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TMZ: Carrie Fisher suffers cardiac arrest on plane (Up: in ICU, condition unknown)

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90% of people of suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital don't make it. With ten minutes of not breathing on top of that, it's best to start preparing for the worst unfortunately.

This rate varies pretty wildly though. In Seattle, we have the survival rate over 50%, while some cities are under 5%.
Hoping for a Christmas miracle and that she pulls through, but unfortunately I'm preparing for the worst. It's not looking good right now, 10 minutes without breathing is a worst case scenario.


I just saw her on a panel show yesterday. She was headed back home to spend Christmas with her mother. So sad.

Suddenly I'm reminded of this.



10 minutes not breathing is really bad. Aren't chances of brain damage very high in that case?

Hopefully she pulls through :(


Not breathing is actually less important than how long it took to start CPR. Blood will carry enough oxygen to get by, but not if blood isn't pumping.

Either way it's not really great


Was that tweet from just another passenger? They may not know whether she was breathing or not or for how long.

The situation overall is very bad, though.

This. Anna Akana is a youtube celebrity who most likely was just observing from afar. We can't know anything she says for sure until we get confirmation otherwise by the medics. I pray she's OK.


Hope she pulls through. 2016 has just felt more brutal in terms of celebrity deaths than any year I can remember. I am sure I am wrong but this year has just been crazy.


If they are performing cpr on you for 10 minutes your chances of living are infinitesimal.

You can only hope that the reports are wrong. If that's accurate she probably didn't make it.


If they are performing cpr on you for 10 minutes your chances of living are infinitesimal.

You can only hope that the reports are wrong. If that's accurate she probably didn't make it.

Depends on how accurate the reports were, which are pretty vague still. Was there a defibrillator used? Who knows at this stage.
Best wishes and prayers are all I can give from afar. Hope she pulls through somehow even though the odds sound highly stacked against good chances of survival.
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