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Total War: Rome 2 |OT| I Came, I Saw, I Came


May contain jokes =>
OK so I'm probably stupid but I still can't get ships to disembark. Go to a beach or a city with a port, and the ship will just sit there. If I right click again it'll say "can't go there" or whatever flavor text equivalent. Waiting a turn doesn't change anything.


The problem is, there is no "planning ahead"
Most of the stuff you can build later on is either not showing up until you research it or has that lock icon on it.
Do I have to read through the whole of a tech tree and see which buildings I should be getting to keep my squalor down?
When building stuff in a "young" town/city there aren't that many options either.

Maybe it's me, but it just distracts me from the fun stuff.

mmh I'm not entirely sure if I understand what you mean although I do believe the whole technology and building menus could be easier to navigate.

I believe there are like 4 main categories of buildings (something like food / military / culture / economic?) - I haven't really bothered to check it out that much.

Anyway for now I think you should look at your cities and be like "so in this city I will mostly produce melee units" and have that city just do that. You'll have to make some sacrifices since eventually some of the other buildings in that city can't be upgraded due to squalor.

I don't think that would be too hard (not saying it's super optimal either!), but if you want to produce melee units on foot I think it's doable to with a little effort.

Now the good thing is that I have to do it myself in practice so I might eat my own words and come here later, hating :3

With that said I do, however, agree with people, Some of the squalor of those buildings are just insane, especially since pretty much most buildings will give you squalor.


OK so I'm probably stupid but I still can't get ships to disembark. Go to a beach or a city with a port, and the ship will just sit there. If I right click again it'll say "can't go there" or whatever flavor text equivalent. Waiting a turn doesn't change anything.

I'm not sure what you're asking. Are we talking ships you recruited that won't move or soldiers who don't embark?

At any rate I haven't had that problem at all so far and I haven't done anything in particular to get it to work <.<



Eh, have that beta driver installed and still lagging hard on the campaign map. Which is surprising since it looks AWFUL.

Performance is fine in battles although it jumps from 30FPS to the 40s, 50s, and 60s for no reason it seems (running at Ultra on a 680m and i7 at 2.4GHz).

That said, the load times. MY GOD THE LOAD TIMES. I spent just as much time waiting for the enemy's turns to finish as I do actually playing out my own and the up to a 1 minute load in and out of battles is insane.

I thought people said it was better this game? I don't have 35GB to spare on my primary SSD so am running from a 7200 drive and man, it SUCKS.


May contain jokes =>
I'm not sure what you're asking. Are we talking ships you recruited that won't move or soldiers who don't embark?

At any rate I haven't had that problem at all so far and I haven't done anything in particular to get it to work <.<

Soldiers on ships that won't disembark onto land.



Perhaps next time they'll release a beta test instead of having a messy launch.

I started a new campaign as Sparta. I just went up and in 3 turns took Epirus down. Macedonians were next and in taking their city (and securing the province) I declared war with Athenians who were their close ally. I made quick work of them and got Athens. The other greeks in the southern island were impressed by my might and became my pets. Same thing with Thracians after I took 3/4 towns. I'm now pushing over north, and my provinces are quite balanced and I'm raking in the cash.

Funny thing though is I keep getting trade demands with me giving money out the ass to pretty much everyone, do they think Sparta will crawl?! I'll have them all pretty much soon. Spartans are quite OP compared to Arverni haha.


Concerning the squalor issue:

I've just checked and there appear to 4 different main categories of buildings. Within these 4 there are two categories of which that'll give you the oppotunity to gain public order (as brittonia there's one alone that'll give +16 publich order). The military category gives nothing, but squalor and they all give the same (a maximum of 12 for the last building - I think it's 4/6/12). The last category is pretty much all squalor too with the exception of one.

However this may vary so do some research.

What I realized though was that the manual can be quickly entered by right clicking on a building. By right clicking on one of the main buildings (if a build spot is empty for instance).

Also if you're conquering new cities you can by an agent to convert them to your culture and as others have mentioned there is also the eddict that'll give you more public order.

So all in all I do believe we're back to what I said earlier: plan ahead.

DO NOT have one city with all kinds of buildings that each into your public order. At least not in the games current state. I do, however, believe there's a fair balance after having a quick look at the buildings although there are also other things that'll have an influence on the public order.

With that said there's also nothing wrong with destroying buildings you realize you don't need. There is no need to have 3 cities with the same military building if you only have a total of 4-5 cities. When getting a new city just destroy what you don't need and roll it into your plan: do you need food, money of soldiers and make sure there's a decent balance before you begin.

It shouldn't be too problematic once you get the hang of it, but I might also be completely wrong :p


Soldiers on ships that won't disembark onto land.

If they're land soldiers like in my picture, they should be able to do it. You can see their movement arrow just normally continues on land. If the icons have ships under them, they can only temporarily disembark during battles, otherwise they must stay on sea.



Soldiers on ships that won't disembark onto land.

