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Total War: Rome 2 |OT| I Came, I Saw, I Came


I had this one veteran who got 90+ bonus xp to all my troops in the army per turn. I was heartbroken when he died. But at least everyone was rank 7-9 by that point.

But there are ways to solve them. You just have to build order increasing structures next to food/money increasing ones so you don't end up in the negative.

Yeah problem is that I basically can't build/upgrade anything in that whole province because every building gives you -6 public disorder per turn.
I have to spend 20+ turns researching technologies at this point just to counteract this.
Seems like the amounts of squalor you get per upgrade/building is bullshit at the moment.

I just restarted the campaign, early in the tutorials, and I found out I can't save. How do I save?

It autosaves during the prologue....
Later in the prologue when they give you "free reign" you can save at any point. (just like a normal campaign)


Yeah problem is that I basically can't build/upgrade anything in that whole province because every building gives you -6 public disorder per turn.
I have to spend 20+ turns researching technologies at this point just to counteract this.
Seems like the amounts of squalor you get per upgrade/building is bullshit at the moment.

What faction are you playing as? Maybe barbarians have it harder but for Rome it's very easy to counter even though I mostly focused on military research.
This one year per turn is brutal, I feel like the generals die too quickly, had a good one that had lots of xp just die of old age, and the other after that.... sigh.
It's not a General but I have an 86 year old Veteran who's been training my army for 60 odd years! With all his bonuses I have units with three gold chevrons even though they've only participated in 5 or 6 battles! I'll be sad when he dies!


What faction are you playing as? Maybe barbarians have it harder but for Rome it's very easy to counter even though I mostly focused on military research.

Playing as Iceni and I've just conquered the whole of Britain.
But my southern province (that includes London, etc) is having a huge minus public order ratio.

I have been upgrading mostly military technologies at the beginning, but come on even upgrading a harbor to level 2 adds +6 squalor.
Same goes for a level 2 blacksmith.
Basically I can't upgrade or build any new buildings at the moment.

I can understand that they want to force you to atleast research some civil technologies, but this is just annoying tbh...


How do I marry off my generals?
Got one that's super awesome so want to keep his blood line going.

In the lower middle of the screen there's a faction button, your general should be there and there are some actions like "adopt" "promote" "assassinate" and "spread rumors" that you can do for a certain cost.

Also if you click on the general and go to his traits tab (where you select those skills when he levels up) there's a ring icon next to his handler trait.
I think you can click on that to select a marriage partner.

(this is all from the top of my head since I'm at work now, so I might be wrong ;-)


Playing as Iceni and I've just conquered the whole of Britain.
But my southern province (that includes London, etc) is having a huge minus public order ratio.

I have been upgrading mostly military technologies at the beginning, but come on even upgrading a harbor to level 2 adds +6 squalor.
Same goes for a level 2 blacksmith.
Basically I can't upgrade or build any new buildings at the moment.

I can understand that they want to force you to atleast research some civil technologies, but this is just annoying tbh...

Hmm, for Rome upgrading the fishing village to level 3 adds 4 squalor. Not 6 at level 2. And with a gladiator school alone adding 12 to order, not to even mention aqueducts and shrines, it seems civilized countries have it a lot easier.


Hmm, for Rome upgrading the fishing village to level 3 adds 4 squalor. Not 6 at level 2. And with a gladiator school alone adding 12 to order, not to even mention aqueducts and shrines, it seems civilized countries have it a lot easier.

I'm at work now so it's all from the top of my head, I'll check it and make a screenshot when I get back home.
Hmm, for Rome upgrading the fishing village to level 3 adds 4 squalor. Not 6 at level 2. And with a gladiator school alone adding 12 to order, not to even mention aqueducts and shrines, it seems civilized countries have it a lot easier.

Pretty sure it depends on the city. I've encountered the same issue with Hierapytna and Rhodes, even though they're still pretty small.
was playing co-op campaign with my homie last night and had so much fun. I'm able to get a consistent 30fps on my rig and I think it looks fucking awesome. played for a good 5-6 hours last night and had a blast. sucks so many dudes are having performance issues though.


Any reason this game tries to fry my 7970 on the main menu screen? 89c for a menu screen is absurd.

WTB new drivers for this shit.


In the lower middle of the screen there's a faction button, your general should be there and there are some actions like "adopt" "promote" "assassinate" and "spread rumors" that you can do for a certain cost.

Also if you click on the general and go to his traits tab (where you select those skills when he levels up) there's a ring icon next to his handler trait.
I think you can click on that to select a marriage partner.

