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Total War: Rome 2 |OT| I Came, I Saw, I Came

No Downsample for me =/, any idea if an SMAA injector will work? I dont know if it runs dx9 or dx 11. Shogun 2 had a directx option, why rome 2 doesnt remains a mystery to me.

Indeed they do work, and I believe the Directx options are controlled by the shader model (sm3 will be dx9 i presume)

Personally I'm using a shogun 2 sweetfx preset and down sampling to clear up the jaggies.


My buddy (Macedon) in co-op campaign just had a army in ambush stance waiting for 2 Epirus armies to attack Pella, ambush army dies with no battle option or notification until after it's dead. Now I (Sparta) am racing to Pella to try and flank them while pissing on Athens as I pass through their lands. Enemies are being made, glory will be had.


So I just discovered the cinematic mode camera thing and holy shit...

I used it in a naval battle, looking out across the ocean at my fleet moving toward the enemy in the rain, with the sound of the oars and the men crying out here and there, it's fucking great.
So I just discovered the cinematic mode camera thing and holy shit...

I used it in a naval battle, looking out across the ocean at my fleet moving toward the enemy in the rain, with the sound of the oars and the men crying out here and there, it's fucking great.
I would sometimes not auto-resolve easy battles just to watch them play out in the cinematic camera. Just assign the targets and sit back.


So I just discovered the cinematic mode camera thing and holy shit...

I used it in a naval battle, looking out across the ocean at my fleet moving toward the enemy in the rain, with the sound of the oars and the men crying out here and there, it's fucking great.

Yeah when the game "works" it really is amazing at times.


Anyone up for a co-op campaign?

Sure, I'd be up for one. Send me a PM.

Anyone been using the Radious mods? Gonna install all of them now and see how it goes.

I was tempted to, particularly for the movement speed nerfing, but I read a few comments where people said the morale was set way too low, to the point where basic units, like mob units, were not wavering at all up against actual soldiers. I'd be glad to hear your impressions.


Okay played with the Radious mod pack and 2/4 turns per year mod.

Both of these are absolutely essential. While it doesn't make up for the AI deficiencies, battles are so much more enjoyable. Skirmishes last way longer than before, opening up flanking opportunities and actual strategy that the default settings don't allow because units route so fast. I haven't encountered mob units yet so I'm not sure how that will turn out.

There's also a bunch of smaller changes on the campaign map to the values for squalor, diplomacy, food, and income which are subtle, but really helpful and more reasonable.

I'm playing with 2 turns per year and it's a nice change, at least on a personal level. I didn't really like my generals dying so early, so this helps a bunch.

All in all, everyone should go and grab these and give them a shot. The game is far more enjoyable with it, and there's likely more to come.


There was a thread on the TWC (that I can't find now) that had some performance improvements that has worked really well for me. Its much easier if you have Shogun 2, btw.

-Basically, you open your c:\users\...\appdata\roaming\the creative assembly\shogun2\scripts\performance.script.txt

-copy every line starting with 'gfx'

-open appdata\roaming\the creative assembly\rome II\scripts\performance.script.txt

-replace all of Rome 2's "gfx" prefixed lines with Shogun 2's.

Apparently it has something to do with the way Rome 2 is accessing both your PC's ram and vram, but I can't remember much more than that. All I know is that my performance is now pretty much on par with Shogun 2's compared to an absolute shambles beforehand.


There was a thread on the TWC (that I can't find now) that had some performance improvements that has worked really well for me. Its much easier if you have Shogun 2, btw.

-Basically, you open your c:users...appdataroamingthe creative assemblyshogun2scriptsperformance.script.txt

-copy every line starting with 'gfx'

-open appdataroamingthe creative assemblyrome IIscriptsperformance.script.txt

-replace all of Rome 2's "gfx" prefixed lines with Shogun 2's.

Apparently it has something to do with the way Rome 2 is accessing both your PC's ram and vram, but I can't remember much more than that. All I know is that my performance is now pretty much on par with Shogun 2's compared to an absolute shambles beforehand.

Man this sounds awesome, any idea where I can find that shogun 2 file?


There was a thread on the TWC (that I can't find now) that had some performance improvements that has worked really well for me. Its much easier if you have Shogun 2, btw.

-Basically, you open your c:\users\...\appdata\roaming\the creative assembly\shogun2\scripts\performance.script.txt

-copy every line starting with 'gfx'

-open appdata\roaming\the creative assembly\rome II\scripts\performance.script.txt

-replace all of Rome 2's "gfx" prefixed lines with Shogun 2's.

