (with the music playing mind you) and then finally changed to bowser. Took a look at the disk, no scratchs at all. And no viable "factory scratches" to my amazement.

Also I called Nintendo (By the way so much cooler then micro softs support, the guy actully sounded like he cared) They asked if I had any virtual console games and to delete them to try and fix the problem but I haven't downloaded any . They said they want me to ship system and game to them :/ He said if it stops I don't HAVE to send it in.

It seemed to have calmed down now but just wondering if any of you had this problem.


xTOXNx said:
It seemed to have calmed down now but just wondering if any of you had this problem.

When changing characters i havn't used in a while, the DVD drive gets pretty noisy and the game will hang for a second, then the character pops back, but nothing to that extent.

Sorry to hear it, hope it sorts itself out.


hmmmm.... that charecter thing sounds right because I haden't used bowser since I got him.
If thats the reason no big deal.

Now just gotta figure out the transition lags problem because that is what I really hate.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yep, there is occasionally a brief load as I transition to a 3D or bring in a character I haven't used in a long time, but it's quite rare and extremely fast, more like a half-second hiccup. Definitely not a 3-5 second lag/catch up period.


xTOXNx said:
Ok, guys i got a problem with the game.

I was playing paper Mario and I noticed that my game started to lag at one point. No big deal I thought.

Then It started to lag every 10-15 minutes which sound like its not that bad but it sucks when I jump on someone and suddenly it starts to lag, or when I go through a pipe it shows the animation of the beginning stops for 3-5 seconds, then skips to the end of the animation. Or when I was peach and changed to bowser, the whole game just lagged for 5 seconds with the box around peach (with the music playing mind you) and then finally changed to bowser. Took a look at the disk, no scratchs at all. And no viable "factory scratches" to my amazement.

Also I called Nintendo (By the way so much cooler then micro softs support, the guy actully sounded like he cared) They asked if I had any virtual console games and to delete them to try and fix the problem but I haven't downloaded any . They said they want me to ship system and game to them :/ He said if it stops I don't HAVE to send it in.

It seemed to have calmed down now but just wondering if any of you had this problem.

Maybe your Wii is taking a Dump!


This game has quite a few flaws:

1. The platforming is let down because of the fetch quests, amount of chit-chat and exploration off the beaten path being a little futile (i.e no badges). It's also as easy as crap as most enemies can be defeated in 1 or 2 bowser flames, and falling off will only take away one heart. There is plenty of money in the game, so buying a crap tonne of health means you'll hardly ever get game over.

2. The RPG is let down because... it's not really an RPG. It's kinda a moot point, but the pedigree of Paper Mario 1/2 to be simplifed to some RPG "elements" in SPM was disappointing, to say the least. It's definilty a fun and original idea, but the RPG stuff is so tame, it might as well not be there.

3. The worlds, characters and places pale in comparison to Paper Mario 1/2. Of course I admit that the Francis the Nerd level was absolutly genius, and a few others warmed my heart, but remember the Murder Mystery on the Train in Paper Mario 2, or Tubba Blubba from PM1, or the spooky town in PM2 where everyone was turned into pigs, the Puni people, Hooktail's castle, Dry Dry Desert and it's eery ruins from the first. None of this in here!
The characters are also really lame. Their writing is mostly ok (some superb), but the design is downright lazy. Since when does Mario fight cubes, boxes, square and rectangles. I like Superstar Saga's mix of BeanBean people with the mario world because it was consistent and interesting, but SQUAREs are not interesting, and being mixed with Koopas, Goombas etc looks downright silly.
And then there are the helpers. Remember when you had a salty sea-dog of a bomb-omb, or a baby Yoshi that had a random colour scheme and you named it, or the Parakoopa with a messanger bag. I don't think a square with five circles around it really competes.

4. There are some bullshit sections that either suck or are just plain time increasing. Running in a
hamster cage?
Whats up with that crap? Having to go back to the first part of the town to get a password, then entering a really long password? Running up and down a tower getting a book?
I didn't like the space shooter and water sections either, but each to their own. And while the tree tower provided some interesting puzzles, falling down was almost Wiimote-through-screen worthy.

They really dampen the fun I'm having with this game. For every interesting character there is an annoying ambigious and needlessly time consuming puzzles around the corner. For every funny Nintendo reference, its coming out the mouth of a character made in MS Paint.

It's an interesting title thats really original but the mix of genres hasn't locked like some would hope. For me, this is the starter before Paper Mario 3 and Mario Galaxy.


McBacon, all I'm hearing is "When it was easy I hated it for not being hard and when it was hard I hated it for not being easy."
Oh, and that MS Paint bit is just stupid.
Morts said:
The hidden mini-game is sex.
Looks like it didn't stop with San Andreas, hey!





: (


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

I just fell down the tree because I got hit by a FART, so Peach flashed the ENTIRE WAY DOWN THE SHAFT OF THE TREE and I could not control her.


McBacon said:
Did you also enjoy typing the word "please" 5 times, hitting a block 100 times and running in a cage for 5 minutes?

I laughed when he whispered "Two more times..."

I am glad the rubbie thing was in there. It's a funny idea. It only took a few minutes to get through also.


Got the game last night and i have say it is genius. No game ever made me laugh this much.
"I AM ERROR":lol. boss was great with its malfunctioning anologies.