(this is all from the top of my head since I'm at work now, so I might be wrong ;-)

Ok cool thanks, yeah the second option doesn't seem to work. Thanks though, time to breed me some super celtic babies!


I don't know why but I'm struggling to get in to the game.

I think it's very much a UI / Campaign design issue. It's just not grabbing me yet like the older games have.

Guess I just need to spend more time with it.


Have started again after getting ganked - once again - as Carthage, and on easy no less. Playing the Arverni this time, and things are a little better. Can someone tell me how to issue edicts? The game warns me when I go to end my turn but I can't see anything about edicts anywhere.


Have started again after getting ganked - once again - as Carthage, and on easy no less. Playing the Arverni this time, and things are a little better. Can someone tell me how to issue edicts? The game warns me when I go to end my turn but I can't see anything about edicts anywhere.

The same way you change stances on armies, but for towns/cities instead.


Have started again after getting ganked - once again - as Carthage, and on easy no less. Playing the Arverni this time, and things are a little better. Can someone tell me how to issue edicts? The game warns me when I go to end my turn but I can't see anything about edicts anywhere.

Buttom left corner


Have started again after getting ganked - once again - as Carthage, and on easy no less. Playing the Arverni this time, and things are a little better. Can someone tell me how to issue edicts? The game warns me when I go to end my turn but I can't see anything about edicts anywhere.

At work, but providing you own every province in the region, there should be a red button near the bottom of the screen, below the capital province's building selection. It's easy to miss, but click it and an edict selection bar should pop out.


About squalor - while they may have missed the mark it might also be on us. CA have talked about how they want us to have more specialized cities and not cities with close to everything. Planning ahead of what you want to use your city to is now essential.


Ugh, there are so many little things that irk me about this game especially the way the UI works. But, I am most infuriated by the way diplomacy works. Why? Why in the hell is it so hard to secure a trade agreement between countries? No country would act like this in real life. What they are essentially saying is "No, we don't want to make any money and are just fine being broke."

What's even worse is when they try and extort a trade agreement through payment, so let me get this straight you want me to pay you for the ability to make money off of me? Dumb. I'm also finding public disorder something extremely difficult to quell, it seems everything you do reduces public order.


About squalor - while they may have missed the mark it might also be on us. CA have talked about how they want us to have more specialized cities and not cities with close to everything. Planning ahead of what you want to use your city to is now essential.

The problem is, there is no "planning ahead"
Most of the stuff you can build later on is either not showing up until you research it or has that lock icon on it.
Do I have to read through the whole of a tech tree and see which buildings I should be getting to keep my squalor down?
When building stuff in a "young" town/city there aren't that many options either.

Maybe it's me, but it just distracts me from the fun stuff.


Ugh, there are so many little things that irk me about this game especially the way the UI works. But, I am most infuriated by the way diplomacy works. Why? Why in the hell is it so hard to secure a trade agreement between countries? No country would act like this in real life. What they are essentially saying is "No, we don't want to make any money and are just fine being broke."

What's even worse is when they try and extort a trade agreement through payment, so let me get this straight you want me to pay you for the ability to make money off of me? Dumb. I'm also finding public disorder something extremely difficult to quell, it seems everything you do reduces public order.

I think they have over-complicated a lot of systems over the last few games, Rome 1 was the pinnacle now they are just changing stuff just so they can say they have.


So in cooop mode me and my friend have being conquering cities as we go along. My problem is that we get different cities from the same province. Do we get the province bonuses etc and being able to make edicts or one of the two needs to hold the entire province?
This one year per turn is brutal, I feel like the generals die too quickly, had a good one that had lots of xp just die of old age, and the other after that.... sigh.

It sucks in the game but that's how it was during the Roman period. It usually took up to a year or so to build something and to assemble an army.


So I just got the research done for Legionaries and decided to test them in battle with hilarious results, I took 4 cohorts to assault Karalis and beat an army of 2300 Libyans including a unit of Elephants. Only the Cohort who got charged by Elephants suffered more casualties than 70% :s
nice balance? Might try another faction as the Romans will only get even more OP from here with stuff like Praetorians and veterans. Don't want to play a barbarian faction as i'm gonna be fighting armies of slingers all the time... guess it's Egypt.


war of titties grampa
Buddy and I were playing coop and fuck, it takes FORFUCKINGEVER FOR THE AI TO FINISH THEIR TURNS! Seriously too long, like I can make multiple sandwiches between it!


