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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest


Well shit my GF save slot is broke can't do any quests in Toussaint and its only part game left. Can't talk to even Basil to start improving the vineyard and upto Cage Fou on main quest. My save slot after finishing blood and wine is fine but that's my new game+ and level scaled run.

It ps4 btw and no fix by sounds of it online
Well shit my GF save slot is broke can't do any quests in Toussaint and its only part game left. Can't talk to even Basil to start improving the vineyard and upto Cage Fou on main quest. My save slot after finishing blood and wine is fine but that's my new game+ and level scaled run.

It ps4 btw and no fix by sounds of it online

There is a update coming soon for the PS4 that fixes this issue.


Are contract rewards based on your current level? because i did the 'missing brother' sidequest with lvl 5(req. lvl 30ish) and the amount of exp,gold etc i've received was ridiculously low.
I was lucky enough to find a way to exploit the boss' ai without getting hit,it was chore and time-consuming but i did it....imagine my dissapointment after all that work,i expected to jump to lvl15 at least.
Actually,i think i've fucked it up because i could've gotten better stuff if i did the quest with the recommended level,what an idiot.


I've played some more since last I posted and frankly I'm not sure how much more of this I'll play. It's really not grabbing me at all and the physics + controls feel so sloppy to me. I understand that story and presentation were the main priorities, but for me, gameplay is the most important aspect unless I'm playing a VN, and I'm just not getting great gameplay here. Really disappointed, since I had high hopes for this game, and it seemed up my alley. However, I love Gwent and I enjoyed it enough to pick up the physical copy of Blood and Wine purely for the Gwent decks, so there's something good to come out of this game for me, at least. Maybe I'll try to get back into it later on down the road, but who knows.


Neo Member
On the combat I'd recommend trying a different style of play, as it isn't the kind of hack and slash game it looks like, instead you have to use a bunch of potions and spells and always be moving and dodging.

Also you may need to turn the difficulty up, as its a bit easy on normal.


Any way to change the style and music of the main menu after downloading DLC? I had the normal game without DLC a long time and bought the Expansion pass after blood & whine released and now i can't find a way to change the main menu to Hearts of Stone style or the normal (which i still prefer).


Any way to change the style and music of the main menu after downloading DLC? I had the normal game without DLC a long time and bought the Expansion pass after blood & whine released and now i can't find a way to change the main menu to Hearts of Stone style or the normal (which i still prefer).

Only on PC via a mod.


On the combat I'd recommend trying a different style of play, as it isn't the kind of hack and slash game it looks like, instead you have to use a bunch of potions and spells and always be moving and dodging.

Also you may need to turn the difficulty up, as its a bit easy on normal.

Thank you, though unfortunately I've tried both of these things. I've been on the broken bones difficulty and I made sure not to play it like a button masher. And I'm used to dodging all day long thanks to other games. I just can't find enjoyment in the gameplay at all thanks to the imprecision. It's like the game wants you to play carefully but everything about the physics is saying the opposite.


Neo Member
Thank you, though unfortunately I've tried both of these things. I've been on the broken bones difficulty and I made sure not to play it like a button masher. And I'm used to dodging all day long thanks to other games. I just can't find enjoyment in the gameplay at all thanks to the imprecision. It's like the game wants you to play carefully but everything about the physics is saying the opposite.

Yeah the combat is definitely chaotic, but its not really about being careful either, its more about getting right into the mobs dodging just out of range when they swarm then getting right back in again.

I can definitely see why it would be frustrating if you're used to Souls games or DMC, as its more RPG influenced with its locked animations, spells, crowd control and what not.

I've heard from a few people that just couldn't get on with the combat, so it may just be better for you to whack it down to easy and see if you can focus on the story.


Yeah the combat is definitely chaotic, but its not really about being careful either, its more about getting right into the mobs dodging just out of range when they swarm then getting right back in again.

I can definitely see why it would be frustrating if you're used to Souls games or DMC, as its more RPG influenced with its locked animations, spells, crowd control and what not.

I've heard from a few people that just couldn't get on with the combat, so it may just be better for you to whack it down to easy and see if you can focus on the story.

Thank you for your message, I appreciate it. The thing is that I'm really used to Souls, beat 'em ups, and all sorts of RPGs from turn based to action, but this one just doesn't work for me. Does the story improve over time? I was doing every side quest I could since I'm a completionist and story-wise I just found
the bloody baron's daughter
and so far the story hasn't grabbed me at all.


I just started Witcher 3 the other day after playing through Witcher 1 and 2 over the last month.

Really enjoyed both games (Witcher 1's combat wasn't too terrible once I understood it, 2's was a little harder to adapt to but I didn't hate it)

So far Witcher 3 kind of takes you back to Witcher 1 in some ways, the slightly "brighter" style and the music for sure really feel much more like 1 than 2, which I'm okay with, while I liked 2 a whole lot, it was a bit too gritty and "Unreal Engine'ish" looking at times (But yet honestly still looks better than some games that have come out since W3 amusingly)

Anyway does anyone know of a good UI mod for adjusting text and whatnot? the huge black border around text in general and subtitles and stuff is really ugly and cluttering, I have the UI set to the smallest but it's still a bit much.

