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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Another lesson to be learned- use quicktime events fucking sparingly if at all. They were a cool little gimmick when God of War and RE4 did it a decade ago. Now they've overstayed their welcome.


Sony needs to reevaluate how they greenlight games.

I blame them almost as much as RAD on this one. Between Knack, Killzone, Driveclub and now this, their first party output has been incredibly uninspired this gen so far.

Thank God Naughty Dog is still doing great stuff. And From Software.


These scores, daaammnnn.
Well deserved I guess.

It's as if 19 million voices suddenly cried out in denial, and were suddenly silenced.
lol this is some serious fanboy gamefaqs esque BS.

I have to tell you, I'm worried for them. This game was 5 years in the making and it's getting trashed.
It's all about its sales though, if it reviews poorly (something that's happening right now) and sells "ok" they'll have nothing to worry about.


In all seriousness though:

-If you want a game with a grim Victorian era setting with monstrous beasts + great and deep gameplay -> Get Bloodborne

-If you want a game with a stylish cinematic presentation + dynamic and fun gameplay -> Wait for Uncharted 4
PlayStation Universe - 7.5 / 10

All of this makes The Order: 1886 feel like PS4’s Resistance: Fall of Man moment. Like Insomniac’s PS3 launch title, Ready at Dawn’s blockbuster adventure treats us to a compelling alternate history, here blending time periods and their aesthetics for a visually interesting story with creative lore. The Order is also a visual showcase, setting a new benchmark for current-gen games and the industry as a whole. But its polished gameplay is safe and familiar to the point of non-descript. For some, these will be killer-app qualities. It’s more accurate to say The Order: 1886 is excellent original fiction atop a competent video game.


I would be interested in hearing what separates this game from Uncharted in the minds of reviewers. Like, not that I don't believe the game isn't great, but a lot of these criticisms sound a lot like something I could levy towards Uncharted. I'd be curious to hear what people feel like the difference is, or what line between the two The Order crossed that made it take a trip to suck town.


Uncharted doesn't take player control away constantly, isn't loaded with QTEs and has a very memorable characters and stories way above industry standard.


Dear lord... i actually feel sad. I wanted this game to be good at the very least.

I really hope these devs will be getting another chance at a sequel. There is sooo much they can do with this. It has a LOT of potential.

How do you know it isn't? Ultimately that should be something you decide for yourself.


Well, this could have gone better...

As much as it pains me to say this for any game, I will probably pick this one up when it is much cheaper as it sounds like there is not much to the game after a single playthrough.


The story was boring, it ended too quickly, the climax was underwhelming and the characters were dull.

The gamplay critique's could've been ignored if the plot lived up to any sort of interesting tale, but it just didn't.

The scores are a total non surprise.

Yep. 100% agree here. Gameplay, graphics, and Story. You gotta nail 2 of the 3 right at least IMO and what is lacking can be forgiven. It looks like they just nailed the graphics going off the reviews, but ill be a judge of the story for myself.

Still can't wait to play this game in person. The production values are astonishing from what i have seen.
I don't think that's fair at all. Those are exactly the types of games I want to play. :\

I like focused single player games. This one may not be amazing but to condemn those types of games across the board? No way.

What would you prefer instead? There really aren't that many great third person cover shooters out there, if you look back.

Because I expect from PS4 to be offered games that are more than just corridor shooters with waist-high walls scattered everywhere. This game has a trite plot, barely any character development, shallow, by-the-book gameplay, and great graphics. Using the latter as a means of showcasing the PS4 is pointless if the other aspects don't deliver.
I'm passed the point of being impressed when a game forces me to walk down a long corridor while looking at the pretty scenery - I want some gameplay innovation, I want to be able to actually explore these beautiful locations, not simply walk down a very narrow strip of it.


I have to tell you, I'm worried for them. This game was 5 years in the making and it's getting trashed.

This will probably the best thing that could have happened to them short of having their console début be a staggering success.

They have their technology. They have a more than capable team. And now they have, still have, something to prove.


It's a conspiracy. Or you know it could also be that they haven't liked what they played. But that's less sexy than assuming anti Sony bias I suppose.

The Sony conspiracy was not more a rhetorical question. Of course they don't have a bias for Sony. But again i seriously doubt that this game deserves a 4/10.
Huh, I'm pleased.

With some exceptions (Eurogamer's lament of lack of upgradables, branching narrative choices, etc among others), the review's are criticising what they feel are lacklustre in terms of stuff like pacing, story, gameplay or lack of the cooler aspects of gameplay.

I'm sure RAD aren't happy about the scores, but I'm glad that the criticisms, by and large, are strong valid points.
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