Apparently it has something to do with the way Rome 2 is accessing both your PC's ram and vram, but I can't remember much more than that. All I know is that my performance is now pretty much on par with Shogun 2's compared to an absolute shambles beforehand.

Interesting, I'll try this out later.


I second this. Even a link to the thread would be nice

well its just a text file. so i can paste mine if you want, but those settings are set for my PC, which is an i7 920 OC'd @ 3.2, 6gb RAM and a GTX 580 which I run at 1680x1050. I tried googling the thread but I can't find it. The total war forums are so busy as well that its been buried deep.

C:\Users\Home\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Rome2\scripts

that's where my preferences.script.txt file is located. "Home" is the name of your windows account (well, my account; I don't know what yours will be).


gfx_first_run false; # gfx_first_run <bool>, First time application run #
gfx_dx11_checked true; # gfx_dx11_checked <bool>, Have we checked that user wants dx11? #
gfx_video_memory 0; # gfx_video_memory <int>, Override available video memory (bytes) #
gfx_fullscreen true;
gfx_vsync false; # gfx_vsync <bool>, vertical synchronization #
gfx_hdr true;
gfx_shadermodel 4;
gfx_aa 3;
gfx_texture_filtering 4;
gfx_texture_quality 3;
gfx_ssao false;
gfx_enable_directx11 true;
gfx_distortion true;
gfx_depth_of_field 2;
gfx_hardware_shadows true;
gfx_tesselation true;
gfx_sky_quality 3;
gfx_unit_quality 3;
gfx_ship_quality 3; # gfx_ship_quality <int>, Set the quality of ships. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
gfx_building_quality 3;
gfx_water_quality 3;
gfx_unit_scale 2; # gfx_unit_scale <int>, Set unit scale. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
gfx_shadow_quality 4;
gfx_tree_quality 3;
gfx_grass_quality 4;
gfx_terrain_quality 1;
gfx_gamma_setting 2; # gfx_gamma_setting <float>, Set gamma correction #
gfx_brightness_setting 1.2; # gfx_brightness_setting <float>, Set brightness #
gfx_screenshot_folder ./screenshots; # gfx_screenshot_folder <folder>, Folder to where save screenshots relative to Empire directory #
gfx_gpu "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580"; # gfx_gpu <path>, The GPU description #
gfx_effects_quality 3;
gfx_vignette true;
gfx_picture_in_picture false; # gfx_picture_in_picture <true|false>, Enable picture_in_picture #
gfx_blood_effects true; # gfx_blood_effects <bool>, Enable Blood effects #

just copy all of that and replace the same gfx lines in the rome 2 file.


ok, made a difference, game is FAAAAAAAAAR from smooth but the majority of the hitching and pausing is gone in the campaign map/

substantial result, tbh. Game still needs loads of optimisation


Ah yeah I forget to mention it improved the campaign map frame-rate.

I wish SEGA would actually learn from the series past mistakes and give us a public beta and hold back off release until its actually ready. Such a simple fix shouldn't be ...a thing.


well its just a text file. so i can paste mine if you want, but those settings are set for my PC, which is an i7 920 OC'd @ 3.2, 6gb RAM and a GTX 580 which I run at 1680x1050. I tried googling the thread but I can't find it. The total war forums are so busy as well that its been buried deep.

just copy all of that and replace the same gfx lines in the rome 2 file.

Thanks partner

Edit: even though I deleted shogun 2, the file was still there! Just copied that, trying it now


Ah yeah I forget to mention it improved the campaign map frame-rate.

I wish SEGA would actually learn from the series past mistakes and give us a public beta and hold back off release until its actually ready. Such a simple fix shouldn't be ...a thing.

Yeah, CA should really have had a beta, although I guess the crunch time just wouldn't allow it. This game really should have been delayed into next year.

I'm confident CA and modders can polish this up to be a really fantastic game and one of the best in the series, but it's unfortunate that it's basically been released as a full priced beta right now.

I'm really hooked now, especially with the radious mods added, but there's still a bunch of things that need to be addressed. Optimization being the most pressing, and the idiotic AI a close second.


Yeah, CA should really have had a beta, although I guess the crunch time just wouldn't allow it. This game really should have been delayed into next year.

I'm confident CA and modders can polish this up to be a really fantastic game and one of the best in the series, but it's unfortunate that it's basically been released as a full priced beta right now.

I'm really hooked now, especially with the radious mods added, but there's still a bunch of things that need to be addressed. Optimization being the most pressing, and the idiotic AI a close second.