I don't remember having any trouble with W1 or W2 UI but 3's has been kind of difficult to get a handle on.

Thank you for your message, I appreciate it. The thing is that I'm really used to Souls, beat 'em ups, and all sorts of RPGs from turn based to action, but this one just doesn't work for me. Does the story improve over time? I was doing every side quest I could since I'm a completionist and story-wise I just found
the bloody baron's daughter
and so far the story hasn't grabbed me at all.
Honestly, having been determined to suffer through the previous games (I adapt pretty fast usually), I definitely think Witcher is a series that works much better when you know the characters and have a fair idea of what's going on, especially when you've influenced certain aspects through save importing through all 3 games, without the personal bonds of the characters you know, it's a whole lot of Game Of Thrones Politics and not much else for awhile.

I came off Dark Souls 3 and went straight into W1, 2 and now 3 so if you're expecting Souls-like gameply, you're not going to get that in anything that isn't Souls or Ni-Oh, The Witcher games started out more like a Computer RPG, with the first one being made on the old 2007 Bioware Engine and basically requiring you to Click your mouse every few seconds at the right time to successfully beat enemies. The Combat system has sort of evolved from that, I find rolling to be a nuisance but I've been having fun double tapping left and right to dodge around enemies and go in for the kill.
Thank you for your message, I appreciate it. The thing is that I'm really used to Souls, beat 'em ups, and all sorts of RPGs from turn based to action, but this one just doesn't work for me. Does the story improve over time? I was doing every side quest I could since I'm a completionist and story-wise I just found
the bloody baron's daughter
and so far the story hasn't grabbed me at all.
No, unfortunately the story quality doesn't improve over time, the writing is very consistent and brilliant from start to finish in my opinion. What does change over time of course is your appreciation of the world, the characters, and the tools available to you in combat. Many people cite the Bloody Baron quest line as the turning point for them, but I think that's just because that's one of the earliest quests which really draws attention to the depth of the world. I left that quest until much later, and while I do love the gothic tragedy elements and foreboding atmosphere of that quest, I was won over by the game well before then.

Ultimately, this is the game that has won more GOTY awards than any other game in history, so it shouldn't be a matter of 'getting to a good bit', if the game hasn't grabbed you already then unfortunately it seems that you're just one of the very few people who can say it's not to your tastes.

On the combat front it is true that many people ignore all of the tools available to them (fast vs strong attacks, oils, potions, decoctions, bombs, crossbow, arrow types, signs, ability point tree, roll, dodge, parry, counter-attacks, bestiary entries, etc) and just button mash, and then complain that the combat lacks depth, but if you're actually using all of the tools and it's not working for you then it's probably time to play something else. I'd recommend a better game to you, but unfortunately there aren't any games better than this this gen, IMHO :)


I was far less over levelled for NG+ than anticipated.
Things in White Orchard are actually a higher level than me, which is nice.


Thank you both, Xiraiya and endlessflood. I really appreciate the posters in this thread not getting up in arms after my posts. I am the sort of person who plays games meticulously and takes advantage of all the gameplay systems available, so I definitely didn't just button mash or anything. I just feel like the gameplay is at odds with itself and just needed more work. I'm also consciously aware of the sorts of Souls fanatics who want every game to feel like Souls. I love Souls, but I'm a reasonable person and I love all sorts of gameplay styles, including old CRPG and more modern gameplay. I'm honestly frustrated that I couldn't get into it. It seemed like something I should have loved before I played it. It also makes sense that I have no investment in these characters and what happens to them over the course of the series, but that doesn't get at my real problem, which is the gameplay. Maybe if they tighten things up for the next game I'll give it another shot. I just am not able to play games where the gameplay is the weakest link. I would rather go through my VN backlog than muddle through a game I dislike playing just for the story/sidequests which aren't even grabbing me.

Thanks again for not tearing me to shreds. I don't intend to rain on anyone's parade. And don't worry about game recs. I've got plenty of games to play. ;)


I found a treasure guarded by a basilisk but somehow i've managed to grab the loot before the battle triggered.
Now he won't stop chasing me across the entire Velen and i had to swim all the way to Oxenfurt because he can't attack me in the water,now the city guards are trying to kill it for me lol.
Maybe i could spam axii while the guards fight,i can't kill it on my own because it has the "???" level so i have 0% chance to win.
I will try it later.

Unless they fixed it, there's a piss easy way of killing some flying monsters but you won't get loot from the corpse.
Really? how?
Ok guys I have a dumb question. I'm about 39 hours in and I can't seem to craft any of the diagrams I have collected. Do you have to actually read the diagram, or does the game automatically read it for you?
Ok guys I have a dumb question. I'm about 39 hours in and I can't seem to craft any of the diagrams I have collected. Do you have to actually read the diagram, or does the game automatically read it for you?
You're not a crafter. Gotta go to the appropriate vendor for what you want to craft and if you have the items needed they can craft it for you.