Right. So what I did the first time was 1: my soldiers where on the land where I owned and clicked them to go onto open sea. 2: once there I clicked somewhere on the map (for instance I believe I clicked right outside of Knossos). It made a route that I sure as hell didn't have in mind, but apparently that was the way I was supposed to go.

I hope It makes sense. Try and click several places and not just on a beach. I btw have an agent in the water right now so I should be able to confirm what I'm saying nexy round. :)


Hoping Total Warhammer or whatever is next ditches the Warscape engine altogether.

It's a great looking engine though...but they need to optimize that stuff from the go. Shogun II runs flawless now, how did those improvements not make it in Rome 2?

And my room is boiling right now with ambient temps rising in France today and Rome 2 running.


It's a great looking engine though...but they need to optimize that stuff from the go. Shogun II runs flawless now, how did those improvements not make it in Rome 2?

And my room is boiling right now with ambient temps rising in France today and Rome 2 running.

Could it be that those fixes were specifically for the engine build in Shogun 2, and thus couldn't be ported? I'm guessing that's why Fall of Samurai used the same engine and not an upgraded one like Napoleon did. They've (hopefully) improved the engine for Rome II, so now there's a whole new set of bugs?

I have faith they'll fix this eventually. Empire 1.0 was terrible, it hardly ever worked. I think it took over a year for 1.7 to hit, but by the time it did the game was solid, AI was vastly improved, and my framerate had more than doubled.


Could it be that those fixes were specifically for the engine build in Shogun 2, and thus couldn't be ported? I'm guessing that's why Fall of Samurai used the same engine and not an upgraded one like Napoleon did. They've (hopefully) improved the engine for Rome II, so now there's a whole new set of bugs?

I have faith they'll fix this eventually. Empire 1.0 was terrible, it hardly ever worked. I think it took over a year for 1.7 to hit, but by the time it did the game was solid, AI was vastly improved, and my framerate had more than doubled.

Well, at least rome 2 is playable. It just needs some optimizing :)


Well I'm enjoying it anyway. Just took Syracuse and my god the population is pissed off, have been for ages. I'm probably playing a bit slowly, need to start taking more territories, but Carthage have Sardinia and I don't think I want to go to war with them yet. Might just take the minor factions in the North of Italy for now.

As an aside, this game has my GPU up at 68C, is that especially hot?


Perhaps next time they'll release a beta test instead of having a messy launch.

I started a new campaign as Sparta. I just went up and in 3 turns took Epirus down. Macedonians were next and in taking their city (and securing the province) I declared war with Athenians who were their close ally. I made quick work of them and got Athens. The other greeks in the southern island were impressed by my might and became my pets. Same thing with Thracians after I took 3/4 towns. I'm now pushing over north, and my provinces are quite balanced and I'm raking in the cash.

Funny thing though is I keep getting trade demands with me giving money out the ass to pretty much everyone, do they think Sparta will crawl?! I'll have them all pretty much soon. Spartans are quite OP compared to Arverni haha.
I'm surprised they never release a beta as their launches are some of the worst launches in any series outside of a Bethesda game. It will probably be a few months or even a year before the game is highly playable and balanced.


Yeah, 118k concurrent users today which is awesome. You'd have to guess they've sold 500k+ already? More even?

Definitely more than that if we consider unique users. It's gonna continue to sell really well over the weekend too.

Hopefully the patch on Friday makes things much more stable overall.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Loaded up Shogun 2 and the difference in performance in the campaign map alone is huge, also preferred how they handled the UI and mixed in all the Japanese art/culture.


Definitely more than that if we consider unique users. It's gonna continue to sell really well over the weekend too.

Hopefully the patch on Friday makes things much more stable overall.

Even if this game has its issues, Total War continuing to stay strong as a franchise is brilliant and imo quite important for PC gaming. So good stuff.


Even if this game has its issues, Total War continuing to stay strong as a franchise is brilliant and imo quite important for PC gaming. So good stuff.

Yup. It's kinda crazy. You look at the mainstream sites and barely see any coverage for the game. Then you head over to Steam and see it as the top seller and 2nd most played game.


Even if this game has its issues, Total War continuing to stay strong as a franchise is brilliant and imo quite important for PC gaming. So good stuff.

It's still a shame that every single game they release is broken for 5 months. I wish they would learn about that one day.


I think it is somehow related to my Nvidia drivers, its happening outside of Rome 2 as well.

But I installed the newest drivers and the problem persists. Frustrating.
I'm 14 hours into my first campaign. This shit is addictive and exhausting. The mighty Britons conquered all of Gaul, Maghreb and Spain. We marched upon Rome and Carthage. Soon, Athene, Sparta and Rhodes will be ours. Ours land extend from scandinavia to the shore of the Nil.


I want to remove all the non-vetted troops from my army... but I can't because I need a general?

So I want to move them to another general.... but I can't see which ones are not vetted because the unit cards are over lapping. I've wanted to punch this game in its fucking face a lot.



I guess I'm just not used to there being so many factions, but it takes forever for the CPU to get done making turns. I'm finding myself walking away from my PC and forgetting I was playing.