Yea, two of my most hyped PC games this year were rushed to market and it's annoyed me quite a bit. ArmA 3 might have had an alpha and beta, but they're launching without key features and a lot less variety, and this game just launched an absolute mess compared to even Total War standards while also making some REALLY STUPID design decisions that actually is a step backwards from Shogun 2. The U.I. was almost perfect in Shogun 2 but now everything is hidden behind multiple buttons with only a few improvements that don't make it worthwhile.

I get that a lot of games want to beat the next-gen buzz or some of the other big games, but when they're hardcore niche genre titles like these are, it really makes no fucking sense to rush it out there and damage your credibility while losing a lot of sales from people who were smart enough to wait and see. Now I have people that are saying they'll buy it during a Steam sale for less while getting a more optimized game than those of us who bought it right away.

No one would seriously get mad at a delay and it wouldn't hurt their credibility nearly as much as a really rough launch does. It makes no sense to me because it did hurt them in sales and it will probably hurt them in future game launches as long-time fans might be more cautious to pick it up right away. Huge TW fans like myself would still probably be sucked in on day one for any future game, but a lot of forum-goers have stated they'll wait for real impressions first.

Is it absolutely unplayable right now? No. Does that mean it should have launched in this state? Hell no.
Really wonder whether half the reviews actually bothered to spend more than an hour or two with the game or scored based on anything but reputation. How can you miss so many obvious flaws and completely absent optimization/bug-fixing.


Really wonder whether half the reviews actually bothered to spend more than an hour or two with the game or scored based on anything but reputation. How can you miss so many obvious flaws and completely absent optimization/bug-fixing.

To be fair, some reviews like the RPS one absolutely did mention the bugs. Performance wasn't mentioned a lot though, although I feel like PC reviews rarely even comment on it anyways.

Is it absolutely unplayable right now? No. Does that mean it should have launched in this state? Hell no.

Yup, definitely agree. This launch is nowhere on the same level as Simcity or something of that ilk, but games like Diablo 3 and SC felt like lost causes in many ways. Rome 2 feels like a great game underneath the bullshit, it's just not quite there yet, and it's all the worse knowing that it could've been had there been adequate polish and testing in pre-release. All they had to do was maybe release the prologue or a limited turn portion of the game, and so many issues would be fixed on day 1.

One thing's for sure, Creative Assembly absolutely cannot get away with not having a beta with their next game. To be fair to them, they at the very least seem to recognize the problems and are getting stuff out quick.


well its just a text file. so i can paste mine if you want, but those settings are set for my PC, which is an i7 920 OC'd @ 3.2, 6gb RAM and a GTX 580 which I run at 1680x1050. I tried googling the thread but I can't find it. The total war forums are so busy as well that its been buried deep.

C:\Users\Home\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Rome2\scripts

that's where my preferences.script.txt file is located. "Home" is the name of your windows account (well, my account; I don't know what yours will be).


just copy all of that and replace the same gfx lines in the rome 2 file.

You guys are essentially changing the gfx settings to medium/high by copy pasting shogun's preferences script.

The parameter range for Rome 2 is from 1 (lowest) to 5 (extreme).
Shogun, on the other hand, goes from 1(lowest) to 4 (ultra).
You guys are essentially changing the gfx settings to medium/high by copy pasting shogun's preferences script.

The parameter range for Rome 2 is from 1 (lowest) to 5 (extreme).
Shogun, on the other hand, goes from 1(lowest) to 4 (ultra).

I haven't tried this but I get very little framerate difference between extreme and ultra. Game is boinked no matter what setting(well, at least to medium, I won't test lower)


I haven't tried this but I get very little framerate difference between extreme and ultra. Game is boinked no matter what setting(well, at least to medium, I won't test lower)

How about medium to ultra then?

Rome 2:
gfx_effects_quality 5; # gfx_effects_quality <int>, Set effects quality. 0 - low, 5 - extreme #

Shogun 2:
gfx_effects_quality 3; # gfx_effects_quality <int>, Set effects quality. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #

If you copy shogun 2's line to rome 2, you are essentially setting your gfx effects to medium(3) and that leads to better performance.


You guys are essentially changing the gfx settings to medium/high by copy pasting shogun's preferences script.

The parameter range for Rome 2 is from 1 (lowest) to 5 (extreme).
Shogun, on the other hand, goes from 1(lowest) to 4 (ultra).

lol that makes sense. Ah well.


How about medium to ultra then?