I am level 6 (still quite early in the game) and can comfortable take on enemies of higher levels but for some reason i really struggle against a pack of wild dogs and wolves. Do others experience this as well?
I am level 6 (still quite early in the game) and can comfortable take on enemies of higher levels but for some reason i really struggle against a pack of wild dogs and wolves. Do others experience this as well?

Yes, wolves suck. They deal so much crazy damage with each hit.


I am level 6 (still quite early in the game) and can comfortable take on enemies of higher levels but for some reason i really struggle against a pack of wild dogs and wolves. Do others experience this as well?

Wolves, wild dogs and bandits with wooden clubs are the worst. The main villians are nothing compared to them.
I am level 6 (still quite early in the game) and can comfortable take on enemies of higher levels but for some reason i really struggle against a pack of wild dogs and wolves. Do others experience this as well?

Mike Vick must have been playing Witcher 3 huh, I think everyone has issues with those damn dogs. Souls and Witcher don't have many things in common, but annoying dog enemies is surely one.


I am level 6 (still quite early in the game) and can comfortable take on enemies of higher levels but for some reason i really struggle against a pack of wild dogs and wolves. Do others experience this as well?

Igni and Quen are the best for dog packs.
Really? how?

You can drown flying monsters. You just shoot or Axii them while they're above water and they will crash down into water for an instant kill. I'm pretty sure I know which basilisk you're talking about and I did this too. I just reloaded because it felt cheap.


You can drown flying monsters. You just shoot or Axii them while they're above water and they will crash down into water for an instant kill. I'm pretty sure I know which basilisk you're talking about and I did this too. I just reloaded because it felt cheap.

Yep,it worked
It was really cheap just like you said.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Picked this up on PC and have been playing it with mods.

Using the more slots, witcher armor scaling mods and a mod that shows all quest sections in the map.

Any others to recommend? I only have a Geforce 670, so graphical mods are off the table.


What a game. Haven't even touched B&W yet.


Wolves, wild dogs and bandits with wooden clubs are the worst. The main villians are nothing compared to them.

The bandits and deserters are annoying. Every second encounter seems to be either a bandit or deserters camp. I came across one bandit camp that had at least a dozen or more men.


Yeah mainly because you don't get stun locked 24/7 against them.

They're the only enemy where close combat becomes interesting imo and the shield bearers and archers even while frustrating add some flavor to encounters. Most other enemies are either hitting from various sides with annoying jab-like attack patterns or coming in for attacks then gaining some distance again (or just slow moving like Elementa).

It's why I wish I hadn't cleared the Hanse forts in B&W.
Should I try to do most of the side quests in White Orchard before I move on to the next area? I just
killed the Griffin and met with Yennefer. Im really enjoying the game so far.
Should I try to do most of the side quests in White Orchard before I move on to the next area? I just
killed the Griffin and met with Yennefer. Im really enjoying the game so far.

I recommend moving on, you can always come back later. I'm assuming this is your first playthrough, so I recommend turning off POI in the options if you haven't already. It's better to run into quests and random events naturally, rather than chasing question marks on the map.
Should I try to do most of the side quests in White Orchard before I move on to the next area? I just
killed the Griffin and met with Yennefer. Im really enjoying the game so far.
It's personal preference. I'd probably advise the opposite to Elysium, I'd say do everything in White Orchard (including getting the
Viper swords
crafted) before leaving, but that's probably because I'm a bit of a completionist :)
It's personal preference. I'd probably advise the opposite to Elysium, I'd say do everything in White Orchard (including getting the
Viper swords
crafted) before leaving, but that's probably because I'm a bit of a completionist :)

I recommend moving on, you can always come back later. I'm assuming this is your first playthrough, so I recommend turning off POI in the options if you haven't already. It's better to run into quests and random events naturally, rather than chasing question marks on the map.

Thanks for the responses. I might go back to White Orchard for a little bit. I'm a little overwhelmed by the game, but having fun. There seems to be so much to do.


Im getting these random game crashes all the time. I get like an hour or 2 of gameplay and then it just crashes to windows. No warning, freezing, or error notification. It just completely closes out of the game and I have to relaunch.

My system specs are:

Windows 10 64 bit
Skylake i5 6600k 3.5 GHz
16 GB DDR5 3000 Ripjaws
Nvidia 950 GPU
Trying to finish the Gwent collection quest. The book says I only have to get 1 card from players of no particular renown or skill. Should I just start playing random people or do I need to find the merchant I haven't played yet?


Trying to finish the Gwent collection quest. The book says I only have to get 1 card from players of no particular renown or skill. Should I just start playing random people or do I need to find the merchant I haven't played yet?


Here you can check which card you're missing and where you can get it. I managed to finish my quest that way, the in-game book is way too vague.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Is it possible to sell decoctions? If so, who buys them? Thanks.


Hey, who gives the best prices on everything. I'm looking to sell off most everything I don't need so I can make the Witcher armor upgrades.

I looked online and the bottle guy in Novigrad doesn't give full price anymore, so I'm hoping there is someone else in the game that can do that. Any of the regions + B/W, just point me in the right direction.
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