Ok going to take what I learned from my Sparta campaign and roll with Arverni 2.0
I guess it's important to not fuck around early on and really hit hard the towns you want to. Complete a couple of objectives to get some money and secure your provinces to keep the populace happy with edicts.
I guess I'm just not used to there being so many factions, but it takes forever for the CPU to get done making turns. I'm finding myself walking away from my PC and forgetting I was playing.

same I browse gaf on a second screen while clicking to accept/refuse diplomatic request and resolving auto battles

Johnny M

I think it is somehow related to my Nvidia drivers, its happening outside of Rome 2 as well.

But I installed the newest drivers and the problem persists. Frustrating.

1. there are still some archives/dll from the old drivers, so the problem persist.
2. heat problem
3. (the worst) one of the memory modules is fucked up.


Yeah, 118k concurrent users today which is awesome. You'd have to guess they've sold 500k+ already? More even?

Probably more. It's hard to say anything about Rome 2's sales without more data, but COH2 at its peak had 24k CUs and that game sold 400 thousand units in five days.

Hoping Total Warhammer or whatever is next ditches the Warscape engine altogether.

I think ditching an engine and starting from scratch is very unreasonable, but I hope they make some massive improvements(not just visually) to the engine.


As Sparta I've united all the Greeks as allies and now we're marching on Rome. Game is addictive. Still miffed about performance and some pretty bad ai, but the Total War formula is still kicking ass.

I feel like it's way easier to have allies that dont betray you in this game. It's nice to have an alliance and keep it for a long period of time.


A second update on the squalor issue. It appears to be a region wide thing. At first I thought it was city based, but now I realize that all the cities in the same region have the same amount of public order.

This also makes buying a dignitary (agent) a decent option since, if you get a proper one, it can have +2 to public order from the start and gain additional through traits.

It might not be a lot, but everything helps.


I guess I'm just not used to there being so many factions, but it takes forever for the CPU to get done making turns. I'm finding myself walking away from my PC and forgetting I was playing.

i have no idea why I need to know about the turns of 80 factions when i'm only able to see or contact 5 of them. Really annoying.


Bull on a Donut
i have no idea why I need to know about the turns of 80 factions when i'm only able to see or contact 5 of them. Really annoying.

Yeah definitely, they need to add an option to skip unknown factions or skip faction movements entirely, it shouldn't take me 5 minutes to get to the next turn--that's horrible.


Yeah definitely, they need to add an option to skip unknown factions or skip faction movements entirely, it shouldn't take me 5 minutes to get to the next turn--that's horrible.

There's an option to skip watching the CPU turns. I haven't used it, but are turns still really long after ticking that box? They went way faster in Shogun 2 using that.


There's an option to skip watching the CPU turns. I haven't used it, but are turns still really long after ticking that box? They went way faster in Shogun 2 using that.

I was just going to post this, that option should cut the time in half or more. You still see where the computer moves but it just skips all the animation.
Yeah definitely, they need to add an option to skip unknown factions or skip faction movements entirely, it shouldn't take me 5 minutes to get to the next turn--that's horrible.

Sad thing is, you'd think that it'd get shorter the later you get in the game, as factions are slowly being wiped out but it's actually the opposite thanks to your revealed map and the million different armies/navies running around the place.

Edit: Oh, you can skip watching the turns? That should speed that up at least.


There's an option to skip watching the CPU turns. I haven't used it, but are turns still really long after ticking that box? They went way faster in Shogun 2 using that.

I have it checked but it still takes ages. I can't imagine how bad it would be with it off.
I've noticed that whatever time of this day the screenshot below was taken at is when the game performs and looks worst. At one point during the battle the framerate dropped into the single digits for no reason, but the last time I played this exact same battle(It's the last prologue battle, but it glitched and didn't get me the data for winning and still wouldn't on my second attempt) and waited during the pre-battle menu for a different time of day until it was more green in tone the performance was better in general (but still awful)

Just really astounded at how seemingly no AA is being used, if it it's not clear from the picture in-game everything is aliased and it's nauseating. That is the extreme settings, with everything turned on (including unlimited video memory) except Vegetation Alpha and is an uncompressed, 1080P PNG. It's really unbelievable.


I'm really starting to hate how the remnants of a defeated faction just mindlessly throw themselves at your nearest city. You can't even autoresolve these tedious mop up battles since that somehow doesn't kill the enemy force even when the odds are 90+% in your favor.

And I have the same three small factions begging me to trade and give them money every single turn. It's pretty annoying.


They have to fix the phalanx on the regular hoplites. Every time I make my men attack in phalanx formation, they would just break formation and run at the enemy.

I'm just going to play as the Arverni until they fix this shit.


Here's something new I just found out. The zeal from your agents also affectt your general. So this mean I currently have a general with a zeal of 22 in total. If I'm not mistakening other benefits from the agents also goes toward the general and thus the whole army - things such as campaign movement, so my army can also move an additional 22%.
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