Rome 2:
gfx_effects_quality 5; # gfx_effects_quality <int>, Set effects quality. 0 - low, 5 - extreme #

Shogun 2:
gfx_effects_quality 3; # gfx_effects_quality <int>, Set effects quality. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #

If you copy shogun 2's line to rome 2, you are essentially setting your gfx effects to medium(3) and that leads to better performance.

So is that the only real change in that config then? I was hoping there actually was some super-duper secret sauce in Shogun 2. :D
Really wonder whether half the reviews actually bothered to spend more than an hour or two with the game or scored based on anything but reputation. How can you miss so many obvious flaws and completely absent optimization/bug-fixing.
In IGN's review impression video, you can see they've just finished the prologue, maybe like 20 turns into the Roman campaign.


This should be the threads tittle.

Or "I came, I saw, I...got blue balls."

To come so close to being the game that would ruin all other games for me but then get plagued by problems that make me want to take my time even doing my first campaign in hopes of the patches and mods making the first time even more enjoyable.


Or "I came, I saw, I...got blue balls."

To come so close to being the game that would ruin all other games for me but then get plagued by problems that make me want to take my time even doing my first campaign in hopes of the patches and mods making the first time even more enjoyable.

Seriously, download the Radious mod pack if you haven't already. Makes everything so much more enjoyable.


Seriously, download the Radious mod pack if you haven't already. Makes everything so much more enjoyable.

Yea, did a few of those along with another SweetFX mod (not GEM) and 2 turns per year mod of course. There's a few others I'm downloading now that I'm going to try out as well.

I can't wait until we get some bigger mods. With proper mod support, this can be the best TW game of all time just thanks to the mod community.
Welcome to the beta.

The game was announced in July 2012 and assuming they had a year of pre-production (Shogun 2 came out in March 2011) that would equal to three years of development. I'm just a consumer but maybe instead of going for higher budgets publishers should aim for longer development cycles (which I'm aware result in higher costs).

Thank god the community for Total War is awesome and will come up with rebalancing and total mods like they did in the past. Europa Barbarorum 3 I'm waiting for you.


so.....what were in the patches ? there's been 2 already...

can't they tell us like how blizzard does with starcraft 2 each time there is a patch update..


Indeed they do work, and I believe the Directx options are controlled by the shader model (sm3 will be dx9 i presume)

Personally I'm using a shogun 2 sweetfx preset and down sampling to clear up the jaggies.

My Rome II crashes at startup if i use Radeon Pro, for FXAA, or SweetFX...dafuq, first two days it work perfectly...
Seriously, download the Radious mod pack if you haven't already. Makes everything so much more enjoyable.

I got Radious economy and technology mod and it makes the whole building system much better. High level food and public order buildings no longer cancel each other out so you can actually build more military buildings, which are necessary since the AI seems to be able to have larger armies now too.

The only serious problems I've had with the game is mousing over fleets and armies and opening the diplomacy window sometimes causes the game to stutter and almost freeze. The diplomacy window has sometimes opened and all buttons, including the one to close diplomacy, have been greyed out so I've had to alt-f4 out of the game.

Apart from that and 2 crashes I'm loving the game. I'm also really glad it seems moddable so close to release since it would be nice to have a game newer than medieval 2 as completely moddable.


I'm running it off a 5400 RPM WD Green and getting really short load times. My initial load into the campaign takes about 15 seconds and then after that loading to and from battles takes about 10 seconds at the very most. It's nowhere near the ludicrous load times I had with Shogun 2.

Weird. Something's definitely wrong on my end then. I'll defrag and see what happens.



I'm having performance and pop in issues like most of you but I'm still enjoying the game.
I'm relatively new to the series and find the UI quite hard to navigate, maybe I'm missing something but how do you keep public order in check?
I've tried building temples and making sure I have a food surplus but rebellions still pop up everywhere. Any other tips would be welcome.

PS: everyone seems to say no to my trade agreements even with an additional 5000 gold. Any tips with diplomacy?



I'm having performance and pop in issues like most of you but I'm still enjoying the game.
I'm relatively new to the series and find the UI quite hard to navigate, maybe I'm missing something but how do you keep public order in check?
I've tried building temples and making sure I have a food surplus but rebellions still pop up everywhere. Any other tips would be welcome.

PS: everyone seems to say no to my trade agreements even with an additional 5000 gold. Any tips with diplomacy?

Diplomacy is sort or a mess. I've gotten it to "work", but that was only because I was rather powerful so everyone came to me. Whenever I tried to initiate diplomacy myself they wouldn't give a rat's ass about my offers.

In other words there Arent any real diplomacy so far from my experience
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