I am at 3-2 right now and enjoying it...:lol at "When Nerds Attack". Meeting the pixls are great too.

The first paper mario never made me laugh so much with its dialogue (Maybe i never saw humor when younger). I never picked up the second one and with having so much fun with this one, GAF speaking so good about it and the reviews, i am picking it up after finishing this.

I am glad to have learned from Merlon that we are going to be able to use luigi, he needed it.

Well, off to have some much needed fun after finishing up zelda, red steel, sonic, and dbz.
Ugh, so I died at about level
of the
Pit of 100 trials
. :( If you leave and save, does it let you come back to where you left? This thing is harder than the Cave of Ordeals! (I hate Magikoopas)


Running off of Custom Firmware
savla, my laughter had nothing to do with that DBZ game.

NintenDonut said:
Ugh, so I died at about level
of the
Pit of 100 trials
. :( If you leave and save, does it let you come back to where you left? This thing is harder than the Cave of Ordeals! (I hate Magikoopas)

If you leave, you keep the coins, exp, and items you acquired, but when you re-enter, you start all over again.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Chapter 7 is AWESOME.

Was Chapter 6 really that stupid, empty, lame, boring, and short?! It was like 1/3 of a normal chapter!


Mejilan said:
Chapter 7 is AWESOME.

Was Chapter 6 really that stupid, empty, lame, boring, and short?! It was like 1/3 of a normal chapter!

So basically, odd number chapters = pure awesome, and even number chapters = pure suck.

The only exception I've found so far was 4-4 and 5-1. Switch those two and there's no disputing the sentence above.


Running off of Custom Firmware
AniHawk said:
So basically, odd number chapters = pure awesome, and even number chapters = pure suck.

The only exception I've found so far was 4-4 and 5-1. Switch those two and there's no disputing the sentence above.

Nah, I'd completely disagree. Only Chapter 6 was awful, or even bad.


Add me to the DBZ Defense Force

oh and playing this game today i wonder why people bitch about the writing.. its alot of text but most if not all of it is soo good i dont mind it.


So far I'm liking the game. I was hoping it would be more platforming heavy, but I'm a fan of the Paper Mario series too so I'm cool with it. I still would love to see a full-blown 2D Mario game for the Wii though (with Super Mario World-esque or Paper Mario style graphics).

...And is the Wii DBZ game really worth checking out? Keep in mind that I was a fan of the show back in the day, but I've never played any of the Budokai games.


AniHawk said:
So basically, odd number chapters = pure awesome, and even number chapters = pure suck.
World 5 and 8 are the rule breakers to me, but otherwise, yeah, that's SPM in a nutshell.

Vard said:
...And is the Wii DBZ game really worth checking out? Keep in mind that I was a fan of the show back in the day, but I've never played any of the Budokai games.
Get it on PS2 instead if you have that. It's cheaper, and the tutorial actually tells you the classic controls (since those are the only kind PS2 has, of course) instead of just giving you the option to use classic controls, but leaving you to look them up on the intraweb.
Edit: Actually, okay, in fairness I should probably give the Wii version the victory for having the three options of control style. Looking up controls on the Internet isn't as bad as not having the other options to begin with.

But yeah, it's a long and fairly fun game, assuming you frequently use the skip button on the cutscenes. Not particularly deep control-wise, but the animation is ridiculous enough (in a good way) that it's somehow viscerally enjoyable. I treat it like a pick-up-and-play game, personally.


Grecco said:
Get it for the Wii though. Much better


Than what?

I'm I the only person who flat out did not like Thousand-Year Door but is having a blast with Super Paper Mario? I can't be alone, right? Though the games have very similar gameplay, the pacing in SPM is so much better. Dialog is spent much more efficiently. The quality and quantity of the writing is such that I don't feel like skipping over conversation all the time. Replacing turn based combat with jumping makes the experience much faster and enjoyable. And the horrible backtracking has been kept to an absolute minimum. I just finished Chapter 5 and haven't had to go out of my way for more than ten minutes at a time yet.

Just a magnificent game all around.


When I said Chapter 7 before, I meant Chapter 6. But now my question is, where did
Chapter 6 go? I only played through until the world apparently ended. Now I go back in and it's all white. That's obvious, but is it meant to be? Is there any way to actually save that dimention? Or is it scripted that Chapter 6 will only be around for 6-1 and 6-2 then get destroyed, you apparently die and go to hell, then get a heart, then come back to life, place the heart and go back to hell only willingly this time. Is it supposed to be like that? Will Chapter 6 ever come back?
Even if they brought it back, there'd be nothing to do in the level as the world doesn't have any random monster encounters nor any variety in the individual environments.


I figured that, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't time-based or something. Like I could have saved it if I tried. (You know? They don't make too many games these days where taking it too slow can actually change the outcome. I was hoping this time they had.)

Also, you know, all this time I thought Bowser just kidnapped Peach because he was evil. But from the conversation we just had, I think he's actually in love with her.. :lol :lol :lol


Pre world 5 help:

Man, I can't solve that stupid 8 block thing to get access to the pure heart statue for World 5. I read the hint and I still don't get. :/


Running off of Custom Firmware
ruffles said:
Pre world 5 help:

Man, I can't solve that stupid 8 block thing to get access to the pure heart statue for World 5. I read the hint and I still don't get. :/

Hit each one in order, from right to left. Once only. :D
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