Thanks guys.

Now I have a real problem - I'm playing in a coop campaign with my flatmate, he's Sparta and I'm Athens, and I've researched both Logistics and Land Reclamation - but there is no more technology to research. Where there would normally be the tech trees, there is only white arrows. I cannot click anything, there are no images of anything. My flatmate doesn't have this problem. Now the game is asking if I'm sure I want to end my turn because I'm not researching anything.

Well, no shit Sherlock! Anyone have any clue?

Edit - Saving and re-loading fixed it. The least of the bugs, then.


I'm starting to get used to the UI, though it's definitely not without its problems. Sometimes I can't even check a unit's stats, and there's an excess of wasted space. I don't think they've ever offered an alternate UI, but it sure helped Supreme Commander.

Also, is the encyclopedia still wonky? It worked last night, but none of the unit cards had color. While you can compare units within a faction, you can't cross-compare with others. I want to know why Indian elephants are more expensive than Carthaginian war elephants, but seem to have lower stats. It's a hassle to keep switching. Since it's just a web window, adding tabbed browsing would be a great help.


Guess it's better to either release them or execute all of them.
I haven't found a screen where this whole slave situation gets measured or where you have a explanation about the current number of slaves / public disorder you get from the amount you have at that moment + maximum amount of slaves??

Like I said in my post a couple posts up I'm having problems with public disorder as well (playing as Iceni) and having occupied the whole of britain, my whole southern province is having a major penalty for public order.
Weird thing is; all the buildings that are ready for upgrades are gonna cost me -6 to public order PER TURN. WTF....

you gotta keep upgrades to a minimum.

Playing as Romew, already pushing my legions into Gaul terriotry. Have 9 Legions and only 2 fleets.



You don't fuck with legionaries.



This whole game is so horribly vague and unclear in everything.

Having loads of fun naming my army's though.
Being Dutch I'm naming my northern roman army: Corpus Roma I - Mors Frisii (death to Frisians)


Like clockwork.

First Total War: ROME II Update this Friday

At Creative Assembly we are very pleased with the response to ROME II, with hundreds of thousands of players enjoying the game so far; but we do know that, as with all large PC releases, the variety of hardware and general system specifications can cause issues for some people and we are urgently working to help get them the right experience.

As announced last month, we are also planning to tweak the balancing, AI routines and other features now that we're getting real-time metric feedback from thousands of players.

The result is that the first update to the game will drop this Friday, with the intention to update the game on a weekly basis in the immediate future.

Full patch notes will be available on Friday, but the update will address known instances of crashes due to hardware conflicts alongside several other performance fixes.

In addition, anyone experiencing graphical issues including low resolution textures, should check our support forums at www.totalwar.com/rome2support which contain suggestions for settings which will improve visuals in almost all cases.

There are also a variety of other fixes suggested in our support forum, please head there to find out more or report your own problem directly to the CA team who will assist you.



Pretty fun game so far. Initially, I was a bit overwhelmed but you slowly start to get the hang of it. It seems like an army made up of a line of high morale troops with low morale troops does fairly well. The high morale troops hold the line while the low morale troops provide supporting fire and protection.

I think its like a lot of other total war games, it seems fairly easy from the start until the competition starts fielding more professional armies with higher morale. Thats when things start getting tough...

Overall, I think I am going to like it a lot. There will be a lot of patching necessary I'm sure but so far its pretty fun!


I've just started, playing as Rome, have taken 2 other cities so far.

I noticed a lot of cities had slums in them which basically seemed a massive drain on resources (food was a big one), so I just demolished them. Do I need slums for anything?


I've just started, playing as Rome, have taken 2 other cities so far.

I noticed a lot of cities had slums in them which basically seemed a massive drain on resources (food was a big one), so I just demolished them. Do I need slums for anything?

Slums form if you expand your city but don't build anything on the expansion. You don't need them for anything, as you said they're just there to drain your resources.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Often times in a battle some unit flags for my troops stop displaying the icon that shows the type of unit it is. Is this on purpose, or is it a bug?

Any one know what causes it?


you gotta keep upgrades to a minimum.

Playing as Romew, already pushing my legions into Gaul terriotry. Have 9 Legions and only 2 fleets.


You don't fuck with legionaries.

Rome is easy mode, I think my next Rome playthrough after the fixes etc will have to be on legendary.

Also I wish my units would do something after finishing their orders, i've had them sitting millimeters away from the enemy just picking their nose etc while they get peppered with arrows or watching their buddies get butchered.
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